Women of Color Cultural Foundation Submission

$50,000 Challenge Recipient

We are passionate in Jacksonville/Duval County about our partners, priority community challenge, and plan to commemorate and promote the 10th anniversary of the September 11th terrorist attacks. “We” are the Women of Color Cultural Foundation, Inc., a 501(c)3 with a mission to foster equality by bringing communities together to serve the common good.

Dozens of partners will be involved from volunteer organizations, media, healthcare agencies, service organizations, first responders organizations, the military, construction businesses, public housing complex centers, faith-based organizations, quilters, travel and service clubs, and non-profit agencies such as Greenscapes, Hands on Jacksonville, WJCT public television, Shands Jacksonville Medical Center, Duval County Health Department, Helping Hands Neighborhood Networks Center, City of Jacksonville Senior Centers, and Duval County Cooperative Extension Master Gardeners.

911 was the great equalizer – we learned a lot that day and in the days and years after.  We learned we are equally able to feel compassionate; we learned we share in a desire to serve one another; and we learned many others also wanted to make amends.  Still, the reality for many in our city is nearly as bleak as that day; our rising rates of poverty, hunger, and homelessness prove it. This is our local disaster. 

Our priority community challenge is hunger.  Our recipient for community funding and service is the Clara White Mission who advocates for the poor with the motto: Food for today; skills for life.  Our theme for this year’s 911 - 10th Anniversary remembrance is: “Enough for all.” We want to help Clara White Mission have “enough for all.”

Enough beauty for all

1.  Volunteers will make a 13 square foot quilt made of 2,752 "card stock" paper squares in honor of the victims of 911.  All walks of life will work together including elementary and hospitalized children, senior citizens and residents of public housing complexes from August 11 to September 9 when the quilt will be completed atKluthoParkfor the remembrance and dedication ceremony from 9-11 a.m. on Friday, September 9, 2011.  The quilt will hang in prominent public and private locations throughout the year (2,895 volunteers). 

Some of the elementary classrooms will be thrilled to help make the quilt, such as the classroom where one or both parents of every child are incarcerated.

2.  Our partner, Greenscapes will help volunteers plant the two, “Twin Tower” trees they donated in Klutho Park for the remembrance and dedication ceremony from 9-11 a.m. on Friday, September 9, 2011 (20 volunteers).

Enough shelter for all

Volunteers will rehabilitate one house inSpringfield, an historic yet run-down area byKluthoParkin north downtownJacksonville(50 volunteers).

Enough food for all

1.  Our partner, Master Gardeners will help volunteers plant 20 Earth boxes with soil and 220 seeds for collard greens or leaf lettuce during the ceremony atKluthoPark. The 220 seeds are a tribute to the number of floors in theTwinTowers.  Following the event, the Earth boxes will be delivered to some of the classrooms that worked on the quilt (130 volunteers).

2.  Our partner, Master Gardeners will also help volunteers plant 220, small planters with soil and radish seeds for the Clara White Mission families who will also receive one of 220 bags of groceries donated by the community from August 11-September 9 at one of two grocery chain retailers (100 volunteers).

3.  Volunteers will help serve the 400-500 meals at the Clara White Mission Friday, September 9, 2011 (20 volunteers).

4. Volunteers will make and serve a pancake breakfast for first responders (firefighters, police, and EMTs), military service men and women and their families at three locations in the city from 9-11 a.m. on Friday, September 9, 2011 near the two naval air stations and downtown (75 volunteers).

Enough love for all

1.  Our partner, Hands onJacksonvillewill make care packages for the troops atKluthoParkduring the ceremonies on Friday, September 9, 2011 (30 volunteers).

2.  Volunteers will play America’s favorite pastime -- a Baseball for Charity game at Klutho Park Friday, September 9, 2011 (30 volunteers).

In closing --

As of this date, we have an estimated 3,350 volunteers.  Partners will begin meeting face-to-face in August to continue planning the events.  Each partner will be responsible for one or more event.  Responsibility will include tracking and documenting the registration of volunteers for the total you need by September 14, 2011.

To promote the 10th Anniversary of 911 to the community, we will develop a press kit of events (places and people) to provide to our partners, and public service announcements to the local print, radio, and television media.  The partners will utilize their customary strategies for promoting the events to their constituency. The local media will have the information needed to contact prominent people and advance events of interest.

The Women of Color Cultural Foundation, Inc. is proud and honored to lead a large part of our community in commemorating this very moving and lasting day in history.



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