Species Reports
Environmental Conservation Online System

Species Report

107 Records

Here are all the species that match your criteria. Please click on the the Scientific Name to find out more about the particular species.
Inverted Common Name Scientific Name Where Listed Lead Region Listing Status
`aku Cyanea tritomantha 1 PE
`Ala `ala wai nui Peperomia subpetiolata 1 PE
Amphipod, diminutive Gammarus hyalleloides Entire 2 PE
Amphipod, Pecos Gammarus pecos Entire 2 PE
Antpitta, brown-banded Grallaria milleri Entire Foreign PE
`Awikiwiki Canavalia pubescens 1 PE
bat, Florida bonneted Eumops floridanus Entire 4 PE
bean, sea Mucuna sloanei persericea 1 PE
Beardtongue, Graham Penstemon grahamii 6 PT
Bladderpod, White Bluffs Physaria douglasii tuplashensis 1 PT
Buckwheat, Umtanum Desert Eriogonum codium 1 PT
Butterfly, Mount Charleston blue Plebejus shasta charlestonensis Entire 8 PE
Cactus, Acuna Echinomastus erectocentrus var. acunensis 2 PE
Cactus, Fickeisen plains Pediocactus peeblesianus fickeiseniae 2 PE
Cactus, Florida semaphore Consolea corallicola 4 PE
Checkerspot, Taylor's (=whulge) Euphydryas editha taylori Entire 1 PE
Cockatoo, Philippine Cacatua haematuropygia Entire Foreign PE
Cockatoo, white Cacatua alba Entire Foreign PT
Cockatoo, yellow-crested Cacatua sulphurea Entire Foreign PE
Curassow, blue-billed Crax alberti Entire Foreign PE
Darter, diamond Crystallaria cincotta Entire 5 PE
Fly, Hawaiian picture-wing Drosophila digressa Entire 1 PE
Gladecress, Texas golden Leavenworthia texana 2 PE
Guan, Cauca Penelope perspicax Entire Foreign PE
Haha Cyanea asplenifolia 1 PE
haha Cyanea duvalliorum 1 PE
Haha Cyanea kunthiana 1 PE
haha Cyanea magnicalyx 1 PE
haha Cyanea maritae 1 PE
Haha Cyanea marksii 1 PE
haha Cyanea mauiensis 1 PE
haha Cyanea munroi 1 PE
Haha Cyanea obtusa 1 PE
haiwale Cyrtandra ferripilosa 1 PE
Ha`iwale Cyrtandra filipes 1 PE
Ha`iwale Cyrtandra oxybapha 1 PE
Hala pepe Pleomele fernaldii 1 PE
Horned lark, streaked Eremophila alpestris strigata Entire 1 PT
hummingbird, Honduran emerald Amazilia luciae Entire Foreign PE
Kidneyshell, fluted Ptychobranchus subtentum Entire 4 PE
Kolea Myrsine vaccinioides 1 PE
Ko`oko`olau Bidens campylotheca pentamera 1 PE
Ko`oko`olau Bidens campylotheca waihoiensis 1 PE
Ko`oko`olau Bidens conjuncta 1 PE
Ko`oko`olau Bidens micrantha ctenophylla 1 PE
Macaw, blue-throated Ara glaucogularis Entire Foreign PE
Macaw, great green Ara ambiguus Entire Foreign PE
Macaw, hyacinth Anodorhynchus hyacinthinus Entire Foreign PE
Macaw, military Ara militaris Entire Foreign PE
Macaw, scarlet Ara macao Entire Foreign PE
mallow, Gierisch Sphaeralcea gierischii 2 PE
Ma`oli`oli Schiedea hawaiiensis 1 PE
Mucket, Neosho Lampsilis rafinesqueana Entire 4 PE
No common name Cyanea profuga 1 PE
No common name Festuca molokaiensis 1 PE
No common name Phyllostegia bracteata 1 PE
No common name Phyllostegia floribunda 1 PE
No common name Phyllostegia haliakalae 1 PE
No common name Phyllostegia pilosa 1 PE
No common name Pittosporum halophilum 1 PE
No common name Pittosporum hawaiiense 1 PE
No common name Platydesma remyi 1 PE
No common name Schiedea jacobii 1 PE
No common name Schiedea laui 1 PE
No common name Schiedea salicaria 1 PE
No common name Stenogyne cranwelliae 1 PE
No common name Stenogyne kauaulaensis 1 PE
No common name Wikstroemia villosa 1 PE
Nohoanu Geranium hanaense 1 PE
Nohoanu Geranium hillebrandii 1 PE
nui, haha Cyanea horrida 1 PE
Parrot, yellow-billed Amazona collaria Entire Foreign PT
Pearlymussel, slabside Lexingtonia dolabelloides Entire 4 PE
Petrel, Cook's Pterodroma cookii Entire Foreign PT
Pocket gopher, Olympia Thomomys mazama pugetensis Entire 1 PT
Pocket gopher, Roy Prairie Thomomys mazama glacialis Entire 1 PT
Pocket gopher, Tenino Thomomys mazama tumuli Entire 1 PT
Pocket gopher, Yelm Thomomys mazama yelmensis Entire 1 PT
Popolo Cyanea solanacea 1 PE
Prairie-chicken, lesser Tympanuchus pallidicinctus Entire 2 PT
Prickly-apple, aboriginal Harrisia (=Cereus) aboriginum (=gracilis) 4 PE
Rabbitsfoot Quadrula cylindrica cylindrica Entire 4 PT
Reedgrass, Hillegrand's Calamagrostis hillebrandii 1 PE
Rose-mallow, Neches River Hibiscus dasycalyx 2 PT
sage-grouse, Gunnison Centrocercus minimus entire 6 PE
Salamander, Austin blind Eurycea waterlooensis Entire 2 PE
Salamander, Georgetown Eurycea naufragia Entire 2 PE
Salamander, Jemez Mountains Plethodon neomexicanus Entire 2 PE
Salamander, Jollyville Plateau Eurycea tonkawae Entire 2 PE
Salamander, Salado Eurycea chisholmensis Entire 2 PE
sandshell, Southern Hamiota (=Lampsilis) australis Entire 4 PE
Sculpin, grotto Cottus sp. Entire 3 PE
Shrimp, anchialine pool Vetericaris chaceorum Entire 1 PE
Snail, Diamond Y Spring Pseudotryonia (=Tryonia) adamantina Entire 2 PE
Snail, Lanai tree Partulina semicarinata Entire 1 PE
Snail, Lanai tree Partulina variabilis Entire 1 PE
Snail, Phantom Cave Cochliopa texana Entire 2 PE
Springsnail, Gonzales Tryonia circumstriata(=stocktonensis) Entire 2 PE
Springsnail (=Tryonia), Phantom Tryonia cheatumi Entire 2 PE
Sucker, Zuni bluehead Catostomus discobolus yarrowi Entire 2 PE
Sunfish, spring pygmy Elassoma alabamae Entire 4 PT
Thoroughwort, Cape Sable Chromolaena frustrata 4 PE
Tiger beetle, Coral Pink Sand Dunes Cicindela albissima Entire 6 PT
Tree snail, Newcomb's Newcombia cumingi Entire 1 PE
Wolverine, North American Gulo gulo luscus Entire 6 PT
Wood-quail, gorgeted Odontophorus strophium Entire Foreign PE
Woodstar, Esmeraldas Chaetocercus berlepschi Entire Foreign PE
Last updated: February 18, 2013