Van Hollen: GOP Focused on Political Battles Instead of Jobs, Student Loans, and Transportation

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Published on Jun 21, 2012 by

Today, Maryland Congressman Chris Van Hollen appeared on MSNBC's Jansing & Co. to discuss House Republicans' decision to advance efforts to hold Attorney General Eric Holder in Contempt of Congress, as opposed to advancing legislation that would promote job growth and boost the economic recovery.


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  • ummm why would u say issa is a car thief etc etc?

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  • The truth is ATF agents had to let gun traffickers "walk" guns into Mexico cause NRA-owned Republicans pushed for and got passed laws that let the "walking" happen.

    And Darrell Issa is a car thief, arsonist, and insurance fraudster who can't be trusted.

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  • they're attacking the Justice Dept to distract that republicans have been violating the Constitution and illegally actively trying to suppress voters

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  • well, congressmen are concerned about government giving out weapons to criminals and wanted to investigate. why the doj put roadblocks on the congressional investigation? i think there has to be a public debate with mr issa and mr holder explaining their positions , because we dont want congress to go after officials just because of their political affiliation nor we want officials who dont comply with legitimate congressional requests.

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