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  • Under Secretary for Agriculture Michael Scuse meets Ambassador McFaul.

    Under Secretary for Agriculture Michael Scuse meets Ambassador McFaul. Read a blog post about his visit to Red October and how American nuts are used in Russian chocolate.

  • Ambassador McFaul with Dr. Pehong Chen, founder and CEO of BroadVision: The Future is in the “Cloud”

    On November 29, Ambassador McFaul welcomed the third speaker in our Spaso Innovation Series Dr. Pehong Chen, founder and CEO of BroadVision.

  • Photo of a tiger. AP Image.

    Log on to to join us for a Russian-language roundtable discussion with local experts on issues of wildlife trafficking in Russia and conservation of endangered species in the country on December 4, 2012 from 17:00 until 18:30.

  • White House with a giant AIDS Day Ribbon

    World AIDS Day. Read blog post by Jonathan Kessler, Counselor for Environment, Science, Technology & Health at U.S. Embassy Moscow.

  • Ambassador McFaul meets the 2012-2013 cohort of Alfa Fellows

    Ambassador McFaul meets the 2012-2013 cohort of Alfa Fellows.


  • The 2012-13 International Arms Control Essay Contest: Innovation through Open Source Technologies

    In the spirit of harnessing the ingenuity of citizens of the United States and the Russian Federation, the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Arms Control, Verification and Compliance in partnership with the James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies (CNS) and the Center for Policy Studies (PIR) in Russia announces the launch of the 2012-13 International Arms Control Essay Contest: Innovation Through Open Source Technologies. With our American and Russian partner organizations, we welcome essays from both the American and Russian publics on the international application of open source information and communication technologies to arms control verification, compliance monitoring and monitoring of sensitive facilities.  Announcement Text »

  • Secretary Clinton's Remarks at the OSCE Ministerial Council First Plenary Session

    "The United States remains committed to the goal of a Europe that is whole, free, and at peace and to the OSCE whose principles are sound. We welcome any and all efforts to strengthen this organization, but that means empowering the institutions we already have to function free from interference, not curtailing them. And it means implementing the commitments we have made to one another and to our citizens, not undermining them. So as we approach the 40th anniversary of the Helsinki Final Act, this is a time for the OSCE to once again take up the mantle of leadership, to push forward the frontiers of human rights and dignity, and to reaffirm the values and principles that have guided this organization ever since its founding."  Full Text »

  • Frontlines and Frontiers: Making Human Rights a Human Reality

    On December 6, 2012 at Dublin City University, Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton gave remarks on the place of human rights in U.S. foreign policy in the lead up to Human Rights Day on December 10.  Read the Full Remarks Here »

  • U.S. Government Statement on the Passage of H.R. 6156

    State Department Deputy Spokesperson Mark Toner: "The United States welcomes the passage by the Senate today of H.R. 6156, which terminates the application of the Jackson-Vanik Amendment to Russia and Moldova and authorizes the President to extend Permanent Normal Trade Relations (PNTR) to both countries. "  Press Statement Text »

  • Statement by the President on the Passage of H.R. 6156

    “I commend the House and Senate for working on a bipartisan basis to pass legislation to end the application of the Jackson-Vanik amendment to Russia and Moldova, allowing me to extend Permanent Normal Trade Relations to both countries. I look forward to receiving and signing this legislation. The legislation will ensure that American businesses and workers are able to take full advantage of the WTO rules and market access commitments that the United States worked so hard to negotiate. We are also one step closer to realizing job-creating export opportunities and leveling the playing field for American workers, farmers, ranchers, and service providers. My Administration will continue to work with Congress and our partners to support those seeking a free and democratic future for Russia and promote the rule of law and respect for human rights around the world.” 

  • Minister Counselor for Economic Affairs Stuart Dwyer at the Business Incubation Forum

    On December 3, Minister-Counselor for Economic Affairs Stuart Dwyer made welcoming remarks to the participants of the Second Russian-American Business Incubation Forum taking place December 3-5 and highlighted the importance of sharing experiences and exchanging best practices between the U.S. and Russia concerning small and medium enterprise (SME) finance and technical assistance.  More »

  • Joint Statement on the U.S.-EU Energy Council

    The fourth U.S.-EU Energy Council met on December 6, 2012 in Brussels...The Energy Council, a central component of the U.S.-EU energy relationship, promotes transparent and secure global energy markets; fosters cooperation on regulatory frameworks that encourage the efficient and sustainable use of energy; and identifies joint research priorities that promote clean energy technologies... The Energy Council highlighted the importance of mutually-beneficial energy relations with Russia based on transparency, a level-playing field, fair competition, and continued cooperation to ensure the safe and secure supply of energy.   More »

  • Russian Hot-Rolled Steel Suspension Agreement

    On November 30, the U.S. Department of Commerce and the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation signed a revision to the Agreement Suspending the Antidumping Investigation on Certain Hot-Rolled Flat-Rolled Carbon-Quality Steel Products from the Russian Federation. Also on November 30, the Department issued and released the final results of an administrative review of the Agreement. The Department determined in these final results that the revised Agreement is in compliance with its statutory requirement to prevent price undercutting. The revision to the Agreement and the final results of review will be published in the Federal Register. The Department considered comments received from interested parties in finalizing the text of the revision to the Agreement, and a full discussion of these comments may be found in the decision memorandum.  More (PDF, 244 KB) »

  • Julie Mills of State Department's Office of Cooperative Threat Reduction Discusses U.S.-Russia Nuclear Nonproliferation Cooperation Priorities

    "In my remarks this afternoon, I’d like to take a brief moment to review the successful legacy of U.S.-Russia cooperation to promote international security I hope that our discussion today will generate some ideas from both sides on how best to continue our successful cooperation in the future..."  Transcript »

  • Remarks by President Obama at the Nunn-Lugar Cooperative Threat Reduction Symposium

    <...> "We’re joined by some of our Russian friends today. Russia has said that our current agreement hasn’t kept pace with the changing relationship between our countries. To which we say, let’s update it. Let’s work with Russia as an equal partner. Let’s continue the work that’s so important to the security of both our countries. And I’m optimistic that we can..."  Transcript »

  • Background Briefing: Senior State Department Officials En Route to Prague

    SENIOR STATE DEPARTMENT OFFICIAL ONE: Thanks. Hi, everybody. As we’re setting off on another wide-ranging Europe trip with a lot of different stops and a lot of different parts, I thought I might just begin with a little bit of context about what the Secretary has been trying to achieve in Europe overall...  Transcript »

News From Consular Section

  • visa
    The 2014 Diversity Immigrant Visa Program (October 3, 2012)

    U. S. Embassy Moscow is pleased to announce that persons born in Russia will be eligible to participate in the 2014 Diversity Visa (DV) Program. The Diversity Visa Program is administered annually by the Department of State under the Immigration and Nationality Act. For fiscal year 2014, a total of 50,000 diversity visas will be available. Applicants for Diversity Visas are chosen through a computer-generated, random drawing. The visas are distributed among six geographic regions with a greater number going to regions with lower rates of immigration to the United States...  Press Release »

  • Visa
    Visa Processing Fees to Change Worldwide on April 13, 2012

    The United States Embassy in Moscow wishes to inform the Russian public of the following worldwide change relating to fees for non immigrant visa applications. The fee charged for processing an application for most non-petition-based nonimmigrant visas (NIV) will increase from $140 to $160 USD beginning April 13, 2012. This and other changes are based on a cost-of-service study required by American law. This study is performed to determine the cost of processing nonimmigrant visas so that these costs can be fully recovered. Please note that receipts for NIV payments made prior to the fee changes will be accepted for 90 days after the fee takes effect.  

  • U.S. Visa Graphic
    Moscow Welcomes Simpler U.S. Visa Rules

    “We view the decision of the U.S. authorities to simplify the issue of tourist, business, private and transit visas to Russian citizens as a sign of positive changes in the U.S. visa policy, and will bolster broadening of contacts between our citizens and states,” the Russian Foreign Ministry stated today. The new rules make Russian applicants exempts from personal visa interviews if they apply for same type of visa they have been issues within 47 months. “We presume that this decision meets the spirit of the Deauville visa statement Presidents Medvedev and Obama made in May 2011 and the bilateral agreement on simpler visa formalities, which is being prepared for ratification [by Russia] and hopefully will enter into force soon,” the Ministry said. (Interfax) 

Ambassador McFaul's Blog

  • Ambassador McFaul's blog:Reflections on my first six months as U.S. Ambassador to Russia

Interview: In Tolstoy's Living Realm


  • Click to learn more about Spaso innovation series

Current Issues

  • Jackson-Vanik Amendment Debate. 
Stock photo:
two gears with the flags of usa and russia
  • Missile Defense Debate. Earth view from Space.

Stories of Adoption

  • Catherine Avalone | The Middletown Press | @CAvaloneMP 7.9.12 The Morin family of Durham. Joan and Rick with their three sons Alex, 19, a rising sophomore at Sacred Heart University, Yuri, 18, a rising freshman at Central Connecticut State University and Nicholas, 10, a fifth grader at Middlefield Memorial School. The boys were born in Arkhangelsk, Russia. Alex and Yuri came to the U.S. in 1997 and Nicholas in June of 2004.

U.S. Citizen Services

  • Visit for more information
  • Ambassador McFaul's Message to American Citizens in Russia

Bilateral Presidential Commission

Resources & Publications

  • Doing Business in Russia: Country Commercial Guide (PDF, 1.6MB)