General Training Systems

Marines wait their turn in the dunker.

“A” Schools, Naval Aviation Survival Training Program, Landing Signal Officer, Air Traffic Control, Advanced Skills Management, Mobile Aircraft Firefighting Training Device

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Marine Corps Aviation Training Systems

MV-22 cockpit simulator

Marine Aviation Training Systems for V-22, AV-8B, H-53, AH-1/UH-1, C-130, EA-6B and H-46


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Navy Fixed Wing Training Systems

E-6B Mercury cockpit simulator.

E-2 / C-2, F/A-18 / EA-18G, P-3, EP-3, E-6B and P-8 Naval Aviation Training Systems.

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Navy Rotary Wing Training Systems

MH-60R cockpit flight simulator.

MH-60, H-60 Naval Aviation Training Systems

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Ocean Systems Training Ranges

Portable Undersea Training Range (PUTR)

UnderSea Warfare Training Range (USWTR), Barking Sands Underwater Range Expansion (BSURE), Portable Undersea Training Range (PUTR), Southern California Antisubmarine Warfare Range (SOAR), Integrated Maritime Portable Acoustic Scoring and Simulator (IMPASS)

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Tactical Training Ranges

Tactical Combat Training System pod on F/A-18 Hornet.

Tactical Combat Training System (TCTS), Large Area Tracking Range (LATR), Elecronic Warfare (EW)

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UAS Training Systems

The Shadow RQ-7B

BAMS, Fire Scout, Raven B, WASP, T-Hawk, STUAS and Shadow Naval Aviation Training Systems.

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