Total Energy

Annual Energy Review

September 2012  PDF | previous editions
Release Date: September 27, 2012
Next Update: August 2013

Table 7.6 Coal Stocks by Sector, End of Year 1949-2011 (Million Short Tons)
Table 7.6  Coal Stocks by Sector, End of Year 1949-2011
                     (Million Short Tons)



and Commercial
Industrial Sector
Sector 2

Coke Plants Other 1 Total
1949 NA 1.4 10.0 16.1 26.0 [3] 22.1 49.5 49.5
1950 NA 2.5 16.8 26.2 43.0 [3] 31.8 77.3 77.3
1951 NA 1.8 15.3 26.2 41.6 [3] 38.5 81.8 81.8
1952 NA 1.7 14.5 24.7 39.2 [3] 41.5 82.4 82.4
1953 NA 1.5 16.6 22.8 39.4 [3] 45.6 86.6 86.6
1954 NA .8 12.4 16.4 28.8 [3] 46.1 75.7 75.7
1955 NA 1.0 13.4 15.9 29.3 [3] 41.4 71.7 71.7
1956 NA 1.1 14.0 17.4 31.5 [3] 48.8 81.3 81.3
1957 NA .9 14.2 15.5 29.7 [3] 53.1 83.7 83.7
1958 NA .9 13.1 13.7 26.7 [3] 51.0 78.7 78.7
1959 NA 1.0 11.6 13.6 25.2 [3] 52.1 78.4 78.4
1960 NA .7 11.1 11.6 22.8 [3] 51.7 75.2 75.2
1961 NA .5 10.5 11.9 22.4 [3] 50.1 73.0 73.0
1962 NA .5 8.4 12.0 20.4 [3] 50.4 71.3 71.3
1963 NA .5 8.1 12.3 20.4 [3] 50.6 71.5 71.5
1964 NA .4 10.2 12.2 22.5 [3] 53.9 76.7 76.7
1965 NA .4 10.6 13.1 23.8 [3] 54.5 78.6 78.6
1966 NA .2 9.3 12.2 21.5 [3] 53.9 75.6 75.6
1967 NA .2 11.1 12.3 23.4 [3] 71.0 94.6 94.6
1968 NA .2 9.7 11.7 21.3 [3] 65.5 87.0 87.0
1969 NA .2 9.1 10.8 19.9 [3] 61.9 81.9 81.9
1970 NA .3 9.0 11.8 20.8 [3] 71.9 93.0 93.0
1971 NA .3 7.3 5.6 12.9 [3] 77.8 91.0 91.0
1972 NA .3 9.1 7.6 16.7 [3] 99.7 116.8 116.8
1973 12.5 .3 7.0 10.4 17.4 [3] 87.0 104.6 117.2
1974 11.6 .3 6.2 6.6 12.8 [3] 83.5 96.6 108.2
1975 12.1 .2 8.8 8.5 17.3 [3] 110.7 128.3 140.4
1976 14.2 .2 9.9 7.1 17.0 [3] 117.4 134.7 148.9
1977 14.2 .2 12.8 11.1 23.9 [3] 133.2 157.3 171.5
1978 20.7 .4 8.3 9.0 17.3 NA 128.2 145.9 166.6
1979 20.8 .3 10.2 11.8 21.9 NA 159.7 182.0 202.8
1980 24.4 NA 9.1 12.0 21.0 NA 183.0 204.0 228.4
1981 24.1 NA 6.5 9.9 16.4 NA 168.9 185.3 209.4
1982 36.8 NA 4.6 9.5 14.1 NA 181.1 195.3 232.0
1983 33.9 NA 4.3 8.7 13.1 NA 155.6 168.7 202.6
1984 34.1 NA 6.2 11.3 17.5 NA 179.7 197.2 231.3
1985 33.1 NA 3.4 10.4 13.9 NA 156.4 170.2 203.4
1986 32.1 NA 3.0 10.4 13.4 NA 161.8 175.2 207.3
1987 28.3 NA 3.9 10.8 14.7 NA 170.8 185.5 213.8
1988 30.4 NA 3.1 8.8 11.9 NA 146.5 158.4 188.8
1989 29.0 NA 2.9 7.4 10.2 NA 135.9 146.1 175.1
1990 33.4 NA 3.3 8.7 12.0 NA 156.2 168.2 201.6
1991 33.0 NA 2.8 7.1 9.8 NA 157.9 167.7 200.7
1992 34.0 NA 2.6 7.0 9.6 NA 154.1 163.7 197.7
1993 25.3 NA 2.4 6.7 9.1 NA 111.3 120.5 145.7
1994 33.2 NA 2.7 6.6 9.2 NA 126.9 136.1 169.4
1995 34.4 NA 2.6 5.7 8.3 NA 126.3 134.6 169.1
1996 28.6 NA 2.7 5.7 8.4 NA 114.6 123.0 151.6
1997 34.0 NA 2.0 5.6 7.6 NA 98.8 106.4 140.4
1998 36.5 NA 2.0 5.5 7.6 NA 120.5 128.1 164.6
1999 39.5 NA 1.9 5.6 7.5 NA 141.6 149.1 188.6
2000 31.9 NA 1.5 4.6 6.1 NA 102.3 108.4 140.3
2001 35.9 NA 1.5 6.0 7.5 NA 138.5 146.0 181.9
2002 43.3 NA 1.4 5.8 7.2 NA 141.7 148.9 192.1
2003 38.3 NA .9 4.7 5.6 NA 121.6 127.2 165.5
2004 41.2 NA 1.3 4.8 6.2 NA 106.7 112.9 154.0
2005 35.0 NA 2.6 5.6 8.2 NA 101.1 109.3 144.3
2006 36.5 NA 2.9 6.5 9.4 NA 141.0 150.4 186.9
2007 34.0 NA 1.9 5.6 7.6 NA 151.2 158.8 192.8
2008 34.7 .5 2.3 6.0 8.3 NA 161.6 170.4 205.1
2009 47.7 .5 2.0 5.1 7.1 NA 189.5 197.1 244.8
2010 R 49.8 .6 1.9 R 6.3 R 8.3 NA R 174.9 R 183.7 R 233.6
2011 E 41.9 P .6 P 2.6 P 6.0 P 8.6 NA P 175.1 P 184.3 P 226.2
1Through 1977, data are for stocks held by the manufacturing and transportation sectors.  Beginning in
1978, data are for stocks held at manufacturing plants only.
Note:  Totals may not equal sum of components due to independent rounding.
2Electricity-only and combined-heat-and-power (CHP) plants within the NAICS 22 category whose
primary business is to sell electricity, or electricity and heat, to the public.  Through 1998, data are for
electric utilities only; beginning in 1999, data are for electric utilities and independent power producers.
Web Pages:  -  See for updated monthly and annual
data.  -  See for related information.
3Included in "Industrial Sector Other." Sources:  Electric Power Sector:  Table 8.8.  All Other Data:  -  1949-1975-Bureau of Mines,
Minerals Yearbook, "Coal-Bituminous and Lignite" and "Coal-Pennsylvania Anthracite" chapters.
-  1976-U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), Energy Data Reports, Coal-Bituminous and
Lignite in 1976 and Coal-Pennsylvania Anthracite 1976.  -  1977 and 1978-EIA, Energy Data Reports,
Coal-Pennsylvania Anthracite 1977; 1978, and Weekly Coal Report.  -  1979-EIA, Energy Data Report,
Weekly Coal Report.  -  1980-2004-EIA, Quarterly Coal Report (QCR) October-December, quarterly
reports.  -  2005 forward-EIA, QCR October-December 2011 (April 2012), Table 37.
R=Revised.  P=Preliminary.  E=Estimate.  NA=Not available.    
Total Energy - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)