Total Energy

Annual Energy Review

September 2012  PDF | previous editions
Release Date: September 27, 2012
Next Update: August 2013

Important notes about the data

Note:  The emphasis of the Annual Energy Review (AER) is on long-term trends. Analysts may wish to use the data in this report in conjunction with EIA’s monthly releases that offer updates to the most recent years’ data. In particular, see the Monthly Energy Review for statistics that include updates to many of the annual series in this report.

Data Years Displayed:  For tables beginning in 1949, some early years (usually 1951-1954, 1956-1959, 1961-1964, 1966-1969, and 1971-1974) are not shown on the tables in the printed report or the PDF formats; however, all years of data are shown in the Excel formats and the HTML formats.

Comprehensive Changes: Most AER 2011 tables and figures carry a new year of data (usually 2011), which are often preliminary and likely to be revised next year, and revisions to much of the 2010 data, which are now final in many cases.

Total Energy Experts

Energy Perspectives

Forty-two interactive graphs showing trends in U.S. energy production, consumption, and trade from 1949-2011

Energy Perspectives image

Changes in AER 2011:

Energy Graphs

Total Energy graph image