Types of Forms

Forms required for Importation

ATF F 5330.3A (Form 6, Part I) — Application and Permit for Importation of Firearms, Ammunition and Implements of War

Download ATF F 5330.3A (Form 6, Part I)

  • White, generally used by licensees and certain non-licensees
  • Except as provided in 27 CFR Parts 447 and 478, importers cannot secure the release of firearms, firearm component parts, ammunition, or other USMIL defense articles from Customs and Border Protection (CBP) custom without presenting an approved ATF Form 6 permit.
  • Restrictions apply to various types of firearms and ammunition; the type of importer; the country of origin; and the purpose of importation.
ATF F 5330.3B (Form 6, Part II) — Application and Permit for Importation of Firearms, Ammunition and Implements of War

Download ATF F 5330.3B (Form 6, Part II)

  • Blue, restricted to use by members of the U.S. Armed Forces on active duty outside the U.S.
  • U.S. military personnel must have been on temporary duty (TDY) or have been on active duty outside of the U.S. within 60 days preceding the intended importation.
  • The firearm or ammunition must be suitable for sporting purposes.
  • The firearm cannot be a surplus military firearm.
  • The country of manufacture or exportation of the firearm or ammunition cannot be proscribed pursuant to 27 CFR § 478.52.
  • The firearm or ammunition must be intended for personal use and not as a gift or resale.
  • Note: Military members must complete the Form 6 Part I to import implements of war, such as firearms component parts.
ATF F 5330.3C (ATF E Form 6A) — Release and Receipt of Imported Firearms, Ammunition and Implements of War

Download ATF F 5330.3C (ATF E Form 6A)

  • Green, this form must be completed to secure the release of articles from Customs and Border Protection (CBP) custody.
  • Licensed and registered importers must submit only the first of two copies to CBP.
  • Non-licensed importers submit single copy to CBP.
  • CBP officials complete and sign Section II of the first copy and submit it directly to ATF without returning it to the importer.
  • Licensed and registered importers must complete Section III of second copy within 15 days of release by CBP and submit directly to ATF.
ATF F 5330.3D (Form 6 NIA) — Application and Permit fo Temporary Importation of Firearms and Ammunition by Nonimmigrant Aliens

Download ATF F 5330.3D (Form 6 NIA)

  • White, form used by nonimmigrant aliens for temporary importation.
  • Form must be submitted with a valid hunting license from any U.S. state, or an invitation/registration to compete in a qualified competitive shooting event or exhibit firearms or ammunition at a qualified sports/hunting trade show. 27 CFR § 478.100.
  • Permit is valid for one year from approval date. Nonimmigrant aliens may enter U.S. multiple times as long as their hunting license or permit, or invitation/registration is valid at the time of entry into to the U.S. Only the firearms, ammunition, and other articles approved on the Form 6 NIA may be imported.

Forms required for Importation of defense articles into the United States for commercial resale and distribution
Commodity Federal Firearms License Federal Explosives License / User’s Permit ATF Form 4587 Registration as importer under the AECA ATF Form 5530.7 (SOT) as Importer of NFA weapons Approved ATF Form 6 Import Permit
Implements of War (All USMIL defense articles other than firearms and ammunition) Yes Yes
Sporting Shotguns and Sporting Shotgun Ammunition Yes [A] Yes
All Other Firearms excluding NFA Firearms andDestructive Devices Yes [A] Yes Yes
NFA Firearms excluding Destructive Devices Yes [A] Yes Yes [C] Yes
Destructive Devices Yes [B] Yes Yes [C] Yes
Barrels for Sporting Rifles and Handguns Yes Yes
Barrels for Sporting Shotguns Yes
Barrels for Nonsporting / NFA Firearms Yes Yes
Dual Use(Sporting / Nonsporting) Barrels Yes Yes
Barrels for Surplus Military Firearms Yes Yes
Rifle and Handgun Ammunition other than Ammunition for Destructive Devices and Armor Piercing Ammunition Yes [A] Yes Yes
Ammunition for Destructive Devices and Armor Piercing Ammunition Yes [B] Yes Yes
Bulk Smokeless Powder Yes [A] Yes [D] Yes Yes
Smokeless Powder Pre-packaged in Cans Yes [A] Yes Yes
Plastic Explosives Yes [D] Yes Yes
  1. Type 08 or 11 FFL
  2. Type 11 FFL
  3. To become a Class I Special (Occupational Taxpayer)
  4. Explosives Importers License / User’s Permit

Import Application Process – Required Documentation
Types of Imported Defense Articles or Action Initial Form 6 Second Form 6 Government Agency Purchase Order / Contract Original Law Enforcement Letter (original signature) Penalty of Perjury Certification (original signature REQUIRED) Foreign Source (original signature ONLY needed for SMC’s) Identity of Sporting Firearms to Be Manufactured State Dept. Retransfer Authorization needed with Form 6
Sporting Firearms & Sporting Ammunition Yes
Barrels for Sporting Firearms Yes
Barrels for Nonsporting / NFA Firearms Yes Yes
Dual Use (Sporting / Nonsporting) Barrels Yes Yes [F]
Barrels for Surplus Military Firearms Yes Yes
Surplus Military Firearms Yes Yes OR Yes [E] Yes Yes
Surplus Military Curio or Relic Firearms Yes Yes Yes [G]
NFA Dealer Sales Sample (Machineguns only) Yes Yes [J]
Firearms (Including Frames & Receivers), and Ammunition Into CBW/FTZ Yes Yes [H] Yes [H]
Firearms (Including Frames& Receivers), and Ammunition Removed from CBW / FTZ Yes Yes OR Yes [I]
Nonsporting firearms, Nonsporting Ammunition, and NFA Firearms (Including Machineguns) Yes Yes OR Yes [E]
Firearm Barrels, Rifle, & Handgun Component Parts (Excluding Frames or Receivers) Into CBW / FTZ Yes The removal of firearm barrels from a CBW / FTZ for entry into the U.S. DOES require a second approved Form 6. However, ATF DOES NOT require a second Form 6 for other firearm component parts, but Customs MAY require a second approved Form 6.
To be removed from CBW / FTZ Yes Yes OR Yes [J]
U.S. Origin Military Defense Articles Yes Depending on type of U.S. origin military defense articles being imported, additional documentation including the above categories may be required along with the retransfer authorization. Yes
  1. The required law enforcement demonstration requests documentation for NFA firearms must always include the specific imported firearm by type, caliber, model designation and quantity. Requests to import two or more firearms of a particular model will be approved only if the dealer/importer provides documentation showing bona fide reasons that a single firearm will be insufficient. See 27 CFR § 479.105(d); See also ATF Ruling 2002-5; ATF NFA Guidebook.
  2. Model Designations
  3. Firearm’s last 5-Year History
  4. Surplus Military Firearms
  5. Surplus Military Firearms (other than Curios & Relics) or Nonsporting Firearms & Ammunition
  6. For machineguns classified as a curio or relic, the importer must provide detailed information as to why a particular weapon is suitable for law enforcement purposes, who the expected customers would be, and information as to the availability of firearms to fill subsequent orders. 27 CFR 479.105; See also ATF Rulings 85-2, 2002-5; ATF NFA Guidebook.