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A Buyers Guide to USGv6 is under development to help simplify understanding of IPv6 products for US Government consumption. Both buyers and sellers are urged to read it and offer feedback on how we can make this process clear, and so help close the gap between USGv6 and Acquisition. Follow the link on the left to reach the document. Feedback to usgv6-project@nist.gov please.

Technical Infrastructure for USGv6 Adoption

OMB Memorandum M-05-22 directed the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) to develop the technical infrastructure (standards and testing) necessary to support wide scale adoption of IPv6 in the US Government (USG).  In response NIST developed a technical standards profile for US Government acquisition of IPv6 Hosts and Routers, and a specification for Network Protection Devices. The Host and Router profile includes a forward looking set of RFCs published by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), encompassing basic IPv6 functionality, and specific requirements and key optional capabilities for routing, security, multicasting, mobility, network management, and quality of service. The Network Protection Device profile contains a NIST established set of capability requirements for IPv6 aware firewalls and intrusion detection systems.

In addition to the profiles, a testing program has beenestablished to enable products to be tested for compliance with the profile by accredited laboratories.

The profile is embodied as a set of recommendations of NIST, and the test program supports open and voluntary involvement. While neither contribution from NIST carries specific policy as developed, it is envisioned that these pieces can provide a technical infrastructure upon which other policies and plans can be based.

This page links to information on the USGv6 profile and Testing Program. It includes links to current and prior versions of the profile, and associated information.

Comments and/or questions about these efforts can be directed to usgv6-project@nist.gov.