Definitions, Sources and Explanatory Notes

 Category:   Natural Gas Imports & Exports/Pipelines
 Topic:   U.S. Exports by Point of Exit


Key Terms Definition
Exports Natural Gas deliveries out of the Continental United States and Alaska to foreign countries.
Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Natural gas (primarily methane) that has been liquefied by reducing its temperature to -260 degrees Fahrenheit at atmospheric pressure.
Pipeline A continuous pipe conduit, complete with such equipment as valves, compressor stations, communications systems, and meters, for transporting natural and/or supplemental gas from one point to another, usually from a point in or beyond the producing field or processing plant to another pipeline or to points of use. Also refers to a company operating such facilities.

For definitions of related energy terms, refer to the EIA Energy Glossary.


1994 and earlier years: EIA, Form FPC-14, "Annual Report for Importers and Exporters of Natural Gas." 1995 to 1998: "Quarterly Natural Gas Import and Export Sales and Price Report" , and EIA estimates of dry natural gas imports. Estimated pipeline data are taken from data the National Energy Board of Canada plus EIA estimates. 1999 to Current: Office of Fossil Energy, U.S. Department of Energy, Natural Gas Imports and Exports.

  Explanatory Notes

  • Totals may not equal sum of components due to independent rounding.
  • Geographic coverage is the continental United State including Alaska.
  • The price of LNG exports to Japan is the "landed" price, defined as received at the terminal in Japan.
  • EIA reduced the reported volume of gas imported by pipeline from Canada by the amount of natural gas liquids removed from the saturated natural gas carried by Alliance Pipeline. Alliance moves saturated natural gas from the border to a processing plant in Illinois. After the adjustment, volumes of imported natural gas on this pipeline are on the same physical basis as other reported volumes of pipeline imports.
  • Annual and final monthly data are published from the Office of Fossil Energy, U.S. Department of Energy, Natural Gas Imports and Exports, which requires data to be reported each quarter by month for the calendar year.
  • Preliminary monthly export data are based on historical data from the Office of Fossil Energy, U.S. Department of Energy, Natural Gas Imports and Exports; informal industry contacts, and information gathered from natural gas industry trade publications.