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Ex-Im Bank Environmental Exports Program:  Financing for a Cleaner Environment
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Environmental Export Financing:  Good News for U.S. Exporters

Ex-Im Bank’s financing helps mitigate risk for U.S. environmental companies and also offers competitive financing terms to international buyers for the purchase of U.S.-made environmental goods and services.


Active portfolio that includes financing for U.S. exports of:

  • Renewable energy equipment
  • Energy efficiency technologies
  • Wastewater treatment projects
  • Air pollution technologies
  • Waste management services
  • Other various environmental goods and services

Ex-Im Bank support for U.S. environmental companies ultimately fuels U.S. job creation and the innovative research and development that allows the U.S. environmental industry to remain at the forefront worldwide.


Ex-Im Bank provides financing support through a wide range of products. These products include:

  • Short-term working capital
  • Export credit insurance
  • Medium-term insurance
  • Medium- to long-term loan guarantees
  • Project and structured finance
  • Long-term direct loans

These products allow Ex-Im Bank to act as an intermediary between exporters, lenders and buyers, helping to mitigate the risks associated with exporting to certain markets.

Enhanced Financing:

  • Certain renewable energy and water transactions are eligible for 18-year repayment terms.

  • Environmental Exports Program enhanced financing makes international sales and projects more financially viable.

  • All qualifying environmental export transactions, including renewable energy and water projects, are eligible for:
    • Capitalized interest during construction.
    • Automatic availability for up to 30% local cost financing.
  • Established in 1994 to increase support for exports of environmentally beneficial goods and services.
  • Grown from 10 transactions in FY '94, to a high of 68 in FY '07.
  • Total portfolio exceeding $3 billion.


4th Annual Renewable Energy and Technology Forum and Exhibition
Washington, DC - October 16-19, 2012

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Updated: January 28, 2010

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