Current Director's Orders
Division of Policy and Directives Management
Updated:  September 18, 2012
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Number Date Subject Text PDF Expiration
69 03/30/94 Service Eagle Distribution Policy

Amend.19 (03/31/12) - Extends termination date PDF 
Text     03/31/13  
109 03/28/05 Use of Specimens Collected on Fish and Wildlife Service Lands

Amend.7 (03/31/12) - Extends termination date PDF 
Text   PDF   03/31/13  
117 12/03/99 Domestic Partner Assistance Program

Amend.12 (12/31/11) - Extends termination date PDF 
Text   PDF   12/31/12  
120 03/02/00 Service Facility and Refuge Entrance Signs

Exhibit 1 - Reflectorized Sign Specifications   PDF 

Amend.12 (03/31/12) - Extends termination date PDF 
Text   PDF   03/31/13  
130 11/24/00 Reassignment of the National Eagle and Wildlife Property Repository

Amend.11 (12/31/11) - Extends termination date PDF 
Text   PDF   12/31/12  
135 06/19/01 Delegation of Authority - Sikes Act

Amend.11 (06/30/12) - Extends termination date PDF 
Amend.3 (06/30/04) - Clarifies reporting requirements PDF 
Amend.8 (06/11/09) - Extends termination date and redelegates authority for INRMP concurrence PDF 
Text   PDF   06/30/13  
139 11/07/01 Concession Contracts

Exhibit 1 - Sample Prospectus Text  PDF 
Exhibit 2 - Sample Public Notice Text  PDF 

Amend.10 (12/31/11) - Extends termination date PDF 
Text   PDF   12/31/12  
143 04/26/02 Responsibilities and Delegations of Authority for Native Endangered and Threatened Species Permits

Amend.4 (11/16/05) - Delegates signature authority to Ecological Services Field Office supervisors in specific circumstances PDF 
Amend.11 (06/30/12) - Extends termination date PDF 
Text   PDF   06/30/13  
147 10/04/02 Renaming and Reorganizing the Division of Law Enforcement

Amend.3 (09/23/05) - Updates references to new Service Manual chapter numbers PDF 
Amend.9 (12/31/11) - Extends termination date PDF 
Text   PDF   12/31/12  
154 07/10/03 Vacancy Announcements for Law Enforcement and Firefighter Positions

Amend.9 (09/30/12) - Extends termination date PDF 
Text   PDF   09/30/13  
155 07/16/03 National Wildlife Refuge System Law Enforcement Program Reforms

Amend.9 (09/30/12) - Extends termination date PDF 
Text   PDF   09/30/13  
160 10/21/03 Personnel Actions for GS-14 and 15 Positions

Amend.8 (12/31/11) - Extends termination date PDF 
Text   PDF   12/31/12  
162 01/06/04 Delegation of Authority - Chief, Law Enforcement

Amend.6 (03/24/08) - Updates references and delegation PDF 
Amend.10 (03/31/12) - Extends termination date PDF 
Text   PDF   03/31/13  
183 05/20/05 Working with Friends Organizations and Cooperating/Interpretive Association Sales Outlets and Book Stores

Amend.7 (06/30/12) - Extends termination date PDF 
Text   PDF   06/30/13  
188 01/26/06 Expenditures in Support of the Volunteer and Community Partnership Act of 1998

Exhibit 1 - Examples of Possible Expenditures   PDF 

Amend.6 (03/31/12) - Extends termination date PDF 
Text   PDF   03/31/13  
194 04/17/08 Extension of the Redelegation of Authority for Intra-Service Endangered Species Act Section 7 Findings

Exhibit 1 - Regional and Headquarters Office Levels of Authority and Procedures   PDF 
Text   PDF   10/31/12  
199 10/20/09 Program for Centralized Hiring of Refuge Officers

Text   PDF   04/30/13  
200 04/29/10 Reemployment of Civilian Retirees under the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year 2010

Text   PDF   10/31/12  
203 07/19/11 IT Transformation

Text   PDF   01/30/13  
205 08/06/12 Training Requirements for Refuge's Federal Wildlife Officers

Text   PDF   02/28/14  
Looking for a Director's Order that's not on this list? Please click here.
Orders are limited to temporary delegations of authority, emergency directives, special assignments, and initial policy or guidance for evolving activities. Director's orders are further described in the Fish and Wildlife Service Manual, 012 FW 1. A listing of recently expired, revoked, or superseded Director's Orders is available by clicking here .

For additional information regarding this Web page, contact Krista Holloway, in the Division of Policy and Directives Management, at

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