Federal Register Documents
Division of Policy and Directives Management
2000 Federal Register Index
Final Rules        Proposed Rules       Notices
Final Rules

  • Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act; Title VIII implementation (subsistence priority)

  • Endangered and threatened species

  • Endangered and threatened species; Critical habitat designations

  • Environmental statements; availability, etc.; Critical habitat designations

  • Hunting and fishing

  • Importation, exportation, and transportation of wildlife; Injurious wildlife

  • Marine mammals; Incidental take during specified activities

  • Marine mammals; Incidental taking; authorization letters, etc.

  • Migratory bird hunting

  • Migratory bird permits

  • Migratory bird permits; Falconry standards

  • National Wildlife Refuge System

  • National Wildlife Refuge System; Hunting and fishing

    Proposed Rules

  • Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act; Title VIII implementation (subsistence priority)

  • Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act; Title VIII implementation (subsistence priority); Fish and wildlife resources on public lands; preference for subsistence use

  • Endangered and threatened species

  • Endangered and threatened species; Critical habitat designations

  • Endangered and threatened species; Findings on petitions, etc.

  • Endangered and threatened species; Recovery plans

  • Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants

  • Endangered Species Act

  • Endangered Species Convention

  • Endangered Species Convention; Appendices and amendments

  • Environmental statements; availability, etc.; Critical habitat designations

  • Fish and wildlife restoration; Federal aid to States

  • Fishery conservation and management; Critical habitat designations

  • Hunting and fishing

  • Importation, exportation, and transportation of wildlife

  • Importation, exportation, and transportation of wildlife; Injurious wildlife

  • Marine Mammals; Incidental taking during specified activities

  • Meetings

  • Migratory bird hunting

  • Migratory bird permits

  • Migratory bird permits; Falconry standards


  • Agency information collection activities

  • Boundary establishment, descriptions, etc.

  • Committees; establishment, renewal, termination, etc.

  • Comprehensive conservation plans; availability, etc.

  • Endangered and threatened species

  • Endangered and threatened species permit applications

  • Endangered and threatened species; Findings on petitions, etc

  • Endangered and threatened species; Incidental take permits

  • Endangered and threatened species; Quino checkerspot butterfly

  • Endangered and threatened species; Recovery plans

  • Endangered Species Convention; Breeding facilities registration

  • Environmental statements; availability, etc.

  • Environmental statements; availability, etc.; Incidendal take permits

  • Environmental statements; availability, etc.; Migratory bird permits

  • Environmental statements; availability, etc.; Safe harbor applications

  • Environmental statements; availability, etc.; Survival enhancement permits

  • Environmental statements; notice of intent

  • Environmental statements; notice of intent; Incidental take permits

  • Federal Power Act

  • Grants and cooperative agreements; availability, etc.

  • Grants and cooperative agreements; availability, etc.; North American Wetlands Conservation Act

  • Incidental Take Permit Application

  • Marine mammal permit applications

  • Marine mammals; Incidental taking; authorization letters, etc.

  • Meetings

  • Migratory bird hunting and conservation stamp (Federal Duck Stamp) contest

  • Migratory bird hunting and conservation stamp (Federal Duck Stamp) contest; Alaska

  • National Wildlife Refuge System Improvement Act of 1997; implementation

  • Natural resource damage assessment plans; availability, etc.

  • Natural resource restoration plans

  • Organization, functions, and authority delegations

  • Permit Applications

  • Pipeline right-of-way applications

  • Reports and guidance documents; availability, etc.

  • Wild Bird Conservation Act of 1992; Approval applications

  • PDM Websites: Centralized Library of Servicewide Policies | FWS Forms | PDM Services

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