Transportation Libraries and Information Centers

NAME:Finnish Road Administration (Finnra) Library


Date of Last Update:

Name of library or information center:
Finnish Road Administration (Finnra) Library

Name of parent organization (if applicable):
Finnish Road Administration (Tiehallinto)

Title of person to which library or information center director reports:

Is your information center a member of a Transportation Knowledge Network?:
Not a TKN Member

Do you provide access to your information collection to the general public (either on-site or on-line, with or without a fee)?:

Describe any special conditions for accessing your resources or services (e.g. by appointment, affiliations required):
xternal customers are able to lend mainly publications by Finnish Road Administration; other items are available for reference use

Provide a description of your information collection:
Domestic and international road and transport related literature in Finnish, Swedish and English

What are the particular subject strengths of your collection?:
Road and transport related literature published in Finland

# Professional Staff:

# Support Staff :

Special notes or comments about your library or information center:
Finnra Library will be merged with twe libraries of Finnish Rail Administration and Finnish Maritime Administration in 2010

Contact Information

Name of Primary Contact:
Sirpa Haapamaki


P.O. Box 33 ,





Mailing Address (if different):

Main phone:
+358 204 22 2034

Fax Number:
+358 204 22 2652

Main email:


Do you provide online training courses?:

Do you provide onsite training courses?:

Do you maintain a knowledge base of lessons learned or best practices?:

Do you maintain a directory of experts or provide referrals to experts as part of your services?:

Are any of your training materials catalogued into OCLC?:

If you are affiliated with a library, please provide its name:

What types of data sets do you provide?:

What export formats do you offer?:

What types of metadata do you provide to help users locate or interpret data sets?:

Organization Type:Federal or National Agency

Detailed Collection Information:

Please estimate the number of items in your information collection:


Journal, magazine and newspaper titles (print or digital, current or discontinued):

Printed technical reports, plans, manuals, standards:

Digital documents (e.g. PDF's or e-books):

Microfiche/microfilm items:

Photographs or image files:

Videotapes and CDs:

Other items (e.g. schedules, maps, drawings, etc.):

Does your staff have access to commercial (for fee) information databases – either directly or through your parent organization?:

Do you offer your patrons access to commercial (for fee) information databases – either remotely or within your library?:

Please list the major commercial information databases to which your library subscribes.:

Library Services and Affiliations

In what year was the library first established?:

What days and hours are library services provided?:

If your library produces an online newsletter or other form of outreach publication, please provide a link or enter the name of the publication.:

OCLC Code (if applicable):

What percentage of your collection is cataloged in OCLC with your library’s symbol?:

With which OCLC Groups is your library affiliated?:

Please list names of other library consortia or networks to which your library belongs:
ITRD ; SLA Transportation Division ; Nordic-Baltic Transportation Libraries

Do you offer interlibrary loans?:

Do you lend through OCLC?:

What is your lending policy (briefly describe or provide a link)?:

What fees do you charge for lending?:
Postage fee

What fees do you charge for supplying photocopies?:
Postage fee

What fees do you charge for research or other services?:

Library Resources and Facilities

What is your library’s approximate annual budget – excluding staffing and facilities costs?:

What is your library’s primary funding source?:

Does your library have access to conference/meeting space?:

Do you offer use of computers with internet access to your users?:

Do you have access to digitization and OCR hardware/software?:

What specialized software do you have access to? (e.g. web publishing, desktop publishing, multimedia):

Special Collections

Please list any special collections that you maintain

Catalogs: Please list any online catalogs that you maintain:


Catalog Name:

Catalog Type:

Name of software used for catalog (enter “none”, ‘home grown”, or name of commercial package):

Is your catalog accessible outside of your organization?:

Please provide a link to your catalog:

Staff person name :
Sirpa Haapamaki

Staff person title:
Head Librarian

Staff person phone:
+358 204 22 2034

Staff person email:

Full or Part Time:




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