Donor Institutions

USAID MIssion Director Francis Donovan at the INTERPOL General Assembly in Hanoi, November 2011

USAID Mission Director Francis Donovan unveils the Global Tiger Initiative. The project brings together officials from the USAID, the UK's Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra), the World Bank, the Smithsonian Institution and INTERPOL.  USAID

Whether providing assistance to developing countries or responding with humanitarian aid after a natural disaster, USAID does not act alone. Global and multi-lateral organizations, as well as other U.S. government agencies, assist USAID in delivering aid in a coordinated way. Some are well-known, like the World Bank and the United Nations.  

Others, like the U.K. Department for International Development (DFID) and the Japan International Cooperation Agency, are less well known to the American public yet are bilateral donors that are still vital to the Agency's efforts.

Through these partnerships, USAID is able to build more effective development programs, helping our field offices achieve concrete, sustainable results. Through coordinated efforts, we are able to deliver efficient, effective and sustainable solutions to global challenges by:

  • Reducing the transaction costs of aid to the countries and strengthening their capacity to manage their own development.
  • Engaging emerging donors, assisting them in building their own development aid capacities.
  • Providing field missions and USAID operational components with relevant tools to assist countries in navigating the changing development landscape.

USAID works with other donors across all sectors and in all regions. For example, in 2010 USAID signed an agreement with the Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID) to increase international development cooperation between the two agencies. Since the agreement was signed, the two agencies have joined forces to support:

  • Water development in Indonesia
  • Rule of law and municipal services in Afghanistan
  • Health programming in Tanzania

The agencies are also exploring options to collaborate in several other sectors and regions including South Sudan, the Pacific Island nations, and the lower-Mekong region of East Asia.

USAID and AusAID have also partnered with DFID and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to launch the Alliance for Reproductive, Maternal, and Newborn Health; and with World Vision, an international NGO, to launch the Grand Challenge for Development:  All Children Reading.  

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Frontiers in Development
5th Birthday
Last updated: June 12, 2012