
The Aviation Data Management and Control System (ADMACS) is a tactical, real-time data management system connecting the air department, ship divisions and embarked staff who manage aircraft launch and recovery operations on CV/CVN ships. ADMACS communicates aviation and command-related data elements across the ADMACS Local Area Network (LAN) and Integrated Shipboard Network System (ISNS) that electronically display position and location of aircraft on flight and hangar decks. ADMACS also displays the aircraft’s status, launch and recovery equipment, fuel, weapons types and quantity, and other aviation and ship related information. The primary goal of the ADMACS program is to significantly improve ship air operations effectiveness and workload reduction through process automation, optimization and integration of key operational systems.

The complexity of air operations aboard naval aircraft carriers requires accurate, continuous and timely information distribution to all work centers in need of vital data. The ADMACS family of block upgrades will develop and integrate a standard data management and control system to provide accurate and timely data throughout the ship.

ADMACS will provide an interface for data sharing to other key programs such as the Electromagnetic Aircraft Launch System, Advanced Arresting Gear, Joint Precision Approach and Landing System and the Moriah Wind System. ADMACS Block 1 is currently operational on nine commissioned aircraft carriers.


Primary Function: Real-time data management system for aircraft carriers
Date Deployed: 2010
Program Status ACAT: ACAT IV(T) Program
Production Phase: In Production
Inventory: ADMACS Block 1 operational on nine carriers
Projected Inventory: 6