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National Science Foundation
Use image map to navigate to contentWhat part do we play in the Earths changing climate?What can rock layers tell us about Earths history?How can we understand the forces that lead to earthquakes and volcanos?How can organisms live without sunlight?How do long-term changes affect Earths ecosystem?Click here for Flash plug-inMore
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Photo of a researcher on a research vessel watching seawater sampling equipment. Unusual Symbiosis Discovered in Marine Microorganisms
Released September 20, 2012
Press Release
Photo of Acropora coral on NSF's Moorea Coral Reef LTER site. Tropical Reefs Surviving Environmental Stresses: Corals' Choice of Symbiotic Algae May Hold the Key
Corals that host fewer species of algae are less sensitive to disturbances
Released  Wed Aug 29 00:00:00 EDT 2012

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