Combined USFWS Disposition Manual, March 2006


  1. Administration
  2. Budget
  3. Comments/ Technical Assistance
  4. Consultations
  5. Contracts, Grants, and Agreements
  6. Enforcement
  7. Informational Services
  8. Listing and Recovery
  9. Management
  10. Permits
  11. Personnel
  12. Planning
  13. Projects and Programs
  14. Real Property
  15. Reports, Findings, and Surveys
  16. Safety
  17. Index
  18. File Codes

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General Records Schedules

Administration (ADMI)

ADMI-101   Personnel Correspondence Files   (GRS/1/3)

Correspondence, reports, and other records relating to the general administration and operation of personnel functions, but excluding records specifically described elsewhere in this schedule and records maintained at agency staff planning levels.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy when 3 years old.

ADMI-103   Employee Awards Files   (GRS/1/12A1)

a.   General awards records, EXCLUDING those relating to department-level awards.

a(1)   Case files including recommendations, approved nominations, correspondence, reports, and related handbooks pertaining to agency-sponsored cash and noncash awards such as incentive awards, within-grade merit increases, suggestions, and outstanding performance.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy 2 years after approval or disapproval.

ADMI-141   Supervisors' Personnel Files and Duplicate OPF Documentation   (GRS/1/18A)

Supervisors' Personnel Files.

a.   Correspondence, forms, and other records relating to positions, authorizations, pending actions, position descriptions, requests for personnel action, and records on individual employees duplicated in or not appropriate for the OPF.

Retention: Review annually and destroy superseded or obsolete documents, or destroy file relating to an employee within 1 year after separation or transfer.

ADMI-142   Youth Conservation Corps Enrollee Records   (N1-22-91-1/01)

Enrollee USDI application form and employment and training administration forms, personal and statistical information; and enrollee performance evaluation, maintained by participating U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service facilities.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Transfer to local Federal Records Center 30 days after separation of employee. Destroy 7 years after enrollee employment is terminated.

ADMI-143   Youth Conservation Corps Enrollee Medical Records   (N1-22-91-1/02)

USDI Medical history forms; accident, injury and treatment forms, parental permission portion of the USDI application forms. Maintained by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Transfer to local Federal Records Center 30 days after separation of employee. Destroy 40 years after enrollee employment is terminated.

ADMI-146   Volunteer Personnel Files   (N1-022-02-01/01)

Personnel files maintained on USFWS volunteer staff, usually at the office or field station. Files include Volunteer Services Agreements; Parental Approval Forms , if volunteer is under 18 years of age; performance evaluations; training information; certificates of appreciation; correspondence; and related materials.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Cutoff at the end of the fiscal year in which services are terminated. Destroy 3 years after cutoff.

ADMI-147   Volunteer Program Administration Files   (N1-022-02-01/02)

Volunteer program administration files documenting routine administration, internal procedures, and general activities, usually maintained at the Regional Office. Files include Volunteer Application Forms, copies of Volunteer Services Agreements and copies of Parental Approval Forms, general correspondence, annual Volunteer Services Reports submitted by the offices and field stations; and copies of summary and informational reports submitted to the national Service Volunteer Coordinator.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Cutoff at the end of the fiscal year. Destroy 3 years after cutoff.

ADMI-148   Annual National Status of the Volunteer Program Report Files   (N1-022-02-01/03)

a.   National Status of the Volunteer Program Report. Annual report submitted to the Director of USFWS by the Service Volunteer Coordinator containing information on the number and age distribution of Service volunteers nation-wide, number of hours contributed, types of activities, and resulting benefits to the Service.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy when 10 years old.

b.   Volunteer Program Report Files. Background and reference materials used to create the annual Volunteer Program Report. Includes regional annual reports, related correspondence, draft reports and statistical compilations, and other related materials.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Cutoff after final report is completed. Destroy 3 years after cutoff.

ADMI-149   Volunteer Personnel Rosters   (N1-022-02-01/04)

Rosters of current and previous Service volunteers maintained at the Regional Office and used to verify current or previous volunteer status. Rosters are usually maintained in an electronic format as a spreadsheet, database, or word processing document and contain volunteer names, dates of service, assignment information, and may contain home addresses and telephone numbers.

a.   Electronic Copies.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Delete individual entries 8 years after termination of service.

b.   Printed Reports. Volunteer rosters printed for convenience or reference.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy when no longer needed or when superseded by new report.

ADMI-152   Training Records   (GRS/1/29A1)

EXCLUDING records of formally established schools which train agency employees in specialized program areas, such as law enforcement and national defense.

a.   General file of agency-sponsored training, EXCLUDING record copy of manuals, syllabuses, textbooks, and other training aids developed by the agency.

a(1)   Correspondence, memoranda, agreements, authorizations, reports, requirement reviews, plans, and objectives relating to the establishment and operation of training courses and conferences.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy when 5 years old or 5 years after completion of a specific training program.

ADMI-153   Training Aids File   (NC1-22-78-1/12)

File includes a copy of each annual, syllabus, textbook, audio-visual aid, substantive hand-out and other training aids generated by or on behalf of the Service in the process of satisfying its training requirements.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Review annually. Destroy when obsolete, superseded, or when it ceases to serve the purpose for which it was created.

ADMI-160   Time and Attendance Source Records   (GRS/2/7)

All time and attendance records upon which leave input data is based, such as time or sign-in sheets; time cards (such as Optional Form (OF) 1130); flexitime records; leave applications for jury and military duty; and authorized premium pay or overtime, maintained at duty post, upon which leave input data is based. Records may be in either machine-readable or paper form.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy after GAO audit or when 6 years old, whichever is sooner.

ADMI-163   Leave Application Files   (GRS/2/6B)

SF 71 or equivalent plus any supporting documentation of requests and approvals of leave.

b.   If employee has not initialed time card or equivalent.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy after GAO audit or when 3 years old, whichever is sooner.

ADMI-210   General Travel and Transportation Files   (GRS/9/4A)

a.   Routine administrative records including correspondence, forms, and related records pertaining to commercial and noncommercial agency travel and transportation and freight functions not covered elsewhere in this schedule.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy when 2 years old.

b.   Accountability records documenting the issue or receipt of accountable documents.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy 1 year after all entries are cleared.

ADMI-220   General Accounting Ledgers   (GRS/7/2)

General accounts ledgers, showing debit and credit entries, and reflecting expenditures in summary.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy 6 years and 3 months after the close of the fiscal year involved.

ADMI-230   Supply Management Files   (GRS/3/4)

Files of reports on supply requirements and procurement matters submitted for supply management purposes (other than those incorporated in case files or other files of a general nature), exclusive of Department of Defense Reports reflecting procurement under exemptions authorized under Section 201(a) of the Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949 (40 U.S.C. 481).

a.   Copies received from other units for internal purposes or for transmission to staff agencies.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy when 2 years old.

b.   Copies in other reporting units and related working documents.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy when 1 year old.

ADMI-240   Tax Exemption Files   (GRS/3/12)

Tax exemption certificates and related papers.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy 3 years after period covered by related account.

ADMI-311   Accountable Officers' Files   (GRS/6/1)

a.   Original or ribbon copy of accountable officers' accounts maintained in the agency for site audit by GAO auditors, consisting of statements of transactions, statements of accountability, collection schedules, collection vouchers, disbursement schedules, disbursement vouchers, and all other schedules and vouchers or documents used as schedules or vouchers, exclusive of commercial passenger transportation and freight records and payroll records, EXCLUDING accounts and supporting documents pertaining to American Indians. If an agency is operating under an integrated accounting system approved by GAO, certain required documents supporting vouchers and/or schedules are included in the site audit records. These records document only the basic financial transaction, money received and money paid out or deposited in the course of operating the agency. All copies except the certified payment or collection copy, usually the original or ribbon copy, and all additional or supporting documentation not involved in an integrated system are covered by succeeding items in this schedule. Also included are equivalent agency forms that document the basic financial transaction as described above.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy 6 years and 3 months after period covered by account.

b.   Memorandum copies of accountable officers' returns including statements of transactions and accountability, all supporting vouchers, schedules, and related documents not covered elsewhere in this schedule, EXCLUDING freight records covered by GRS 9 and payroll records covered by GRS 2.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy when 1 year old.

ADMI-312   Noncommercial, Reimbursable Travel Files (PCS)   (GRS/9/3A)

Copies of records relating to reimbursing individuals, such as travel orders, per diem vouchers, and all other supporting documents relating to official travel by officers, employees, dependents, or others authorized by law to travel.

a.    Travel administrative office files.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy when 6 years old.

ADMI-410   Inventory Files   (GRS/3/9)

a.   Inventory lists.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy 2 years from date of list.

b.   Inventory cards

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy 2 years after discontinuance of item, 2 years after stock balance is transferred to new card or recorded under a new classification, or 2 years after equipment is removed from agency control.

c.   Report of survey files and other papers used as evidence for adjustment of inventory records, not otherwise covered in the GRS.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy 2 years after date of survey action or date of posting medium.

ADMI-411   Personal Property Accountability Files   (GRS/18/15)

Files relating to accountability for personal property lost or stolen.

a.   Ledger files.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy 3 years after final entry.

b.   Reports, loss statements, receipts, and other documents relating to lost and found articles.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy when 1 year old.

ADMI-412   Property Disposal Correspondence Files   (GRS/4/1)

Correspondence files maintained by units responsible for property disposal, pertaining to their operation and administration, and not otherwise provided for.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy when 2 years old.

ADMI-414   Excess Personal Property Reports   (GRS/4/2)

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy when 3 years old.

ADMI-416   Personal Property Tracking Databases   (N1-022-05-01/20)

Personal property tracking databases containing summary information on USFWS accountable property. Includes inventory control/tag number, serial numbers, locations, name of custodial activity or officer, property status, and other relevant information.

a.   Input Documents. Included are copies of source documents such as Property Transfer Document; SF 120, Report of Excess Personal Property; SF 122, Transfer Order Excess Personal Property; property listings, and property records. Item applies to copies that are not required to be filed as records elsewhere.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy after data have been entered into the database and verified.

b.   Database Records. Records maintained in electronic form on an online system and regularly backed up on computer tape

Retention: TEMPORARY. Delete property entry 2 years after property is excessed or otherwise removed from USFWS custody.

c.   Reports.

c(1)   Convenience and Reference Reports. Periodic and on demand reports printed to paper or digital media containing portions, summaries, and analyses of the data and used for convenience, reference, or distribution.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy when no longer needed.

c(2)   Record and Case File Reports. Periodic and on demand reports printed to paper or digital media containing portions, summaries, and analyses of the data and filed in a case file or as a record copy and used to document a program, activity, or decision.

Retention: Retain for the specified retention period of case file or records where reports are filed.

Systems documentation is covered by the General Records Schedule. [GRS 20/11A]

ADMI-421   Quarters General Correspondence Files   (GRS/15/1)

Correspondence files pertaining to the maintenance and management of housing projects.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy when 2 years old.

ADMI-422   Quarters Maintenance and Repair Files   (GRS/15/2)

Maintenance and repair records for individual units.

a.   Summary card or ledger record.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy 3 fiscal years following close of fiscal year in which unit is closed to tenancy or leaves agency control.

b.   Work orders, requisitions, and related papers involved in repair and maintenance work.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy 3 fiscal years following close of fiscal year in which work is done.

ADMI-423   Quarters Management Files   (GRS/15/3)

Reports pertaining to housing management, including expenditure, survey, collection, and other statistical and narrative data.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy when 2 years old.

ADMI-424   Quarters Lease Files   (GRS/15/4)

Copies of leases, renewals, termination notices, and related documents.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy 3 fiscal years following close of fiscal year in which (a) lease termination, lapse, or cancellation occurs or (b) litigation is concluded, whichever is later.

ADMI-425   Quarters Inventory Files   (GRS/15/6)

Furnishing inventory files, pertaining to items included in furnished units.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy 3 fiscal years after close of fiscal year in which inventory is superseded.

ADMI-426   Quarters Application Files (other than copies in lease files)   (GRS/15/7)

a.   Rejected application files.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy 1 year from date of rejection.

b.   All others.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy when 2 years old.

ADMI-427   Employee Quarters Databases   (N1-022-05-01/76)

Databases containing information on government owned housing leased to employees. Includes quarters location, rent amount, tenant names, occupation dates, payroll deduction information, and factors in determining rent. Used to determine rent amounts and coordinate payroll deductions between Regions and payroll office.

a.   Input Documents. Draft working copies, copies of costs estimates, copies of budget information, input forms, and other materials used solely as source data for database entries and not required to be filed as records elsewhere.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy after data have been entered into the database and verified.

b.   Database Records. Database records maintained within the database on an online system and regularly backed up to digital media.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Delete quarters entry 6 years after each individual tenant's occupancy ends.

c.   Reports.

c(1)   Convenience and Reference Reports. Periodic and on demand reports printed to paper or digital media containing portions, summaries, and analyses of the data and used for convenience, reference, or distribution.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy when no longer needed.

c(2)   Record and Case File Reports. Periodic and on demand reports printed to paper or digital media containing portions, summaries, and analyses of the data and filed in a case file or as a record copy and used to document a program, activity, or decision.

Retention: Retain for the specified retention period of case file or records where reports are filed.

Systems documentation is covered by the General Records Schedule. [GRS 20/11A]

ADMI-451   Motor Vehicle Operator Files   (GRS/10/7)

Records relating to individual employee operation of Government owned vehicles, including driver tests, authorization to use, safe driving awards, and related correspondence.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy 3 years after separation of employee or 3 years after recision of authorization to operate Government owned vehicle, whichever is sooner.

ADMI-452   Motor Vehicle Release Files   (GRS/10/6)

Records relating to transfer, sale, donation, or exchange of vehicles, including SF 97, The United States Government Certificate to Obtain Title to a Motor Vehicle

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy 4 years after vehicle leaves agency custody.

ADMI-453   Motor Vehicle Report Files   (GRS/10/4)

Reports on motor vehicles (other than accident, operating, and maintenance reports), including SF 82, Agency Report of Motor Vehicle Data.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy 3 years after date of report.

ADMI-454   Motor Vehicle Operating and Maintenance Files   (GRS/10/2)

a.   Operating records including those relating to gas and oil consumption, dispatching, and scheduling.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy when 3 months old.

b.   Maintenance records, including those relating to service and repair.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy when 1 year old.

ADMI-455   Energy Conservation Case Files   (N1-022-05-01/80)

Energy use and conservation materials for USFWS buildings, equipment, and vehicles. Includes periodic energy consumption/conservation reports, data, correspondence, and related materials. May also include long-term statistical and trend data compilations and summaries.

a.   Periodic energy consumption/conservation reports, data, correspondence, and related materials.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy when 2 years old.

b.   Long-term statistical and trend data compilations and summaries.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy when 15 years old.

ADMI-457   Gasoline Sales Tickets   (GRS/6/7)

Hard copies of sales tickets filed in support of paid vouchers for credit card purchases of gasoline.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy after GAO audit or when 3 years old, whichever is sooner.

ADMI-461   Space and Maintenance General Correspondence Files   (GRS/11/1)

Correspondence files of the unit responsible for space and maintenance matters, pertaining to its own administration and operation, and related papers.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy when 2 years old.

ADMI-463   Building and Equipment Service Files   (GRS/11/5)

Requests for building and equipment maintenance services, excluding fiscal copies.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy 3 months after work is performed or requisition is canceled.

ADMI-465   Reimbursable Work Authorizations (RWA)   (N1-022-05-01/86)

Reimbursable work authorizations submitted to the General Service Administration for work on USFWS facilities leased from GSA. Contains request (GSA-2957 form), authorization, and any associated correspondence.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy when 2 years old.

ADMI-466   Renovations   (N1-022-05-01/87)

Renovation project files documenting renovations on leased USFWS facilities. Includes memoranda requesting and specifying building changes, preliminary drawings and plans, meeting notes, and final drawings.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy 2 years after completion of project.

ADMI-520   Congressional Inquiry Files   (NC1-22-78-1/47)

Consist of inquiries and responses thereto along with substantive supporting documentation, if any. These files are separate from those identified as "Legislative Action Files" in this schedule.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy when 3 yrs old or when no longer needed.

ADMI-530   General Correspondence Files   (NC1-22-78-1/50)

Includes record copies of correspondence, letters and memoranda, directives, reports, studies, analyses, and other substantive documentation created or received by or on behalf of the Service pursuant to the accomplishment of its official functions, except as otherwise specified in this schedule.

a.   Materials that document the organization, functions, policies, procedures and essential activities of the Service included, but not limited to, staff assistance, program management, relationships with the Interior Department, other higher authority, other equal organizations, industry and the public; or contain information of enduring value concerning events, personages or phenomena of significance. (arranged by subject)

Retention: PERMANENT. Separate files into 3-year sets and transfer the set to a Federal records center when it is 3 yrs old. Offer set to NARA 5 yrs after its transfer to Federal records center.

b.   Material that documents the routine accomplishments of the Service's mission.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Separate file into 1-year sets and transfer the set to a Federal records center when it is 4 yrs old. Destroy the set when it is 8 yrs old.

c.   Material that documents repetitive, individual, routine transactions and matters; housekeeping and other purely facilitative functions.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy the set when it is 3 yrs old or no longer needed.

ADMI-610   Office Administrative Files   (GRS/23/1)

Records accumulated by individual offices that relate to the internal administration or housekeeping activities of the office rather than the functions for which the office exists. In general, these records relate to the office organization, staffing, procedures, and communications, including facsimile machine logs; the expenditure of funds, including budget records; day-to-day administration of office personnel including training and travel; supplies and office services and equipment requests and receipts; and the use of office space and utilities. They may also include copies of internal activity and workload reports (including work progress, statistical, and narrative reports prepared in the office and forwarded to higher levels) and other materials that do not serve as unique documentation of the programs of the office.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy when 2 years old.

ADMI-612   Electronic Mail and Word Processing System Copies   (N1-022-05-01/08)

Electronic copies of records, including e-mail attachments, that are created on electronic mail and word processing systems and used solely to generate a paper or electronic recordkeeping copy of the records covered by the other items in this schedule. Also includes electronic copies of records created on electronic mail and word processing systems that are maintained for updating, revision, or dissemination.

a.   Copies that have no further administrative value after the recordkeeping copy is made. Includes copies maintained by individuals in personal files, personal electronic mail directories, or other personal directories on hard disk or network drives, and copies on shared network drives that are used only to produce the recordkeeping copy.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy/delete within 180 days after the recordkeeping copy has been produced.

b.   Copies used for dissemination, revision, or updating that are maintained in addition to the recordkeeping copy.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy/delete when dissemination, revision, or updating is completed.

ADMI-621   Records Disposition Files   (GRS/16/2A)

Descriptive inventories, disposal authorizations, schedules, and reports.

a.   Basic documentation of records description and disposition programs, including SF 115, Request for Records Disposition Authority; SF 135, Records Transmittal and Receipt; SF 258, Agreement to Transfer Records to National Archives of the United States; and related documentation.

a(1)   SF 115s that have been approved by NARA.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy 2 years after supersession.

a(2)   Other records.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy 6 years after the related records are destroyed or after the related records are transferred to the National Archives of the United States, whichever is applicable.

ADMI-622   Records Holdings Files   (GRS/16/4A)

Statistical reports of agency holdings, including feeder reports from all offices and data on the volume of records disposed of by destruction or transfer.

a.   Records held by offices that prepare reports on agency-wide records holdings.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy when 3 years old.

ADMI-623   Records Management Files   (GRS/16/7)

Correspondence, reports, authorizations, and other records that relate to the management of agency records, including such matters as forms, correspondence, reports, mail, and files management; the use of microforms, ADP systems, and word processing; records management surveys; vital records programs; and all other aspects of records management not covered elsewhere in this schedule.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy when 6 years old.

ADMI-624   Central Files Databases   (N1-022-05-01/04)

Databases, spreadsheets, and word-processing documents used to track, locate, and print file folder labels for files stored in a central file system. Information may include file code, folder label, project name, or other cross references.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Review annually and delete superseded or obsolete entries.

ADMI-625   Forms File   (NC1-22-78-1/06)

a.   One record copy of each form created by or on behalf of the Service with related instructions and documentation showing inception, scope, and purpose of form.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy when form is discontinued, superseded, or canceled.

b.   Working papers, background materials, requisitions, specifications, processing data, and control records.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy when related form is discontinued, superseded or canceled.

ADMI-630   Reference Files   (NC1-22-78-1/71)

Includes nonrecord copies of published materials; extra copies of reproduced directives, manuals and administrative issuances of which surname copies are held as records; extra copies of documents maintained for reference purposes such as information copies of reports; day or reading file copies of outgoing correspondence and memoranda; notebooks that have been transcribed; and temporary paper or forms used to control or facilitate internal work in progress.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Review file annually. Destroy material when 5 yrs old or when no longer of reference value, whichever occurs first.

ADMI-640   Schedules of Daily Activities   (GRS/23/5A)

Calendars, appointment books, schedules, logs, diaries, and other records documenting meetings, appointments, telephone calls, trips, visits, and other activities by Federal employees while serving in an official capacity, EXCLUDING materials determined to be personal.

a.   Records containing substantive information relating to official activities, the substance of which has not been incorporated into official files, EXCLUDING records relating to the official activities of high Government officials.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy or delete when 2 years old.

ADMI-650   Suspense Files   (GRS/23/6B)

Documents arranged in chronological order as a reminder that an action is required on a given date or that a reply to action is expected and, if not received, should be traced on a given date.

b.   The file copy or an extra copy of an outgoing communication, filed by the date on which a reply is expected.

Retention: Withdraw documents when reply is received. (1) If suspense copy is an extra copy, destroy immediately. (2) If suspense copy is the file copy, incorporate it into the official files.

ADMI-660   Tracking and Control Records   (GRS/23/8)

Logs, registers, and other records used to control or document the status of correspondence, reports, or other records that are authorized for destruction by the GRS or a NARA-approved SF 115.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy or delete when 2 years old, or 2 years after the date of the latest entry, whichever is applicable.

ADMI-665   Library Catalog and Finding Aid Databases   (N1-022-05-01/155)

Documents the inventory of and information about collections of publications, periodicals, still photographs and images, and similar items maintained by USFWS, and used for reference and retrieval, access, circulation, and inventory purposes.

a.   Input Documents. Draft working copies, summary sheets, copies of information, input forms, and other materials used as source data for database entries not required to be filed as records elsewhere.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy after data have been entered into the database and verified.

b.   Database Entries. Database records maintained within the database or automated system on an online system and regularly backed up to digital media.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Delete entries after collection item disposed of.

c.   Reports.

c(1)   Convenience and Reference Reports. Periodic and on-demand reports printed to paper or digital media containing portions, summaries, and analyses of the data and used for convenience, reference, or distribution.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy when no longer needed.

c(2)   Record and Case File Reports. Periodic and on-demand reports printed to paper or digital media containing portions, summaries, and analyses of the data and filed in a case file or as a record copy and used to document a program, activity, or decision.

Retention: Retain for the specified retention period of the case file or records where reports are filed.

Systems documentation is covered by the General Records Schedule. [GRS 20/11A]

ADMI-670   Transitory Files   (GRS/23/7)

Documents of short term interest which have no documentary or evidential value and normally need not be kept more than 90 days. Examples of transitory correspondence are shown below. Routine requests for information or publications and copies of replies which require no administrative action, no policy decision, and no special compilation or research for reply. Originating office copies of letters of transmittal that do not add any information to that contained in the transmitted material, and receiving office copy if filed separately from transmitted material. Quasi official notices including memoranda and other records that do not serve as the basis of official actions, such as notices of holidays or charity and welfare fund appeals, bond campaigns, and similar records.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy when 3 months old.

ADMI-810   Key Accountability Files   (GRS/18/16)

Files relating to accountability for keys issued.

a.   For areas under maximum security.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy 3 years after turn-in of key.

b.   For other areas.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy 6 months after turn in of key

ADMI-820   Visitor Control Files   (GRS/18/17)

a.   For areas under maximum security.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy 5 years after final entry or 5 years after date of document, as appropriate.

b.   For other areas

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy 2 years after final entry or 2 years after date of document, as appropriate.

ADMI-910   Mail and Delivery Service Control Files   (GRS/12/6)

a.   Records of receipt and routing of incoming and outgoing mail and items handled by private delivery companies such as United Parcel Service, EXCLUDING both those covered by item 5 and those used as indexes to correspondence files.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy when 1 year old.

b.   Statistical reports of postage used on outgoing mail and fees paid for private deliveries (special delivery, foreign, registered, certified, and parcel post or packages over 4 pounds).

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy when 6 months old.

c.   Requisition for stamps (exclusive of copies used as supporting documents to payment vouchers).

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy when 6 months old.

d.   Statistical reports and data relating to handling of mail and volume of work performed.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy when 1 year old.

e.   Records relating to checks, cash, stamps, money orders, or any other valuables remitted to the agency by mail.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy when 1 year old.

f.   Records of and receipts for mail and packages received through the Official Mail and Messenger Service.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy when 6 months old.

g.   General files including correspondence, memoranda, directives, and guides relating to the administration of mail room operations.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy when 1 year old or when superseded or obsolete, whichever is applicable.

h.   Locator cards, directories, indexes, and other records relating to mail delivery to individuals.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy 5 months after separation or transfer of individual or when obsolete, whichever is applicable.

ADMI-911   Postal Irregularities File   (GRS/12/8)

Memoranda, correspondence, reports and other records relating to irregularities in the handling of mail, such as loss or shortage of postage stamps or money orders, or loss or destruction of mail.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy 3 years after completion of investigation.

ADMI-920   Metered Mail Files   (GRS/12/7)

Official metered mail reports and all related papers.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy when 6 years old.

Budget (BUDG)

BUDG-100   Budget Background Records   (GRS/5/2)

Cost statements, rough data and similar materials accumulated in the preparation of annual budget estimates, including duplicates of budget estimates and justifications and related appropriation language sheets, narrative statements, and related schedules; and originating offices' copies of reports submitted to budget offices.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy 1 year after the close of the fiscal year covered by the budget.

BUDG-200   Budget Correspondence Files   (GRS/5/1)

Correspondence files in formally organized budget offices pertaining to routine administration, internal procedures, and other matters not covered elsewhere in this schedule, EXCLUDING files relating to agency policy and procedure maintained in formally organized budget offices.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy when 2 years old.

BUDG-310   Budget Reports Files   (GRS/5/3)

Periodic reports on the status of appropriation accounts and apportionment.

a.   Annual report (end of fiscal year)

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy when 5 years old.

b.   All other reports.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy 3 years after the end of the fiscal year.

BUDG-311   Budget Apportionment Files   (GRS/5/4)

Apportionment and reapportionment schedules, proposing quarterly obligations under each authorized appropriation.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy 2 years after the close of the fiscal year.

BUDG-312   Budget Preparation, Presentation, and Apportionment Records   (NC1-22-78-1/80)

a.   Budget statements - estimates and justification prepared at Service level, budget digests, budget briefing books, and program and financial plans developed under the Program Management System (PMS) or its equivalent. Also included are PMS policy responsibility, reporting, evaluation, execution, and procedure guidelines.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Separate file into 2-year sets and transfer the set to a Federal records center when it is 4 yrs old. Destroy the set when it is 8 yrs old.

b.   Substantive documentation - appropriation language sheets, narrative statements, related schedules and data and so forth - used in the preparation of the final iteration of the foregoing records.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy 2 yrs after close of fiscal year covered in budget.

BUDG-410   GAO Exceptions Files   (GRS/6/2)

GAO notices of exceptions, such as SF 1100, formal or informal, and related correspondence.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy 1 year after exception has been reported as cleared by GAO.

BUDG-411   Accountable Officers' Records (GRS Exception)   (NC1-22-82-1/01)

Any and all records created by the Fish & Wildlife Service that resulted in proceeds from contracts, leases, licenses, permits, rights-of-way, easements or trespasses pertaining to lands or resources of lands which were withdrawn for Native selection pursuant to the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act, P.L. 92-203, 85 Stat. 688, dated December 18, 1971. These records are essential for the completion of a statutory requirement set forth in Section 1411 of the Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act, P.L. 96-487, 94 Stat. 2497, dated December 2, 1980.

Retention: TEMPORARY. These records are to be destroyed when they are 13 years old.

BUDG-420   Audit Case Files   (N1-022-05-01/35)

Case files documenting an examination of USFWS control and compliance policies and procedures, or examinations of state agencies receiving funds distributed by USFWS. Audits may be conducted by internal or external auditors, such as the Department of the Interior Inspector General, General Accounting Office, or Defense Contract Audit Agency. May include audit announcement, draft and final audit reports, USFWS responses, implementation plan for corrective action, implementation progress reports, correspondence, and other related documentation.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy 8 years after completion of audit or 8 years after final corrective action completed, whichever is later.

BUDG-430   Inspector General Complaint Files   (N1-022-05-01/36)

Case files documenting the reporting, investigation, and disposition of complaints against USFWS filed with the Department of the Interior Office of the Inspector General. May include complaint, investigative report, and recommendation of findings.

a.   Complaints Resulting in an Investigation. Case files developed during investigations of known or alleged fraud and abuse and irregularities and violations of laws and regulations. Includes investigative files relating to employee and hot line complaints and other miscellaneous complaint files. Files consist of investigative reports and related documents, such as correspondence, notes, attachments, and working papers.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy 8 years after final disposition of case.

b.   Complaints Not Resulting in an Investigation. Files containing information or allegations which are of an investigative nature but do not relate to an actual investigation. They include anonymous or vague allegations not warranting an investigation; matters referred to constituents or other agencies for handling; and support files providing general information which may prove useful in investigations.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy when 8 years old.

Comments/ Technical Assistance (COMM)

COMM-241   Technical Assistance Case Files   (N1-022-05-01/52)

Technical assistance case files documenting species and habitat related advice and assistance by USFWS to Federal agencies, states, local governments, and private organizations developing plans or undertaking activities that are environmentally sensitive to ensure the protection of threatened and endangered species and habitats. Technical assistance is provided outside the regulatory consultation process.

a.   Technical Assistance Files. Case file containing documentation of the assistance provided. May include request for assistance, correspondence and memoranda, copies of reports, permits, studies, analyses, and advice provided. Does not include supporting reference materials relied upon to provide the assistance.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy 5 years after completion of assistance or 5 years after last activity whichever is sooner.

b.   Supporting and Reference Materials. Supporting reference materials relied upon to provide the assistance. May include copies of technical articles, environmental impact statements, other agency publications and reports, and other reference materials collected while providing assistance but not directly documenting the assistance provided.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy 2 years after completion of assistance or 2 years after last activity whichever is sooner.

COMM-250   Species Lists   (N1-022-05-01/46)

List of threatened and endangered species in a specific area provided to Federal agencies planning to engage in a construction or other activity that may affect habitat or species or to a Federal agency considering a permit to allow another party to engage is such activity. Species lists are also provided to non-federal entities as part of technical assistance.

a.   Informal Consultations. Species lists prepared as part of an informal consultation process.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy 10 years after issuance of concurrence letter or 10 years after last activity, whichever is sooner.

b.   Formal Consultations. Species lists prepared as part of a formal consultation process.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy 20 years after issuance of biological opinion and incidental take statement or 20 years after last activity, whichever is later.

c.   Technical Assistance. Species lists prepared as part of a technical assistance process.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy 5 years after completion of assistance or 5 years after last activity, whichever is sooner.

d.   No Action and Reference Copies. Reference copies of species lists not maintained as the record copy of the consultation or technical assistance and species lists that did not initiate a consultation, technical assistance, or other substantive USFWS activity.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy 5 years after list is prepared.

Species lists may also be filed with Consultations, CONS-121 and CONS-131.

Consultations (CONS)

CONS-100   Consultations, Section 7   (N1-022-05-01/48)

Files documenting USFWS consultations and cooperation with Federal agencies to ensure that they are not undertaking, funding, permitting, or authorizing actions likely to jeopardize the continued existence of listed species or destroy or adversely modify designated critical habitat. Conducted under the provisions of Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act. Files include both formal and informal consultations.

a.   Informal Consultations. Case files documenting Section 7 consultations where USFWS concurs, in writing, that a proposed action or project is not likely to adversely affect listed species or designated critical habitat. May include agency biological assessment, associated maps, correspondence, e-mail, meeting notes, memoranda to the files, photographs, modifications or changes to the proposed action or project, any necessary internal compliance documentation, and USFWS concurrence letter.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy 10 years after issuance of concurrence letter or 5 years after last activity, whichever is sooner.

b.   Formal Consultations. Case files documenting Section 7 consultations where it is determined that a proposed action is likely to jeopardize the continued existence of listed species or destroy or adversely modify designated critical habitat. Includes agency biological assessment, associated maps, correspondence, e-mail, meeting notes, memoranda to the files, photographs, modifications or changes to the proposed action or project, any necessary internal compliance documentation, and the biological opinion and incidental take statement if issued.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy 20 years after issuance of biological opinion and incidental take statement or 20 years after last activity, including monitoring, whichever is later.

CONS-200   Consultations, Water Projects   (N1-022-05-01/49)

Files documenting USFWS consultation with agencies during water projects, usually the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, to prevent loss of and damage to wildlife resources where streams or other bodies of water are impounded, diverted, or otherwise controlled or modified. This item does not apply to FERC projects (see Consultations, FERC). Files may include copies of permit application and pre-application materials, monitoring and scoping documents, meeting notes, initial consultation, internal environmental compliance, studies, phone records, e-mails, correspondence, and NEPA (National Environmental Policy Act) review process documents including application, notice of intent, environmental assessment, draft and final environmental impact statements, public notice, and public meeting records.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy 10 years after completion of consultation or 10 years after last activity, whichever is later.

CONS-400   Consultations, FERC   (N1-022-05-01/47)

Files documenting USFWS consultation with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) to prevent loss of and damage to wildlife resources during FERC projects where streams or other bodies of water are impounded, diverted, or otherwise controlled or modified. These are usually hydro-power projects where USFWS makes recommendations as part of the licensing or re-licensing process. Files may include copies of license application and pre-application materials, monitoring and scoping documents, meeting notes, initial consultation, internal environmental compliance, studies, phone records, e-mails, correspondence, and NEPA (National Environmental Policy Act) review process documents including application, notice of intent, environmental assessment, draft and final environmental impact statements, public notice, and public meeting records.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy records when 60 years old or 10 years after structure ceases to exist, whichever is sooner.

CONS-500   Contaminant Assessment, Cleanup and Restoration Case Files   (N1-022-05-01/70)

Documents the role of USFWS as a trustee for natural resources and its activities to identify natural resources (such as endangered and threatened species, migratory birds, habitats, and wildlife refuges) injured from hazardous substance contamination, recover damage from the responsible parties, and plan and carry out restoration activities as part of the Natural Resource Damage Assessment and Restoration Program (NRDA). These activities may be conducted on or off refuge land. May include proposals to conduct investigations or cleanup activities, damage assessments, contaminant identification documentation, requests for funding, budget information, analyses, studies and surveys, court documentation, cooperative agreements, restoration and implementation plans, monitoring documentation, reports (including contractor reports), response reports and documentation, notices of alleged illegal activities, Superfund site documentation, workgroup records, public education activity records, correspondence, and other related documentation.

a.   If no action is taken by USFWS.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy 10 years after last activity.

b.   If action is taken by USFWS.

b(1)   Contaminant Case Files.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy 20 years after last activity or 20 years after final disposition of case.

b(2)   Historical Contaminant Case Files. Completed contaminant case files selected annually by the project director as permanent because the study established a precedent for changing policy, received extensive media coverage, was reviewed at length in the Service's annual report, resulted in significant controversy, received national or international awards, and/or was the subject of extensive litigation.

Retention: PERMANENT. Transfer to NARA 10 years after final disposition of case.

CONS-510   Contaminants Assessment Databases   (N1-022-05-01/71)

Contaminants assessment databases used to collect and enter information pertaining to the ecological and physical characteristics of USFWS land and adjacent area relative to possible contaminant issues. USFWS staff input information collected on-site to identify and describe actual and potential contaminants issues. Databases may transfer and incorporate contaminant information from Environmental Protection Agency on-line databases. This item includes databases such as the Contaminants Assessment Process (CAP) database, and the Contaminant Information Management and Analysis System (CIMAS).

a.   Input Documents. Draft working copies, input forms, copies of digital data from other systems, and other materials used solely as source data for database entries.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy after data have been entered into the database and verified.

b.   Database Records. Database records maintained within the database on an online system and regularly backed up to digital media.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Delete entries 10 years after all contaminant issues documented by entry have been resolved.

c.   Reports.

c(1)   Convenience and Reference Reports. Periodic and on demand reports printed to paper or digital media containing portions, summaries, and analyses of the data and used for convenience, reference, or distribution.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy when no longer needed.

c(2)   Record and Case File Reports. Periodic and on demand reports printed to paper or digital media containing portions, summaries, and analyses of the data and filed in a case file or as a record copy and used to document a program, activity, or decision.

Retention: Retain for the specified retention period of case file or records where reports are filed.

Systems documentation is covered by the General Records Schedule. [GRS 20/11A]

CONS-600   National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Files   (N1-022-05-01/51)

Documents the review and comment by USFWS of proposed actions and projects and their environmental impact on fish, wildlife, plants, and habitat under the provision of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). Actions and projects may be proposed by USFWS, Federal agencies, or other governmental organizations. May include environmental assessments, findings documents, notice of intent, environmental impact statement, decision document, scoping documentation, public comments and responses, meeting notes, studies and analyses, correspondence and related documentation.

a.   Record Copies, filed in the case, project, or plan file to which they relate.

Retention: Dispose of in accordance with approved disposition instructions for the case, project, or plan file of which they are a part.

b.   Other Copies.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy when superseded, obsolete, or no longer needed.

CONS-700   Consultation Tracking Logs   (N1-022-05-01/45)

Consultation tracking and docketing logs used to track status of consultations. These logs may exist as spreadsheets, databases, word-processing documents, or in paper media. Logs are used to track status of consultations from start to finish and include consultation ID number, project title, agencies involved, and names and dates of documents received and sent, completion date, and entries for other relevant items.

a.   Input Documents. Input forms, copies of correspondence, notes, e-mails and other materials used solely to enter information in the log.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy after data have been entered into the database and verified.

b.   Database Records. Database records maintained within the database on an online system and regularly backed up to digital media.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Delete consultation entries 20 years after completion of consultation or 20 years after last activity whichever is later.

c.   Reports.

c(1)   Convenience and Reference Reports. Periodic and on demand reports printed to paper or digital media containing portions, summaries, and analyses of the data and used for convenience, reference, or distribution.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy when no longer needed.

c(2)   Record and Case File Reports. Periodic and on demand reports printed to paper or digital media containing portions, summaries, and analyses of the data and filed in a case file or as a record copy and used to document a program, activity, or decision.

Retention: Retain for the specified retention period of case file or records where reports are filed.

Systems documentation is covered by the General Records Schedule. [GRS 20/11A]

CONS-800   Habitat Conservation Plan Database (HCP)   (N1-022-05-01/42)

The Habitat Conservation Plan Database tracks and provides summary information on habitat conservation plans and safe harbor agreements. Information may include plan title, nature of associated parties, location and size information, permit number, functional description, species information, and plan status.

a.   Input Documents. Draft working copies, summary sheets, copies of information, input forms, and other materials used as source data for database entries not required to be filed as records elsewhere.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy after data have been entered into database and verified.

b.   Database Entries. Database records maintained within the database or automated system on an online system and regularly backed up to digital media.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Delete entries 15 years after plan no longer active.

c.   Reports.

c(1)   Convenience and Reference Reports. Periodic and on-demand reports printed to paper or digital media containing portions, summaries, and analyses of the data and used for convenience, reference, or distribution.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy when no longer needed.

c(2)   Record and Case File Reports. Periodic and on-demand reports printed to paper or digital media containing portions, summaries, and analyses of the data and filed in a case file or as a record copy and used to document a program, activity, or decision.

Retention: Retain for the specified retention period of the case file or records where reports are filed.

Systems documentation is covered by the General Records Schedule. [GRS 20/11A]

Contracts, Grants, and Agreements (CONT)

CONT-200   Real Property Files (Procurement)   (GRS/3/1)

Title papers documenting the acquisition of real property (by purchase, condemnation, donation, exchange, or otherwise), excluding records relating to property acquired prior to January 1, 1921.

a.   Records relating to property acquired after December 31, 1920, other than abstract or certificate of title.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Dispose 10 years after unconditional sale or release by the Government of conditions, restrictions, mortgages or other liens.

b.   Abstract or certificate of title.

Retention: Transfer to purchaser after unconditional sale or release by the Government of conditions, restrictions, mortgages, or other liens.

Records relating to property acquired prior to January 1, 1921, are not covered by this item and must be scheduled by submission of a Standard Form (SF) 115 to NARA.

CONT-410   Memorandum of Agreement Files   (NC1-22-78-1/09)

Cooperative agreements, letters of agreement, all other documents with a similar purpose, amendments thereto, and associated substantive materials, negotiated with other Federal agencies, state agencies, or private organizations concerning services rendered to or received from such bodies. See "International Treaty, Convention, and Agreement File" in this schedule for memoranda of understanding between the Service and its foreign counterparts.

a.   Record copy

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy 3 yrs after expiration or cancellation.

b.   All other copies

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy when memorandum expires or is cancel.

CONT-425   International Treaty, Convention, and Agreement File   (NC1-22-78-1/54)

Includes copies of all treaties, conventions, and agreements to which the United States Government is a party and for which the Service has substantial responsibilities for implementation. Also included is a record copy of each memorandum of understanding executed between the Service and its counterpart agency abroad.

a.   Record copy of memorandum of understanding and associated legal and technical materials. (arranged by treaty)

Retention: PERMANENT. Offer to NARA when the agreement expires or is superseded.

b.   Copies of treaties, conventions, and agreements.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy when no longer needed.

c.   Material reflecting routine, repetitive, or housekeeping activities.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy when 3 yrs old or no longer needed.

CONT-510   Routine Procurement Files   (GRS/3/3A1A)

Contract, requisition, purchase order, lease, and bond and surety records, including correspondence and related papers pertaining to award, administration, receipt, inspection and payment (other than those covered in items 1 and 12).

a.   Procurement or purchase organization copy, and related papers.

a(1)   Transaction dated on or after July 3, 1995 (the effective date of the Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR) rule defining simplified acquisition threshold).

a(1)a   Transactions that exceed the simplified acquisition threshold and all construction contracts exceeding $2,000.

Rention: TEMPORARY. Destroy 6 years and 3 months after final payment.

a(1)b   Transactions at or below the simplified acquisition threshold and all construction contracts at or below $2,000.

Rention: TEMPORARY. Destroy 3 years after final payment.

c.   Other copies of records described above used by component elements of a procurement office for administrative purposes.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy upon termination or completion.

CONT-550   Duck Stamp Contest Agreements   (N1-022-05-01/136)

Display and participation agreement and reproduction rights agreement signed and submitted by artists entering the Federal Duck Stamp Contest. These agreements give the Federal Government the rights to display and license submitted artwork.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy 6 years after artwork is returned to artist.

Artwork is returned to artists after contest.

CONT-581   Administrative Claims Files   (GRS/6/10A)

a.   Claims against the United States. Records relating to claims against the United States for moneys that have been administratively (1) disallowed in full or (2) allowed in full or in part, and final payment of the amount awarded, EXCLUDING claims covered by subitem c. below.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy when 6 years, 3 months old.

CONT-610   State Fish and Wildlife Conservation Grant Case Files   (N1-022-05-01/93)

Grant case files for grants made to state and territory fish and wildlife departments funded by the excise taxes on sporting equipment and supplies authorized by 16 USC 669 and 16 USC 777. Grants are for conservation and restoration of wild birds, fish, and mammals, and to acquire, develop and manage habitats. Contains grant application, grant agreements, grant modifications, backup narrative documents, approval letter, reports, administrative correspondence, certifications, disbursement information, and final financial reports.

a.   Grant Case File.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy 6 years after completion of grant.

b.   Historical Grant Case Files. Grant case files selected annually by the project director as permanent because the grant established a precedent for changing policy, received extensive media coverage, was reviewed at length in USFWS annual report, and/or was the subject of extensive litigation.

Retention: PERMANENT. Transfer to NARA 6 years after grant is completed.

CONT-612   Wildlife and Habitat Conservation Grant Case Files   (N1-022-05-01/95)

Wildlife and habitat conservation grant project files for grants issued under the provisions of various Federal laws, treaties, and international conventions such as the Convention on Nature Protection and Wildlife Preservation in the Western Hemisphere, the National Coastal Wetlands Conservation Grant, the North American Wetlands Conservation Act, the Endangered Species Act, or in cooperation with another agency such as the United States Agency for International Development. These grants provide funds to promote conservation and to preserve, restore, or enhance wildlife habitat, but do not create real property conservation easements or other long-term Government rights and interests in real property (see "Habitat Conservation Real Property Grant Case Files" in this schedule). May include grant applications, grant modifications, grant reports, grant final products, administrative correspondence, certifications, and disbursement information.

a.   Grant Case File. Grant case file documents and materials that document the award and administration of grant.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy 6 years after completion of grant.

b.   Historical Grant Case Files. Grant case files selected annually by the project director as permanent because the grant established a precedent for changing policy, received extensive media coverage, was reviewed at length in USFWS annual report, and/or was the subject of extensive litigation.

Retention: PERMANENT. Transfer to NARA 6 years after grant is completed.

Unsuccessful grant applications and grant administration files are covered by the General Records Schedule. [GRS/3/13 and 14]

CONT-620   Grant Application Files   (N1-022-05-01/89)

Applications, memoranda, correspondence, and other records relating to the decision to accept grant proposals (i.e., staff, reviewer, and panelist comments); and correspondence between the staff and applicant.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Transfer application to appropriate grant case file upon acceptance.

Unsuccessful applications are covered by the General Records Schedule. [GRS/3/13]

CONT-625   Unsuccessful Grant Application Files   (GRS/3/13)

Applications, correspondence, and other records relating to unsuccessful (rejected or withdrawn) applications.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy 3 years after rejection or withdrawal.

CONT-630   Grant Administrative Files   (GRS/3/14)

Correspondence and/or subject files relating to routine operations and daily activities in administration of the grant program.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy when 2 years old.

CONT-632   General Correspondence Files   (GRS/3/2)

Correspondence files of operating procurement units concerning internal operation and administration matters not covered elsewhere in this schedule.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy when 2 years old.

CONT-634   Grant Tracking Databases   (N1-022-05-01/92)

Grant tracking databases not described elsewhere in this schedule. Databases containing information on grants pertinent to the activity maintaining the database. Contains grant amounts, grant numbers, proposal numbers, project officer name, and grant recipient. Databases are used as a grant administration management tool and are not used to initiate payments or revocations. Grant tracking databases include the Bird Habitat Conservation grants and proposals tracking database containing grant award and administration information including, grant and matching funds amounts, fiscal information, grantee name, location information, project type, accomplishments, current status, and land acquisition information.

a.   Input Documents. Draft working copies, summary sheets, copies of information, input forms, and other materials used solely as source data for database entries not required to be filed as records elsewhere.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy after data have been entered into the database and verified.

b.   Database Entries. Database records maintained within the database on an online system and regularly backed up to digital media.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Delete grant item entries at the end of each fiscal year for grants that have a completion or termination entry date 6 years old.

c.   Reports.

c(1)   Convenience and Reference Reports. Periodic and on demand reports printed to paper or digital media containing portions, summaries, and analyses of the data and used for convenience, reference, or distribution.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy when no longer needed.

c(2)   Record and Case File Reports. Periodic and on demand reports printed to paper or digital media containing portions, summaries, and analyses of the data and filed in a case file or as a record copy and used to document a program, activity, or decision.

Retention: Retain for the specified retention period of case file or records where reports are filed.

Unsuccessful grants and systems documentation are covered by the General Records Schedule.

CONT-636   Grant Tracking and Transaction Systems   (N1-022-05-01/91)

Grant tracking and transactions systems used to track grants and initiate payments and other grant transactions. Systems may also track and report grant number, grantee identification information, type of grant, performance reports, relevant dates, funding information, obligation and payment information, and summary accomplishment information. Grant tracking and transaction systems include the Federal Aid Information Management System (FAIMS) database that tracks Federal Aid grants and communicates with a Health and Human Services, USFWS electronic funds transfer server to make payments, and communicates with the DOI Federal Financial Service (FFS) automated system for fund status information.

a.   Input Documents. Draft working copies, summary sheets, copies of information, input forms, and other materials used solely as source data for database entries not required to be filed as records elsewhere.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy after data have been entered into the database and verified.

b.   Database Entries. Database records maintained within the database on an online system and regularly backed up to digital media.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Delete grant item entries at the end of each fiscal year for grants that have a completion or termination entry date 6 years old.

c.   Reports.

c(1)   Convenience and Reference Reports. Periodic and on demand reports printed to paper or digital media containing portions, summaries, and analyses of the data and used for convenience, reference, or distribution.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy when no longer needed.

c(2)   Record and Case File Reports. Periodic and on demand reports printed to paper or digital media containing portions, summaries, and analyses of the data and filed in a case file or as a record copy and used to document a program, activity, or decision.

Retention: Retain for the specified retention period of case file or records where reports are filed.

Systems documentation is covered by the General Records Schedule. [GRS 20/11A]

CONT-640   Grant Product Files   (N1-022-05-01/90)

Final products produced and delivered as part of a USFWS sponsored grant, such as artwork, photographs, training manuals, video tapes, reports, master's theses, audio tapes, and transcripts of radio shows.

a.   Grant Office Copy. Final grant product if delivered to grant program office as specified by grant agreement and used solely to document compliance with grant provisions.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy with grant case file 6 years after completion of grant.

b.   Program Office Copy.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy when 10 years old unless needed for further reference.

c.   Historical Final Products. Record copy of final grant product not otherwise delivered to program office, library, or other recipient. Final products selected annually by the project director as permanent because the product contains new research or conclusions, typifies a significant new method, documents a litigious process, received substantial media attention, or received substantial attention in USFWS annual report.

Retention: PERMANENT. Transfer to NARA 6 years after grant is completed.

CONT-651   Duck Stamp Contest System (DSCS)   (N1-022-05-01/138)

Database used to track National Duck Stamp Contest contestants' information and contest scoring. Includes name, address, entry number, game species, medium, entry fee money order or cashiers check number, and contact information. Also used to print mailing labels to return artwork. Database also contains a "Judging System" module that provides judges an entry form for scoring Duck Stamp Contest entries. The module records scoring results, calculates scoring points totals, and is used to produce reports.

a.   Input Documents. Working copies, copies of entry forms, and other materials used solely as source data for database entries.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy after data have been entered into the database and verified.

b.   Database Records. Database records maintained within the database on an online system and regularly backed up to digital media.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Delete entries 10 years after contest ends.

c.   Reports. Periodic and on demand reports printed to paper or digital media and used for reference and distribution.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy when 2 years old or when no longer needed, whichever is later.

Systems documentation is covered by the General Records Schedule. [GRS 20/11A]

CONT-652   Duck Stamp Contest Quarterly Royalty Report   (N1-022-05-01/137)

Duck stamp art royalties reports and documentation. Includes financial information, licensing agreement, terms and conditions, and other materials pertaining to licensing and collecting royalties.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Cutoff at end of year and destroy when 6 years old.

CONT-660   Habitat Conservation Real Property Grant Case Files   (N1-022-05-01/94)

Wildlife conservation grant project files for grants issued under the provisions of various Federal laws, treaties, and international conventions that acquire, restore, or preserve real property for wildlife habitat. These grants create a Federal long-term interest in the property in the form of an easement or other encumbrance. May include grant applications, grant modifications, grant reports, property assessments, copies of deeds, easement information, administrative correspondence, certifications, and disbursement information.

a.   Grant Case File. Grant case file documents and materials that document the award and administration of grant, excluding the documents necessary to document the Government's long-term rights and interests in grant associated real property.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy 6 years after completion of grant.

b.   Easement and Encumbrance Documents. Materials that document conservation easements or agreements that otherwise stipulate how property may and may not be used as a term of the grant. These materials document the Government's long-term rights and interests in the use of the property and may be filed separately from the grant case file.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy 6 years after final termination of easement or other encumbrance.

c.   Historical Grant Case Files. Grant case files selected annually by the project director as permanent because the grant established a precedent for changing policy, received extensive media coverage, was reviewed at length in USFWS annual report, and/or was the subject of extensive litigation and excluding the easement and encumbrance documents described in item (b) above.

Retention: PERMANENT. Remove any easement or other encumbrance documentation that is still applicable and file appropriately. Transfer remaining portion of file to NARA 15 years after grant is completed.

Unsuccessful grant applications and grant administration files are covered by the General Records Schedule. [GRS/3/13 and 14]

Enforcement (ENFR)

ENFR-100   Investigative Case File   (NC1-22-78-1/55)

Files are classified according to the fish and wildlife law violated. Each classification has its own identity code and each case thereunder is further individualized by a number assigned to it. A case file contains the name, address, place and date of birth, and any other appropriate information concerning one or more individuals being investigated as a result of a violation of any law for which the Service has enforcement responsibility. Also includes the results of investigative action.

a.   Paper records

a(1)   When reduced to microform.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy when accuracy of microform has been verified.

a(2)   When not reduced to microform.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Transfer to a Federal records center 5 yrs after close of case. Destroy 20 yrs after close of case.

b.   Microforms records.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy in Service 20 yrs after close of case.

ENFR-110   Law Enforcement Management Information System (LEMIS)   (N1-022-05-01/63)

Database on a server in Denver, Colorado, containing an import/ export declaration module and an investigations module. The import/ export declaration module contains summary information from the Declaration for Importation or Exportation of Fish or Wildlife form (Form 3-177) and process, including names, species, dates, and location. The investigations module contains information on Law Enforcement investigations including nature of investigations, names of parties, relevant dates, investigation synopsis, final adjudication, and case closure reports. Because the investigations module contains approval and authorization information it also has a project assignment and tracking function.

a.   Input Documents. Draft working copies, input forms, and other materials used solely as source data for database entries and not required to be filed as records elsewhere.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy after data have been entered into the database and verified.

b.   Database Records. Database records maintained within the database on an online system and regularly backed up to digital media.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Delete entries 20 years after case is closed.

c.   Reports.

c(1)   Convenience and Reference Reports. Periodic and on demand reports printed to paper or digital media containing portions, summaries, and analyses of the data and used for convenience, reference, or distribution.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy when no longer needed.

c(2)   Record and Case File Reports. Periodic and on demand reports printed to paper or digital media containing portions, summaries, and analyses of the data and filed in a case file or as a record copy and used to document a program, activity, or decision.

Retention: Retain for the specified retention period of case file or records where reports are filed.

Systems documentation is covered by the General Records Schedule. [GRS 20/11A]

ENFR-200   Special Operations Case Files   (N1-022-05-01/62)

Investigative case files for special operations. Special investigations are usually complex, national or international in scope, and investigations of the illegal commercial trade or take of protected species. Many investigations have a covert component.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy 20 years after case closes.

ENFR-300   Permit Violations Files   (NC1-22-78-1/18)

Files include correspondence, letters, memoranda, Congressional inquiries, reports, testimony, documentation of litigation process, and other substantive material relevant to determining whether or not an alleged violation has occurred and documenting action taken as the result of a confirmed violation.

a.   Proven violations.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Separate files into 1-year sets and transfer the sets 3 yrs after parties have exhausted all apparent legal recourse.

b.   Unproved violations.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy 3 yrs after that determination has been made.

ENFR-310   Complaint Violations Logs   (N1-022-05-01/59)

Log listing complaints sent to law enforcement offices about alleged violations of wildlife regulations and laws. Complaint is logged and sent to office or region for investigation. Nature of complaint and date are listed.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy 6 years after last entry.

Logs are usually maintained in regional or national office.

ENFR-320   Notice of Violations   (N1-022-05-01/64)

Copies of notice of violations issued for violations of various wildlife laws and regulations that are maintained separately from investigative case files. Official or record copies are usually maintained in the investigative files.

a.   Proven Violations.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Cutoff at end of the year after parties have exhausted all apparent legal recourse. Destroy 3 years after cutoff.

b.   Unproved Violations.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Cutoff at end of the year. Destroy 3 years after cutoff.

ENFR-400   Investigations, Washington Monitoring   (N1-022-05-01/60)

Copies of investigatory materials from investigations conducted in the regions that Headquarters is monitoring because of the nature of the investigation or the parties involved.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy 3 years after case is closed.

ENFR-410   Specific Authorizations   (N1-022-05-01/66)

Case file documenting the process for DOI Solicitor authorization to prosecute Native Americans for violations of fish and wildlife laws and regulations. Files contain a copy of the report of investigation.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Cutoff at end of the year after case closes. Destroy 10 years after cutoff.

Informational Services (INFO)

INFO-100   Publications   (N1-022-05-01/160)

Published records produced by or for the USFWS or any of its departments, programs, or offices and made available to the public. Publications are created to contribute to an understanding of the organization, functions, policies, and procedures of the Service. They may include one-time reports and studies, publications of policy-making significance, publications that address scientific or technical aspects related to the Service's mission, snapshots of Service Internet sites, technical bulletins, and publications created to educate the general public about the aims and activities of the USFWS (such as newsletters, periodicals, pamphlets, brochures, posters, and similar items).

a.   Record Copy, maintained by office of origin.

Retention: PERMANENT. Separate into five year sets and transfer to NARA when most recent publication is 5 years old.

b.   Other Copies.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy when superseded, obsolete, or no longer needed.

c.   Original graphics and working files which document the design and production of USFWS publications. May include working papers, mock-ups, art work, samples, camera ready copy, print requests, approvals, orders, and related documentation.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy 3 years after final product published, 3 years after project withdrawn, or when no longer needed for publication or reprinting, whichever is later.

INFO-113   Printing Project Files   (GRS/13/2)

Job or project records containing information relating to planning and execution of printing, binding, duplication, and distribution jobs.

a.   Files pertaining to the accomplishment of the job, containing requisitions, bills, samples, manuscript clearances, and related documents exclusive of (1) requisitions on the Public Printer and related records; and (2) records relating to services obtained outside the agency.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy 1 year after completion of job.

b.   Files pertaining to planning and other technical matters.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy when 3 years old.

INFO-120   Manuscript Files   (NC1-22-78-1/61)

Files contain informational reports, instructional materials, scientific or technical treaties, periodic survey, or narrative reports except as other wise specified in this schedule. Manuscripts of published materials are of value only so far as they aid in verifying the accuracy of the associated publications and that purpose is served within a specific period of time.

a.   Manuscripts of published materials.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy 2 yrs after publication.

b.   Manuscripts of unpublished materials, and materials by Service employees published under private or other auspices. (arranged alphabetically by title)

Retention: PERMANENT. Separate file into 1-year sets and transfer the set to a Federal records center when it is 3 years old. Offer the set to NARA when it is 8 yrs old.

INFO-202   FOIA Administrative Files   (GRS/14/15)

Records relating to the general agency implementation of the FOIA, including notices, memoranda, routine correspondence, and related records.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy when 2 years old.

INFO-210   FOIA Requests Files   (GRS/14/11)

Files created in response to requests for information under the FOIA, consisting of the original request, a copy of the reply thereto, and all related supporting files which may include the official file copy of requested record or copy thereof.

a.   Correspondence and supporting documents (EXCLUDING the official file copy of the records requested if filed herein).

a(1)   Granting access to all the requested records.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy 2 years after date of reply.

a(2)   Responding to requests for nonexistent records; to requesters who provide inadequate descriptions; and to those who fail to pay agency reproduction fees.

a(2)a   Request not appealed.

Rention: TEMPORARY. Destroy 2 years after date of reply.

a(2)b   Request appealed.

Rention: Destroy as authorized under Item FOIA Appeals Files.

a(3)   Denying access to all or part of the records requested.

a(3)a   Request not appealed.

Rention: TEMPORARY. Destroy 6 years after date of reply.

a(3)b   Request appealed.

Rention: Destroy as authorized under Item FOIA Appeals Files.

b.   Official file copy of requested records.

Retention: Dispose of in accordance with approved agency disposition instructions for the related records or with the related FOIA request, whichever is later.

INFO-222   FOIA Appeals Files   (GRS/14/12)

Files created in responding to administrative appeals under the FOIA for release of information denied by the agency, consisting of the appellant's letter, a copy of the reply thereto, and related supporting documents, which may include the official file copy of records under appeal or copy thereof.

a.   Correspondence and supporting documents (EXCLUDING the file copy of the records under appeal if filed herein).

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy 6 years after final determination by agency, 6 years after the time at which a requester could file suit, or 3 years after final adjudication by the courts, whichever is later.

b.   Official file copy of records under appeal.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Dispose of in accordance with approved agency disposition instructions for the related record or with the related FOIA request, whichever is later.

INFO-240   FOIA Control Files   (GRS/14/13A)

Files maintained for control purposes in responding to requests, including registers and similar records listing date, nature, and purpose of request and name and address of requester.

a.   Registers or listing.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy 6 years after date of last entry.

INFO-311   Privacy Act Requests Files   (GRS/14/21)

Files created in response to requests from individuals to gain access to their records or to any information in the records pertaining to them, as provided for under 5 U.S.C. 552a(d)(1). Files contain original request, copy of reply thereto, and all related supporting documents, which may include the official file copy of records requested or copy thereof.

a.   Correspondence and supporting documents (EXCLUDING the official file copy of the records requested if filed herein).

a(1)   Granting access to all the requested records.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy 2 years after date of reply.

a(2)   Responding to requests for nonexistent records; to requesters who provide inadequate descriptions; and to those who fail to pay agency reproduction fees.

a(2)a   Requests not appealed.

Rention: TEMPORARY. Destroy 2 years after date of reply.

a(2)b   Requests appealed.

Rention: TEMPORARY. Destroy as authorized under "Privacy Act Amendment Case Files."

a(3)   Denying access to all or part of the records requested.

a(3)a   Requests not appealed.

Rention: TEMPORARY. Destroy 5 years after date of reply.

a(3)b   Requests appealed.

Rention: TEMPORARY. Destroy as authorized under "Privacy Act Amendment Case Files."

b.   Official file copy of requested records.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Dispose of in accordance with approved agency disposition instructions for the related records or with the related Privacy Act request, whichever is later.

INFO-313   Privacy Act Amendment Case Files   (GRS/14/22)

Files relating to an individual's request to amend a record pertaining to that individual as provided for under 5 U.S.C. 552a(d)(2); to the individual's request for a review of an agency's refusal of the individual's request to amend a record as provided for under 5 U.S.C. 552a(d)(3); and to any civil action brought by the individual against the refusing agency as provided under 5 U.S.C. 552a(g).

a.   Requests to amend agreed to by agency. Includes individual's requests to amend and/or review refusal to amend, copies of agency's replies thereto, and related materials.

Retention: Dispose of in accordance with the approved disposition instructions for the related subject individual's record or 4 years after agency's agreement to amend, whichever is later.

b.   Requests to amend refused by agency. Includes individual's requests to amend and to review refusal to amend, copies of agency's replies thereto, statement of disagreement, agency justification for refusal to amend a record, and related materials.

Retention: Dispose of in accordance with the approved disposition instructions for the related subject individual's record, 4 years after final determination by agency, or 3 years after final adjudication by courts, whichever is later.

c.   Appealed requests to amend. Includes all files created in responding to appeals under the Privacy Act for refusal by any agency to amend a record.

Retention: Dispose of in accordance with the approved disposition instructions for related subject individual's record or 3 years after final adjudication by courts, whichever is later.

INFO-410   Litigation Case Files   (NC1-22-78-1/59)

Includes nonrecord copies of correspondence, letters and memoranda, and all other substantive materials concerning any lawsuit in which the Service is a participant. The responsibility for maintenance of record material in this series rests with the Department of the Interior.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy 5 years after all parties have exhausted all apparent legal recourse.

INFO-415   Administrative Records (Legal)   (N1-022-05-01/96)

Administrative record compiled and delivered to the Department of Justice as part of the litigation process, comprising a non-record copy set of information assembled to document how and why a contested or controversial action or decision was made by USFWS. The administrative record is organized and arranged per legal protocol and includes an index.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy after final adjudication and expiration of all appeal periods.

INFO-420   Legal Decision Files   (NC1-22-78-1/57)

Include nonrecord copies of correspondence with and decisions of the Attorney General, the Comptroller General, the Solicitor of the Department of the Interior, and Regional Solicitors of the Department of the Interior regarding legal issues of interest to the Service. Regional files are restricted to decisions concerning or of interest to the Regional area. The responsibility for maintenance of record material in this series rests with the Department of the Interior and other higher authority.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy when obsolete, superseded, or otherwise canceled.

INFO-511   Press Service Files   (GRS/14/3)

Press service teletype news and similar materials.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy when 3 months old.

INFO-521   Official News Releases   (N1-022-05-01/159)

Official USFWS news releases issued for public dissemination.

a.   Record Copy, maintained by office of origin.

Retention: PERMANENT. Cutoff annually. Separate into 5 year sets and transfer to NARA when most recent record is 5 years old.

b.   Other copies.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy when no longer needed.

INFO-531   Public Relations Project Files   (N1-022-05-01/158)

Documents outreach, communication, and related public relations activities by USFWS for educational or informational purposes, or to communicate information about programs, policies, services, and events related to the mission of the Service. Records may also document liaison activities with other Federal and state agencies, national and regional conservation organizations, educational institutions, youth groups, and other similar organizations. May include outreach requests, event planning documentation, documentation of media coverage and advertising, copies of mailing lists, follow-up evaluations, copies of outreach materials, correspondence, and related documentation.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy when 3 years old.

INFO-580   Speeches and Comments   (N1-022-05-01/161)

Documents speeches or comments delivered by the Director or other high-ranking agency officials on substantive topics relating to the mission, programs, or activities of USFWS.

a.   Record Copy, maintained by office of origin.

Retention: PERMANENT. Cutoff annually. Separate into 5 year sets and transfer to NARA when most recent record is 5 years old.

b.   Other copies.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy when no longer needed.

INFO-610   Still Photographs and Images - USFWS Mission-Related   (N1-022-05-01/165)

Still photographs and images created, commissioned, or acquired by USFWS and illustrating or documenting USFWS programs, activities, or interests. This item does not cover photographs and images specifically scheduled or incorporated in another records series.

a.   Photographs and images used to document substantive and mission-related USFWS activities, and having long-term value after completion of the purpose for which they were created, including official portraits of USFWS Directors and other senior management. Long-term value may be created if the photographs or images document or illustrate an activity or subject that is a precedent or basis for a significant policy change, is involved in extensive litigation, receives widespread media attention, is widely recognized as unique by specialists or authorities outside the government, documents or illustrates a rare species or rare species behavior, or is reviewed at length in the USFWS annual report.

a(1)   Black-and-white and color negative photography.

Retention: PERMANENT. Transfer original negative and a captioned print to NARA in 5-year sets when the most recent are 5 years old.

a(2)   Color transparency and slide photography.

Retention: PERMANENT. Transfer captioned original transparency or slide to NARA in 5-year sets when the most recent are 5 years old.

a(3)   Digital photographs.

Retention: PERMANENT. Transfer captioned copy to NARA 1 year after completion or termination of activity or purpose for which the digital photograph was created. Consult with NARA to determine acceptable format for transfer.

b.   Still photographs and images used to facilitate or illustrate USFWS actives and programs not having the long-term value to warrant sufficient annotation and long-term retention after completion of the purpose for which they were created.

Retention: Retain for the retention period of the case file or records that the images illustrate or until superseded or obsolete, whichever is sooner.

c.   Still photographs and images created for the purpose of selecting the best quality image(s) necessary to document the subject but not selected as a record copy under categories a and b above.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy 90 days after record copy selected or when no longer needed.

INFO-620   Audio Recordings - USFWS Mission-Related   (N1-022-05-01/163)

Audio recordings created, commissioned, or acquired by USFWS and illustrating or documenting USFWS programs, activities, or interests. This item does not cover audio recordings specifically scheduled or incorporated in another records series.

a.   Audio recordings used to document substantive and mission-related USFWS activities, and having long-term value after completion of the purpose for which they were created. Long-term value may be created if the audio recordings document or illustrate an activity or subject that is a precedent or basis for a significant policy change, is involved in extensive litigation, receives widespread media attention, is widely recognized as unique by specialists or authorities outside the government, documents or illustrates a rare species or rare species behavior, or is reviewed at length in the USFWS annual report.

Retention: PERMANENT. Cutoff at end of the year in which original no longer needed for duplication purposes. Transfer original or earliest generation of recording and a dubbing to NARA in 3-year sets when the most recent are 3 years old.

b.   Audio recordings used to facilitate or illustrate USFWS actives and programs not having the long-term value to warrant sufficient annotation and long-term retention after completion of the purpose for which they were created.

Retention: Retain for the retention of the case file or records that the audio recordings document or until superseded or obsolete, whichever is sooner.

c.   Audio recordings created for the purpose of selecting the best quality audio recording(s) necessary to document the subject but not selected as a record copy under categories a and b above.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy 90 days after records copy selected under categories a and b above.

INFO-630   Motion Pictures - USFWS Mission-Related   (N1-022-05-01/157)

Motion pictures created, commissioned, or acquired by USFWS and illustrating or documenting USFWS programs, activities, or interests. This item does not cover motion pictures specifically scheduled or incorporated in another records series.

a.   Motion picture films used to document substantive and mission-related USFWS activities, and having long-term value after completion of the purpose for which they were created. Long-term value may be created if the motion pictures document or illustrate an activity or subject that is a precedent or basis for a significant policy change, is involved in extensive litigation, receives widespread media attention, is widely recognized as unique by specialists or authorities outside the government, documents or illustrates a rare species or rare species behavior, or is reviewed at length in the USFWS annual report.

Retention: PERMANENT. Transfer the original negative or color original plus separate optical sound track; an intermediate master positive or duplicate negative plus optical sound track; and a sound projection print to NARA when no longer needed for duplication.

b.   Motion picture films used to facilitate or illustrate USFWS actives and programs not having the long-term value to warrant sufficient annotation and long-term retention after completion of the purpose for which they were created.

Retention: Retain for the retention of the case file or records the motion pictures illustrate or until superseded or obsolete, whichever is sooner.

c.   Motion picture films created for the purpose of selecting the best quality film necessary to document the subject but not selected as a record copy under categories a and b above.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy 90 after record copy selected or when no longer needed.

INFO-640   Video Recordings - USFWS Mission-Related   (N1-022-05-01/164)

Video recordings created, commissioned, or acquired by USFWS and illustrating or documenting USFWS programs, activities, or interests. This item does not cover video recordings specifically scheduled or incorporated in another records series.

a.   Video recordings used to document substantive and mission-related USFWS activities, and having long-term value after completion of the purpose for which they were created. Long-term value may be created if the video recordings document or illustrate an activity or subject that is a precedent or basis for a significant policy change, is involved in extensive litigation, receives widespread media attention, is widely recognized as unique by specialists or authorities outside the government, documents or illustrates a rare species or rare species behavior, or is reviewed at length in the USFWS annual report.

Retention: PERMANENT. Cutoff at end of year in which original no longer needed for duplication purposes. Transfer original or earliest generation of recording and a dubbing to NARA in 3-year sets when most recent records are 3 years old.

b.   Video recordings used to facilitate or illustrate USFWS actives and programs not having the long-term value to warrant sufficient annotation and long-term retention after completion of the purpose for which they were created.

Retention: Retain for the retention of the case file or records that the video recordings illustrate or until superseded or obsolete, whichever is sooner.

c.   Video recordings created for the purpose of selecting the best quality video recording(s) necessary to document the subject but not selected as a record copy under categories a and b above.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy 90 days after record copy selected or when no longer needed.

INFO-650   Audiovisual Finding Aids and Production Documentation Files   (NC1-22-78-1/46)

Consists of existing finding aids such as data sheets, shot lists, catalogs, indices, and other textual documentation necessary for the proper identification, retrieval, and use of the related audiovisual records as well as production case files or similar files which include copies of production contracts, scripts transcripts, or other documentation bearing on the origin, acquisition, release, or ownership of audiovisual productions made by or on behalf of the Service.

Retention: Disposition should be made in accordance with instructions governing the audiovisual records to which these files relate.

INFO-710   Public Comments Files   (N1-022-05-01/131)

Public comments received in response to Federal Register notices on proposed permit and regulation activities.

a.   Comments Filed Separately. Public comments files filed separately and not as part of a project or case file.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy when 10 years old.

b.   Comments Filed in a Case File. Public comments files filed as part of a project or case file.

Retention: Retain for the specified retention period of case file or project records.

This addresses public comments filed separately from "Rules and Regulations" case files, in this schedule.

INFO-720   Public Comments Databases   (N1-022-05-01/126)

Policy development public comments databases that track public comments regarding proposed policies. Includes such items as comment number, date received, category of comment or question, name of individual or organization submitting the comment, and type of responder (individual or organization type).

a.   Input Documents. Draft working copies, copies pubic comments, input forms, and other materials used solely as source data for database entries.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy after data have been entered into the database and verified.

b.   Database Records. Database records maintained within the database on an online system and regularly backed up to digital media.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Delete entries when 10 years old.

c.   Reports.

c(1)   Convenience and Reference Reports. Periodic and on demand reports printed to paper or digital media containing portions, summaries, and analyses of the data and used for convenience, reference, or distribution.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy when no longer needed.

c(2)   Record and Case File Reports. Periodic and on demand reports printed to paper or digital media containing portions, summaries, and analyses of the data and filed in a case file or as a record copy and used to document a program, activity, or decision.

Retention: Retain for the specified retention period of case file or records where reports are filed.

Systems documentation is covered by the General Records Schedule. [GRS 20/11A]

INFO-750   Legislative Action File   (NC1-22-78-1/58)

File documents legislative action from date the Service becomes involved until the bill does or does not become law. File includes nonrecord materials created by Service personnel such as studies and position papers addressing a proposed piece of legislation, and materials created by others such as record of floor action, final bill enrollment, a copy of proposed and final public law. The responsibility for maintenance of record material in this series rests with the Department of the Interior.

a.   For enacted legislation.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Separate file into 2-year sets and transfer set to a Federal records center when it is 2 yrs old. Destroy the set when it is 8 yrs old.

b.   For unenacted legislation.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy material when it is no longer needed.

Listing and Recovery (LIST)

LIST-110   Endangered and Threatened Species Files   (N1-022-05-01/54)

Record includes correspondence, letters and memoranda, internal direction, reports, studies, analyses of raw data, and other substantive technical or scientific documentation utilized in the screening and monitoring of candidate species and conducting status surveys to determine which species should be listed as threatened or endangered, and in the listing, delisting, or reclassifying of associated species.

a.   Listing Case File. Case files documenting the placing of a species on the threatened and endangered species lists.

Retention: PERMANENT. Transfer to NARA when 20 years old.

b.   Delisting Case File. Case files documenting the removal of a species from the threatened and endangered species lists.

Retention: PERMANENT. Transfer to NARA when 20 years old.

c.   Reclassification Case File. Case files documenting a listing status change for a species moved from the threatened to endangered or endangered to threatened species lists.

Retention: PERMANENT. Transfer to NARA when 20 years old.

d.   Prelisting and Candidate Case Files. Case files documenting activities and research conducted while considering whether to place a species on the threatened or endangered species list.

d(1)   Listed Species.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Combine relevant portions with listing case file and destroy remaining portions 10 years after that.

d(2)   Unlisted Species.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy file 20 years after last activity.

LIST-121   Listing Petition Case Files   (N1-022-05-01/56)

Petitions filed to list species as endangered or to delist species. Petitions are evaluated and may initiate a review of a species status, if warranted. Original petitions are sent to the region with the leadership responsibility for the species evaluation. Files may include findings.

a.   Petitions determined to warrant review.

Retention: PERMANENT. Transfer to NARA when 20 years old.

b.   Petitions determined not to warrant review and withdrawn petitions.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy when 10 years old.

LIST-125   Threatened and Endangered Species System   (N1-022-05-01/58)

USFWS's national Threatened and Endangered Species System (TESS) and successor databases that track and report upon endangered species petitions, listing history, surname tracking, species information, Federal Register notices, petitions, recovery plans, and related litigation.

a.   Input Documents. Draft working copies, copies of costs estimates, copies of budget information, input forms, and other materials used solely as a source data for database entries.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy after data have been entered into the database and verified.

b.   Database Records. Database records maintained within the database on an online system and regularly backed up to digital media.

Retention: PERMANENT. Transfer a "snapshot" copy of the Master File to NARA at 5 year intervals. The initial transfer of data will take place within 5 years of the approval of this schedule.

c.   Reports.

c(1)   Convenience and Reference Reports. Periodic and on demand reports printed to paper or digital media containing portions, summaries, and analyses of the data and used for convenience, reference, or distribution.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy when no longer needed.

c(2)   Record and Case File Reports. Periodic and on demand reports printed to paper or digital media containing portions, summaries, and analyses of the data and filed in a case file or as a record copy and used to document a program, activity, or decision.

Retention: Retain for the specified retention period of case file or records where reports are filed.

d.   Systems Documentation. Data systems specifications, file specifications, codebooks, record layouts, user guides, and output specifications (regardless of medium) relating to this electronic records keeping system.

Retention: PERMANENT. Transfer a copy of current systems documentation to NARA with system snapshot.

LIST-150   Species Management Administrative Files   (N1-022-05-01/150)

Administrative files kept on USFWS's species management activities for species USFWS has an interest in, or an authority for, other than the Endangered Species Act, such as the Marine Mammal Protection Act of 1972 and the Wild Bird Conservation Act of 1992. Includes previous years' budgets, copies of conservation and recovery plans, copies of program initiatives, and Federal Register notice files.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Cutoff at end of the year and destroy when 5 years old.

LIST-151   Species Management Files   (N1-022-05-01/151)

Case files documenting USFWS involvement with species USFWS has an interest in, or an authority for, other than the Endangered Species Act, such as the Marine Mammal Protection Act of 1972 and Wild Bird Conservation Act of 1992. Includes briefing statements, reviews of legal settlements, legislative development case files, Federal Register notification files, conservation efforts, records for meetings attended by USFWS staff on unusual mortality for marine mammals and marine mammal stranding panels, networks, events, and response activities..

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy when 40 years old.

LIST-160   Critical Habitat Case Files   (N1-022-05-01/53)

Case file or package supporting decision to designate a critical habitat under the Endangered Species Act. Includes scientific and technical reference, general background and reference materials, maps, legal descriptions of land, public notification information, public comments, and final or proposed listing package.

a.   Designation Case Files.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy 20 years after designation is revoked or otherwise cancelled.

b.   Revocation Case Files. Case files documenting the decision and action to revoke the critical habitat designation for a species or specific geographical areas.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy 20 years after completion of revocation.

c.   No Designation Case Files. Case files documenting the consideration process for a critical habitat designation where there was no designation of a critical habitat.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy 5 years after last activity.

LIST-310   Endangered Species Recovery Plan Files   (NC1-22-78-1/13)

Includes correspondence, letters and memoranda, internal direction, reports, studies, analyses of raw data, and other substantive technical or scientific documentation used in the development and implementation of recovery plans for the restoration of endangered native species. These plans include but are not necessarily limited to proposals for corrective measures and recommendations for land acquisition, management actions, and other efforts designed to enhance the status of a particular species.

a.   Approved Plans. (arranged by species)

Retention: PERMANENT. Separate files into 1-year sets and transfer set to Federal Records Center when it is 4 yrs old. Offer set to NARA 5 yrs after transfer to the Federal Records Center.

b.   Material that supports the development and implementation of a specific plan, including preliminary and draft plans.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy 3 yrs after the goals of the plan are achieved; the plan is superseded or otherwise rendered obsolete.

c.   Material that reflects repetitive, routine, or housekeeping-type activities.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy when 3 yrs old or no longer needed.

LIST-410   Restoration Plan Case Files   (N1-022-05-01/44)

Documents the involvement of USFWS in planning efforts for restoration activities usually through cooperative efforts with other organizations. May include correspondence site plans, development stages, monitoring documentation, project funding records, progress reports, environmental impact statements, internal compliance documents, final products, maps, photo documentation, and other supporting materials. Projects may result in the development of cooperative agreements or grants and include package application, cooperative agreement with any modifications, financial information, landowner agreements, environmental compliance documents, correspondence, quarterly reports, monitoring information, outreach materials, maps, photo documentation, and related documentation.

a.   Final plan and subsequent modifications.

Retention: PERMANENT. Transfer to NARA when 10 years old.

b.   Plan development files.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy 10 years after completion of plan.

LIST-500   State Tagger Program Files   (N1-022-05-01/112)

Documents communication and agreements with state fur and tagger programs to identify individual animals listed as endangered species. May include correspondence, agreements, tagging reports, statistics, and related documentation.

a.   Agreements.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy 6 years after agreement terminates.

b.   Other Records.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy when 6 years old.

LIST-900   Species Reference Files   (N1-022-05-01/57)

Reference and information file on threatened, endangered, and other species of interest to USFWS. Includes reports, publications, scientific and technical journal articles, copies of correspondence and memoranda, and other reference materials relating to specific species. These files are technical reference files for species and do not contain any decision or activity specific documentation.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Review annually and destroy superseded and obsolete materials.

These files should not be used to document USFWS activities or decisions.

Management (MNGT)

MNGT-100   Delegations of Authority   (NC1-22-78-1/02)

Correspondence relating to delegation of authority to the Director, Associate Directors, Assistant Directors, Regional Directors, Area Managers, and Project Leaders and all other officials to assume certain operational functions, to sign agreements, memoranda of understanding, contracts, and other binding documents without further approval.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy all copies 2 yrs after expiration. General Records Schedules Nos. 3, 4, and 6 as they relate to GAO audit requirements, take precedence over the disposition instructions stated.

MNGT-210   Briefing Statements   (N1-022-05-01/02)

Documents statements created by USFWS offices intended to brief region level and higher echelon management about Service actions, activities, and issues.

Retention: PERMANENT. Transfer to NARA when 20 years old.

MNGT-211   Activity Report Files   (NC1-22-78-1/45)

Periodic reports addressing varying periods of time submitted to no higher level than Associate/Assistant Director in either the Headquarters Office or Regional Offices by subordinate managers or supervisors. These reports are used to describe in varying detail accomplishments, objectives, plans, goals, and requirements. They may address technical, scientific or administrative issues but have as their purpose the providing of information for management use. Often the information provided is used in the preparation of broader-based reports to higher authority. While these reports can have enduring value, the activity reports themselves do not, except as reference material for Service personnel.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Separate files into 1 years sets and transfer the set to a Federal Records Center when 3 yrs old. Destroy the set when it is 7 yrs old.

MNGT-212   Natural Area Files   (NC1-22-78-1/86)

Includes correspondence, letters and memoranda, cartographic material, designation proposals, decision memoranda, and other material relative to the establishment or disestablishment by the Director of specific parcels of Service land as natural areas. (arranged by natural area).

Retention: PERMANENT. Transfer to a Federal records center 2 yrs after establishment or disestablishment decision. Offer to NARA 5 yrs after that decision.

MNGT-213   Managerial Studies, Reports and Supporting Papers   (NC1-22-78-1/60)

Record consists of studies and reports including supporting documentation, prepared as required by or on behalf of the Service for purposes deemed sufficient by the requestor. The studies and reports may address technical, scientific or administrative topics. They are prepared for essentially managerial as opposed to technical, scientific or administrative topics. They are prepared for essentially managerial as opposed to technical or scientific purposes.

a.   Final iterations of studies or reports that contribute significantly to policy and procedural decisions made by senior Service personnel. (arranged alphabetically by title)

Retention: PERMANENT. Separate files into 1-year sets and transfer the set to a Federal records center when it is 5 yrs old. Offer to NARA when it is 8 yrs old.

b.   All other records in this series.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Separate file into 1-year sets and transfer to a Federal records center when the set is 3 yrs old. Destroy the set when it is 7 yrs old.

MNGT-214   Equipment Utilization Records   (NC1-22-78-1/48)

Files document the use, operation, support and management of major pieces of support equipment including, but not limited to aircraft, boats, bulldozers, and like machinery. Files may include both raw data and any reports produced from that data.

a.   Raw data.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy when appropriate report has been prepared or when data is 4 yrs old.

b.   Reports.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy 3 yrs after preparation.

MNGT-215   Economic Compliance Record   (N1-022-05-01/127)

Reports submitted to DOI containing the determination of economic consequences of USFWS recommendations and proposed regulations. Contains background information, determination of major or minor impact, and certification. Completed under the provisions of OMB requirements as mandated by Executive Orders 12866 and 12291.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy with the policy directive case file to which record pertains

MNGT-216   International Country File   (NC1-22-78-1/52)

Includes materials relating to Service activities abroad including biographical data on individual participants, trip and project status reports, specific scientific information, and project status reports specific scientific information, and substantive communications, including message traffic and letter between the Service and its foreign counterparts.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy when 7 yrs old or no longer needed.

MNGT-250   Program Evaluation Files   (NC1-22-78-1/81)

Includes letters and memoranda, evaluations of program status, associated studies and reports, and any other substantive documentation that reflects the status of a particular program or facet thereof.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy when 5 yrs old or when no longer needed.

MNGT-260   Patent Case Files   (N1-022-05-01/200)

Copies of reports of inventions, employee suggestions for patents, decisions, applications, agreements, and related material necessary to a patent case.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy when 10 years old or when no longer needed for administrative purposes, whichever comes first.

MNGT-300   Organizational Records   (NC1-22-78-1/66)

Case files include the record copy of reports, studies, and other substantive materials that document decisions made by senior Service officials regarding organizational structure, manpower requirements, functional responsibilities, and related policy areas. Also included are organizational charts, functional statements, and other similarly significant materials. (arranged alphabetically by title)

a.   Record copy.

Retention: PERMANENT. Separate files into 2-year sets and transfer the set to a Federal records center when 3 years old. Offer to NARA 5 years after transfer to the records center.

b.   All other copies

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy when they are no longer needed.

MNGT-320   A-76 Policy and Procedures Files   (N1-022-05-01/11)

Correspondence and other records relating to policies and procedures for acquiring commercial or industrial-type products and services needed by USFWS.

a.   Correspondence and other records relating to USFWS policies and procedures for implementing Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular A-76.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Cut off when superseded or obsolete. Destroy 1 year after cutoff.

b.   Inventory submissions to OMB, inventory notices for the Federal Register, and related material.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Cut off annually. Destroy when 2 years old.

c.   Copies of OMB Circular A-76, implementing instructions, and related materials issued outside of USFWS.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy when superseded, obsolete, or no longer needed for reference.

MNGT-321   A-76 Studies   (N1-022-05-01/12)

Correspondence, working papers, tabulations, and other records relating to individual reviews of USFWS commercial or industrial-type activities and to productivity reviews required under OMB Circular A-76. Procurement files related to A-76 solicitations are filed in the designated program procurement file.

a.   Case files maintained by office conducting the study.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Cut off upon completion of study. Destroy when 7 years old.

b.   Records maintained by the Office of the Inspector General (OIG) as part of independent review process.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy when 7 years old.

c.   Records maintained by other offices, including information copies and background material.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Cut off upon completion of study. Destroy when 2 years old.

MNGT-330   Local Operating Procedures Files   (NC1-22-78-1/08)

Instructions issued in the form of letters or memoranda at divisional or lower level in Headquarters or in field offices which govern routine operations accomplished at the level of issuance. These instructions provide standardized methods for performing activities of either an administrative or functional nature.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Review annually. Destroy when obsolete, superseded, or otherwise canceled.

MNGT-400   Program Management Document File   (NC1-22-78-1/82)

a.   Program Management Documents (PMD) describe the long-range program policies and goals of the Service . As such they are the principal source of guidance in the areas of policy, budget, and programmatic development. The PMD addresses a five to ten year time frame, is reviewed annually, and is updated as required. The PMD is issued by each national program manger with the concurrence of the Director. (arranged alphabetically by program)

a(1)   Record copy.

Retention: PERMANENT. Separate files into 4-year sets and offer the set to NARA when it is 2 yrs old.

a(2)   All other copies.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy when no longer needed.

b.   Substantive documentation - correspondence, studies, reports, narrative statements, other data - associated with the development of the PMD.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy when 5 yrs old or when no longer needed.

MNGT-401   Conservation Accomplishment Tracking Databases   (N1-022-05-01/38)

Databases used as management reporting tools and which contain information on habitat improvement, financial information, habitat monitoring, and technical assistance, such as the HabITS database.

a.   Input Documents. Input forms, copies of correspondence, notes, e-mails, and other materials used solely to enter information in the database.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy after data have been entered into the database and verified.

b.   Database Entries. Database records maintained within the database or automated system on an online system and regularly backed up to digital media.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Delete entries when 10 years old.

c.   Reports.

c(1)   Convenience and Reference Reports. Periodic and on-demand reports printed to paper or digital media containing portions, summaries, and analyses of the data and used for convenience, reference, or distribution.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy when no longer needed.

c(2)   Record and Case File Reports. Periodic and on-demand reports printed to paper or digital media containing portions, summaries, and analyses of the data and filed in a case file or as a record copy and used to document a program, activity, or decision.

Retention: Retain for the specified retention period of the case file or records where reports are filed.

Systems documentation is covered by the General Records Schedule. [GRS 20/11A]

MNGT-500   Policy Development Files   (N1-022-05-01/130)

Policy development case files. Records documenting major revision of USFWS policies. Records may include planning and step down plans, biological integrity studies and recommendations, draft copies of policies with internal review comments, minutes of meetings, transcripts of public hearings, working and reference materials on policy development, Federal Register notices, public comments, and proposed policies. Plans and policies may or may not be formally adopted into the Code of Federal Regulations.

a.   Adopted Policies.

a(1)   Policy Masters. Case file containing one copy of each adopted policy with relevant clearance or approval document.

Retention: PERMANENT. Transfer to NARA when 20 years old.

a(2)   Case Files. Development files and background information for policies that are adopted and published in USFWS Manual, the Code of Federal Regulations, or other USFWS-wide policy documents.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy 10 years after policy is adopted.

b.   Policies not Adopted. Development files for policies that are not adopted or published in USFWS Manual, the Code of Federal Regulations, or other USFWS-wide policy documents.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy 5 years after last activity.

MNGT-510   Policy Documents   (N1-022-05-01/07)

Record copies of policies, rules, director's orders, USFWS manual chapters, directives, instructions, manuals, handbooks, and associated substantive documentation.

Retention: PERMANENT. Transfer to NARA when 10 years old.

MNGT-515   Executive Orders and Proclamations Files   (NC1-22-78-1/04)

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy when obsolete, superseded, or otherwise no longer of value.

MNGT-520   Rules and Regulations   (NC1-22-78-1/11)

Rules and regulations are initiated by the Service and printed in the Federal Register for comment. Final rules and regulations are again printed in the Register and regulations ultimately included in the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR). The record of this process includes correspondence, minutes of meetings, transcripts of public hearing, copies of rules and regulations, and other related substantive materials.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Separate files into 1-year sets and transfer set to the Federal Records Center when it is 3 yrs old. Destroy set when it is 10 yrs old.

MNGT-530   Regulation Tracking Databases and Logs   (N1-022-05-01/128)

Logs and databases used to number and track proposed USFWS regulations. Regulations are for publication in the Code of Federal Regulations and may, or may not, become final rules. Databases and logs list regulation identifier number, regulation, and USFWS division proposing rule. Includes the Regulation Identifier Number (RIN) Log.

a.   Input Documents. Draft working copies, input forms, and other materials used solely as source data for database and log entries.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy after data have been entered into the database and verified.

b.   Database and Log Records. Database records maintained within the database on an online system and regularly backed up to digital media.

b(1)   Adopted Regulations

Retention: TEMPORARY. Delete entries 6 years after regulation is adopted.

b(2)   Unadopted Regulations

Retention: TEMPORARY. Delete entries 6 years after entry.

c.   Reports. Periodic and on demand reports printed to paper or digital media and used for reference and distribution.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy when 2 years old or when no longer needed, whichever is later.

Systems documentation is covered by the General Records Schedule. [GRS 20/11A]

MNGT-540   Western Hemisphere Convention File   (NC1-22-78-1/77)

File includes correspondence and other records concerning the creation, development, and implementation of the convention on Nature Protection and Wildlife Preservation in the Western Hemisphere of 1940

a.   Material relating to policy creation, development, and implementation. (arranged numerically by subject-numeric code)

a(1)   Record copy

Retention: PERMANENT. Separate file into 2-year sets and offer the set to NARA when it is 5 yrs old.

a(2)   All other copies

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy when no longer needed.

b.   Material reflecting repetitive, routine, or housekeeping activities.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy when 3 yrs old or when no longer needed.

Permits (PERM)

PERM-110   Title 50 Certificates   (N1-022-05-01/114)

Documents the application and certification by USFWS of fish pathologists under the provision of 50 CFR 15.13. Once certified, fish pathologists can certify that imported live or unprocessed dead fish are disease free.

a.   Approved Certifications.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy 3 years after certification expires.

b.   Denied Applications.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy 1 year after final determination.

PERM-120   Conservation Agreements   (N1-022-05-01/39)

Agreements between USFWS and landowners for preservation of habitat or species. Contains conditions and terms for preservation requirements on behalf of the landowner and assurances from the USFWS that conditions and terms of agreement will still apply even if species status changes. May include associated permits.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy 6 years after termination of agreement and expiration of any associated permit and applicable conditions.

PERM-125   Conservation Easements   (N1-022-05-01/40)

Conservation easements and associated records documenting legally binding restrictions on allowable uses upon a parcel of land in exchange for a tax reduction, grant, loan or other tangible benefit provided, negotiated, administered, or initiated by the USFWS. Easements usually prevent development preserving the parcel for agriculture, wildlife habitat, or nondestructive forms of recreation.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy 6 years after termination of easement.

PERM-130   Habitat Conservation Plans   (N1-022-05-01/43)

Habitat conservation plans (HCP) filed in the regions as part of the Endangered Species Act section 10(a)(1)(B) "incidental take" permitting process. This permit allows for the incidental take of listed species during the course of otherwise lawful activities such as economic development. The plan details the measures to provide species protection and habitat conservation during the permitted activity. Plans contain information on impact of proposed actions on species and habitats, measures that will be taken to monitor and minimize the impacts, and alternate actions that were considered.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy 10 years after permit expiration or 10 years after revocation and expiration of all applicable appeal periods.

A section 7 consultation may be part of the section 10 permitting process.

PERM-201   Permit Tracking Database   (N1-022-05-01/108)

Documents the Service Permit Issuance and Tracking System (SPITS), a database used to track information on permits issued by USFWS. Information may be entered from USFWS regions, headquarters, and ports. Contains type of permit, permit number, permittee name and address, region, application received date, effective date, species, and other related information depending on the permit type.

a.   Input Documents. Draft working copies, summary sheets, copies of information, input forms, and other materials used as source data for database entries not required to be filed as records elsewhere.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy after data have been entered into the database and verified.

b.   Database Entries. Database records maintained within the database or automated system on an online system and regularly backed up to digital media.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Delete entries 10 years after permit expiration.

c.   Reports.

c(1)   Convenience and Reference Reports. Periodic and on-demand reports printed to paper or digital media containing portions, summaries, and analyses of the data and used for convenience, reference or distribution.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy when no longer needed.

c(2)   Record and Case File Reports. Periodic and on-demand reports printed to paper or digital media containing portions, summaries, and analyses of the data and filed in a case file or as a records copy and used to document a program, activity, or decision.

Retention: Retain for the specified retention period of the case file or records where reports are filed.

Systems documentation is covered by the General Records Schedule. [GRS 20/11A]

PERM-210   Native Species Permit Application Case Files   (N1-022-05-01/105)

Documents the application and approval or denial of permits issued by USFWS to protect plants or animals designated as threatened or endangered under the Endangered Species Act, Migratory Bird Treaty Act, and the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act. Permits for species that USFWS regulates may include captive-breeding, incidental take, enhancement of survival, interstate commerce, bird banding, and a variety of purposes related to migratory birds and bald and golden eagles. May include applications, statement of findings, biological opinions, environmental assessments, habitat conservation plans, agreements (such as candidate conservation agreement and safe harbor agreements), correspondence, and related documentation. May also contain appeal documentation if denied permit decision is appealed.

a.   Approved Permits issued as part of a larger project, such as a formal consultation.

Retention: Dispose of in accordance with disposition instructions for the project or case file of which they are a part, or 3 years after permit expiration or latest applicable condition, whichever is later.

b.   Permits not issued as part of a larger project.

b(1)   Approved Permits.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy 3 years after permit expiration or 3 years after termination date of latest applicable condition, whichever is later.

b(2)   Denied Applications.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy 1 year after final determination.

See separate series for "Recovery Permits Case Files."

PERM-220   Recovery Permits Case Files   (N1-022-05-01/104)

Documents the application and approval or denial of permits issued by USFWS which allow researchers to conduct activities involving a listed species, such as surveying, capturing, recovery, and/or handling, under the Endangered Species Act (Section 10a1a) for research purposes. Case files document the application, permit approval or rejection, and monitoring of permitee activities. Applicants may be tested to ensure they are proficient in identifying species prior to receiving approval for certain permits. May include application, research proposal, application review notes, applicant test results, field office recommendation for approval or rejection, region office response and assignment form, researcher resumes, letters of referral, copy of permit, field notes, status reports, annual reports, correspondence, and related documentation.

a.   Monitoring Reports. Documents periodic reporting by the permittee about detailed activities conducted under the terms and conditions of the permits.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy 10 years after permit expiration or 5 years after termination date of latest applicable condition including all appropriate monitoring, whichever is later.

b.   Denied Applications.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy 1 year after final determination.

c.   Other Case File Records.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy 5 years after permit expiration or 5 years after termination date of latest applicable condition including all appropriate monitoring, whichever is later.

45 Day Reports are particularly valuable and actively used by staff biologists beyond the life of the permit for the information they contain about species.

PERM-250   Biological Monitoring Files   (N1-022-05-01/101)

Documents monitoring of permit activity effects on species and habitats to ensure compliance with permit requirements and conditions for permits issued by USFWS. Often results in a periodic, annual, or final monitoring report. May include collected data, samples, detailed measurements, correspondence, and related documentation.

a.   Monitoring data that does not result in a periodic, annual, or final report.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Review annually, destroy obsolete and superseded material.

b.   Monitoring data resulting in a periodic, annual, or final report.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy 90 days after report completed and information verified.

c.   Periodic, annual, or final reports.

Retention: Retain for the specified retention period of the permit or consultation case file.

PERM-501   Escrow Files   (N1-022-05-01/169)

Escrow case files documenting funds raised by USFWS permitting activities on select lands that are held in escrow for Alaska native entities.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy 6 years after disbursement of funds.

PERM-510   Special Use Permits Case Files   (N1-022-05-01/107)

Documents the application and approval or denial of permits issued by USFWS for special uses on refuge land, usually of short term duration or for a one-time activity. Special use activities may include commercial fishing, trapping, air taxi, wildlife photography, transportation, tree cutting, or similar uses. May include applications, field office recommendation for approval or rejection, region office response and assignment form, letters of referral, copy of permit, correspondence, and related documentation.

a.   Approved Permits.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy 3 years after permit expiration or 3 years after termination date of latest applicable condition, whichever is later.

b.   Denied Applications.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy 1 year after final determination.

PERM-511   Guide Permit Case Files   (N1-022-05-01/111)

Documents the application and approval or denial of permits, issued by USFWS, resulting from the competitive selection process for determining who may guide on refuge land in guide use areas. Decisions may be appealed by guides whose application for a refuge guide permit has been rejected. May include refuge guide notice or prospectus, guide application, guide references, scoring summary sheets, notification letter, guide plan of operation, client evaluations, appeal determinations, correspondence, and related documentation.

a.   Approved Permits.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy 3 years after permit expiration.

b.   Denied Applications.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy 1 year after final determination.

PERM-513   Banded-Bird Recovery Letters File   (NC1-22-78-1/26)

Contains correspondence from hunters and other participants reporting band recoveries; worksheets generated by Bird Banding Laboratory personnel; and no-routine correspondence concerning the program.

a.   Paper copy

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy when superseded by microfilm record.

b.   Microfilm record

Retention: TEMPORARY. Review annually and destroy when no longer needed.

See also "Bird Banding Summaries" in this schedule.

PERM-531   Federal Regional Advisory Councils   (N1-022-05-01/29)

Case files for each of the 10 regional Federal Subsistence Regional Advisory Councils that make recommendations on subsistence fish and wildlife proposals to the Federal Subsistence Board. Records include meeting agendas, meeting transcripts, correspondence, charters, and member appointment letters.

a.   Council Records. Records include meeting agendas, meeting transcripts, correspondence, charters, and member appointment letters.

Retention: PERMANENT. Transfer to NARA when 20 years old.

b.   Routine and Administration Records. Administrative, facilitative, and other routine records that document the processes for arranging and conducting the meetings but not the meetings themselves.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy when 10 years old.

PERM-532   Federal Subsistence Board Meetings   (N1-022-05-01/30)

The Federal Subsistence Board administers the Federal Subsistence Management program by enacting regulations for the practice of taking fish, wildlife or other wild resources for one's sustenance. The Board is comprised of a voting chairman appointed by the U.S. Secretary of Interior, and the regional directors of USFWS, Bureau of Land Management, National Park Service, Bureau of Indian Affairs and U.S.D.A. Forest Service.

a.   Meeting Records. Federal Subsistence Board meeting documentation, including meeting agendas, meeting minutes, and transcripts.

Retention: PERMANENT. Transfer to NARA when 20 years old.

b.   Routine and Administration Records. Administrative, facilitative, and other routine records that document the processes for arranging and conducting the meetings but not the meetings themselves.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy when 10 years old.

PERM-533   Alaska Subsistence Fisheries Case Files   (N1-022-05-01/27)

Case file on regulations and implementation of Federal subsistence fisheries management on rivers and lakes within and alongside Federal lands. Regulations were implemented as part of the Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act (ANILCA) and the 1995 Katie John court decision. These records are created and maintained at USFWS's headquarters office.

Retention: PERMANENT. Transfer to NARA when 20 years old.

PERM-534   Customary and Traditional Use Determinations   (N1-022-05-01/28)

Case files on customary and traditional use determinations. Customary and traditional use determinations are made by the Federal Subsistence Board and determine eligibility to hunt and trap on Federal land in Alaska. Files include documentation on initial meetings and public meetings, requests for determinations and replies, Federal Subsistence Board minutes and formal determinations.

Retention: PERMANENT. Transfer to NARA when 20 years old.

PERM-535   Tagging Certificates   (N1-022-05-01/113)

Documents information collected and reported by marking, tagging, and reporting personnel when tagging animals required by law or regulation to be tagged, such as walruses, polar bears, and sea otters. Certificates contain information regarding species, tag number, measurements, sex, approximate age, and location of kill or find.

Retention: PERMANENT. Transfer to NARA after 20 years.

PERM-540   Bird Banding Survey   (NC1-22-78-1/28)

Machine-readable records contain banding data on both game and non-game species found on the North American continent. Includes data on the species, age , sex, location and direction of flight of the banded bird as well as the date of banding, type of band and band number. Similar information is noted when the band is recovered. data dates from 1920 to the present and is used to facilitate research in the distribution, migration, population dynamics and environmental roles of various species.

Retention: PERMANENT. Offer to NARA annually.

PERM-541   Bird Banding Summaries   (NC1-22-78-1/27)

Includes a summary of the participation of each bander who is identified by permit number.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Review annually and destroy when no longer needed.

PERM-542   Breeding Bird Survey   (NC1-22-78-1/29)

Machine-readable records which include census data on all non-game birds found on the North American continent. Includes data on the species an number observed, the date, time, location and climatic conditions of the observation, and on the observer. The data is used to study population ranges and distributions, and to provide information for environmental impact statements. The census is taken annually during April, June, and July. Data dates from 1966 to the present.

Retention: PERMANENT. Offer to NARA annually.

PERM-543   Band Issuance Records   (NC1-22-78-1/25)

Identifies the band series, name of permittee, permit number , and date of issuance.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Review annually and destroy that which has ceased to serve the purpose for which it was created.

PERM-600   Airborne Hunting Reports   (N1-022-05-01/134)

Annual reports from the states filed under the provisions of the Airborne Hunting Act and 50 CFR 19 on permits issued by the states for airborne hunting or harassing of wildlife. Reports contain names and addresses of persons issued permits, permit numbers and dates, aircraft numbers, animal species, and purpose.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy when 6 years old.

PERM-811   Archaeological Permit Files   (N1-022-05-01/34)

Case files documenting USFWS issued permits for archaeological activities on lands administered by USFWS. May include letters, memoranda, permit applications, permits, and other associated documentation.

a.   Approved.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy 3 years after permit expiration or termination date of latest applicable condition, whichever is later.

b.   Denied.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy 1 year after final determination.

PERM-813   Applicant Test Materials   (N1-022-05-01/99)

Documents examination materials created by USFWS used to test the competency of applicants for permits or certifications issued by USFWS. May include test questions, exams, exam keys, grading guides, and related documentation.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy 1 year after superseded, obsolete, or no longer needed.

PERM-814   Archaeological Resource Inventory and Information Files   (N1-022-05-01/33)

Information and artifact and cultural resource inventories for archaeological, historical, and cultural resource sites and materials on USFWS lands or in USFWS custody. May include inventories, catalogs, descriptions, site surveys, correspondence, reports, artifact descriptions, and Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA) information, and other documentation associated with describing and tracking archaeological resources.

Retention: PERMANENT. Transfer to NARA when 20 years old.

PERM-815   Import/Export Permit Application Case Files   (N1-022-05-01/106)

Documents the application and approval or denial of permits issued by USFWS for the import, export, or foreign commerce of threatened and endangered species managed under the Endangered Species Act, the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) of Wild Fauna and Flora, the Wild Bird Conservation Act, Marine Mammal Protection Act, Migratory Bird Treaty Act, Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act, the Lacey Act, and other laws. May include applications with supporting information on origin of animal, species, how acquired, license information, justifications for activity, movement and holding information, import/export declaration forms, exemption certificates, scientific exchange certificates, exceptions, scientific advice, and related documentation. May also contain appeal documentation if denied permit decision is appealed.

a.   Approved Permits.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy 3 years after permit expiration.

b.   Denied Applications.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy 1 year after final determination.

PERM-816   Special Land Use Permit Case Files   (N1-022-05-01/110)

Documents the application and approval or denial of permits issued by USFWS for a variety of short or long term land use on refuges (such as agriculture, grazing, mining, utilities operation, and airport right-of-ways). May include permit application, field office recommendation for approval or rejection, region office response and assignment form, letters of referral, copy of permit, correspondence, and related documentation.

a.   Approved Permits.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy 3 years after permit expiration or 3 years after termination date of latest applicable condition, whichever is later.

b.   Denied Applications.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy 1 year after final determination.

PERM-820   General Permit Files   (NC1-22-78-1/15)

Files are divided into two major categories with each having a numerical code. Files include record copy of instructions for completing and processing permit applications, and informational materials that described permit policy development.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy when obsolete, superseded, or otherwise canceled.

PERM-910   Registration of Controlled Products   (N1-022-05-01/65)

Registration materials for controlled products required to be registered with USFWS, such as collected parts from sea otter, polar bear, and walrus.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy when 20 years old.

Personnel (PERS)

PERS-100   Official Personnel Folders (OPFs)   (GRS/1/1)

Records filed on the right side of the OPF. (See GRS 1, item 10, for temporary papers on the left side of the OPF). Folders covering employment terminated after December 31, 1920, excluding those selected by NARA for permanent retention.

a.   Transferred employees.

Retention: See Chapter 7 of The Guide to Personnel Recordkeeping for instructions relating to folders of employees transferred to another agency.

b.   Separated employees.

Retention: Transfer folder to National Personnel Records Center (NPRC), St. Louis, MO, 30 days after latest separation. [See note (2) after this item]. NPRC will destroy 65 years after separation from Federal service.

PERS-110   Employee Medical Folder (EMF)   (GRS/1/21)

a.   Long-term medical records as defined in 5 CFR Part 293, Subpart E.

a(1)   Transferred employees.

Retention: See 5 CFR Part 293, Subpart E for instructions

a(2)   Separated employees.

Retention: Transfer to NPRC, St. Louis, MO, 30 days after separation.

b.   Temporary or short-term records as defined in the Federal Personnel Manual (FPM).

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy 1 year after separation or transfer of employee.

c.   Individual employee health case files created prior to establishment of the EMF system that have been retired to a NARA records storage facility.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy 60 years after retirement to the NARA records storage facility.

PERS-140   Correspondence and Forms Files   (GRS/1/17A)

Operating personnel office records relating to individual employees not maintained in OPFs and not provided for elsewhere in this schedule.

a.   Correspondence and forms relating to pending personnel actions.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy when action is completed.

PERS-210   Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Records   (GRS/1/25G)

EEO General Files

g.   General correspondence and copies of regulations with related records pertaining to the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the EEO Act of 1972, and any pertinent later legislation, and agency EEO Committee meeting records, including minutes and reports.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy when 3 years old, or when superseded or obsolete, whichever is applicable.

PERS-220   Reasonable Accommodation Request Records   (GRS/1/24A)

Information created and maintained while receiving, coordinating, reviewing, processing, approving, and reporting requests for reasonable accommodation from federal employees and applicants under the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and Executive Order 13164. A reasonable accommodation is a change in the work environment or in the way things are customarily done that would enable an individual with a disability to enjoy equal employment opportunities. The three categories of reasonable accommodation are: Modification or adjustments to a job application process to permit an individual with a disability to be considered for a job, such as providing application forms in large print or Braille; Modifications or adjustments necessary to enable a qualified individual with a disability to perform essential functions of the job, such as providing sign language interpreters; and Modifications or adjustments that enable employees with disabilities to enjoy equal benefits and privileges of employment, such as removing physical barriers in an office or cafeteria. This schedule includes all requests for reasonable accommodation and/or assistive technology devices and services offered through the agency or the Computer/Electronic Accommodation Program (CAP) that are made by or on behalf of applicants, current or former employees. Also included are medical records, supporting notes and documentation, as well as procedures and records related to processing, deciding, implementing, and tracking requests for reasonable accommodation(s).

a.   General Files. Agency-wide and departmental procedures for receiving, processing, and appealing requests for reasonable accommodation by employees and applicants. Files may include, but are not limited to, instructions, directives, notices, forms, timetables and guidelines for requesting, processing and approving requests and for appealing decisions for reasonable accommodation. Also included are records notifying the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), the agency’s collective bargaining representative(s) and the agency’s Equal Employment Opportunity office of the agency’s reasonable accommodation request and processing procedures as well as modifications to established procedures.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy three years after supercession or when no longer needed for reference whichever is later

PERS-310   Position Classification Files   (GRS/1/7)

a.   Position Classification Standards Files.

a(1)   Standards and guidelines issued or reviewed by OPM and used to classify and evaluate positions within the agency.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy when superseded or obsolete.

a(2)   Standards and guidelines issued or reviewed by OPM and used to classify and evaluate positions within the agency. Correspondence and other records relating to the development of standards for classification of positions peculiar to the agency, and OPM approval or disapproval.

a(2)a   Case file

Rention: TEMPORARY. Destroy 5 years after position is abolished or description is superseded.

a(2)b   Review File.

Rention: TEMPORARY. Destroy when 2 years old.

b.   Position Descriptions. Record copy of position descriptions that include information on title, series, grade, duties and responsibilities, and related documents.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy 2 years after position is abolished or description is superseded.

PERS-312   Certificate of Eligibles Files   (GRS/1/5)

Copies obtained from OPM of certificates of eligibles with related requests, forms, correspondence, and statement of reasons for passing over a preference eligible and selecting a nonpreference eligible

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy when 2 years old.

PERS-510   Financial Disclosure Reporting Files   (GRS/25/2)

Financial disclosure reports submitted by individuals as required or authorized under the Ethics in Government Act of 1978 (Pub. L. 95-521), as amended, and related records, including records of late filing fee payments or requests for public reporting waivers of late filing fees and responses; comment sheets by report reviewers and filer responses; filing extension requests and determinations; and copies of applications for public release of financial disclosure report.

a.   Executive Branch Personnel Public Financial Disclosure Reports (SF 278) and related records.

a(1)   SF 278 reports for individuals filing in accordance with Section 101(b) or (c) of the Act, and not subsequently confirmed by the U.S. Senate or elected.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy 1 year after nominee or candidate ceases to be under consideration for the position; EXCEPT that documents needed in an ongoing investigation will be retained until no longer needed in the investigation.

a(2)   All other SF 278s.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy when 6 years old; EXCEPT that documents needed in an ongoing investigation will be retained until no longer needed in the investigation.

b.   Executive Branch Confidential Financial Disclosure Reports (OGE Form 450) and Confidential Certificates of No New Interests (OGE Optional Form 450-A) and related records.

b(1)   OGE Form 450s for individuals not subsequently confirmed by the U.S. Senate.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy 1 year after nominee ceases to be under consideration for the position; EXCEPT that documents needed in an ongoing investigation will be retained until no longer needed in the investigation.

b(2)   All other OGE Form 450s and OGE Optional Form 450-As.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy when 6 years old; EXCEPT that documents needed in an ongoing investigation will be retained until no longer needed in the investigation.

c.   Alternative or additional financial disclosure reports and related records.

c(1)   Reports for individuals not subsequently confirmed by the U.S. Senate.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy 1 year after nominee ceases to be under consideration for the position; EXCEPT that documents needed in an ongoing investigation will be retained until no longer needed in the investigation.

c(2)   All other alternative or additional financial disclosure reports.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy when 6 years old; EXCEPT that documents needed in an ongoing investigation will be retained until no longer needed in the investigation.

PERS-520   Personnel Security Clearance Files   (GRS/18/22A)

Personnel security clearance case files created under Office of Personnel Management procedures and regulations and related indexes maintained by the personnel security office of the employing agency

a.   Case files documenting the processing of investigations on Federal employees or applicants for Federal employment, whether or not a security clearance is granted, and other persons, such as those performing work for a Federal agency under contract, who require an approval before having access to Government facilities or to sensitive data. These files include questionnaires, summaries of reports prepared by the investigating agency, and other records reflecting the processing of the investigation and the status of the clearance, exclusive of copies of investigative reports furnished by the investigating agency.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy upon notification of death or not later than 5 years after separation or transfer of employee or no later than 5 years after contract relationship expires, whichever is applicable.

PERS-610   Administrative Grievance, Disciplinary, and Adverse Action Files   (GRS/1/30)

a.   Administrative Grievance Files (5 CFR 771). Records relating to grievances raised by agency employees, except EEO complaints. These case files include statements of witnesses, reports of interviews and hearings, examiner's findings and recommendations, a copy of the original decision, related correspondence and exhibits, and records relating to a reconsideration request.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy no sooner than 4 years but no later than 7 years after case is closed.

b.   Adverse Action Files (5 CFR 752) and Performance-Based Actions (5 CFR 432). Case files and records related to adverse actions and performance-based actions (removal, suspension, reduction-in-grade, furlough) against employees. The file includes a copy of the proposed adverse action with supporting documents; statements of witnesses; employee's reply; hearing notices, reports, and decisions; reversal of action; and appeal records, EXCLUDING letters of reprimand which are filed in the OPF.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy no sooner than 4 years but no later than 7 years after case is closed

To implement this authority, each agency must select one fixed retention period, between 4 and 7 years, for the entire series of its closed cases. Agencies are not authorized to use different retention periods for individual cases.

PERS-620   Employee Performance File System Records   (GRS/1/23A)

a.   Non-SES appointees (as defined in 5 U.S.C. 4301(2)

a(1)   Appraisals of unacceptable performance, where a notice of proposed demotion or removal is issued but not effected and all related documents.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy after the employee completes 1 year of acceptable performance from the date of the written advance notice of proposed removal or reduction-in-grade notice.

a(2)   Performance records superseded through an administrative, judicial, or quasi-judicial procedure.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy when superseded.

a(3)   Performance-related records pertaining to a former employee.

a(3)a   Latest rating of record 3 years old or less, performance plan upon which it is based, and any summary rating.

Rention: Place records on left side of the OPF and forward to gaining Federal agency upon transfer or to NPRC if employee separates.

a(3)b   All other performance plans and ratings.

Rention: TEMPORARY. Destroy when 4 years old.

a(4)   All other summary performance appraisal records, including performance appraisals and job elements and standards upon which they are based.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy 4 years after date of appraisal.

a(5)   Supporting documents.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy 4 years after date of appraisal.

Planning (PLAN)

PLAN-410   Plans and Schedules Files   (NC1-22-78-1/67)

Includes material which describes or outlines actions to be taken or events to be observed for a period of time in the future by personnel assigned to a specified activity. A plan or schedule can address any type of function, operations, or managerial. In any event, plans and schedules are relatively short lived management tools, and may or may not be accompanied by narrative material. Neither plans nor schedules have any permanent value.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Review annually. Destroy that which is obsolete, superseded, or no longer needed.

PLAN-510   Hazardous Substance Spill Response Contingency Plans   (N1-022-05-01/73)

Documents planning activities and development of response contingency plans related to oil and hazardous substance spill and/or releases. Includes draft and final plans, logistical and administrative procedures, resource information, correspondence, and related documentation. May also include copies of contingency plans received from other organizations.

a.   Final plans and planning documentation, produced by USFWS.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy 3 years after superseded.

b.   Informational and reference copies of plans received from other organizations.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy after superseded, obsolete, or no longer needed.

PLAN-810   Comprehensive Conservation Plans   (N1-022-05-01/37)

Comprehensive conservation plans (CCP) for USFWS refuges completed under the provisions of the National Wildlife Refuge Improvement Act. Plans address how each refuge will manage conservation and recreational use of refuge land. Files contain maps, goals, objectives, final CCP, wilderness proposal, draft CCP, Federal Register notices, summary of public comments, hearings transcripts and tapes, mailing lists, specialist reports, correspondence, and an outreach plan to ensure public participation in the planning process.

Retention: PERMANENT. Transfer to NARA 20 years after superseded.

PLAN-970   Conservation Plans   (N1-022-05-01/41)

Documents the planning and development of conservation plans to address how conservation is managed for resources and land use, information on the impact of proposed actions on species and habitats, measures that will be taken to monitor and minimize the impacts, and alternate actions that were considered. Plans may address conservation coordination and cooperative activities, outreach, funding, and monitoring activity for wildlife refuges (comprehensive conservation plans and comprehensive management plans), ecosystems, wildlife, and habitat. May include proposals, comments, hearing transcripts and tapes, reports, correspondence, outreach documentation, funding information, maps, photo documentation, land ownership records, final plans, monitoring documentation and reports, status and progress reports, and related documentation.

a.   Final plan and subsequent modifications.

Retention: PERMANENT. Transfer to NARA when 10 years old.

b.   Plan development files.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy 10 years after completion of plan.

Projects and Programs (PROJ)

PROJ-100   Project Files   (NC1-22-78-1/37)

Records are maintained at the project management level and present a complete picture of each project from initiation to termination. Projects include, but are not limited to, the following: 1) in the area of fish and wildlife production - the National Broodstock Project, Cooperative Striped Bass Project, Disease Control projects, Atlantic Salmon Restoration Project; 2) in the area of wildlife assistance - Columbia River Basin Improvement projects, Indian Assistance projects, Agricultural Assistance projects; 3) in the area of population management - waterfowl population surveys (e.g., mourning dove, raptors), waterfowl disease control project, polar bear population control project, and satellite-supported Arctic goose production project; 4) in the area of land management - Elk Refuge Range Rehabilitation Project, Musk Ox Reduction Project, Crop Management projects-, 5) in the are of 'land and water resources - the Garrison Diversion Project, Missouri River Project, Trans- Alaska Pipeline studies, water and coastal resources analysis projects; 6) in the area of habitat preservation - Bald Eagle Pollutant Study, Pesticide Effects Study, Grassland Control projects, Black Duck Habitat Evaluation; 7) in the area of interpretation and recreation - Urban Park studies, Environmental Education projects.

a.   Project authorization documents, final summaries or reports, summary budgetary records, and substantive correspondence; for example, correspondence that influenced the course of action on a project. (arranged by project).

Retention: PERMANENT. Separate files into 1-year sets and transfer sets to Federal Records Center when 5 yrs old. Offer sets to NARA when 10 yrs old.

b.   All other records

Retention: TEMPORARY. Separate file into 1-year sets and transfer to Federal Records Center when 4 yrs old. Destroy sets when 10 yrs old.

PROJ-205   Research Studies   (N1-022-05-01/201)

These records document USFWS scientific research and investigation of wildlife, wildlife habitat, fish health, fishery biology, fishery management, and scientific research and investigation of contaminants. Records may exist as any media or physical format. The records may be created and maintained by any USFWS station, office, laboratory, project team, or by individual staff researchers. Species studies included in this schedule may be funded directly through USFWS appropriations, by other government agencies, by grants, by contracts with private-sector businesses or other organizations, may be in conjunction with various research institutes or consortia. This item does not apply to investigations and studies conducted as part of the comment, technical assistance, or permit process under the Endangered Species Act or other similar laws and regulations. Files may contain incoming and outgoing correspondence, memoranda, e-mail printouts, copies of contracts or other requests for service, technical papers, maps, preliminary and final reports, photographs related to the project, references or indexes to related electronic records and data, periodic progress reports, notes and working papers, specifications, preliminary and final research data, statistical analyses, tables, charts, graphs, computer printouts or analyses of scientific or engineering data, reprints of the final project report, study, or journal article, and other records accumulated in the process of completing the study.

a.   Study Case Files.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy 10 years after study is completed.

b.   Historical Study Case Files. Completed studies case files selected annually by the project director as permanent because the study established a precedent for changing policy, received extensive media coverage, was reviewed at length in USFWS annual report, resulted in significant controversy, received international or national awards, and/or was the subject of extensive litigation.

Retention: PERMANENT. Transfer to NARA 10 years after study is completed.

c.   Final Reports. Final study reports documenting findings and results of studies.

Retention: PERMANENT. Transfer to NARA 10 years after report is completed.

PROJ-215   Map History Case Files and Source Material   (NC1-22-78-1/63)

Map history and chart history case files documenting the chronological events in planning, surveying, field work, production and revision of specific maps, and files containing or describing the sources of information for specific maps, including map specifications, location diagrams, notes kept by cartographers when making maps or photographs from which information was abstracted, correspondence, reports, bibliographies, lists of sources, and papers showing information about the origin and spelling of place names.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Review annually. Destroy when map(s) to which the documentation relates is itself destroyed or when material is no longer needed.

PROJ-221   National Wetlands Inventory Classification System   (NC1-22-78-1/85)

Records document an ongoing activity that had its inception more than 25 years ago and which is unique in its content and purpose. File includes substantive correspondence, final reports, surveys, planning, programming and summary budgetary records, agreements and directions. (arranged chronologically thereunder topically)

a.   Record copy.

Retention: PERMANENT. Separate file into 1-year sets and transfer the set to a Federal records center when it is 4 yrs old. Offer the set to NARA 6 yrs after it has been transferred to the records center.

b.   All other copies.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy when no longer needed.

PROJ-222   Winter Bird Survey   (NC1-22-78-1/44)

Machine-readable record contains data on all species of birds that wintered in Central Maryland during the years 1970 and 1974. Information is used in the study of population dynamics.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Review annually. Destroy that material that has ceased to serve the purpose for which it was created.

PROJ-223   Sea Lamprey Data   (NC1-22-78-1/39)

Machine-readable record contains information on sea lamprey population in the great Lakes. Physical characteristics, living environment, and methods of collection are identified. Data is used to study population dynamics and the impact of sport and commercial fishing on the population.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Review annually. Destroy when no longer needed.

PROJ-224   R and D Data Files   (NC1-22-78-1/87)

Technical and scientific data accumulated from the conduct of research and development in a laboratory or similar environment.

a.   Data determined by competent scientific or technical personnel either to be duplicated in technical reports or elsewhere in project case files, or to be of such a routine or fragmentary nature that their retention would not add significantly to the project file.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy 6 months after completion or termination of the related project or projects.

b.   Data determined by competent scientific or technical personnel to be of significant value beyond the life of the project on behalf of which they were compiled.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Separate files into 1-year sets and transfer the set to a Federal records center when it is 5 yrs old. Destroy the set when it is 20 yrs old.

PROJ-225   R and D Project Case Files   (NC1-22-78-1/89)

Records are maintained at the laboratory or comparable level, and present a complete history of each project from initiation to termination (completion). Includes procurement files, consisting of a copy of each contract or agreement for research services with appropriate modifications, changes or addenda; project authorization documents; technical characteristics; test results; drawings, specifications and photographs deemed necessary to document design modification, and engineering development; technical and progress reports; notice of completion or cancellation; reference to the location prototype models, films, or other items to bulky for inclusion in course of action on a project.

a.   All substantive technical and scientific documentation.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Separate file into 1-year sets and transfer the set to a Federal records center when it is 8 years old. Destroy the set when it is 40 yrs old.

b.   Material reflecting repetitive, routine, or housekeeping activities.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy when 3 yrs old or when no longer needed.

PROJ-226   R and D Technical Report Files   (NC1-22-78-1/91)

Includes record copy of unpublished manuscripts of reports prepared in conjunction with projects, article reprints, statistical and graphic compilations, summarizations, and analyses.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Review annually. Destroy when no longer needed.

PROJ-227   R and D Program Files   (NC1-22-78-1/88)

Includes program documents, schedules, and correspondence maintained by the offices responsible for execution, review and analysis of Service research and development programs; and material relating to the general planning and supervision of those programs.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Review files annually Destroy when no longer needed.

PROJ-228   R and D Summary Progress Reports Files   (NC1-22-78-1/90)

Include reports submitted by laboratories and other similar activities to document the initiation and degree of completion of projects, and consolidated reports prepared therefrom.

a.   Copies of reports retained by reporting activities.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy 1 year after completion or cancellation of related projects.

b.   Feeder reports used for compilation of consolidated reports, except as indicated in item (c).

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy upon submission of consolidated report.

c.   Consolidated reports, consisting of the record copy of each consolidated report and any feeder reports used for preparation thereof that contain technical or scientific data not fully documented in the consolidated reports.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy when 7 yrs old. Transfer technical or scientific data considered by competent authority not to already exist in the "Technical / Scientific Report Files" in this schedule to those files if that data continues to be germane.

PROJ-229   Special Surveys   (NC1-22-78-1/40)

Machine-readable record contains breeding, banding and parts collection data for various species of game bird including the woodcock, mourning dove, and selected waterfowl. Data is utilized in the formulation and evaluation of hunting regulations and for other game bird management purposes.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Review annually. Destroy when no longer needed.

PROJ-230   Migratory Webless Game Bird Management   (NC1-22-78-1/34)

Includes correspondence to and from the Service of a non-routine nature; notes from internal Service meetings, proposals and recommendations for management improvements; population and harvest statistics; capture, banding and marking statistics; analytical documents.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Review annually. Destroy that which is no longer needed.

PROJ-240   Statistical Information Files   (NC1-22-78-1/41)

Files include miscellany of raw technical data which is accumulated at a refuge, hatchery or like activity, and includes but is not limited to, climatological readings, water gage readings, migratory or resident population counts, and production figures.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Review annually. Destroy when data is obsolete, superseded or no longer needed.

PROJ-310   Animal Damage Control Research File   (NC1-22-78-1/24)

File contains correspondence, documentation of research effort, and other substantive materials relative to (a) the development of animal removal techniques, (b) the gaining of EPA registration of those techniques, and (c) the arranging for the production of registered techniques.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy 3 yrs after the fate of a given technique has been irrevocably determined.

PROJ-321   National Wild Fish Health Survey Database   (N1-022-05-01/193)

Wild fish health survey database including information on pathogen and parasite incidence among fish collected or studied by USFWS, state agencies, local governments, and tribes, and contains fish species, location information, test results and identities of pathogens and parasites, and dates. The predecessor database (Colorado State University Historical Collection fish health survey database, 1981-1998) to the National Wild Fish Health Survey Database is currently maintained by Montana State University. Data collection for the predecessor database was not as carefully controlled as for the National Wild Fish Health Survey Database and consequently the data incorporated into the new database are not as trustworthy.

a.   Input Documents. Draft working copies, input forms, and other materials used solely as source data for database entries.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy after data have been entered into the database and verified.

b.   Database Records. Database records maintained within the database on an online system and regularly backed up to digital media.

Retention: PERMANENT. Transfer a "snapshot" copy of the Master File to NARA at 5 year intervals, the initial transfer to take place within 5 years of the approval of this schedule.

c.   Reports.

c(1)   Convenience and Reference Reports. Periodic and on demand reports printed to paper or digital media containing portions, summaries, and analyses of the data and used for convenience, reference, or distribution.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy when no longer needed.

c(2)   Record and Case File Reports. Periodic and on demand reports printed to paper or digital media containing portions, summaries, and analyses of the data and filed in a case file or as a record copy and used to document a program, activity, or decision.

Retention: Retain for the specified retention period of case file or records where reports are filed.

d.   Systems Documentation. Data systems specifications, file specifications, codebooks, record layouts, user guides, and output specifications (regardless of medium) relating to this electronic records keeping system.

Retention: PERMANENT. Transfer a copy of current systems documentation to NARA with system snapshot.

PROJ-322   Historical Wild Fish Health Survey Database   (N1-022-05-01/191)

Colorado State University Historical Collection (CSUHC) fish health survey database currently maintained under contract by Montana State University. Predecessor (1981 - 1998) database to the National Wild Fish Health Survey Database containing similar information. (Information on pathogen and parasite incidence among fish collected or studied by USFWS, state agencies, local governments, and tribes.) Contains fish species, location information, test results and identities of pathogens and parasites, and dates. Data collection for this database was not as carefully controlled as for National Wild Fish Health Survey Database and consequently the data are not as trustworthy.

a.   Input Documents. Draft working copies, copies raw data, input forms, and other materials used solely as source data for database entries.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy after data have been entered into the database and verified.

b.   Database Records. Database records maintained within the database on an online system and regularly backed up to digital media.

Retention: PERMANENT. Transfer a copy of the Master File to NARA upon approval of this schedule.

c.   Reports.

c(1)   Convenience and Reference Reports. Periodic and on demand reports printed to paper or digital media containing portions, summaries, and analyses of the data and used for convenience, reference, or distribution.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy when no longer needed.

c(2)   Record and Case File Reports. Periodic and on demand reports printed to paper or digital media containing portions, summaries, and analyses of the data and filed in a case file or as a record copy and used to document a program, activity, or decision.

Retention: Retain for the specified retention period of case file or records where reports are filed.

d.   Systems Documentation. Data systems specifications, file specifications, codebooks, record layouts, user guides, and output specifications (regardless of medium) relating to this electronic records keeping system.

Retention: PERMANENT. Transfer a copy of current systems documentation to NARA with system master file.

PROJ-341   Refuge Pesticide Use Proposals   (N1-022-05-01/75)

Documents the review and approval or denial of proposals to use pesticides on refuge land. Proposals are approved by region offices.

a.   Approved Proposals.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy 10 years after proposal approved.

b.   Denied Proposals.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy 3 years after final determination.

PROJ-400   Boards, Commissions, Committees, and other similar bodies in which the Service participates or has an otherwise definable interest   (NC1-22-78-1/01)

a.   Records relating to establishment, organization, membership, and policy.

a(1)   International, national, interagency, and internal bodies of a formal nature and continuing importance, and presidential commissions for which the Service provides sponsorship or administrative support. (arranged alphabetically by body-title, thereunder chronologically).

Retention: PERMANENT. Offer to NARA when 10 yrs. old.

a(2)   Internal bodies of an ad hoc, informal, temporary nature.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy 2 yrs after expiration of body.

b.   Records created by boards, commissions, committees and other similar bodies.

b(1)   Agenda minutes, final reports, and related records that document the accomplishments of these bodies.

b(1)a   for bodies described in 1A(1) above. (arranged by body-title, thereunder chronologically)

Rention: PERMANENT. Offer to NARA when 10 years old.

b(1)b   for bodies described in 1A(2) above.

Rention: TEMPORARY. Destroy when 5 yrs old or no longer needed for reference, whichever occurs first.

b(2)   All other records

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy when 3 yrs old or no longer needed for reference, whichever occurs first.

PROJ-430   International Project File   (NC1-22-78-1/53)

Includes record materials relative to Service projects abroad including project descriptions, budgetary and contractual documents, and periodic progress and status reports.

a.   Initial surveys, project authorization documents, final summaries or reports, and summary budgetary records, performance assessments, substantive press announcements and minutes of meetings. (arranged by country)

Retention: PERMANENT. Offer to NARA no more than 2 yrs after project completion or cancellation.

b.   Extraneous documentation which includes, but is not limited to cables, correspondence, periodic reports and audits.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Review file annually. Destroy that which is no longer needed.

PROJ-600   Program Files   (NC1-22-78-1/36)

Includes program documents, schedules, and correspondence maintained by the offices responsible for execution, review, and analysis of Service program; and materials relating to the general planning and supervision of those programs.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Review files annually. Destroy material that is no longer needed to support the program activity of those programs.

PROJ-800   National Wetlands Inventory (NWI) Maps   (N1-022-05-01/144)

Maps showing the characteristics, extent, and status of the nation’s wetlands. Produced to report to Congress on wetland status. Final copy is transferred to the National Archives and Records Administration.

a.   Maps.

Retention: PERMANENT. Transfer to NARA when 3 years old.

b.   Case Files. Working, reference, and background materials used in producing maps. May include draft copies, notes, correspondence, and reference materials.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy 3 years after map is completed.

PROJ-801   National Wetlands Inventory (NWI) Maps, Digital Version   (N1-022-05-01/145)

Electronic versions of national wetlands inventory maps maintained at the USFWS National Wetlands Inventory Center in Saint Petersburg, Florida.

Retention: PERMANENT. Consult with NARA to determine an acceptable format and transfer a "snapshot" copy of the Master File to NARA at 5 year intervals, the initial transfer to take place within 5 years of the approval of this schedule.

a.   GIS Data Files. Electronic versions (digital line graph format, a geographical information system, GIS, format developed by USGS) of national wetlands inventory maps .

Retention: PERMANENT. Consult with NARA to determine an acceptable format and transfer a "snapshot" copy of the Master File to NARA at 5 year intervals, the initial transfer to take place within 5 years of the approval of this schedule.

b.   Systems Documentation.

Retention: PERMANENT. Transfer current copy of system documentation to NARA when transferring the GIS data files.

Real Property (PROP)

PROP-100   Real Property Files   (GRS/4/4)

Records necessary or convenient for the use of real property sold, donated, or traded to non Federal ownership, including, if pertinent as determined by the releasing agency, site maps and surveys, plot plans, architect's sketches, working diagrams, preliminary drawings, blueprints, master tracings, utility outlet plans, equipment location plans, specifications, construction progress photographs, inspection reports, building and equipment management and maintenance records, allowance lists, and duplicate copies of title papers, provided (a) that the records can be segregated without harm to other documents of enduring value, (b) that no responsibility attaches to the Government because of disagreement between the transferred documents and the physical condition of the property at the time of conveyance, and (c) that if the property is released for historical use or purpose, the user agrees to retain them and return them to the Federal Government immediately upon the discontinuance of its use for historical purposes.

Retention: Transfer to new custodian upon completion of sale, trade, or donation proceedings, or acceptance of purchase money mortgage.

PROP-110   Property Acquisition and Disposal Records   (N1-022-05-01/171)

Acquisition/Disposal case files which include property description, local market data, comparable sales information, location, maps, contaminant surveys, value analysis, appraisals, and any additional pertinent information. Case files document property acquisition and disposal activities for USFWS and for third party activities where the USFWS advised or assisted.

a.   For USFWS acquisition.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy documentation not included in property file 2 years after acquisition is completed.

b.   For USFWS disposal

Retention: Transfer to new property owner/custodian.

c.   For proposed third party acquisition.

c(1)   If acquisition occurs.

Retention: Transfer to new property owner/custodian.

c(2)   If acquisition is declined.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy record 2 years after declination.

These records supplement the "Real Property Files."

PROP-111   Pre-acquisition Contaminant Surveys   (N1-022-05-01/179)

Documents the review and survey of land conducted by USFWS contaminants specialists prior to USFWS acquiring the land. May include notes, analyses and studies, reports, correspondence, and related documentation.

a.   If land is acquired by USFWS.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy 20 years after completion of survey.

b.   If land is not acquired by USFWS.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy when 3 years old.

c.   Other Copies, filed in the case, project, or plan file to which they relate.

Retention: Dispose of in accordance with approved disposition instructions for the case, project, or plan file of which they are a part.

PROP-112   Land Status Determinations   (N1-022-05-01/172)

Determinations on whether land is considered public lands and available for conveyance to native corporations or other suitable entities. Conducted by the Bureau of Land Management under 43 C.F.R. 2655.2.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy 30 years after final determination.

PROP-130   Land Acquisition Priority System (LAPS)   (N1-022-05-01/170)

The Land Acquisition Priority System is a database used to document and prioritize land acquisition needs, opportunities, and requests. Information is also used in the formulation of the annual land acquisition budget request. Information details the case for the biological necessity or desirability for preserving species and habitat on refuges by acquiring land.

a.   Input Documents. Draft working copies, copies of costs estimates, input forms, and other materials used solely as source data for database entries.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy after data have been entered into the database and verified.

b.   Database Records. Database records maintained within the database on an online system and regularly backed up to digital media.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Delete entries when 10 years old.

c.   Reports.

c(1)   Convenience and Reference Reports. Periodic and on demand reports printed to paper or digital media containing portions, summaries, and analyses of the data and used for convenience, reference, or distribution.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy when no longer needed.

c(2)   Record and Case File Reports. Periodic and on demand reports printed to paper or digital media containing portions, summaries, and analyses of the data and filed in a case file or as a record copy and used to document a program, activity, or decision.

Retention: Retain for the specified retention period of case file or records where reports are filed.

Systems documentation is covered by the General Records Schedule. [GRS 20/11A]

PROP-140   Real Property Management Information System (RPMIS)   (N1-022-05-01/181)

Realty database used to track, inventory, manage, and report on USFWS real property. Includes relevant dates, tract name, acreage, cost information, deed transfer status, and approval information. Reports are used to answer inquires from the public, Congress, other government agencies, and to produce obligation reports.

a.   Input Documents. Draft working copies, copies of cost information, input forms, and other materials used solely as source data for database entries.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy after data have been entered into the database and verified.

b.   Database Records. Database records maintained within the database on an online system and regularly backed up to digital media.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Delete entries 6 years after property is no longer under USFWS custody.

c.   Reports.

c(1)   Convenience and Reference Reports. Periodic and on demand reports printed to paper or digital media containing portions, summaries, and analyses of the data and used for convenience, reference, or distribution.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy when no longer needed.

c(2)   Record and Case File Reports. Periodic and on demand reports printed to paper or digital media containing portions, summaries, and analyses of the data and filed in a case file or as a record copy and used to document a program, activity, or decision.

Retention: Retain for the specified retention period of case file or records where reports are filed.

Systems documentation is covered by the General Records Schedule. [GRS 20/11A]

PROP-150   Real Property Inventory Database   (N1-022-05-01/85)

Database containing information on items on Refuges and Fisheries property that are attached or affixed to the ground and valued at more than $5,000. Includes General Service Administration maintenance codes, estimated replacement cost, type of structure, acquisition year, year constructed (if known), fiscal year costs, capitalized improvements, geographical location, organization code, and other information relevant to real property.

a.   Input Documents. Draft working copies, summary sheets, copies of information, input forms, and other materials used solely as source data for database entries not required to be filed as records elsewhere.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy after data have been entered into the database and verified.

b.   Database Entries. Database records maintained within the database on an online system and regularly backed up to digital media.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Delete property item entries 5 years after item no longer exists or has otherwise been removed from USFWS custody.

c.   Reports.

c(1)   Convenience and Reference Reports. Periodic and on demand reports printed to paper or digital media containing portions, summaries, and analyses of the data and used for convenience, reference, or distribution.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy when no longer needed.

c(2)   Record and Case File Reports. Periodic and on demand reports printed to paper or digital media containing portions, summaries, and analyses of the data and filed in a case file or as a record copy and used to document a program, activity, or decision.

Retention: Retain for the specified retention period of case file or records where reports are filed.

Systems documentation is covered by the General Records Schedule. [GRS 20/11A]

PROP-160   Maps, Real Property   (N1-022-05-01/182)

Maps, site maps, surveys, and other associated cartographic materials associated with the real property files.

Retention: PERMANENT. Retain until property is no longer under USFWS custody and then transfer to NARA.

PROP-210   Refuge Case Files   (N1-022-05-01/23)

Subject-based refuge files for each refuge used to provide national and regional offices with reference copies of refuge activity documentation. Includes reference copies of correspondence, refuge organization chart, special issues and plans, copies of studies, copies of agreements and memoranda, and refuge budget information. Usually maintained in regional office.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Review annually and destroy superseded or obsolete documents.

PROP-220   Maintenance Management System (MMS)   (N1-022-05-01/84)

The Maintenance Management System (MMS) is a database designed to optimize the management of deferred maintenance and capital improvement activities throughout USFWS by using standardized procedures to document and prioritize field facility and equipment needs and to report accomplishments.

a.   Input Documents. Draft working copies, copies of costs estimates, copies of budget information, input forms, and other materials used solely as source data for database entries and not required to be filed as records elsewhere.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy after data have been entered into the database and verified.

b.   Database Entries. Records maintained in electronic form on an online system and backed up regularly.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Delete entry 10 years after last change.

c.   Reports.

c(1)   Convenience and Reference Reports. Periodic and on demand reports printed to paper or digital media containing portions, summaries, and analyses of the data and used for convenience, reference, or distribution.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy when no longer needed.

c(2)   Record and Case File Reports. Periodic and on demand reports printed to paper or digital media containing portions, summaries, and analyses of the data and filed in a case file or as a record copy and used to document a program, activity, or decision.

Retention: Retain for the specified retention period of case file or records where reports are filed.

Systems documentation is covered by the General Records Schedule. [GRS 20/11A]

PROP-230   Land Title Status Records   (N1-022-05-01/173)

Records documenting title status of USFWS administered lands including reserved or outstanding subsurface rights. Files include status maps with tract numbers and boundaries, copy of deed, and legal opinions concerning the status of provisions for subsurface rights. Usually maintained at the field station level.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Review annually and cutoff superseded or obsolete materials. Destroy superseded or obsolete materials 6 years after cutoff.

PROP-240   Refuge Management Information System (RMIS)   (N1-022-05-01/152)

Nationally maintained database containing a wide variety of information on the refuge system including general administration and contact information, refuge visitor statistical information, oil/gas and minerals activities, funding and staffing information, and accomplishment and goals tracking information. Database is used for numerous reporting, planning, and tracking purposes.

a.   Input Documents. Draft working copies, input forms, copies of digital data from other systems, and other materials used solely as source data for database entries.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy after data have been entered into the database and verified.

b.   Database Records. Database records maintained within the database on an online system and regularly backed up to digital media.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Delete entries when 15 years old.

c.   Reports.

c(1)   Convenience and Reference Reports. Periodic and on demand reports printed to paper or digital media containing portions, summaries, and analyses of the data and used for convenience, reference, or distribution.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy when no longer needed.

c(2)   Record and Case File Reports. Periodic and on demand reports printed to paper or digital media containing portions, summaries, and analyses of the data and filed in a case file or as a record copy and used to document a program, activity, or decision.

Retention: Retain for the specified retention period of case file or records where reports are filed.

Systems documentation is covered by the General Records Schedule. [GRS 20/11A]

PROP-250   Wilderness Studies   (N1-022-05-01/185)

Wilderness studies conducted to determine the suitability or nonsuitability of refuge land for preservation as wilderness under the provisions of the Wilderness Act of 1964. Studies and recommendations become part of the DOI recommendations to the president. Studies result in a congressional wilderness area designation, no congressional designation, or were withdrawn. May contain copies of environmental impact statements, wilderness study reports, recommendations to the president, legislative bills, and summary environmental impact statements.

a.   Wilderness Studies. Wilderness studies and recommendations presented to DOI.

Retention: PERMANENT. Transfer to NARA 20 years after completion of study.

b.   Wilderness Studies Case Files. Case working files and reference materials used to produce Wilderness Studies and recommendations. May contain copies of environmental impact statements, wilderness study reports, reference materials, legislative bills, correspondence, and summary environmental impact statements.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy 20 years after completion of study.

PROP-261   Individual Fire Reports (FS 5100-29, DI-1202)   (N1-095-05-2/01)

Narrative reports, maps and fire situation analyses documenting the long-term impact of fire on specific resources and operational lessons learned

Retention: PERMANENT: Cut off at end of calendar year in which report is submitted. Hold in host unit for 20 years. Transfer to NARA 20 years after cut off. Depending on local practice, and at the option of the host unit, Individual Fire Reports may be maintained and transferred with the Fire Package Incident History File (item 2 below).

PROP-263   Fire Package-Incident History File   (N1-095-05-2/02)

Records documenting significant events, actions taken, lessons learned and other information with long-term value for managing natural resources on Federal lands such as fire narrative reports, final incident situation summary reports, entrapment reports, transition plans, Final Statement of Costs, Wildland Fire Situation Analyses (WFSA), delegations of authority tied to WFSAs, Fire Behavior Analyst Reports, raw weather data not captured elsewhere, news released, photos and infrareds, fire progression maps and final fire perimeter maps. This series may also include records relating to joint operations and/or mutual aid, and copies of Incident reports and analyses prepared by agencies other than the Incident Management Team or host unit, records documenting significant interactions with communities affected by the incident, and selected reports of notes pertaining to high-level management and security issues not incorporated into the fire narrative. For incidents involving use of wildland fire for resource management purposes, also includes Wildland Fire Implementation Plans (Stages I, II, and III) or equivalents.

Retention: PERMANENT. Cut off at end of calendar year in which incident is terminated. Transfer to off site storage three years after cutoff. Transfer to NARA 20 years after cutoff.

PROP-265   Fire Package-Incident Administrative Records   (N1-095-05-2/03)

Records documenting the administrative and operational actions taken in the management of the incident such as daily action plans, internal briefings, interim status summary reports, inspection checklists, unit logs, worksheets, inventories, T-cards, resource orders, demobilization plans and checkout, cost estimates, agreements, fire behavior messages and forecasts, raw weather data captured elsewhere, safety reports and accident logs, firing plans, individual unit narratives, photos with no long-term value, and similar records pertaining to logistics, resources, air operations, safety, demobilization, claims, payments and litigation support.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Cut off at end of calendar year in which incident is termination. Transfer to off site storage three years after cutoff Destroy seven years after cutoff.

PROP-310   Bridge and Dam Safety   (N1-022-05-01/79)

Structural analyses studies of dams and bridges on property administered by USFWS. Analyses are done to identify any deficiencies and contains analyses data, summary information, copies of inspections, and cost estimates to correct deficiencies.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy when 20 years old.

PROP-320   Well Logs and Reservoir Capacity Logs   (NC1-22-78-1/43)

Logs contain volume and other technical information regarding wells and reservoirs located on Service-owned or Service-utilized real-estate

Retention: TEMPORARY. Retain until reservoir is no longer in custody of Service. Upon sale or relinquishment of easement rights convey log to purchaser or owner (in case of easement relationship).

PROP-330   Facility Condition Assessments   (N1-022-05-01/81)

Case files for inspections and condition assessments of dikes, dams, buildings, roads, and other USFWS structures and facilities. Condition assessments are used to make resource allocation decisions. Files document all aspects of assistance and include correspondence, reference materials, and inspection reports. Files do not include safety inspections.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy when 6 years old.

PROP-340   Fuel Tank Databases   (N1-022-05-01/82)

Fuel tank databases containing information on fuel tanks on USFWS property. Contains tank capacity, tank location, tank type, and other summary information. May have associated fuel tank files containing as built specifications, maintenance information, correspondence, and other associated information filed in engineering drawing case files.

a.   Input Documents. Draft working copies, summary sheets, copies of information, input forms, and other materials used solely as source data for database entries not required to be filed as records elsewhere.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy after data have been entered into the database and verified.

b.   Database Entries. Database records maintained within the database on an online system and regularly backed up to digital media.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Delete fuel tank item entries 6 years after fuel tank no longer exists or is otherwise removed from USFWS custody.

c.   Reports.

c(1)   Convenience and Reference Reports. Periodic and on demand reports printed to paper or digital media containing portions, summaries, and analyses of the data and used for convenience, reference, or distribution.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy when no longer needed.

c(2)   Record and Case File Reports. Periodic and on demand reports printed to paper or digital media containing portions, summaries, and analyses of the data and filed in a case file or as a record copy and used to document a program, activity, or decision.

Retention: Retain for the specified retention period of case file or records where reports are filed.

Systems documentation is covered by the General Records Schedule. [GRS 20/11A]

PROP-510   Maps   (N1-022-05-01/142)

Maps, including paper maps, USFWS annotated USGS maps, maps produced by geographical information systems (GIS) and other automated processes that document or display information pertaining to USFWS activities, land, land status, or structures, and which are not related to the real property files. Maps are produced for projects, studies, court cases, congressional inquiries, trespass investigations, and other requests.

a.   Record copy of maps that document or illustrate a project or activity and includes all electronic files and metadata associated with the map.

Retention: Retain for the specific retention period of the case file or records that map is associated with.

b.   Informational and reference maps or copies.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy when superseded or no longer needed.

c.   Project Files. Project files on maps being produced for program activities. May be filed or named by org code prefix or suffix. Project folders may contain notes, specifications, preliminary maps, and reference to location/ name of final map.

Retention: Retain for the specific retention period of the case file or records that map is associated with.

d.   Historical Project Maps. Maps with associated electronic files and metadata selected annually by the project director as permanent because they document or illustrate a project that established a precedent for changing policy, received extensive media coverage, was reviewed at length in the Service's annual report, resulted in significant controversy, received national or international awards, and/or was the subject of extensive litigation.

Retention: PERMANENT. Consult with NARA to determine an acceptable format and transfer a copy of the master file to NARA.

e.   Historical Systems. Geographical information system (data files) selected by a national project director as permanent because they are large-scale, and national or multi-regional in scope and have sufficient informational content to document USFWS organization, geographical distribution, major land uses, or other information not necessarily recorded elsewhere.

Retention: PERMANENT. Consult with NARA to determine an acceptable format and transfer a copy of the master file to NARA.

f.   Historical System Documentation Current system documentation for historical systems (item e.), such as data dictionaries, table structures, manuals, description of coded information and other system documentation.

Retention: PERMANENT. Transfer current copy of system documentation to NARA when transferring historical systems.

PROP-520   Published Maps   (NC1-22-78-1/69)

One copy of each published map and portfolio produced by or on behalf of the Service, including each edition and variant, and all related indices. (arranged by topic)

Retention: PERMANENT. Separate file into 2-year sets and offer set to NARA when 2 yrs old.

PROP-530   Aerial Photographs   (N1-022-05-01/166)

Aerial photographs of USFWS refuges, properties, project sites, and other areas of interest. Photographs may exist as negatives, prints, or digital images.

a.   Aerial photographs commissioned by USFWS and aerial photographs that have been annotated by USFWS staff to document program activities.

a(1)   Photographs.

Retention: PERMANENT. Transfer originals to NARA 3 years after photographs are no longer of use to USFWS.

a(2)   Digital Images.

Retention: PERMANENT. Transfer copy to NARA 1 year after images are no longer of use to USFWS. Consult with NARA to determine acceptable format for transfer.

b.   Reference or informational aerial photographs used by USFWS.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy when no longer needed.

PROP-540   Geographical Information System (GIS) Data Files   (N1-022-05-01/139)

Geographical Information System (GIS) data files used solely to create maps for a variety of programmatic and administrative purposes and which are not used as a documentary record of the map. The maps, as printed paper of digital images, become part of the case or event documentation and are used to make determinations and decisions. Includes geospatial data files.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy 1 year after production of final version of map.

PROP-610   Engineering Drawings and Specifications   (N1-022-05-01/77)

These records document the design, construction, alteration, maintenance and rehabilitation of USFWS facilities and structures, both natural and man-made. Drawings may exist as blue prints, Mylar, paper copies, or digital files in a computer assisted design (CAD) system. Case files document activities associated with the construction, alteration, maintenance and rehabilitation of USFWS facilities including roads, trails, ponds, lakes, dams, utilities, structures, fences betterments, and so forth.

a.   Drawings and Specifications.

a(1)   Record copy, as built drawings, or most current "official" version of CAD file.

Retention: Transfer to new custodian if property leaves USFWS custody.

a(2)   Destroyed Structures. Drawings and specifications for structures that were destroyed or otherwise cease to exist.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy 6 years after structure ceases to exist.

a(3)   Duplicate and reference copies.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy when superseded or no longer needed.

b.   Case and Project Files.

b(1)   Case files documenting construction and facility specifications and other long-term information for the facility or structure.

Retention: Transfer to new custodian if property leaves USFWS custody.

b(2)   Case file information of a transitory nature such as budget information, construction contract financial information, and other materials relevant to a specific task or tasks but not really providing long-term important information about the structure or building.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy 6 years after completion or termination of activity.

PROP-620   Design Files (Job Files)   (N1-022-05-01/78)

Working files and information compiled in developing specifications for construction projects. May include public comment, draft specifications, reports, and cost analyses.

a.   Substantive documentation and specifications used for long-term structure maintenance and modification.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy 20 years after life of structure. Transfer to new owner if structure is transferred from USFWS custody.

b.   Documentation, comments, analyses, and other materials not used for long-term maintenance or modifications

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy 6 years after project completion.

PROP-650   Development Planning Documents Files   (NC1-22-78-1/30)

Files pertain to the planning and programming of the development of Service properties, and to their operation and maintenance. Includes plans for operation and maintenance and for the development of physical improvements. Includes area master plans, cartographic materials, general and specific activity management plans, outlines of medium and long range requirements, task directives, development concept plans, statements for management, and so forth.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Review files annually. Destroy material when it is no longer needed.

PROP-810   Alaska Land Bank Agreements   (N1-022-05-01/167)

Agreements created with native corporations giving management rights to native owned lands affecting USFWS lands under the Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act and the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy 6 years after final termination of agreement.

PROP-820   Agricultural Cooperative Program   (NC1-22-78-1/21)

Record includes information regarding agricultural activities undertaken on Service-managed lands in accordance with cooperative agreements. Case files include the cooperative agreement as well as data concerning crop and animal species yields, acreage, grazing activities, forest production, and so forth.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy 3 yrs after controlling agreement expires or is terminated.

PROP-850   Alaska Native Land Claims   (N1-022-05-01/168)

Native village selection claims filed under the Alaska Native Land Claims Settlement Act (ANCSA) that pertain to land in USFWS custody. Includes claims submitted under section 14h(1) of ANCSA pertaining to cemetery and historical sites. May contain field reports, surveys, maps, copies of native enrollments, and application determinations.

a.   Land Claims. Native village selection claims filed under the Alaska Native Land Claims Settlement Act, associated correspondence and copies of Native enrollments. Usually maintained in Regional Office Realty office.

a(1)   Successful Claims.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy 6 years after claim is awarded.

a(2)   Unsuccessful Claims.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy 6 years after final determination.

b.   Refuge Copies. Correspondence from the Realty office concerning Alaska Native Land Claims Settlement Act, copies of Native village selection claims, and copies of Native enrollments maintained in Refuge offices.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy after resolution or termination of claim.

PROP-860   Water Rights Case Files   (NC1-22-78-1/42)

Files document water rights on Service utilized real estate including applications and amendments thereto for state permits; related descriptions of land, water and streams; state letters of approval; materials pertaining to proof of beneficial use and extensions of time therefore; pertinent cartographic materials; documentation concerning disputes and other substantive correspondence.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy 3 yrs after rights terminate or dispute is resolved.

PROP-900   Leases, Site Use   (N1-022-05-01/174)

General and airport leases for USFWS site use granted to local governments, states, Indian tribes, and native villages.

a.   Case Files, Granted Leases.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy 20 years after lease terminates and appeal rights are exhausted.

b.   Case Files, Leases Not Granted.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy 6 years after last activity.

PROP-901   Leased Space Databases   (N1-022-05-01/83)

Databases containing information on facilities and properties leased by USFWS from GSA or others. May contain facility names, descriptions, locations, addresses, lease amounts, lease expiration dates, and other relevant information.

a.   Input Documents. Draft working copies, summary sheets, copies of information, input forms, and other materials used solely as source data for database entries and not required to be filed as records elsewhere.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy after data have been entered into the database and verified.

b.   Database Entries. Database records maintained within the database on an online system and regularly backed up to digital media.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Delete facility or property item entry 2 years after property or facility is no longer leased.

c.   Reports.

c(1)   Convenience and Reference Reports. Periodic and on demand reports printed to paper or digital media containing portions, summaries, and analyses of the data and used for convenience, reference, or distribution.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy when no longer needed.

c(2)   Record and Case File Reports. Periodic and on demand reports printed to paper or digital media containing portions, summaries, and analyses of the data and filed in a case file or as a record copy and used to document a program, activity, or decision.

Retention: Retain for the specified retention period of case file or records where reports are filed.

Systems documentation is covered by the General Records Schedule. [GRS 20/11A]

PROP-910   Mining Claim Case Files   (N1-022-05-01/176)

Mining claim case files for mining claims on USFWS administered land. Includes lists of claims, copies of mining claims, correspondence, and other associated materials for administering mining claim activities on USFWS lands. Official mining claims are maintained by the Bureau of Land Management.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Review annually and cutoff expired claims and obsolete documents. Destroy 10 years after cutoff.

PROP-920   Minerals and Mining Files   (N1-022-05-01/175)

Case files on mineral and mining leases on USFWS administered land issued by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and mineral and mining exploration and production activities as allowed to existing subsurface rights holders. Files document USFWS involvement in ensuring that leases or claims are valid, that activities are conducted under any stipulated conditions, that the wildlife and habitat are protected, and that restoration and rehabilitation is completed after expiration of lease or abandonment of activities. Files may include copies of leases, plans and studies, permits, correspondence, activity logs and memoranda and reports documenting activities, and other information documenting USFWS's role in evaluating and administering the lease, claim, or activities.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy 20 years after lease or claim terminates and appeal rights are exhausted.

PROP-930   Oil and Gas Exploration and Production Records   (NC1-22-78-1/35)

Contains copies of records submitted to or received from U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) regarding oil and gas operations on leased Service lands. Included herein are logs, plugging records, production records, exploratory studies, and lease status reports. The record copy of this data is maintained by USGS.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy 4 yrs after year in which lease expires.

PROP-940   Oil and Gas Files   (N1-022-05-01/178)

Case files on oil and gas leases issued by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and oil and gas exploration and production activities on USFWS administered land as allowed to existing subsurface rights holders. Files document USFWS involvement in ensuring that leases are valid, that activities are conducted under any stipulated conditions, that the wildlife and habitat are protected, and that restoration and rehabilitation is completed after expiration of lease or abandonment of activities. Files may include copies of leases, copies of plugging records, plans and studies including Comprehensive Conservation Plans and Oil and Gas Management Plans, permits, correspondence, activity logs and memoranda and reports documenting activities, and other information documenting USFWS's role in evaluating and administering the lease.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy 20 years after lease terminates and appeal rights are exhausted.

Reports, Findings, and Surveys (RPTS)

RPTS-311   Narrative Reports   (NC1-22-78-1/65)

Annual narrative statements that document historically significant events, milestones, accomplishments, failures, phenomena that apply to a specific activity within the Service such as national wildlife refuges and national fish hatcheries. These reports are not published, normally exist in less than 5 copies and provide historically meaningful detail otherwise not available. (arranged chronologically and thereunder alphabetically by title)

a.   Paper records

a(1)   When reduced to microform

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy when accuracy of microform has been verified.

a(2)   When not reduced to microform

a(2)a   Record copy

Rention: PERMANENT. Separate files into 1-year sets and transfer the set to a Federal records center when it is 3 yrs old. Offer the set to NARA when it is 8 yrs old.

a(2)b   All other copies

Rention: TEMPORARY. Destroy when 10 years old or when no longer needed.

b.   Microform record

b(1)   Record copy

Retention: PERMANENT. Separate file into 1-year sets. Offer silver original and 1 duplicate copy to NARA no more than 2 yrs after reduction to microform.

b(2)   All other copies

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy when no longer needed.

RPTS-340   Refuge Compatible Uses Reports   (N1-022-05-01/24)

Compatible uses studies for recreational and commercial activities on refuges. Performed under the provisions of the National Wildlife Refuge System Administration Act and documenting what activities are compatible with protecting and enhancing wildlife and their habitat on refuges.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy 10 years after superseded by a new report.

RPTS-345   Refuge Contaminant Assessment Reports   (N1-022-05-01/74)

Contaminant assessments summary report for each refuge based on all the contaminant surveys, clean up activities, and consultant-performed studies at the refuge that are used as a management and reporting tool.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy when superseded by a new report.

RPTS-352   Animal Damage Control Central File   (NC1-22-78-1/22)

File documents Service activities that are directed toward the reduction of animal damage to livestock, agriculture, natural resources, and human beings.

a.   Material relating to policy creation, development, and implementation (Arranged alphabetically.)

a(1)   Record copy.

Retention: PERMANENT. Separate file into 1-year sets and transfer set to Federal Records Center when it is 3 yrs old. Offer set to the NARA when it is 8 yrs old.

a(2)   All other copies.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy when no longer needed.

b.   Material that documents routine accomplishment of the Service's mission.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Separate file into 1-year sets and transfer set to Federal Records Center when it is 4 yrs old. Destroy the set when it is 10 yrs old.

c.   Material that reflects repetitive, routine or housekeeping activities.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy when 3 yrs old or when no longer needed.

RPTS-354   Animal Damage Control Removal File   (NC1-22-78-1/23)

Includes annual compilation of animals legally removed for purposes of damage control. These compilations reflect the numbers of each species removed and the techniques used. Based on tabulations provided by the participating states.

a.   Summary Annual Report by region. (arranged by region, thereunder chronologically)

Retention: PERMANENT. Separate file into 5-yr. sets and offer immediately to NARA.

b.   State reports.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy 2 yrs after being used to prepare annual compilation.

c.   Special compilations.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Separate files into 1-year sets and transfer the set to Federal Records Center when it is 3 yrs old. Destroy the set when it is 7 yrs old.

RPTS-356   Inspection, Survey and Investigation Files   (NC1-22-78-1/51)

Includes appraisals, inspections, management surveys, studies and investigations of the Service by or on the behalf of the Congress, Interior Department and other Executive activities, and the Service itself.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy when 4 yrs old or when no longer needed.

RPTS-361   Fish Harvesting - Great Lakes   (NC1-22-78-1/32)

Machine-readable record includes data on commercial and sport fishing on the Great Lakes since 1971. Includes identity of vessel; method and value of catch; place, date, and time of catch; and species caught. Data is used to study the population dynamics of several species of fish.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Review annually. Destroy data which is no longer needed.

RPTS-362   Fish and Wildlife Surveys   (N1-022-05-01/189)

Survey information, data, and summary reports of fish and wildlife numbers and locations, including fish counts, weir monitoring statistics, commercial harvest data, escapement, stream surveys, fish flow data, habitat data, species counts for fish passage at dams and riverine and coastal structures, animal counts, herd statistics, habitat data, tagging and transponder data, and aerial count information. These surveys are used to produce publications and reports that track long-term trends.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy when 20 years old.

RPTS-363   Statistics on Visitors to Service Facilities   (NC1-22-78-1/72)

Statistics reflect such information as number of visitors, total visitor hours, types of visitor activities, visitor impacts on Service facilities, modes of visitor transportation, and so forth.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy when statistics are 5 yrs old or when no longer needed.

RPTS-420   Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act Reports   (N1-022-05-01/50)

Biological assessment, habitat assessments, and general consultative reports prepared for, and funded by, state or other Federal agencies used to protect, rear, stock, and increase the supply of game and fur-bearing animals, as well as to study the effects of domestic sewage, trade wastes, and other polluting substances on wildlife. Done under the provisions of the Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy 10 years after completion of report or 10 years after last activity, whichever is later.

RPTS-710   Subsistence Board Staff Case Files   (N1-022-05-01/31)

Federal Subsistence Board committee staff research, analyses, and other materials prepared for and/or submitted to the Board. Records include staff meeting arrangements, collection and arrangement of Federal Regional Advisory Councils' reports and recommendations.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy when 10 years old.

RPTS-720   Subsistence Hunting Permit Case Files   (N1-022-05-01/32)

Subsistence hunting permit case files for deer, bear, and elk and case working files created in the course of issuing and denying permits. Case working files include permits, denial documentation, correspondence, copies of regulations, forms, and other materials.

Retention: PERMANENT. Transfer to NARA when 20 years old.

RPTS-800   Technical /Scientific Report Files   (NC1-22-78-1/74)

Includes reports prepared by Service personnel that document the accomplishment of an essentially technical or scientific nature. These reports are normally prepared by personnel working outside of the headquarters environment. They are designed to show the status of either an individual or team effort and may be filed on either a voluntary or mandatory basis. These reports are not of enduring value.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy 4 years after the completion or termination of the effort about which the document report or when the document ceases to be of value, whichever occurs first.

RPTS-900   Reports to Congress   (N1-022-05-01/25)

Annual reports to Congress summarizing USFWS and DOI activities to enforce various acts such as the Endangered Species Act, the Marine Mammals Protection Act, the Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act, and other required reports to Congress.

a.   Annual Reports.

a(1)   Reports. Copy of final report as submitted to Congress, usually maintained in the originating National Office.

Retention: PERMANENT. Transfer to NARA when 20 years old.

a(2)   Background Materials. Working, reference, and background materials used in producing report. May include draft copies, notes, comments from regional staff, statistical compilations, and reference materials.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy 5 years after submission of report.

b.   Reports, Reference Copies. Copies of draft and final reports distributed for information, reference, or comments to other offices and the regions.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy when no longer needed for reference.

Safety (SAFE)

SAFE-110   Report of Accident/Incident File   (NC1-22-78-1/10)

File contains completed Department of the Interior forms, DI-134 and 134C. These forms are completed and forwarded to Headquarters in Safety and Security Office on each occasion of an on-the-job accident, illness, or injury involving a Service employee. These forms provide such information as employee identity and the date, time, location, and circumstances of the event reported.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Transfer to the Federal Records Center 2 yrs after close of case. Destroy 6 yrs after close of case.

SAFE-120   Fatal Accident Investigation File   (NC1-22-78-1/05)

File includes the basic accident report and any other reports or analyses of the event. Highlighted are the suspected and confirmed cause(s) of the accident, any remedial recommendations, and details of the participation of any Service personnel who reacted to the fatal accident. A fatal accident case file is maintained in the case of loss of life of any human being on Service lands or in Service-utilized facilities.

a.   Record copy

Retention: TEMPORARY. Transfer to the Federal Records Center 3 yrs after close of case. Destroy 10 yrs after close of case.

b.   All other copies.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy when 10 yrs old or when no longer of value whichever occurs first.

SAFE-130   Personal Injury Files   (GRS/1/31)

Forms, reports, correspondence, and related medical and investigatory records relating to on-the-job injuries, whether or not a claim for compensation was made, EXCLUDING copies filed in the Employee Medical Folder and copies submitted to the Department of Labor.

Retention: Cut off on termination of compensation or when deadline for filing a claim has passed. Destroy 3 years after cutoff.

SAFE-140   Motor Vehicle Accident Files   (GRS/10/5)

Records relating to motor vehicle accidents, maintained by transportation offices, including SF 91, Motor Vehicle Accident Report, investigative reports, and SF 94, Statement of Witness.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy 6 years after case is closed.

SAFE-510   Survey and Inspection Files   (GRS/18/9)

Reports of surveys and inspections of Government owned facilities conducted to ensure adequacy of protective and preventive measures taken against hazards of fire, explosion, and accidents, and to safeguard information and facilities against sabotage and unauthorized entry.

Retention: TEMPORARY. Destroy when 3 years old or upon discontinuance of facility, whichever is sooner.


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