Army Strong Videos

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First Lieutenant Clint Bickett

First Lieutenant Clint Bickett (Reserve Officer) talks about experience/benefits - Civilian role (Director of Finance for Lockheed Martin). ROTC tough Leadership (time-management, operate in team environment)and how to use in everyday setti...

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  • CPT Jeffrey Kiki

    See how the Army has helped pay for Jeffrey's medical school while providing him...

    CATEGORY: Career & Jobs

    TAGS: Medical Corps Army Healthcare

    CPT Jeffrey Kiki
  • Tracey Lyons

    See how Tracey gains valuable medical experience while taking care of Soldiers, ...

    CATEGORY: Career & Jobs Featured

    TAGS: EMT Medical Corps

    Army Combat Medic
    Tracey Lyons
  • Cars, Golf & Pathology

    Lt Col. John Hunnicutt, Pathologist (Reserve) talks about role/experience/benefi...

    CATEGORY: Medicine

    TAGS: Family Practice Medical Corps

    Cars, Golf & Pathology
  • CPT Jeffrey Kiki

    See how the Army has helped pay for Jeffrey's medical school while providing him...

    CATEGORY: Career & Jobs

    TAGS: Medical Corps Army Healthcare

    CPT Jeffrey Kiki
  • Variety & Diversity

    Maj. Jonathan Craig Taylor, Family Physician talks about role/experience/benefit...

    CATEGORY: Medicine Featured

    TAGS: Family Practice Medical Corps

    Army Officer
    Variety & Diversity
  • 1st Lieutenant Savannah Estes - Critical Care Nurse

    1st Lieutenant Savannah Estes, Critical Care Nurse discusses why she joined army...

    CATEGORY: Medicine

    TAGS: Nurse Medical Corps

    1st Lieutenant Savannah Estes - Critical Care Nurse
  • Captain Kevin Gormley - Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner

    Captain KEVIN GORMLEY, Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner talks about role/experienc...

    CATEGORY: Medicine

    TAGS: Nurse Medical Corps

    Captain Kevin Gormley - Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner
  • Captain Samuel Sama - Critical Care Nurse

    Captain Samuel Sama, Critical Care Nurse talks about role/experience/benefits - ...

    CATEGORY: Medicine

    TAGS: Nurse Medical Corps

    Captain Samuel Sama - Critical Care Nurse
  • Lieutenant Colonel Rob Goodman - Veterinarian

    Lieutenant Colonel Rob Goodman, Veterinarian talks about role/experience/benefit...

    CATEGORY: Medicine

    TAGS: Veterinarian Medical Corps

    Lieutenant Colonel Rob Goodman - Veterinarian
  • First Lieutenant Clint Bickett

    First Lieutenant Clint Bickett (Reserve Officer) talks about experience/benefits...


    TAGS: ROTC Medical Corps

    First Lieutenant Clint Bickett
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First Lieutenant Clint Bickett

First Lieutenant Clint Bickett (Reserve Officer) talks about experience/benefits - Civilian role (Director of Finance for Lockheed Martin). ROTC tough Leadership (time-management, operate in team environment)and how to use in everyday setti...

I'm Clint Bickett, I'm the director of finance for Lockheed Martin. I essentially manage all of their financials their business operations. When I was going through the ROTC program, college really taught me how to be a leader but the ROTC program and the Army taught me how to utilize those skills in an everyday setting. When I look back in college I look at all of my other college buddies and honestly, I had the same college career they had but essentially it set me up for bigger and better things.
Clint brings with him a dedication to the mission, willingness to put the job above himself and I believe that's something he learned in ROTC.
I knew for a fact after graduating from college I would have a competitive advantage in the Army or even outside the Army because I know civilian contractors are looking for that self-discipline that most of us possess.
I believe that Clint's potential within Lockheed Martin is unlimited. There is no reason why Clint couldn't be the CEO of the corporation at some point.
Well, I think the ROTC really provided me a toolkit for being a stronger leader. It gave me time-management skills it gave me the ability to be flexible yet it allowed me to operate within a team environment which the U.S. Army always is. You win as a team and you lose as a team.
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