Tactical Training Ranges

Tactical Combat Training System (TCTS)

The Tactical Training Ranges IPT manages the Navy’s airborne training systems. These systems provide realistic, cost-effective environments and capabilities in support of individual, unit level, and team training. Missions are conducted in air-to-air and air-to-surface combat, and electronic combat environments.

  • Fixed range and untethered tracking, monitoring and debrief of exercise participants:
    - Reduces or eliminates costly range infrastructure
  • Airborne and Ground components
    - Live monitor and post-mission debrief
  • Installed at all Navy and Marine Corps training ranges
    - Tracking demonstrated out to 180 nautical miles
    - System availability consistently 97 percent
  • Deployable to remote locations in support of training exercises

Large Area Tracking Range (LATR)

  • Tracking of fixed and rotary wing aircraft, ships, and amphibious assault vehicles.
  • Tracks up to 124 participants out to 500 nautical miles in range and up to 50,000 feet in altitude.
  • Data collection and display and debrief at multiple locations both in real-time and post exercise.
  • Supports multiple warfare areas and interfaces with existing host range infrastructure and sensors.

Electronic Warfare (EW)

Presents training event participants with an Opposing Force electronic warfare operating environment.

  • Ground-based emitter simulations
    - Foreign Military Equipment
    - Emitter Simulators
  • Airborne emitter simulators
  • Realistic ground target shapes