About Domains

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A domain refers to a business enterprise broadly reflecting the agencies, units of government, operational functions, services, and information systems that are organized or affiliated to meet common objectives.

Fourteen domains currently participate in NIEM, and that number is growing. On the pages linked below, you can learn about each domain currently engaged in NIEM. 

If you are interested in becoming an active member of any of the domainsclick here​.


The NIEM Biometrics domain defines the XML representation for biometrics data such as facial images, fingerprints, iris scans, and DNA so that providers and consumers of biometrics information can exchange this data. Biometrics information is used extensively in different areas of government including homeland security, law enforcement, and defense, just to name a few.

CBRN (Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear)

The CBRN domain currently supports efforts to detect and interdict radiological and nuclear threats.

Children, Youth, and Family Services

The Children, Youth, and Family Services domain supports timely, complete, accurate, and efficient information sharing among the partners that can help improve outcomes for children and youth whose circumstances make them particularly vulnerable.


The NIEM Cyber domain supports the coordinated efforts to create a safe, secure, and resilient cyber environment.

Emergency Management

The NIEM Emergency Management domain supports community efforts to coordinate and integrate all activities necessary to build, sustain, and improve the capability to mitigate against, prepare for, respond to, and recover from threatened or actual natural disasters, acts of terrorism, or other man-made disasters.


The Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) is the steward of the NIEM Health Domain. ONC is working with HHS CIO to establish the governance processes for the NIEM Health Domain.

Human Services

The Human Services concerns itself, at local, state, and federal levels, that with emergency and non-emergency communications that promote the economic and social well-being of families, children, individuals, and communities.


The NIEM Immigration domain supports immigration-related services and benefits, such as naturalization and work authorization. In addition, this domain supports information sharing and exchange to improve those services and law enforcement activities as well as foster better collaboration with external partners.

Infrastructure Protection

The Infrastructure Protection domain supports the collaboration of federal, state, tribal, local, and private-sector partners to strengthen not only the protection of critical infrastructure, but also its resilience.


NIEM's Intelligence domain is the standard of choice for exchanging intelligence among any federal, state, and local agencies on a foreign or domestic basis. Domain members identify the operational needs to exchange intelligence, as well as the opportunities to share information with other domains and functions in justice and homeland security. Domain members represent the full range of operations that deal with the gathering, analysis, fusion, and dissemination of intelligence, as well as the ability to act upon it.

International Trade​​

This NIEM domain supports the mission of protecting the movement of international trade across U.S. boarders by facilitating real-time exchange of information with state, local, international, and other partners.


The Global Justice XML Data Model (Global JXDM), created in March 2001, evolved from a reconciliation of data definitions into an XML-based framework that would enable the entire justice and public safety communities to effectively share information at all levels. In 2005, GJXDM 3.0.3 became the first domain in NIEM. The Justice domain continues to provide the criminal justice system with the data elements, objects, and properties it needs to share critical information between jurisdictions and levels of government.


The Maritime domain supports the effective understanding of anything associated with the global maritime domain that could impact the United States' security, safety, economy, or environment. NIEM facilitates this understanding through effective, timely sharing of vital, secure information among many key partners.


The Screening domain supports, coordinates, and harmonizes the information needs of a number of homeland security mission areas that rely on accurate, timely information in support of a wide range of screening and credentialing activities.

To learn more about how different domains use NIEM to make an impact, read our Case Studies and Success Stories in the Resource Database. ​​