Frequently Asked Questions


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How can NIEM benefit my organization?

NIEM provides a foundation for information exchange that improves effectiveness and efficiency of government. NIEM improves the way information is exchanged throughout the nation. NIEM enhances operational Read More

How do I use NIEM to build IEPDs?

NIEM is a mature, governed, proven model that includes a six-step lifecycle that enables information exchange interoperability. Conduct Business Analysis and Requirements Review: This step defines Read More

How is NIEM managed/governed?

NIEM is a multi-agency information-sharing program. Intergovernmental groups representing key stakeholders play an important role in creating and sustaining partnerships. Partners can share knowledge and Read More

What domains are currently participating in NIEM?

NIEM currently addresses the following domains: Biometrics CBRN (Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear) Children, Youth, and Family Services​​​​​ Cyber Emergency Management Government Resouces Management Health​ Human Services Immigration Infrastructure Protection Intelligence International Trade Justice Maritime Screening ​​​Read More

What is a community of interest (COI)?

Communities of interest (COIs) are groups of people (e.g., committees, working groups or technical subcommittees) who authoritatively represent their respective domains. Representatives from all relevant Read More

What is a data component?

The fundamental building block of NIEM is a data component. Data components are the basic business data items that describe common concepts used in general Read More

What is a domain?

A domain is a business enterprise that broadly reflects the agencies, units of government, operational functions, services, and information systems that are organized or affiliated Read More

What is an IEPD?

An Information Exchange Package Documentation, or IEPD, is a specification for a data exchange and defines a particular data exchange. It is a set of Read More

What is NIEM?

A national initiative supported by the Federal government, NIEM is a means of connecting communities of people who share a common need to exchange information Read More

What is NIEM's mission?

NIEM’s mission is to provide a commonly​ understood way to connect data that improves government decision-making for the greater good.​​​​​​​​Read More
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