Form EIA-826 detailed data

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The Form EIA-826 "Monthly Electric Utility Sales and Revenue Report with State Distributions" collects sales of electricity and associated revenue, each month, from a statistically chosen sample of electric utilities in the United States. The respondents to the Form EIA-826 are chosen from the Form EIA-861, "Annual Electric Utility Report." Methodology is based on the "Model-Based Sampling, Inference and Imputation."

In 2003, EIA revised the survey to separate the transportation sales and reassign the other activities to the commercial and industrial sectors as appropriate. The "other" sector activities included public street and highway lighting, sales to public authorities, sales to railroads and railways, interdepartmental sales, and agricultural irrigations.

Data are provided for bundled utilities on a utility level. In the “Sales and revenue” file, each state includes a state-level “adjustment.” The state level “adjustment” includes an aggregated state-level estimate of sales, revenue and customer counts that include imputed values for non-sampled entities and reported values for power marketers. In the case of power marketers, their data are considered protected and not publicly released in identifiable form until nine months after the end of the reporting year. Also, the state-level adjustment is included in the aggregate state-level totals (the “Total EPM” rows in the data files).

Beginning in 2011, EIA started collecting monthly green pricing, net metering, and advanced metering data. As of this time, the data are not fully reported by all monthly respondents and are therefore incomplete for some states. Aggregated data only represent totals of the data collected at each of the aggregated levels displayed. Imputation procedures for these data have not been established and therefore total representation for state and U.S. totals is not available.

Starting in November 2015, EIA began publishing generation and capacity estimates from small-scale solar installations. More details concerning the estimation methods can be found in the technical notes of the Electric Power Monthly.

Note: Green Pricing data (see bottom of page) is no longer collected on form EIA-826. April 2014 is the last data month in which EIA collected Green Pricing data.

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Net metering
2016 (through October) XLS
2015 XLS
2014 XLS
2013 XLS
2012 XLS
2011 XLS

Advanced metering
2016 (through October) XLS
2015 XLS
2014 XLS
2013 XLS
2012 XLS
2011 XLS

Solar PV Estimate
2016 (through October) XLS
2015 XLS
2014 XLS

Sales and revenue
1990-current XLS
2016 (through October) XLS
2015 XLS
2014 XLS
2013 XLS
2012 XLS
2011 XLS
2010 XLS
2009 XLS
2008 XLS
2007 XLS
2006 XLS
2005 XLS
2004 XLS
2003 XLS
2002 XLS
2001 XLS
2000 XLS
1999 XLS
1998 XLS
1997 XLS
1996 XLS
1995 XLS
1994 XLS
1993 XLS
1992 XLS
1991 XLS
1990 XLS
All data prior to 2016 are final

Green pricing
2014 XLS
2013 XLS
2012 XLS
April 2014 is the last data month in which EIA collected Green Pricing data.