ENERGY STAR Building Design Profile

APS Design-Build Middle School
Albuquerque, NM 87114

APS Design-Build Middle School

Albuquerque Public Schools (APS) worked with architect Dekker/Perich/Sabatini to develop APS Design-Build Middle School, a 170,000-square-foot building that will reduce environmental footprint and create a healthy learning environment for 1,200 students. APS is committed to building environmentally sound schools, and Dekker/Perich/Sabatini promotes sustainable design by encouraging clients to incorporate similar goals in the design and operations of their buildings. In addition, the project advances efforts by the City of Albuquerque to promote energy efficiency initiatives to its constituents.

Both the architect and the owner chose to pursue EPA's Designed to Earn the ENERGY STAR recognition to convey the superior energy efficiency goals of their design. Dekker/Perich/Sabatini also believes that EPA's Target Finder tool provides the necessary metrics to set and evaluate these goals. APS Design-Build Middle School rated 86 out of 100 in the tool and is expected to use 35 percent less energy than an average similar building.

Several design elements help make the project energy-efficient, including a high-efficiency four-pipe mechanical system, increased wall and roof insulation, efficient glazing, and extensive daylighting. Artificial lighting is controlled by occupancy sensors. The building is also expected to reduce indoor water usage by 50 percent compared with an average building, due to water conserving fixtures such as high efficiency toilets and pint urinals.

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Designed to Earn the ENERGY STAR

Design Team

Architect of Record:
Albuquerque, NM


Building Owner:
Albuquerque Public Schools

Design Rating / % Energy and CO₂ Reduction*:
86 / 35%

Design / Completion Date:
2008 / 2009

Space Type:
K–12 School

Floor Space:
170,000 sf

Estimated Energy Use Intensity:
93.1 kBtu/sf/yr

Estimated Total Annual Energy Use:
15,833,000 kBtu

Estimated Annual Energy Cost:

Technologies Specified:
High-efficiency four-pipe mechanical system; thorough wall and roof insulation; glazing; daylighting; lighting sensors; water-conserving fixtures.

For More Information:
Julie Walleisa, AIA

*Percent Energy and CO₂ Reductions are compared with an average building of similar type.