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Unified Medical Language System® (UMLS®)

UMLS News and Announcements (2011)

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December 2011

  • Annual Report and SNOMED CT® Affiliate Report
    December 15, 2011
    The UMLS reporting requirements for 2011 are now available. You must complete the UMLS Annual Report and the IHTSDO Affiliate License Statement of Account (for SNOMED CT users only) by January 31, 2012. If you do not complete the reporting requirements by this deadline, your UTS account will be deactivated. To access the reports, sign in to the UTS and click ‘My Profile’.

  • SNOMED CT®: CORE Problem List Subset, November 2011
    December 15, 2011
    The updated SNOMED CT CORE Problem List Subset is available for download from both the SNOMED CT and Downloads menus of the UTS.

  • CMT: Cardiology Problem List Subset Update and Ophthalmology Problem List Subset
    December 5, 2011
    The Cardiology Problem List Subset update and the Ophthalmology Problem List Subset from Convergent Medical Terminology (CMT) are available for download.

November 2011

October 2011

September 2011

August 2011

July 2011

June 2011

  • 2011AA UMLS Release available on UTS
    June 30, 2011
    The 2011AA edition of the UMLS Knowledge Sources is available for searching on the UTS Metathesaurus Browser. The browser is available from the Applications menu of the UTS.

  • NLM Invites Nominations for IHTSDO Standing Committees Due July 14, 2011
    June 28, 2011
    As the U.S. Member of the International Health Terminology Standards Development Organisation (IHTSDO), the National Library of Medicine (NLM) is soliciting nominations of potential candidates for the four IHTSDO Standing Committees – Content, Quality Assurance, Implementation & Innovation (formerly Research & Innovation), and Technical. These Committees have important roles in the ongoing development of the SNOMED CT clinical terminology and in the IHTSDO. Nominations are due to NLM by COB July 14, 2011 (see details here).

  • IHTSDO (SNOMED CT®) Affiliate Forum: Invitation to Participate
    June 17, 2011
    Marc Horowitz, Chair of the Affiliate Forum (AF) of the International Health Terminology Standards Development Organization (IHTSDO), invites SNOMED CT Affiliates to participate in an conference call on the 28th June (time: 20:00 – 21:30 UTC). The UMLS Metathesaurus License includes the SNOMED CT Affiliate Licence as Appendix 2, and all UMLS licensees are SNOMED CT Affiliates by default.

    This conference call is part of a direct outreach program to better understand affiliates’ needs and requirements. Topics on the agenda include: (1) Review and update of Terms of Reference; (2) the IHTSDO conference in Sydney, October 2011; and (3) Creation of regional/country Co-Chairs covering the following sectors: Academia, Vendors and Health Service. Details of how to dial in will be posted on the Affiliate Forum Collabnet site. If you do not already have access to this space, simply follow the link to create an account.

May 2011

April 2011

  • SNOMED CT®: Spanish Release, April 2011
    April 29, 2011
    The Spanish edition of the SNOMED CT: International Release, January 2011, is available for download.

  • Nursing Problem List Subset of SNOMED CT®
    April 14, 2011
    The first version of the Nursing Problem List Subset of SNOMED CT is now available from both the SNOMED CT and Downloads menus of the UTS. The subset, intended for use in patients’ problem lists, is an output of the Metathesaurus that is based on nursing diagnosis concepts found within the Metathesaurus. The main purpose of the subset is to facilitate the use of SNOMED CT as the primary coding terminology for nursing problems used in care planning, problem lists or other summary level clinical documentation.

  • NLM Supports RESTful API to Verify UMLS License Codes
    April 14, 2011
    NLM now supports a RESTful interface, through the UTS, that allows developers to verify that users have an active UMLS license code. Application developers must be authorized distributors of UMLS data to use this service. More information is available under Technical in the Documentation menu of the UTS.

  • New UMLS Quick Start Guide
    April 13, 2011
    The new UMLS Quick Start Guide gives an overview of the Unified Medical Language System. Its intended audience is the entire spectrum of UMLS users, from the medical librarian, to the hospital administrator who needs to contract with an EHR vendor who uses UMLS, to the software engineers who need to use UMLS for application development. Each brief section points to more technical documentation in the right side bars.

March 2011

  • Convergent Medical Terminology (CMT)
    March 25, 2011
    The Convergent Medical Terminology (CMT), developed by Kaiser Permanente, is now available from the Downloads menu of the UTS. CMT is now available through the IHTSDO as a donation of the terminology content, tooling, and maintenance processes from Kaiser Permanente. It is available through NLM to UMLS Metathesaurus licensees.

  • US Extension to SNOMED CT®
    March 25, 2011
    The first version of the US Extension to SNOMED CT is now available from the Downloads menu of the UTS. The US Extension is a listing of the concepts, descriptions, relationships, and their history for terminology content accepted by the NLM as a formal extension to the SNOMED CT International Release.

  • UMLS Community: New Microsoft SQL Server Load Scripts
    March 25, 2011
    The UMLS Community Web page is updated with two Microsoft SQL Server load scripts for Metathesaurus RRF files and for Semantic Network files. The load scripts were contributed by Dr. Nader Elshehabi.

  • New MetamorphoSys and RRF Browser Quick Tours
    March 25, 2011
    Ten new Quick Tours for users of MetamorphoSys and the RRF Browser are available from the Quick Tours homepage. UMLS Quick tours are brief animated tutorials with audio and provide instructions on using UMLS-related products and services.

  • New UTS Fact Sheet
    March 25, 2011
    The new UMLS Terminology Services Fact Sheet (UTS) is available on the NLM Web site. The new Fact Sheet replaces the older UMLSKS Fact Sheet.

February 2011

January 2011