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From IJIS: A National Consensus vs a Federal Standard

From The IJIS Factor Blog:

There is a deep-rooted appreciation in the information technology world that standards contribute to progress, and we certainly have a multitude of examples of this axiom. The most notable standards are perhaps those created by the World Wide Web consortium that has created the many standards that make the Web a world-wide reality. The best measures of the value of a standard are the extent of its adoption, and the speed by which adoption takes place.

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Discussions and Video from the CSIS Panels

Don't forget to check out our Media Center for additional audio, video, and news from CSIS.

Two weeks ago, leaders from the information sharing community gathered at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) for the Information Sharing: Adapting and Improving an Expanded ISE conference. Kshemendra Paul, Program Manager for the Information Sharing Environment (ISE), participated in the first panel discussion of the day, Information Sharing and the Future of the ISE, along with Tim Doran, Senior Director, Information Sharing and Safeguarding Policy, National Security Staff, and David Shedd, Deputy Director, Defense Intelligence Agency.

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CSIS: The Future of Information Sharing and the ISE

In addition to our CSIS summary blog, check out our Media Center for news, audio, and video from the conference.

Yesterday, the Center for Strategic & International Studies (CSIS) hosted an impressive information sharing conference, Information Sharing: Adapting and Improving an Expanded ISE. The conference featured many great speakers from the information sharing and safeguarding community, including Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, ISE Program Manager Kshemendra Paul, and other prominent officials from the White House, Defense Intelligence Agency, General Services Administration, Department of Homeland Security, and others.

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This Week We’re Reading… DHS on Cybersecurity, OMB on Shared Services, the EU on Info Sharing, and Intro to NIEM

The Department of Homeland Security released a cybersecurity strategy that outlines goals for protecting our nation’s critical infrastructure.  Read DHS's Blueprint here or this article about it in Gov Computer News.

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IACP Blog: Improving Information Sharing by Chief John Batiste

Check out this blog post about information sharing on the International Association of Chiefs of Police Blog by Chief John Batiste, Washington State Patrol, General Chair of the Division of State and Provincial Police:

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Social Media and Law Enforcement: Tweeting from the front line

Last week, ISE staff attended the Social Media and Law Enforcement conference (SMILE) in Dallas, TX. We learned a lot about the successes and challenges that our law enforcement mission partners are discovering as they use social media to share information with the public and each other. We also live tweeted from the conference and a trip to a Dallas Police Department information sharing center (see picture at right) on @shareandprotect.

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The world of state and local justice information systems: Lessons from the NAJIS Conference

Last week, PM-ISE attended the 2011 National Association for Justice Information Systems (NAJIS) Conference in New Orleans. The conference was primarily attended by representatives from prosecution, law enforcement, probation and pre-trial services, and support organizations from many different state, county, and local jurisdictions. Many discussions centered on the ability of participants’ offices to continue to evolve and enhance their information processing needs.

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This Week We’re Reading… House Committee on Homeland Security’s 9/11 hearings and PM-ISE on Fed News Radio

In today’s This Week We’re Reading… we're not reading as much as watching and listening. We hope you enjoy these video and audio clips that we found especially interesting. Let us know what you think on Twitter, Facebook, or via email.

First, Program Manager for the Information Sharing Environment, Kshemendra Paul, was interviewed on Federal News Radio about the ISE. Listen to these short clips from his interview: Clip 1 and Clip 2.
