Aircrew Endurance

PRU-70 survival vest

The Aircrew Endurance program targets issues with rotary wing aircrew. The AE system is fielding a family of products all focused on reducing physical fatigue and stress during longer missions now being conducted by Navy and Marine Corps aircrew. AE will identify solutions to resolve deficiencies in weight, bulk, hydration, bladder relief and universal color. The program will field upgraded armor protection, an upgraded survival vest, and integrated hydration capability.

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AN/AVS-9 Aviator’s Image Intensifier Set

AN/AVS-9 night vision goggles

The AN/AVS-9 Aviator’s Image Intensifier Set is an image intensification system for use with military fixed and rotary wing aircraft as an aid to pilots and aircrew for vision during nighttime low light level and nap-of-the-earth (NOE) flight. The AN/AVS-9(V) provides the imagery required for takeoff, landing, and hover as well as enroute flight at airspeeds up to 150 knots. The exact speed and altitude is environmentally dependent.

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Combat Survivor Evader Locator (CSEL) System

Combat Survivor Evader Locator (CSEL) System

The Combat Survivor Evader Locator (CSEL) system is the replacement for all Joint Combat Search and Rescue radios for aircrew and special forces, to support survival, evasion, and personnel recovery operations. It provides secure two-way over-the-horizon, near real time data communications, precise military Global Positioning System (GPS), and increased radio frequencies and modes of communications over existing radios.

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Ejection Seat Endurance (ESE)

Ejection Seat Endurance

The seat endurance program will provide for the development, integration and evaluation of ejection seat endurance improvements in T-45, F/A-18A-F, EA-18G, EA-6B and AV-8B/TAV-8B aircraft. Using current technology and leveraging off current programs, new cushion systems will reduce aircrew fatigue especially during long duration flights, while maintaining ejection performance.

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Flight Deck Cranial (FDC)

Flight Deck Cranial

The Flight Deck Cranial (FDC) will be worn by aircraft handlers and maintainers working in, on, and around military aircraft while shipboard or ashore. The FDC will be modular in design to allow tailoring of hearing protection and speech intelligibility performance to mission need. The FDC will provide improved capabilities in hearing protection, speech intelligibility, impact protection, and provide a stable mounting platform for the use of Night Vision Devices (NVDs).

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Joint Helmet Mounted Cueing System (JHMCS) Night Vision Cueing and Display (NVCD)

Joint Helmet Mounted Cueing System (JHMCS) Night Vision Cueing and Display (NVCD)

The Night Vision Cueing and Display (NVCD) is an additional capability to the Joint Helmet Mounted Cueing System (JHMCS) allowing the cueing of weapons and sensors at night while also providing the JHMCS standard “head up display” data over the eye in addition to camera video recording of the pilot’s viewpoint. The NVCD is designed to allow near day time tactics at night.

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Legacy Aircrew Chem Bio Respirator Protective Assembly

Legacy Aircrew Chem Bio Respirator Protective Assembly

This is a Non Development Item (NDI) Program to procure aircrew Chemical Biological Radiological (CBR) protective systems to provide all U.S. Navy and U.S. Marine Corps aircrew's the necessary head-eye-respiratory protection during in-flight operations. The NDI respirator is a self contained rubber hood, clear visor, and a breathing mask which provides the aircrew head, eye and respiratory system complete above-the-neck protection from Chemical and Biological agents. In order to have complete protection, the aircrew must also wear a below-the-neck CBR protective clothing ensemble.

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Multi-Climate Protection (MCP)

Multi-Climate Protection clothing

The Multi-Climate Protection (MCP) Clothing System replaces outdated bulky cold weather gear with a modular protective clothing system which provides flame protection, thermal protection, and sufficient insulation, while reducing heat stress associated with multiple layers of clothes. Components of the system will be used for a wide range of temperatures and climate conditions. The undergarments are to be worn under anti-exposure suits to replace existing liners.

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Navy Aircrew Common Ejection Seat (NACES)

Canadian Air Force CF-18 Hornet pilot Capt. Brian Bews survives this low altitude, low airspeed ejection using the Navy Aircrew Common Ejection Seat.

The Navy Aircrew Common Ejection Seat (NACES) is the common ejection seat designed for incorporation into the F/A-18, EA-18G and T-45 aircraft. The ejection seat is the primary means of aircrew escape from disabled aircraft and it provides the seated platform for the aircrew, in-flight aircrew restraint, and necessary cockpit interfaces to meet mission performance. Since 1991, more than 2,300 seats have been delivered and fielded both domestically and internationally.

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Survival Night Vision Scope (SNVS)

The Survival Night Vision Scope

The Survival Night Vision Scope is a handheld monocular night vision device (NVD) intended for use by downed aircrew for post egress survival and/or evasion. The SNVS can be carried in the survival vest of aircrew as part of the five pounds of optional gear and be used by the aircrew to monitor ground movement and assist in escape and evasion.

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