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Condensed Matter Physics & Materials Science Department

Basic Energy Sciences Directorate

Peter Johnson (Chair)

Chair: Peter D. Johnson

Peter Johnson Shares 2011 American Physical Society Oliver E. Buckley Prize

The Oliver E. Buckley Prize in Condensed Matter Physics.

The field of Condensed Matter Physics and Materials Science integrates the knowledge and tools of chemistry and physics with the principles of engineering to understand and optimize the behavior of materials, as well as to create new and improved materials to help fulfill the missions of the Department of Energy.

The researchers of the Condensed Matter Physics & Materials Science Department at Brookhaven National Laboratory study basic, theoretical and applied aspects of materials, their utilization, and their electronic, physical, mechanical, and chemical properties in relation to their structure. There are ten major research groups in the Department, summarized below:

Research Groups

Electron Spectroscopy Advanced Energy Materials
Neutron Scattering Correlated Electron Materials Group
X-ray Scattering Oxide Molecular Beam Epitaxy
Soft Matter Spectroscopy Imaging Group
Condensed Matter Theory Electron Microscopy and Nanostructure Group

John Hill receives a 2012 Brookhaven Science and Technology Award

CMPMSD Historical Slides (ppt)

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Last Modified: September 21, 2012
Please forward all questions about this site to: Kim Mohanty