Half the Sky - October 1 & 2 at 9pm / 8pm CT on Thirteen

You've heard about Reverse Hunger. Now it's time to bring it home. Global Hunger Shabbat: November 2-3, 2012 in a community near you.

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Weekly Social Justice Torah Commentary
September 29, 2012 PDF/print MP3/podcast

The Torah’s five books end with one last passionate plea from the Israelites’ leader. As Moses concludes his instructions to the people, preparing them to enter the Land of Israel, he emphasizes that they must “teach the words with which I charge you upon your children, that they may observe faithfully all the terms of this teaching. For this is not a trivial thing for you: it is your very life; through it you shall long endure...”[1] Moses begs his people to raise their children according to the same values and laws to which they themselves are... Read more »

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