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The History of Information Sharing for National Security and Seven Years of the ISE

We recently updated our Facebook timeline to add the significant policy and program milestones from the history of national security information sharing related to the ISE, beginning with the 9/11 Commission Report. We invite you to visit our Facebook page and browse through our history - and then comment on Facebook or this blog and let us know if you have any questions, comments, or milestones you think we should add.

As a direct outcome of the events of September 11, 2001, the Information Sharing Environment (ISE), the Information Sharing Council (ISC), and the Office of the Program Manager, Information Sharing Environment (PM-ISE) were officially established when President Bush nominated Mr. John Russack to be the first Program Manager and first PM-ISE staff member on April 15, 2005.

Leading up to the December 16, 2004 signing of the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act (IRTPA) that established the ISE, ISC, and PM-ISE, numerous commissions and studies had recommended to the Congress and the Administration that a government-wide initiative was required to coordinate terrorism-related information sharing amongst the nation’s federal, state, local, and tribal echelons of government, along with the private sector and our international partners.

Over the years, many interagency and inter-governmental leaders have stepped forward to serve the nation through participation on the ISC and its subordinate groups, which are now integrated with the National Security Staff’s Information Sharing and Access Interagency Policy Committee (ISA-IPC). Their work on the ISC, its sub-committees, and working groups—while representing their departments, agencies, and organizations—has been instrumental in achieving successful, incremental steps to institutionalize responsible information sharing. Along with over 200 PM-ISE government and contractor staff members who have served these last seven years, the dedication and collaboration of these leaders has forever changed the nation’s information sharing culture and efforts to prevent a catastrophic terrorism event from ever occurring again.

Since the stand up of the PM-ISE, two others have held the position of Program Manager–Ambassador Ted McNamara and the current PM, Mr. Kshemendra Paul. During that time, three Deputies have served–Mr. Keith Backman, Ms. Sue Reingold and the current Deputy, Mr. Michael Howell.

Thanks to all who have served in various ISE organizations at all levels of government and within the community for your efforts to standardize our country’s responsible information sharing capabilities and culture: Your country thanks you!

Visit our Facebook page for more info sharing history!


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