Joe LaPorte's picture

Washington State Fusion Liaison Officers Advance Public Safety, Tribal Info Sharing

The Washington State Fusion Center’s Fusion Liaison Officer (FLO) program started in December 2010 with 19 students from around the state. In this program, the Fusion Center trains public and private sector representatives who are positioned to help identify and report suspicious activities. (Read more about the Washington State Fusion Center and FLO program in Kshemendra Paul’s recent blog post.)

Joe LaPorte's picture

Lieutenant Yuma House Honored as 2011 Indian Country Officer of the Year

Joe LaPorte is the Senior Tribal Advisor for the Program Manager for the Information Sharing Environment as well as the Chair of the Indian Country Section of the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP). He was recently re-elected to serve another two-year term.

The Indian Country Section of the International Association of Chiefs of Police recently honored Lieutenant Yuma House of the Lower Brule Police Department in South Dakota as the 2011 Indian Country Law Enforcement Officer of the Year for the United States, First Nations, or Aboriginal Law Enforcement Officers.

Joe LaPorte's picture

The One Year Anniversary of the Tribal Law and Order Act

Last week, the White House celebrated the Tribal Law and Order Act’s one year anniversary. This law is significantly increasing federal and tribal information sharing and “the federal government’s ability to work with Indian tribes in the investigation and prosecution of crime impacting tribal communities.” [1] Further, it reduced confusion about authorities and prosecution.

Joe LaPorte's picture

PM-ISE Welcomes Tribal Advisor Joe LaPorte

Good morning. I recently joined the office of the PM-ISE as a Tribal Advisor after spending many years in law enforcement. In my new role, I will represent the concerns and interests of Indian Country Law Enforcement as it relates to the Information Sharing Environment. I feel very fortunate that I will be able to continue my passion representing Indian Country while continuing to help protect the Nation.