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Air and Climate Change Research

Indoor Environment Management Branch

Contact Information

Robert Thompson, Branch Chief
email: thompson.robert@epa.gov

Office Projects/Activities

Federal Staff

The Indoor Environment Management Branch (IEMB).  IEMB is part of the EPA's National Risk Management Research Laboratory (NRMRL), Air Pollution Prevention and Control Division (APPCD), and is located in Research Triangle Park, NC.

Research conducted by IEMB has been the basis for developing a better understanding of the relationship between indoor air quality (IAQ) and emissions sources, heating, ventilating, and air-conditioning (HVAC) systems, and air cleaning devices.  The results of our research can ultimately provide practical methods that architects, design engineers, builders, manufacturers and suppliers, and the general public can use in designing, selecting, operating, maintaining, and producing materials and building systems for improved IAQ.

Details of our research projects and published results can be found in the research areas and Publications pages.

Office Projects/Activities

Project Title PI Planned Product(s) Research Type Comments
Laboratory Research on the Efficacy of Chlorine Dioxide for the Remediation of Mold Contaminated Building Betancourt Report Basic Research Data gathering phase
Prion Surrogate Studies Betancourt Report Basic Research
Materials Betancourt Publication Basic Research Complete data gathering phase
Characterization of Stachybotrys Chartarum MVOC Emissions Betancourt Publication Basic Research Completed data gathering phase
Sucession Studies of Mold Growth Betancourt Report Basic Research data gathering phase
Testing of Antimicrobial Efficacy of Bulk Gypsum Board Betancourt Report Basic Research data gathering phase
Heat Antimicrobial Efficacy Betancourt Report Basic Research data gathering phase
Task 2.2: Fate Formation and Transport of Indoor Particulate Matter Chang Papers Basic Research  
Investigation of Mercury Control in FGD Wet Scrubber Systems Chang Papers Basic Research data gathering phase
Microbial Resistant Gypsum Products (ETV-ESTE) Dean EPA report  
Characterization of Stachybotrys Chartarum Mycotoxin Gene Expression Dean Papers Basic Research Experimental phase
Quantitative Reduction of E. coli O157:H7 on Non-food Contact Surfaces Dean Papers Basic Research data reduction and manuscript writing
Molecular Characterization and Identification of Fungal Organisms (Mold) - Fungal DNA Extraction and Purification Dean Papers, Journal Articles Basic Research reporting phase
Mycotoxin Localization Studies Dean Papers Basic Research planning phase
Environmental Conditions Eliciting Mycotoxin Production Dean Manuscript Basic Research planning phase 
Biological and Proteinaceous Components of the PM10 and Fine Fractions (Near Roadway) Dean Manuscript Basic Research planning phase
Catalyzed Hydrogen Peroxide Efficacy against Fungal Growth Dean Papers Basic Research
PFOA release from aged articles of commerce containing fluoropolymers and fluorotelomers Guo EPA reports/journal papers Basic Research data gathering phase
Development of IAQ Simulation Tools Guo software Technology Development software developing phase
Solid-fuel Stove Testing Jetter Report Basic Research Completed
Near-Roadway School Ventilation and Mitigation Jetter Report Basic Research planning phase
Tracked-in Arsenic from CCA Treated Decking Jetter Report Basic Research reporting phase
Buy Clean: Characterizing and Managing Pollutant Emissions from Commercial Products Used in Schools Krebs Paper Basic Research reporting phase
Green Building Research: Indoor Source Emission and Sink Effect Study of Formaldeyde X. Liu Paper Basic Research
Evaluation of Proposed BIFMA Emission Test Method for Furniture Mason Report Basic Research data gathering phase
Evaluation of CCA Treated Wood, Coatings, and Dermal Arsenic Exposure Mason Report Sampling & Analysis reporting phase
Impact of Outdoor Air Toxics on Indoor Air Concentrations Mason Report Basic Research data analysis phase
Use of Small Chambers to Examine Transport Mechanisms of Residential Use Pesticides Mason Report Basic Research planning phase
Mold Prevention and Decontamination of Air Conveyance Systems Menetrez Report Basic Research planning phase
QPCR and Mycotoxin Analysis of Outdoor Air Samples Collected Using an 8-stage Anderson Impactor Menetrez Report Basic Research data gathering phase
R&D Prevention and Control Measures fro Mitigation of Indoor Air Pollution by Fine Particulate Matter / Biocontaminants Menetrez Report Basic Research reporting phase
Use of Ozone to Reduce Bio-Contamination Menetrez Report Basic Research reporting phase
Fine Particles and Biocontamination Menetrez Report Basic Research reporting phase
Field Assessing the Impact of UVC Lights on Cooling Coil Menetrez Report Basic Research
Risk Management Control Measures-Indoor Mold and Bacteria and Antimicrobial Treatments of Indoor Mold and Bacteria Menetrez Journal Articles Basic Research
Methods to Identify the Sources of Indoor Vapor Intrusion Contaminants Mosley Report Basic Research
Chamber Simulation of Penetration of Particles from "Dirty Bomb" Mosley Report Basic Research

Federal Staff

Air and Climate Change Research | Water Research | Ecosystems Restoration Research | Land Research | Technology: Sustainable Technologies Research, Environmental Technology Verification Program (ETV), and Technology Assessments

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