Today's Mind-blower

What would happen if the Internet collapsed?

Now that the Internet has become such an important part of our everyday lives, it's hard to imagine what life would be like without it. Could the Internet collapse?

    • Top 10 Famous Female Sideshow Freaks


      Top 10 Famous Female Sideshow Freaks

      From the Two-headed Nightingale to the Baboon Lady, these 10 female sideshow freaks sure knew how to put on a show. But what were their real stories?

    • Could blood be used to power batteries?


      Could blood be used to power batteries?

      How about, instead of your standard AA, we used flexible, incredibly thin batteries that could be powered by blood or sweat? Seems like an improvement, right?

    • How much do you know about polyamory?


      How much do you know about polyamory?

      Is it really possible to love more than one person? People who practice polyamory think so. Find out how much you know about polyamorous relationships with this quiz.

    • Swindlers & Scapegoats: Money Scam Pictures


      Swindlers & Scapegoats: Money Scam Pictures

      Money scams have been around for hundreds of years. In this gallery, see some of the most ruthless scams of the 20th and 21st centuries, and learn what you can do to protect yourself.

    • Could steampunk inspire the future of energy?


      Could steampunk inspire the future of energy?

      Instead of relying on futuristic power sources, steampunk-style contraptions look to the past and get their juice from steam. Does steam have staying power as a source of energy?

    • 10 of the Biggest Lies in History


      10 of the Biggest Lies in History

      You don't look fat in those pants. I didn't copy off his paper. She's a natural blonde. I am not a crook. Lots of us lie, but what are the biggest fibs ever told?

    • Stuff You Should Know: Nicotine Quiz


      Stuff You Should Know: Nicotine Quiz

      If you're an American and you're reading this, then there's about a 30 percent chance you're addicted to nicotine. If you listened to this podcast, then you should have no problem scoring well.

    • Locked and Loaded: Gun Pictures


      Locked and Loaded: Gun Pictures

      Guns come in all shapes and sizes. Put on your safety gear and take a look at this gallery of revolvers, Glocks, shotguns and even flamethrowers.

    • How do you send a smoke signal?


      How do you send a smoke signal?

      You may associate smoke signals with Native Americans in old Westerns, but they aren't totally a thing of the past. Find out why the Boy Scouts still teach kids how to make them.

    • 10 Big Cases of Revenge


      10 Big Cases of Revenge

      The concept of revenge predates legal history, and one could say that it's part of who we are as humans. The need for vengeance can kick into overdrive, leading to these 10 biggest acts of revenge in human history.

    • A Quiz You Can't Refuse: The Mafia


      A Quiz You Can't Refuse: The Mafia

      Stuff You Should Know's mafia episode was so rich with movie references we decided to cook up a quiz. Test your knowledge of cement shoes and tommy guns.

    • Dress to Impress: Gen Con 2012 Costumes


      Dress to Impress: Gen Con 2012 Costumes

      Gen Con is a huge gaming convention held every year in Indianapolis, Ind. And, just like many cons, it's a home for great costumes.

    • Who owns the Internet?


      Who owns the Internet?

      The Internet is a giant system made up of smaller systems. If it's one thing, does it have one owner? Is there some person or entity that controls it?

    • 10 Trade Secrets We Wish We Knew


      10 Trade Secrets We Wish We Knew

      Trade secrets aren't just something from the movies. In fact, some are locked away in vaults, making their owners a fortune. Which corporate secrets are the stuff of legend?

    • Where does your unclaimed luggage end up?


      Where does your unclaimed luggage end up?

      Your luggage gets "mishandled" by an airline and favorite pieces of your wardrobe, souvenirs and toiletries disappear into a black abyss. Or do they? Actually, your wardrobe is hanging out in Scottsboro, Ala., and it has some interesting company.

    • What if someone shot a gun on an airplane?


      What if someone shot a gun on an airplane?

      In movies, bad guys can take over an airplane and start shooting up the place. Wouldn't the plane explode or depressurize as soon as the bullet pierced its skin?

    • Fact or Fiction: Surviving an Animal Attack


      Fact or Fiction: Surviving an Animal Attack

      What happens if you accidentally encounter an animal that feels threatened or frightened by you? What if it attacks? Take this quiz to see whether you've got what it takes to survive or if Mother Nature will reign supreme.

    • What's the world's largest airplane?


      What's the world's largest airplane?

      Length, height and wingspan are all popular ways to rank an aircraft, but truly giant planes are often judged by their maximum takeoff weight. Which plane outlifts them all?

    • 10 Most Dangerous Places You Should Definitely Visit


      10 Most Dangerous Places You Should Definitely Visit

      It isn't necessarily advisable to visit any of these areas. But then again, if you're willing to take the risk, you'll see places most people will never have the guts to see.

    • 10 Weird Inventions That Made Millions


      10 Weird Inventions That Made Millions

      Some inventions make things easier for us. Some cause revolutions that forever change the course of human history. Others play catchy songs out of the mouth of a plastic fish mounted on a plaque.

    • Are there Nazi war criminals still at large?


      Are there Nazi war criminals still at large?

      A few Nazi leaders escaped justice after World War II. Who are they, and how are people trying to bring them to justice more than 60 years later?

    • How can parts of Canada be 'missing' gravity?


      How can parts of Canada be 'missing' gravity?

      For more than 40 years, scientists have tried to figure out what's causing large parts of Canada to be 'missing' gravity. The force of gravity around Hudson Bay is lower than surrounding areas. Learn about two theories that may explain the phenomenon.

    • Slow Is Smooth, Smooth Is Fast: Military Snipers


      Slow Is Smooth, Smooth Is Fast: Military Snipers

      Military snipers have been great fodder for video games and movies, and they're just as interesting in reality. Test out your skills here on Stuff You Should Know's military sniper quiz.

    • 10 Cult TV Hits that Originally Flopped


      10 Cult TV Hits that Originally Flopped

      Have you ever invested hours and hours of watching a TV show, only to see it get canceled? Don't worry -- you're not alone. We've got 10 TV cult hits that had a tough time getting viewers in front of the tube.

    • What will Earth look like in 5,000 years?


      What will Earth look like in 5,000 years?

      The world of our far-future descendants may be as unrecognizable to us as our bustling, urbanized world would be to our bewildered ancient forefathers. Will energy drive many of those changes?

    • How smooth are you?


      How smooth are you?

      In 2005, Neil Strauss introduced the public to the secret world of pickup artists (PUAs), who seek to fine-tune their flirting skills to perfection. Do you know how this sexual subculture operates and why controversy surrounds it?

    • How quickly could you change a tire?


      How quickly could you change a tire?

      Changing a tire can be tricky if you don't know what you're doing. How knowledgeable are you when it comes to changing a tire? Take this quiz and find out!

    • The Explosive Volcano Quiz


      The Explosive Volcano Quiz

      Fiery explosions, boiling lava, hot ash spewing everywhere -- total disaster is probably the first thing that comes to mind when you think "volcano." And, yes, that is certainly a possibility. But do you know what’s really going on when a volcano erupts?

    • Tech Test: Is your computer secure?


      Tech Test: Is your computer secure?

      Computers can make life easier, but they also can put your private information at risk. Find out how much you know -- or don't know -- about computer security by taking our quiz.

    • Stuff You Should Know's Mafia Movie Quiz


      Stuff You Should Know's Mafia Movie Quiz

      Stuff You Should Know's mafia episode was so rich with movie references we decided to cook up a quiz. Test your knowledge of cement shoes and tommy guns.

    • How well do you know Frankenstein?


      How well do you know Frankenstein?

      Frankenstein's monster is all up in your pop culture, fighting werewolves and letting you know what he thinks about fire (it's bad). So grab a torch, storm the walls of this quiz, and see if you have what it takes to come out the victor.

    • Tech Talk: RAM Quiz


      Tech Talk: RAM Quiz

      How much RAM is in your computer? Do you need more? And if you do, how do you know? Take the quiz to learn everything there is to know about RAM.

    • Could you build your own house?


      Could you build your own house?

      As the saying goes, home is where the heart is. But just how does one go about building a home in the first place? Find out some fun facts about this detailed process by taking the quiz.

    • Celebrity Challenge: Famous Artists


      Celebrity Challenge: Famous Artists

      Artists are the visual historians of society, transforming ideas and events into paintings, drawings, sculptures and more. Certain artists have wielded their craft so successfully that their work, in turn, has influenced history.

    • What are the best- and worst-paying jobs?


      What are the best- and worst-paying jobs?

      It's pretty clear that a doctor makes more money than a fast-food worker. But does a surgeon bring home more bucks than an anesthesiologist? Test your knowledge with the ultimate best- and worst-paying jobs quiz.

    • Internet Myth vs. Internet Truth


      Internet Myth vs. Internet Truth

      From Big Brother security myths to the fabrication of what the Internet actually is, cyberspace is full of fictions of its own. Can you call a myth's bluff? Test your knowledge on what's real and what's not in the globe's largest electronic world.

    • Are you a serial killer expert?


      Are you a serial killer expert?

      The topic of murder stirs up fear in almost any context, and serial killing tends to multiply that fear to the tenth degree. Test your knowledge with this serial killer quiz.

    • Who said it: Darth Vader or Obi-Wan Kenobi?


      Who said it: Darth Vader or Obi-Wan Kenobi?

      Squared off on opposite sides of the Force, it might seem like Darth Vader and Obi-Wan Kenobi have nothing in common. One is tall, dark and deadly, and the other's, well, not.

    • The Ultimate Hydraulic Machines Quiz


      The Ultimate Hydraulic Machines Quiz

      Hydraulic equipment is amazing in its strength and agility. From common backyard machines to the huge machines you see on construction sites, hydraulics make quick work of even the most difficult tasks. How much do you know about hydraulic machines?

    • Could you survive in the wild?


      Could you survive in the wild?

      Being stranded in the wilderness may make for a good movie, but in reality, it's a harrowing experience. Staying alive may require you to build a shelter, start a fire and even eat bugs for nourishment. Do you have what it takes to survive this quiz?

    • Are you a football expert?


      Are you a football expert?

      Grab your pigskin: It's time for football trivia. We don't mean winningest coaches, Heisman winners or team mascots, but rather the nitty-gritty of the gridiron. How does the QB make that ball spiral? Wouldn't "handball" make a better name than "football"? Pad up and get on the field ... the football quiz field, that is.

    • Fact or Fiction: The World's Most Expensive Bathroom Fixtures


      Fact or Fiction: The World's Most Expensive Bathroom Fixtures

      Sure, a bubble bath can make your bathroom feel luxurious. But wouldn't an HDTV make it even nicer? Take a look at some of the most expensive and outrageous bathroom fixtures -- can you tell fact from fiction?

    • Fact or Fiction: Hollywood vs. History


      Fact or Fiction: Hollywood vs. History

      It's time to step into the time machine and travel back through history. Of course, if you hope to survive, you're going to want to separate what you actually learned in history class from all the historical inaccuracies in the movies.

    • Alpha, Beta or Gamma? This quiz is nuclear radioactive!


      Alpha, Beta or Gamma? This quiz is nuclear radioactive!

      We live in a radioactive world, and we're not just talking about the times when a nuclear plant is melting down and scaring the heck out of us. How much do you know about the ABGs (or alphas, betas and gammas) of nuclear radiation?

    • Stuff You Should Know's Nicotine Quiz


      Stuff You Should Know's Nicotine Quiz

      If you're an American and you're reading this, then there's about a 30 percent chance you're addicted to nicotine. If you listened to this podcast, then you should have no problem scoring well.

    • Tech Talk: Java Quiz


      Tech Talk: Java Quiz

      Java is a popular programming language that's relatively easy to use. Are you a programming guru or a novice? Take our quiz to find out.

    • How much do you know about engine performance?


      How much do you know about engine performance?

      Whether racecar driver or casual commuter, odds are you're going to be concerned about engine performance at some point in your driving career. But can you even tell the difference between a camshaft and a stick shift? You will once you take the engine performance quiz.

    • Are you a Monopoly mogul?


      Are you a Monopoly mogul?

      Monopoly, one of the world's most popular board games, is available in 111 countries and in 43 different languages. It has a complex set of original rules, as well as a number of common player-created rules (otherwise known as house rules). How well do you know them -- and how effectively does your family break them? Test your knowledge by taking our quiz.

    • Spaced Out: Astronaut Quiz


      Spaced Out: Astronaut Quiz

      Astronauts have a reputation for being the brave and skilled few willing to risk their lives by strapping themselves aboard a rocket and blasting into outer space. But before they can don the orange jumpsuits and go into orbit, they must endure an intense selection and training process. How did guys like Neil Armstrong and John Glenn make it into space?

    • Think you know your retro tech?


      Think you know your retro tech?

      As far as gadgets go, the world completely changed during the 1980s and '90s. Think about it -- we started the '80s without VCRs and answering machines, and by the end of the '90s, most of us were running around with tiny cell phones in our pockets. Can you guess which of these iconic gadgets was introduced in which decade?

    • From Crazy to Classic: Which concept cars became classic?


      From Crazy to Classic: Which concept cars became classic?

      The popular image of concept cars is that they're not just leading edge, but bleeding edge: a little too "out there" to be viable, roadable vehicles anytime soon. But the concepts in this quiz show you can package innovative pizzazz with production-ready practicality.

    • 10 Scientists Who Were Their Own Guinea Pigs


      10 Scientists Who Were Their Own Guinea Pigs

      People donate their bodies to science all the time, usually after death. Here, we highlight 10 scientists who experimented on themselves while they were still alive.

    • 10 Historically Inaccurate Movies


      10 Historically Inaccurate Movies

      These films look like blooper reels when you compare them to history books. From anachronisms to flat-out lies, creative license reigns in this list.

    • Top 10 Moments in Space Bathroom History


      Top 10 Moments in Space Bathroom History

      When you think about space travel, you don't usually take time to wonder how astronauts go to the bathroom. However, the annals of aeronautic history abound with tales of space bathroom mishaps. Here are 10 of our favorites.

    • 10 Costly Food Recalls


      10 Costly Food Recalls

      Food is something we can't live without. But sometimes instead of nourishing our bodies, it can actually kill us. And it's no cheap (or easy) task to get that food off the market.

    • 10 Longest-running TV Shows


      10 Longest-running TV Shows

      Some TV shows are lucky to stick around for a season -- these did that and then some. What made them the longest-running dramas and comedies in television history?

    • Top 10 Survival Tools


      Top 10 Survival Tools

      Let's say your vacation tour group ditches you in the outback. Or your car slips off an icy road in the middle of nowhere. Will you have the tools to save your life?

    • 10 Most Expensive Classic Cars


      10 Most Expensive Classic Cars

      Gentlemen, start your checkbooks! These classic cars each have a history all their own and a price tag to blow your mind. The starting point is $6.9 million if you want one of these beauties parked in your garage.

    • Top 10 Improvements in Engine Design


      Top 10 Improvements in Engine Design

      For more than 150 years, automotive engineers have been continually working on ways to improve the internal combustion engine. What are some of the biggest improvements they’ve made?

    • 10 Off-the-wall iPhone Apps


      10 Off-the-wall iPhone Apps

      There are thousands of apps for the iPhone, and they let you do everything from play games to keep up with stock prices. Some of them are real head-scratchers, though. Do you use any of these weird apps?

    • 5 Post-shuttle NASA Programs


      5 Post-shuttle NASA Programs

      By the time space shuttle Atlantis touched down after its final voyage in July 2011, a major shift in strategy for space exploration was already under way. What are NASA's newest programs?

    • The Top 10 Game-changing Military Technologies


      The Top 10 Game-changing Military Technologies

      These 10 technologies changed war and the course of history as we know it. Some of these battlefield innovations, like adding grooves to gun barrels, are surprisingly simple. So what else made our list?

    • 10 of the World’s Most Infamous Cults


      10 of the World’s Most Infamous Cults

      Maybe you've heard about Kool Aid or the Family Jams -- but what do you really know about some of the world's most infamous cults?

    • 10 Remarkable Exoplanets


      10 Remarkable Exoplanets

      There's a lot more out there than our measly solar system, and astronomers are becoming more adept at finding those worlds all the time. Here are 10 of their coolest discoveries.

    • Top 10 Most Popular Infomercials


      Top 10 Most Popular Infomercials

      Who can forget all of the famous pitch lines, gizmos and unintentional hilarity packed into late-night paid programming? Infomercials are showy, earnest and often outright deceptive. What are 10 of the best?

    • Top 10 Mind-bending Strategy Games


      Top 10 Mind-bending Strategy Games

      Some of the best strategy games -- those that require thinking rather than luck or physical ability -- have been around for centuries, while others have been released in the past decade. Which ones stand out from the pack?

    • 10 High-paying Dirty Jobs


      10 High-paying Dirty Jobs

      These jobs probably weren't on your list of what you wanted to be when you grew up. But now that you're in the rat race, you may wonder if a dirty job is more profitable than your desk jockey career.

    • 10 Tips for Staying on Budget


      10 Tips for Staying on Budget

      You have a big expense coming up. You need a better car or home, or you want to go back to college. What do you do? Borrow, borrow, borrow -- right? Well, maybe not. Working off of a budget just may save your sanity -- and credit.

    • 10 Telecommuting Careers that Can Make You Rich


      10 Telecommuting Careers that Can Make You Rich

      Proof that we're living in the incredible future: We can conduct serious business in our pajamas. But what work-from-home jobs are the most lucrative? 

    • Top 10 Appliances We Can't Live Without


      Top 10 Appliances We Can't Live Without

      In a pinch, you could probably do without most of the appliances in your home -- but would you want to? Life would certainly be different without these 10.

    • 5 Events Guaranteed to Crash Twitter


      5 Events Guaranteed to Crash Twitter

      When a bunch of Twitter geeks get excited about the same thing at the same time, their chatter can crash the whole service. And that's when the dreaded Fail Whale appears.

    • 10 Most Dangerous Distracted Driving Habits


      10 Most Dangerous Distracted Driving Habits

      Distracted drivers: We're not trying to scold you or hasten the dawn of a vehicular nanny state. We're just pointing out some of the most dangerous habits behind the wheel.

    • Top 10 Everyday Items You Can Repurpose in a Survival Scenario


      Top 10 Everyday Items You Can Repurpose in a Survival Scenario

      You may not be envious of MacGyver's mullet, but having a talent for surviving the elements with only a wristwatch, socks and a soda can is pretty cool.

    • 10 Worst Computer Viruses of All Time


      10 Worst Computer Viruses of All Time

      Most computer-savvy people know about viruses and how to prevent an infection. But what are the most destructive viruses of all time?

    • 10 Ways to Attract Bears to Your Campsite


      10 Ways to Attract Bears to Your Campsite

      It's late at night, you're lying in your tent, and all you can think about are the many reasons a bear might plod into your campsite to eat you. We'll share 10 of them with you.

    • 10 Addictive Games for iPad


      10 Addictive Games for iPad

      Casual games are meant to be played for just a few minutes, but some are so addictive you end up playing for hours.

    • Top 10 Advantages of Biofuels


      Top 10 Advantages of Biofuels

      As gas prices continue to rise and global warming becomes more pervasive, more people are using biofuels as a way to save money and decrease their consumption of fossil fuels. And while they're definitely not perfect, they have many advantages over types of fuels.

    • 10 Gadgets That Can Save You Money


      10 Gadgets That Can Save You Money

      From smartphone applications to coffee makers, there are many ways simple gadgets can save you money.

    • Annual Flowers


      Annual Flowers

      Annuals are primed to germinate quickly when conditions are right, grow speedily, and then make loads of flowers, fruits, roots and seeds. Learn all about annual flowers in this gallery.

    • Basketball



      Famous ballers all have unique personalities, playing styles -- even nicknames. Check out pictures of basketball legends, such as Michael Jordan, Larry Bird and Shaquille O'Neal, here.

    • Countries with Perfect Climates


      Countries with Perfect Climates

      Paradise comes in many shapes, sizes and locales. From rain forests to mountain tops, we've uncovered the top countries with perfect climates and included them in this gallery.

    • Timeline of Sex


      Timeline of Sex

      The how-tos of sex haven't changed much over the ages, but our understanding of what's actually happening (and why) took off during the Renaissance. How have humanity's thoughts and beliefs about sex evolved throughout history?

    • National Parks


      National Parks

      Since the first national parks were established in the United States, they've been getaways for relaxation and adventure for humans -- and a safe haven for their wildlife. Take a journey through America's national parks.

    • Alternative Fuel Vehicles


      Alternative Fuel Vehicles

      From electricity to saltwater to air, these vehicles run on all kinds of things you'd never imagine as fuel. Check this gallery to see what might power your car in the near future.

    • Alaska



      Alaska's name comes from the Aleut word for "Great Land" -- a fitting description for this land of dramatic mountains, rivers and glaciers. What is it like on America's Last Frontier?

    • Japan Tsunami and Earthquake


      Japan Tsunami and Earthquake

      Many areas were completely destroyed by the 9.0-magnitude earthquake and subsequent tsunami that struck northeastern Japan on March 11, 2011. Browse these haunting pictures of Japan's destruction following the earthquake and tsunami.

    • Stuff You Should Know Live on Sirius/XM


      Stuff You Should Know Live on Sirius/XM

      Stuff You Should Know conducted a live broadcast on July 4, 2011. Take a look at pictures of Josh & Chuck from Stuff You Should Know, live on Sirius/XM.

    • Public Enemies


      Public Enemies

      The bad, the worse and the worst. You name it, we've caught 'em. Learn about some of the most notorious criminals in U.S. history, from gangsters to con men to bandits in love.

    • Olympic Mascots: From Cute to Crazy


      Olympic Mascots: From Cute to Crazy

      From Schuss to Waldi, Olympic mascots help add personality and fun to a pageantry-filled event. What have been some of the most memorable mascots over the years?

    • Custom Cars


      Custom Cars

      Ready for a wild ride through the world of custom cars, then and now? See some incredibly unique vehicles in these pictures.

    • Computers



      Computers have come a long way in the past few decades -- from filling up a room to slim and sleek designs that can nearly fit in your pocket. Take a look at some of the old and new models and learn about all the different features and types of these amazing machines.

    • Winter Sports


      Winter Sports

      From skiing to skeleton, there are lots of exciting sports that rely on cold weather. This gallery will give you a glimpse at thrilling -- and dangerous -- sports in the snow.

    • Lighthouses



      Lighthouses kept sailors safe from crashing their ships on rocky coasts -- until modern technology made them obsolete. Curious about some classic American lighthouses that are still standing? Learn more about them in these pictures.

    • Harley-Davidson Logos Through the Years


      Harley-Davidson Logos Through the Years

      Harley-Davidson tank logos have changed many times over the years. Take a tour of Harley history through these images.

    • The History of Human Flight


      The History of Human Flight

      Although humans have dreamed of flight for centuries, it wasn't until the dawn of the 20th century that man was finally able to leave the ground. This gallery highlights some of the biggest milestones in aviation.

    • Lewis and Clark


      Lewis and Clark

      The Corps of Discovery set out to explore the Missouri River and made its way across the continent to the Pacific Ocean. See more pictures of Lewis and Clark's expedition here.

    • Future Sports Cars


      Future Sports Cars

      From Porsches to BMWs, sports cars come in myriad styles, but they all have one thing in common: speed. See the sleek, high-horsepower vehicles you have to look forward to in these pictures.

    • Olympic Games


      Olympic Games

      Track and field, gymnastics and soccer are all sports you can see at the Olympic Games. Check out pictures of some of the most exciting Olympic events.

    • Car Engines


      Car Engines

      Car engines range from small, economic 4-cylinders to insanely powerful 16-cylinder models. Ready to learn more? Take a look at these pictures to see how engine components work together.

    • Home Design


      Home Design

      Home design styles are as diverse as the people who come up with the blueprints. From the zeroHouse to houseboats, dive into the exhilarating topic of home design in this image gallery.

    • Royalty



      From England to Nepal, many nations still maintain a monarchy, and members of these royal families are treated like, well, royalty. See pictures of modern royal figures in this gallery.

    • Exotic Cars


      Exotic Cars

      These exotic car pictures feature some of the rarest, most expensive cars from makers like Ferrari, Lamborghini and Porsche. Click your way through this gallery to see the amazing features and amenities these cars have to offer.

    • Virtual Reality


      Virtual Reality

      Virtual reality gear is often mistaken for a kitschy video gaming technology, but it can actually be used for a variety of applications. Learn about a few of its uses in this gallery.

    • Australia Pictures


      Australia Pictures

      G'day, mate! From the Outback to the Great Barrier Reef, see some of the most incredible sites in the land down under in these pictures.

    • Home Office Decor


      Home Office Decor

      How can you create a home office that is organized and distraction-free? Browse this image gallery for inspiration and ideas.

    • Is alien life possible?


      Is alien life possible?

      It's hard to believe that we're the only life-form in this vast universe, and scientists are fervently seeking proof of other life-forms. Watch these videos to learn about the technologies used to track down Earth-like planets, and find out what clues we've already found.

    • From the Very Beginning: Big Bang Theory


      From the Very Beginning: Big Bang Theory

      Ever wonder if you can go backwards in time and start over? According to the Big Crunch Theory, you can repeat history -- in a couple billion years. Learn all about the Big Bang and what could happen if the universe keeps on expanding.

    • Did Joseph Stalin really want a monkey army?


      Did Joseph Stalin really want a monkey army?

      From UFOs to psychic powers and government conspiracies, history is riddled with unexplained events. Get a closer look at the Stuff They Don't Want You to Know in these videos.

    • Is shipwreck exploration a quick way to get rich?


      Is shipwreck exploration a quick way to get rich?

      There are millions of shipwrecks on the ocean floor, but not all are valuable. What does it take to find the good stuff? Before you set out on the seven seas to find your retirement cushion, check out these clips.

    • Could global warming trigger a new ice age?


      Could global warming trigger a new ice age?

      How warm is too warm? The idea of global warming is well-known, if not well-understood. Get answers to all your global warming questions in these clips.

    • Stuff to Blow Your Kid's Mind


      Stuff to Blow Your Kid's Mind

      Monsters. Rainbows. Magnets. Volcanoes. Kids love 'em. (We do, too.) These videos showcase a variety of wild, weird and fascinating topics to make your offspring's jaws drop.

    • "Look into my eyes. ... You are getting sleepy. … Very sleepy."


      "Look into my eyes. ... You are getting sleepy. … Very sleepy."

      When you think of hypnotism, you might think of an evil genius exerting mind control over humans turned into selfless, obedient zombies. Is there any truth to that image? And can you really use hypnotism instead of anesthesia?

    • What do you use to pave an airport runway?


      What do you use to pave an airport runway?

      Whether it's the ABG Titan Road Paver or the Odyssey Launch Platform, the Mega Machines series covers some of the world's largest, most heavy-duty vehicles. Check out this playlist for a closer look.

    • How do astronauts pray?


      How do astronauts pray?

      From religion in space to digital immortality, the future is full of profound challenges and astonishing opportunities. Join the staff of as we explore some of the most promising -- and perplexing -- global issues of the future.

    • From Sea to Shining Sea, Digitally


      From Sea to Shining Sea, Digitally

      Take a ride down Route 66, explore Yosemite National Park and cruise through the Everglades with the hosts of The Coolest Stuff on the Planet as they explore the United States' most amazing sites.

    • 10 Ways to Contact a Ghost


      10 Ways to Contact a Ghost

      How can physical mediums convene with the spiritual? Do zombies really exist? What are the origins of the legend of Bloody Mary? Find out in these videos.

    • Calculus? Gravity? Laws of Motion? All in a day's work.


      Calculus? Gravity? Laws of Motion? All in a day's work.

      Isaac Newton may very well be the greatest scientific genius to ever walk the Earth. He was also competitive, temperamental and fascinated with alchemy. Learn more about Newton and his contributions to science in these videos.

    • From Earmuffs to Zippers


      From Earmuffs to Zippers

      Learn about the history and future of fashion, from high heels to blue jeans, with these videos from the Stuff of Genius and Stuff From the Future.

    • Why aren't the keys on my computer in alphabetical order?


      Why aren't the keys on my computer in alphabetical order?

      Whether it’s the flexible straw or the search engine, every invention has a story. Get a closer look at the inventors responsible from everything to dishwashers to dynamite in this animated series by

    • King Tut's Revenge


      King Tut's Revenge

      Was it an ancient curse or mere coincidence that caused the death of Lord Carnarvon's archaeological team following their discovery of King Tut's grave? Learn about King Tut and other famous mummies in these videos.

    • You vs. Wild. Who wins?


      You vs. Wild. Who wins?

      Poisonous plants, malaria-carrying mosquitoes, hungry beasts five times your size and no water for miles. You get the picture: The wilderness is no place to get lost. If you want to make it out alive, you need to brush up on your skills.

    • Beware of ... Leopard?


      Beware of ... Leopard?

      People with a penchant for adopting wild animals often find their lives are in danger. Watch these "Fatal Attraction" videos to see what can go wrong when precious pets suddenly turn against their caretakers.

    • Ninjas Don't Show Up on Radar


      Ninjas Don't Show Up on Radar

      Secretive and silent, the ninja strikes fear into the hearts of peasants and emperors alike. Watch these videos for ninja fact, ninja fiction, and some of the most clever, terrifying weapons used by the shadowy mercenaries of ancient Japan.

    • Science of the Deep


      Science of the Deep

      The depths of the ocean's might hold the last great frontier for scientists. What's actually down there? See strange creatures and learn about early human expeditions under the sea in these clips.

    • What if you could control lightning?


      What if you could control lightning?

      Superpowers aren't just the stuff of comic book legend anymore. Watch these clips to discover the science behind everything from magnetic levitation to telekinesis to laser weapons.

    • 10 Criminals Who Really, Really Messed Up


      10 Criminals Who Really, Really Messed Up

      Was Lizzie Borden guilty? What's the big deal with WikiLeaks? Podcasters from Stuff You Should Know and Stuff They Don't Want You to Know reveal the truth.

    • When Volcanoes Wake Up


      When Volcanoes Wake Up

      Volcanoes are some of nature's most awe-inspiring displays, with everything from exploding mountaintops to rivers of lava. See how volcanoes are formed and watch the devastation caused by eruptions in these videos.

    • 10 Ways to See Into the Future


      10 Ways to See Into the Future

      Can dreams predict the future? What about smoking a little nutmeg for clairvoyance? Do animals have a sixth sense that allows that lets them make accurate predictions? Watch these clips for all the answers.

    • How to Make an Old Home Look New Again


      How to Make an Old Home Look New Again

      It can be costly -- and a lot of work -- to remodel a home. Before you grab the sledgehammer, get valuable tips from the professionals in these videos.

    • Scaredy-cats Need Not Apply


      Scaredy-cats Need Not Apply

      Every few years, some thrill-seeker invents a new sport while in search of that adrenaline high. It might involve jumping out of planes, rolling down hills in giant balls or taking high speeds to the next level. Would you dare try any of these modern pastimes?

    • Why Your Hands Might Turn Against You


      Why Your Hands Might Turn Against You

      Can humans cause earthquakes? What the heck is alien hand syndrome? Join Chuck and Josh as they explore the some of the coolest (and weirdest) Stuff You Should Know in their television shorts on Science.

    • Word Bubbles


      Word Bubbles

      The Word Bubbles Game will challenge your verbal agility and put your vocabulary and memory to the test. How many words can you come up with? Exercise your mind and play Word Bubbles today!

    • Arctic Tri Peaks Solitaire


      Arctic Tri Peaks Solitaire

      In this version of the classic solitaire game, you play through a mountain of cards, eliminating them as you go.

    • Sudoku Ultra


      Sudoku Ultra

      Other sudoku games will let you use cheats, either with or without a penalty. But this game is a different story: one with no cheats!

    • Mahjongg Dimensions


      Mahjongg Dimensions

      Play this classic game in 3-D! Just when you think you're stuck, you can rotate the cube to reveal more matches to clear. Mahjongg Dimensions is all about creativity, speed and 3-D memory.

    • Bookworm



      Link letters together to make words. Longer words are worth more points! How high can you score?

    • Bike Build Game


      Bike Build Game

      If you've ever wanted to build a bike from scratch, you're not alone. Try your hand at piecing together this motorcycle in the Bike Build Game. Once you have everything in place, you can see the real thing!

    • Podcast Word Search


      Podcast Word Search

      Are you the ultimate HowStuffWorks podcast fan? Prove it in this word search game with 10 exciting levels, numerous categories and backgrounds inspired by the podcasts.

    • Monkey Gems


      Monkey Gems

      BenBen the monkey needs your help! It looks like he got himself in some trouble with the local snakes by stealing their rattles. Help him fend off the colorful reptiles one by one in this fun and exciting match-making adventure! With three fantastic chapters, gorgeous visuals and engaging sound, Monkey Gems is one game you'll want to play over and over again!

    • Spliterature



      Watch out for puns, twists, turns, jokes and general trickery as you try to score as many points as you can in this word game.

    • Alu's Revenge


      Alu's Revenge

      Alu's Revenge serves up solid gameplay, where stacked stones continue to fall as you use your quick wits and speedy strategy to open the tomb and reveal the jewels inside.

    • Word Grid


      Word Grid

      Do you consider yourself a master wordsmith? A superior speller? A vocabulary virtuoso? If you answered "yes" to any of those questions, then Word Grid is the game for you.

    • Zuma's Revenge!™


      Zuma's Revenge!™

      Take a shot at the all-new excitement of Zuma's Revenge!™, the smashing sequel to one of the biggest hits of all time!

    • Carniball



      An amusement park classic comes to your desktop. Get some ball-tossing target practice without leaving your chair.

    • Kritter Krawler


      Kritter Krawler

      If you're in the mood for a grid-filling game, look no further. You'll find yourself running from mechanical monstrosities as you try to fill in as much of the game board as you can. Keep an eye out for power-ups while you're playing to give yourself a nice boost of speed to help you clear the board even faster!

    • Letters from Nowhere


      Letters from Nowhere

      Visit an old cemetery, a provincial town and other unlikely locations to discover more of these strange letters. With puzzling mini-games, four special help tools and an extra quest to unlock a second mode, you'll be thrilled for hours playing Letters from Nowhere.

    • Roads of Rome 2


      Roads of Rome 2

      Travel through strange new environments, overcome natural disasters, and help appease the gods and their demands. If you succeed, Caesar will be grateful and the gods are sure to smile down on the citizens of Rome.

    • Addiction Solitaire


      Addiction Solitaire

      Find out why this speedy variant of a classic card game is called "Addiction Solitaire."

    • Mystery of Mortlake Mansion™


      Mystery of Mortlake Mansion™

      Numerous hours of challenging discoveries await you in 34 beautiful scenes, 30 mini-games and a host of tricky puzzles.

    • Super TextTwist


      Super TextTwist

      Figure out the combination with the most letters and move to the next level. A classic word scramble for a digital world. Take a break and exercise your brain all at once!

    • Crossword: Master


      Crossword: Master

      Are you ready to master a classic crossword challenge? Our online crossword puzzle game is an excellent way to spend some free time building your vocabulary and problem-solving skills, as well as a great way to keep your mind quick and flexible.

    • Color Match


      Color Match

      Put on your sweatbands and get ready to train your brain! Improve your concentration by matching words and colors in the Color Match Game. Flex your brain and focus your mind, play Color Match today!

    • Jigsaw Puzzle: Advanced


      Jigsaw Puzzle: Advanced

      With these free jigsaw puzzle games, you won't have to worry about losing a piece under the dining room table.

    • Cannon Challenge


      Cannon Challenge

      Take charge of your own Non-Line-of-Sight (NLOS) Cannon, the revolutionary gun that represents the future of U.S. Field Artillery.

    • TextTwist 2


      TextTwist 2

      Super TextTwist revolutionized casual word games. Now, TextTwist 2 takes it to the next level. Featuring 25,000 words to find, amazing new graphics, and nearly endless family fun, TextTwist 2 is a must-have for word game fans.

    • The Clockwork Man


      The Clockwork Man

      Peel back the curtain and visit a 19th century world that never existed in this beautiful hidden object game! The Clockwork Man takes seek-and-find gameplay to new dimensions.

    • Plants vs. Zombies


      Plants vs. Zombies

      Plant powerful perennials and defend your brain from hordes of hungry zombies in the all-new Plants vs. Zombies -- Game of the Year Edition. The zombies are on the march for tasty brains and only you can stop them!

    • Ranch Rush 2


      Ranch Rush 2

      Enjoy the island fun of Ranch Rush 2, a new tropical farming sequel to the hit game! More than 120 levels of farm-frenzied fun await you in this exciting new adventure.

Stuff You Should Watch

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Mac, ENIAC or UNIVAC: The Computer History Quiz
Mac, ENIAC or UNIVAC: The Computer History Quiz
Average: 9 points | 20 Questions

George Stibitz invented a machine called the CNC and performed the first remote-access computing demonstration on it in 1940. What does CNC stand for?

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stuff of the day

Did you know: Sexuality is everything that distinguishes a person as either male or female. Human beings are born male or female, and the physical differences of the sexes play an important role in determining our sexuality. Another random fact

“The most important fact about Spaceship Earth: An instruction book didn't come with it.” Who said it?

poll: what do you think?

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all about weird science