U.S. Department of Justice

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The National Evaluation and Technical Assistance Center for the Education of Children and Youth Who Are Neglected, Delinquent, or At Risk (NDTAC)
U.S. Dept. of Education (Washington, DC). National Evaluation and Technical Assistance Center for the Education of Children and Youth Who Are Neglected, Delinquent, or At Risk (NDTAC) (Washington, DC).
NDTAC focuses on “[p]roviding technical assistance to State agencies with Title 1, Part D programs … [while] “[i]mproving education services for children and youth who are neglected, delinquent or at risk.” Assistance from this organization could strengthen your juvenile offender education programs. One of the most useful resources on this site is an interactive map to Title I, Part D information by state. Other points of entry include: about NDTAC; direct assistance; events; topics—Title I, Par... Read More
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Kept Out: Barriers to Meaningful Education in the School-to-Prison Pipeline
By Askew, Wade; Badu-Nimako, Yvette; Baurer, Elana; Gibson, Megan; Intrieri, Alana; Kaleem, Maheen; Kaplan, Marnie; Mortorano, Nicole; Pettit, Jessica; Plastino, Sarah; Reddy, Vasu; Sirianni, Max. Georgetown Law Human Rights Institute (Washington, DC). Georgetown Law Human Rights Institute (Washington, DC).
“’Keep Out’ is a phenomenon that occurs when students try to reenter a setting where they can access meaningful education and are denied by the policies and practices of the education and juvenile justice systems. Keep Out is a part of the larger School-To-Prison Pipeline. The Pipeline includes disciplinary and discretionary policies that push youth out of school and into the criminal justice system” (p. 7). This report examines the barriers that exist for youth seeking an education following a ... Read More
84 pages
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The Path to Successful Reentry: The Relationship Between Correctional Education, Employment and Recidivism
By Cronin, Jake. Univerity of Missouri. Harry S Truman School of Public Affairs. Institute of Public Policy (Columbia, MO).
The ability of education acquired in prison to increase post-incarceration employment rates and lower recidivism rates is examined. Sections of this article include: abstract; introduction; the impact of correctional education in Missouri; education and employment; education and recidivism; employment and recidivism; the pathway to lower recidivism rates; and conclusion. Results “show that inmates who increase their education in prison are more likely to find a full-time job after prison, and th... Read More
6 pages
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White Paper on Education, Employment, and the Ex- Offender in Missouri Prepared by the St. Louis Alliance for Reentry (STAR) 2011
By Hall, Clyde; Williams, Benjamin M.. St. Louis Alliance for Reentry (STAR) (St. Louis, MO).
Strategies for dealing with the challenges ex-offenders face with employment and education are explained. Topics covered include: ex-offender population and recidivism; people with convictions face significant employment barriers; people with convictions have less educational attainment; and employers do not easily hire formerly incarcerated individuals.... Read More
4 pages
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Misplaced Priorities: Over Incarceration, Under Educate
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (Baltimore, MD).
Anyone worried about the state of education in the United States needs to read this report. A “policy agenda that will financially prioritize investments in education over incarceration, provide equal protection under the law, eliminate sentencing policies responsible for over incarceration, and advance public safety strategies that effectively increase healthy development in communities” is laid out (p. 1). Six sections follow an executive summary: introduction; America’s prison system—unfair a... Read More
62 pages
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Education-Based Incarceration
Los Angeles Sheriff's Dept. (Los Angeles, CA); Los Angeles Sheriff's Dept. Offender Services Bureau (Los Angeles, CA).
This report discusses the successful implementation of education-based incarceration (EBI) by the Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department. Readers get a very good idea of how EBI works and the opportunities it can give their facilities. Sections of this publication are: education-based incarceration defined; Custody Operations Division—Jail Facilities; Inmate Welfare Commission; Correctional Services Division; Community-based alternatives to custody; projects under review; the future of EBI; recidivism... Read More
86 pages
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Thinking for a Change Resources
National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
Designed for use with offender populations, this integrated cognitive behavioral change program represents the integrated synthesis of three cognitive based approaches - cognitive self-change, social skills and problem solving. Its purpose is to change an offender’s behavior by restructuring their thinking so that their behavior is positively impacted.
NOTE: This i... Read More
4 video DVDs (660 minutes) + 1 CD
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Addressing the Unmet Educational Needs of Children and Youth in the Juvenile Justice and Child Welfare Systems
By Leone, Peter; Weinberg, Lois. Georgetown University. Public Policy Institute. Center for Juvenile Justice Reform (CJJR) (Washington, DC).
The need to deal with the “state of education services for two groups of vulnerable youth, some of whom begin contact in one social service system - child welfare - and come into contact with another youth agency – the juvenile justice system” is explained (p.7). Individuals involved with juveniles and youth need to be aware of this problem because it impacts many areas of programming and services these youth are offered. This report has seven sections: introduction; educational and other outcom... Read More
74 pages
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9 to 5 Beats Ten to Life: How to (Re) Enter Society, 2nd Edition
By Davis, Mike S.. American Correctional Association (Alexandria, VA).
This easy-to-follow, well-written guide is “a step-by-step, interactive approach to fundamental skills needed for the ex-offender to obtain and maintain a job” (p xi). Chapters cover: pre-employment assessment—what you know; your plan; how to prepare for a job on the outside while inside; how to look on paper—applications and resumes; the job search; your image; dangerous, non-traditional jobs; entrepreneurs—doing your own thing and being your own boss; special concerns for women ex-offenders; c... Read More
129 pages
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Correctional Workforce Project: Phase II
American Correctional Association (Alexandria, VA). Workforce Associates, Inc. (Indianapolis, IN).
Results from a survey of correctional health care professionals, mental health treatment professionals, and correctional education staff concerning current and future employment opportunities are reported. Sections of this document include: introduction; survey facts and figures; survey focus; focus results for nurses and outsourced health care services (i.e., mental health treatment professionals (MHTPs), correctional psychiatrists, mental health caregivers, correctional educators, and correcti... Read More
54 p.
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Educational Aftercare & Reintegration Toolkit for Juvenile Justice Professionals: A Toolkit for Juvenile Justice Professionals in Pennsylvania
By Lowman, Jennifer; Mamas, Shari A.. John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation (Chicago, IL). Models for Change. Education Law Center - PA (Philadelphia, PA).
This toolkit is designed to “serve as a roadmap for identifying issues related to the education of delinquent youth during placement and when they are released and reintegrated into their communities” (p. 7). Nine sections are contained in this toolkit: introduction; pre-placement dispositional hearing; educational services in placement; release and reintegration into the community; enrollment, attendance, and truancy; special education and other in-school services; school discipline; where to g... Read More
190 p.
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From the Classroom to the Community: Exploring the Role of Education during Incarceration and Reentry
By Brazzell, Diana; Crayton, Anna; Mukamal, Debbie A.; Solomon, Amy L.; Lindahl, Nicole. City University of New York. John Jay College of Criminal Justice. Prison Reentry Institute (New York NY); Urban Institute (Washington, DC).
This monograph examines the “current state of education during education and reentry and identifie[s] promising programmatic and policy directions” (p. 3). Parts contained in this publication include: introduction—education, reincarceration, and reentry; the current landscape of education during incarceration and reentry; research on the effectiveness of correctional education; education behind the walls—challenges and opportunities; from classroom to community—education and reentry.... Read More
50 p.
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In Search of Evidence-Based Practice in Juvenile Corrections: An Evaluation of Florida’s Avon Park Youth Academy and STREET Smart Program
U.S. Dept. of Justice. Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (Washington, DC); U.S. Dept. of Labor. Employment and Training Administration (Washington, DC). National Council on Crime and Delinquency. Children's Research Center (Madison, WI).
Results from an evaluation of the APYA (Avon Park Youth Academy) Secure Care Program, involving vocational and educational interventions, combined with the SS (STREET Smart) aftercare reentry program are presented. Sections following an executive summary include: introduction; experimental program description; experimental group profiles; control group programs; comparative costs of experimental and control group programs; design of program evaluation; post-release subject interview findings; ed... Read More
241 p.
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Programs that Help Offenders Stay Out of Prison
By Nink, Carl; MacDonald, Steve. MTC Institute (Centerville, UT).
This report is required reading for any agency seeking to develop effective education and/or substance abuse programming. Sections of this publication include: introduction; current conditions—the prison population is growing despite decrease in crime; effective correctional programming; education provides opportunities; education impacts recidivism; effective educational program principles; substance abuse programs save tax dollars; effective substance abuse treatment program principles; eviden... Read More
22 p.
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The School-to-Prison Pipeline…and Back: Obstacles and Remedies for the Re-Enrollment of Adjudicated Youth
By Feierman, Jessica; Levick, Marsha; Mody, Ami.
“In this article, [the authors] consider the disturbing reluctance of schools to allow delinquent youth to continue their education and the high dropout rates for youth returning from juvenile justice placements” (p.1116). Sections comprising this article are an introduction; the problem of school exclusion and high drop-out rates; due process rights of students returning to school; policy recommendations to help youth return to school, amending the No Child Left Behind Act, and instituting stat... Read More
15 p.
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Serving the Employment Needs of Justice-Involved Juveniles and Adults: A Primer for Treatment and Recovery Support Service Providers
By Meyers-Peeples, Roberta. U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services. Center for Substance Abuse Treatment (Rockville, MD). Legal Action Center. National H.I.R.E. Network (New York, NY).
"This guide will provide an overview of the unique issues people in recovery with criminal records face when seeking jobs or access to higher education" (p. 3). Topics discussed include: what is the law regarding employment discrimination; legal and practical barriers to employment and education; employer negligent hiring liability; higher education as a goal; understanding background checks; gathering evidence of rehabilitation; efficient use of federal and state financial incentives; and what... Read More
22 p.
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National Blueprint for Reentry: Model Policies to Promote the Successful Reentry of Individuals with Criminal Records through Employment and Education
By Meyers-Peeples, Roberta; Frazier, April L.. Joyce Foundation (Chicago, IL); Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors (New York, NY). Legal Action Center: National H.I.R.E. Network (New York, NY).
The National Blueprint for Reentry, "a comprehensive plan for developing a national policy agenda to improve employment and educational opportunities for people with criminal records" is provided (p. 2). Sections of this report include: executive summary; introduction; education background and recommendations; employment background and recommendations; conclusion; state and local model policies; and copies of presentation overheads for "Becoming a Powerful Advocate in Washington, DC: Mastering... Read More
41 p.
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Perpetual Punishment: The Consequences of Adult Convictions for Youth
By Eggleston, Alexa. Campaign for Youth Justice (Washington, DC).
The impact on youth later in their lives of being convicted as adults is explained. Topics discussed in this report include: impact of war on drugs on youth; misguided addiction policies have fueled incarceration; perpetual punishment -- the lasting effects of a criminal history; access to and use of criminal information is expanding at exponential rates; loss of employment opportunities -- employment and education barriers; federal barriers created by Congress as part of war on drugs; public a... Read More
30 p.
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LJN Exchange, Annual Issue 2004; Large Jail Network Exchange, Annual Issue 2004
By (Multiple). National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). LIS, Inc. (Longmont, CO); National Institute of Corrections Information Center (Longmont, Colorado).
This issue includes: Foreword, by Richard Geaither, National Institute of Corrections Jails Division; You Can Do It: Putting an End to Pharmacy Cost Increases, by Mike Kalonick, Milwaukee County Sheriff's Office, Detention Bureau; Accreditation for Adult Local Detention Facilities: Moving from Process Measures to Outcome Measures, by Bob Verdeyen, American Correctional Association; Got Training? Training as a Strategic Management Tool for Performance Enhancement, by Tom Reid, Na... Read More
56 p.
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Thinking for a Change: An Integrated Approach to Changing Offender Behavior [Distance Learning Training Program: Videoconference Held September 17-20, 2002]
National Institute of Corrections Academy [Longmont, CO].
A 32-hour training program on how to deliver an offender program which integrates cognitive approaches for changing behavior by restructuring offenders' thinking and teaching pro-social cognitive skills is provided. Participants will be able to: describe the theoretical foundations of cognitive behavioral approaches; articulate the core principle and components of the "Thinking for a Change" (T4C) program; utilizing the T4C program, demonstrate a cognitive self-change lesson, a social skill les... Read More

5 VHS (504 minutes) + 3 video DVDs
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Syllabus of Supportive Literature: NIC Thinking for a Change Program
National Institute of Corrections Academy (Longmont, CO).
Additional sources of information regarding concepts covered in the Thinking for a Change program can be found in this list of 21 items.... Read More
2 p.
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Thinking for a Change: Facilitator Training: Lesson Plans
By Bush, Jack; Glick, Barry; Taymans, Juliana. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections Academy (Longmont, CO).
A 32-hour training program (consisting of 32 modules) explaining an integrated cognitive behavior change program for offenders is presented. Participants will be able to: describe the theoretical foundations of cognitive behavioral approaches; articulate the core principle and components of the "Thinking for a Change" (T4C) program; utilizing the T4C program, demonstrate a cognitive self-change lesson, a social skill lesson, and a problem solving lesson; and plan for the implementation of the pr... Read More
231 pages + 1 CD
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Thinking for a Change: Integrated Cognitive Behavior Change Program [Lesson Plans]
By Bush, Jack; Glick, Barry; Taymans, Juliana. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections Academy (Longmont, CO).
A problem solving program for offenders is provided. At the core of this curriculum is an integrated, seamless synthesis of cognitive restructuring and cognitive skills interventions. Lesson topics include: active listening; asking a question; giving feedback; our thinking controls how we act; paying attention to our thinking; recognizing the thinking that leads to trouble; finding new thinking; using thinking check ins; knowing your feelings; understanding and responding to the feelings of oth... Read More
327 pages + 1 CD
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Pensar en un Cambio: Programa Intigrado de Cambio Cognitivo-Conductivo [La Leccion Planea]
By Bush, Jack; Glick, Barry; Taymans, Juliana. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections Academy (Longmont, CO).
El programa, Pensar en un Cambio, tiene como centro, un programa de resolucion de problemas detallada con ambas intervenciones de restructuracion cognitiva y habilidades sociales. El formato del programa se comprende de zz lecciones con una capacidad de extender el programs endefinidamente, dependiendo de la cantidad de habilidades cognitivas [cognitive] ensenadas. Suplementos: fichas, transparencias, folletos, cuadros, y los suplementos para el instructor.... Read More
347 p. + 1 computer disk; CD-ROM
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Project Re-Enterprise: A Texas Program
By Moses, Marilyn C.. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). National Institute of Justice (Washington, DC).
Project Re-Enterprise (PRE), administered by the Crime Prevention Institute, enlists the participation of local business leaders in an educational initiative to hone the job-seeking skills of inmates, who interview at mock job fairs. In addition to providing interviewing practice for the inmates, the program has caused some employers to voluntarily alter their policies regarding hiring ex-offenders. This Program Focus describes PRE's process, funding, and measures of success, and also outlines t... Read More
16 p.
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DETOUR Program: Problem Solving Skills for Offenders, a Scripted Unit of Instruction
By Burd, Judy. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). Texas Dept. of Criminal Justice. Windham School System (Huntsville, TX).
The objectives of this thirty-hour program are to learn and practice problem solving steps, and to discover the correlation between the way we think about situations and the way we respond. Utilizing these problem solving skills outside of the classroom hopefully will result in fewer disciplinary cases and less recidivism. This manual gives detailed lesson plans and outlines.... Read More
150 p.
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National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). Wisconsin Dept. of Corrections (Madison, WI).
The focus of the Cognitive Interventions Program is to change the criminal behavior of offenders by motivating them to change themselves. Cognitive change is self-change. This program is divided into four phases. Phase I - Orientation: This phase is designed to teach the basic concepts and techniques of cognitive change. Phase II - The Change Process: In this phase offenders use techniques of cognitive self-observation (Thinking Reports, Journals, Problem and Hassle Logs) to identify thei... Read More
148 p.
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Proceedings of the Large Jail Network Meeting, July 10-12, 1994, Denver, Colorado
National Institute of Corrections Jails Division (Longmont, CO).
The focus of this meeting was on inmate programs and on the issues of dealing with juveniles remanded to adult jails. Session #1 dealt with effective inmate programs: What principles formulate the foundation for potential success? Session #2 was titled "Issues in implementing, evaluating, and monitoring inmate programs," while Session #3 was "Revenue-generating inmate programs: What are they and how do they function?" Session #4 was titled "Non-traditional inmate programs and jail industries: Ho... Read More
57 p.
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Competency Profile of Correctional Educator
National Institute of Corrections National Academy of Corrections (Boulder, CO).
The correctional educator develops, implements, and coordinates education programs (i.e., academic skills, vocational skills, living/social skills) for students in correctional education settings. Duties and tasks of the correctional educator are listed, using a DACUM format.... Read More
3 p.
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Competency Profile of State Director of Correctional Education
National Institute of Corrections National Academy of Corrections (Boulder, CO).
A DACUM profile is provided of the duties and tasks of the State Director of Correctional Education. Such duties include: manage education program operations; plan correctional education programs; articulate with other agencies; provide staff development; and participate in litigation process.... Read More
6 p.
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Competency Profile of Education Director, Correctional Facility/Facilities
National Institute of Corrections National Academy of Corrections (Boulder, CO).
A DACUM profile is provided of the duties and tasks of an education director of a correctional facility. Such duties include designing, managing, and promoting correctional education programs through creative leadership that complies with state and federal laws.... Read More
6 p.
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Emerging Technologies and Community Corrections
National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). American Correctional Association (Laurel, MD); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
Technologies currently used in community corrections are identified, examined, and described in terms of their applications, focusing, where possible, on cost/benefits, efficacy in controlling offenders, and impact on staff, offenders, and agency operations. Issues surrounding emerging technologies are also discussed along with their implications for community corrections in policy, program development, and management practices. (p.8).... Read More
123 p.
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Computer Aided Instruction
By Mueller, Fred. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). Garrett Heyns Education Center (Shelton, WA); Washington State Dept. of Corrections (Olympia, WA).
Title of project: Computer Assisted Instruction. This grant allowed for the expansion of CAI in the basic skills area by adding new software and equipment to the existing vocational program.... Read More
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Correctional Education: A State of the Art Analysis
By Ryan, T.A.; Woodard, Joseph Clifton. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
"This state of the art survey of adult correctional education was undertaken for the purposes of: (1) describing the extent and nature of correctional education programs for adult offenders, the extent of participation by adult offenders in educational programs, the nature of educational and vocational counseling and testing, and the administrative structures, budgets, and teaching personnel; and (2) comparing adult correctional education in 1983 with adult correctional education in 1973 and 197... Read More
60 p.

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