
U.S. Fast Start Climate Financing in Fiscal Year 2011
Africa 2011
Asia 2011
Europe and Eurasia 2011
Latin America 2011
Middle East/North Africa 2011
-Executive Summary  [635 Kb]

U.S. Fast Start Climate Financing in Fiscal Year 2010
Latin America
Middle East/North Africa
-11/19/10   Overview of U.S. Fast Start Climate Financing in Fiscal Year 2010  [380 Kb]

Fifth Climate Action Report to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change
-Entire Climate Action Report  [3277 Kb]
-Table of Contents  [339 Kb]
-1. Executive Summary  [108 Kb]
-2. National Circumstances  [745 Kb]
-3. Greenhouse Gas Inventory  [989 Kb]
-4. Policies and Measures  [885 Kb]
-5. Projected Greenhouse Gas Emissions  [576 Kb]
-6. Vulnerability Assessment, Climate Change Impacts, and Adaptation Measures  [167 Kb]
-7. Financial Resources and Technology Transfer  [266 Kb]
-8. Research and Systematic Observation  [178 Kb]
-9. Education, Training and Outreach  [970 Kb]
-10. Appendices A  [199 Kb]
-10. Appendices B  [128 Kb]

Handbook of the Antarctic Treaty System
-Chapter I -- Foreword to the Ninth Edition  [268 Kb]
-Chapter II -- The Antarctic Treaty System: Introduction  [1494 Kb]
-Chapter III -- Operation of the Antarctic Treaty System  [707 Kb]
-Chapter IV -- Inspections Under Arcticle VII of the Treaty  [179 Kb]
-Chapter V -- Exchanges of Information, Including Data Management  [594 Kb]
-Chapter VI -- Scientific Cooperation  [593 Kb]
-Chapter VII -- Logistical and Operational Issues  [620 Kb]
-Chapter VIII -- Tourism and Other Non-governmental Activities  [665 Kb]
-Chapter IX -- Conservation of Antarctic Seals: CCAS  [774 Kb]
-Chapter X -- Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources: CCAMLR  [797 Kb]
-Chapter XI -- Regulation of Antarctic Mineral Resource Activities: CRAMRA  [1044 Kb]
-Chapter XII -- Protection of the Antarctic Environment  [1612 Kb]
-Protection of the Antarctic Environment II  [1460 Kb]
-Protection of the Antarctic Environment III  [4238 Kb]
-Antarctic Specially Protected Areas  [27427 Kb]
-Antarctic Specially Protected Areas II  [23912 Kb]
-Antarctic Specially Protected Areas III  [15681 Kb]
-Antarctic Specially Protected Areas IV  [75911 Kb]

Fourth Climate Action Report to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change
-1. Introduction and Overview  [Get Acrobat Reader PDF version   ]
-2. National Circumstances  [Get Acrobat Reader PDF version   ]
-3. Greenhouse Gas Inventory  [Get Acrobat Reader PDF version   ]
- 4. Policies and Measures  [Get Acrobat Reader PDF version   ]
-5. Projected Greenhouse Gas Emissions  [Get Acrobat Reader PDF version   ]
-6. Impacts and Adaptation  [Get Acrobat Reader PDF version   ]
-7. Financial Resources and Transfer of Technology  [Get Acrobat Reader PDF version   ]
-8. Research and Systematic Observation  [Get Acrobat Reader PDF version   ]
- 9. Education, Training, and Outreach  [Get Acrobat Reader PDF version   ]
-Appendices  [2069 Kb]

Senator Paul Simon: Water for the Poor Act of 2005
-Senator Paul Simon Water for the Poor Act of 2005: 2006 Report to Congress  [2315 Kb]
-Report Annex A  [221 Kb]
-Report Annex B  [265 Kb]
-Report Annex C  [290 Kb]
-Report Annex D  [237 Kb]
-Report Annex E  [2063 Kb]

C-175 Process
-A. Foreword
-B. Acknowledgement
-C. Chapter 1: Introduction
-D. Chapter 2: Overview of the C-175 Process
-E. Chapter 3: Components of the C-175 Request
-F. Chapter 4: Essential Elements of the Backgound Document
-G. Chapter 5: Points on Drafting International Agreements
-H. Appendix A
-I. Appendix B
-J. Appendix C
-K. Appendix D
-L. Appendix E
-M. Appendix F
-N. Appendix G
-O. Appendix H
-P. Appendix I
-Q. Appendix J

AAAS Science and Technology Policy Handbook

White House Climate Change Review -- Interim Report
-White House Climate Change Review -- Interim Report, June 11, 2001  [103 Kb]

-09/05/12   ANNUAL REPORT TO CONGRESS: Senator Paul Simon Water for the Poor Act P.L. 109-121; Sec. 6 (g)(2) [Get Acrobat Reader PDF version   ]
-07/01/12   2012 Report on Implementation of Agreement Between the U.S. and China on Science and Technology  [119 Kb]
-07/01/12   Annex to 2012 Report on Implementation of Agreement Between the United States and China on Science and Technology [Get Acrobat Reader PDF version   ]
-04/01/12   U.S.-Russian Report of Inspections Under Article VII of the Antarctic Treaty and Article 14 of the Protocol on Environmental Protection  [4335 Kb]
-Paul Simon Water for the Poor Act Report to Congress June 2010  [3727 Kb]
-04/14/10   The United States of America National Report: Transport, Chemicals, Waste Management, Mining, and Sustainable Consumption and Production [Get Acrobat Reader PDF version   ]
-Our Common Purpose: Addressing Climate Change  [1082 Kb]
-12/23/08   Strategic Implications of Global Health [Map]  [70 Kb]
-12/23/08   Strategic Implications of Global Health  [508 Kb]
-Paul Simon Water for the Poor Act Congressional Report June 2009  [2440 Kb]
-06/04/08   Paul Simon Water for the Poor Act Congressional Report June 2008 [Get Acrobat Reader PDF version   ]
-04/30/08   The United States of America National Report on Agriculture, Rural Development, Land, Drought, Desertification and Africa
-06/01/07   Senator Paul Simon Water for the Poor Act 2005 (P.L. 109-121) Report to Congress June 2007 [Get Acrobat Reader PDF version   ]
-03/21/07   United States Antarctic Inspection Team 2006: Report of Inspections under Article VII of the Antarctic Treaty and Article 14 of the Protocol on Environmental Protection  [Get Acrobat Reader PDF version   ]


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