Tag: ansf

Command Sgt. Maj. Terry E. Parham, the senior noncommissioned officer of Deputy Command of Support Operations and the 13th Expeditionary Sustainment Command, Spc. Ariel Gallarzo, an ammunition handler and the youngest deployed Soldier of the 13th ESC, Brig. Gen. Clark W. LeMasters, DCOM-SPO and 13th ESC commander and Lt. Col. Ronald Jack, logistics operations chief and the oldest deployed member of the 13th ESC cut a cake to celebrate the 47th birthday of the 13th ESC at Camp Eggers, Afghanistan on Sept. 24. (U.S. Army photo by Capt. Monika Comeaux, DCOM-SPO/NTM-A PAO)

Deployed Soldiers from 13th ESC celebrate unit’s 47th birthday in Afghanistan with teammates

2012/09/27 • Comments

“We have 23 troop contributing nations within DCOM-SPO. You handle infrastructure, you handle network development, and you handle logistics. Our Afghan partners are getting better in logistics, they are getting better in sustaining themselves,” complemented LeMasters his team.

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Regional Logistics Support Command – Southeast Maintenance Company commander Capt. Zebullah supervises his mechanics as they repair a 203rd Corps Ford Ranger at the Regional Logistics Support Command – Southeast - Gardez Motor Pool. Sept. 3rd. (U.S. Army photo by Capt. Randy Myers, RLSC-SE, NTM-A )

RLSC-SE Keeps 203rd Thunder Corps Rolling

2012/09/22 • Comments

“In the past four weeks, we have completed 25 vehicle maintenance work orders for the 203rd Corps,” said ANA Capt. Zebullah the RLSC-SE Maintenance Company commander.

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Brig. Gen. Abdul Basir, the commander Afghan National Army's Logistics Command, signs transition paperwork assuming responsibilities for the Chimtallah National Ammunition Depot Sept. 16, in Kabul, Afghanistan. The transition ceremony took place in one of the new bunkers at the depot. The depot stores anything from small arms ammunition to rocket propelled grenades, in the current value of $ 160 million. (U.S. Army photo by Capt. Monika Comeaux, DCOM-SPO/NTM-A PAO)

Afghan National Army takes over operations at Chimtallah National Ammunition Depot

2012/09/20 • Comments

“This ceremony today represents the hard work and dedication of the Afghan soldiers at the Chimtallah Ammunition Depot, and the hard work and dedication of the mentors and advisors of RSC-Capital,” said LeMasters during the ceremony. The buildings are just the shell, it is teamwork and dedication what makes this facility function, he said.

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U.S. Army Capt. Owen Brown, chief of Contracting and Acquisition Advisory Team at Deputy Command of Support Operations under NATO Training Mission - Afghanistan passes out handouts for a contracting class on Sept. 12 at the Afghan National Army's Logistics Command in Kabul, Afghanistan. The contracting class was a four-day test run of a 14-day model, aiming to socialize the training material with select members of the Afghan National Security Forces and to obtain valuable feedback on the contents of the classes. (U.S. Army photo by Capt. Monika Comeaux, DCOM-SPO/NTM-A PAO)

Afghan National Security Forces participate in pilot class on contracting

2012/09/16 • Comments

The class was the first of its kind for the Afghan partners, allowing the instructors to obtain valuable feedback on the Contract Acquisition Advisory Team program of instruction (POI) developed by the DCOM-SPO and acquisition advisers from the Deputy Commands of Police and Army under NTM-A.

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NTM-A/CSTC-A statement regarding SIGAR Interim Report on Afghan National Army Petroleum, Oil, and Lubricants

NTM-A/CSTC-A statement regarding SIGAR Interim Report on Afghan National Army Petroleum, Oil, and Lubricants

2012/09/10 • Comments

The Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction has recently brought to light deficiencies that NTM-A/CSTC-A leadership have identified, addressed and are currently addressing within the Afghan National Army’s logistics capability for petroleum, oil, and lubricants.

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Afghan Literacy Conference

Afghan Literacy Conference

2012/09/08 • Comments


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Ministry of Defense celebrated the accomplishments of the literacy program in the Afghan National Army (ANA) and Afghan National Police (ANP). (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class (SW) Cory Rose)

ANSF Soldiers hit the books and promote literacy

2012/09/08 • Comments

“They’re able to write letters to their families,” said Karimi. “I always see them with books and they’re always so excited to attend classes.”

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Category: Literacy, News - News

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Canadian Maj. Gen.  Jim Ferron, Deputy Commanding General NATO Training Mission - Afghanistan (NTM-A), hosted a Troop Contributing Nation (TCN) Outreach Conference to provide updated information on NTM-A's current status and future plans, Aug. 21 (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class (SW) Cory Rose)

NTM-A hosts Troop Contributing Nation Conference

2012/09/05 • Comments

NTM-A leadership used this conference to gain knowledge and coordinate with coalition forces about the transitioning process, enduring requirements, and forces still required.

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Mobile Strike Force Vehicles (MSFV) will be a new part of the Afghan National Army. The vehicles will play an essential role in their fight against the enemy. (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class (SW) Cory Rose)

New vehicles Rev Up ANA capabilities.

2012/09/05 • Comments

“Mobile Strike Force Vehicles have numerous capabilities which will really help us to improve our fighting such as; armor, and electronically fired weapons,” said ANA Sgt. Rohullah.

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Category: News - Afghan National Army, News - General

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The medical staff of the Afghan National Army’s Kandahar Regional Military Hospital, who were on duty Aug. 20, 2012, pose for a photo in one of the hallways of the hospital. The hospital averages 650 hospital bed days per month. They recently expanded their capacity to 100 general admission beds, nine emergency room beds and seven intensive care unit beds. Regional Support Command-East under NATO Training Mission-Afghanistan provides mentors and trainers who assist the staff at the hospital. Photo by U.S. Army Capt. Monika Comeaux, DCOM-SPO/NTM-A PAO

Kandahar Regional Military Hospital; the premier trauma care center in Afghanistan

2012/09/04 • Comments

KRMH treats 20 percent of the total ANA battle injuries and support 27 percent of all intensive care unit admissions for the ANA that occur in the entire country of Afghanistan. The hospital averages 650 hospital bed days per month, said Sadiq.

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