Remarks With Salvadoran Foreign Minister Hugo Martinez Before Their Meeting

Hillary Rodham Clinton
Secretary of State
Treaty Room
Washington, DC
April 24, 2012


SECRETARY CLINTON: I’m very pleased to welcome Minister Martinez here. We have developed a very good working relationship, and we’re very honored to have this chance to continue our ongoing consultations. We are very impressed by the progress that El Salvador is making under the leadership of President Funes and his government, and the United States stands ready to be a good partner going forward.

Welcome, Minister.

FOREIGN MINISTER MARTINEZ: (Via interpreter) It’s always an honor to be able to visit Secretary Clinton and to be able to express our friendship to her on behalf of the people and the Government of El Salvador. It is such a solid relationship that El Salvador and the United States enjoy that allows us to have these kinds of exchanges, these kinds of talks and visits as often as we possibly can in order to promote and develop the projects that we work on as partners in order to benefit our communities.

The United States has been decisive in its vision of this partnership for growth that we enjoy together. And as a result, we have had a better perspective in the work that we carry out together to be able to benefit the development and growth and welfare of our people.

SECRETARY CLINTON: Thank you again, Minister.

FOREIGN MINISTER MARTINEZ: (Via interpreter) Thank you again, Madam Secretary, on behalf of the people and the Government of El Salvador.

PRN: 2012/635

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