Category: Privacy

Datesort icon Type Title
06/21/2012 Group Blog GC Kerry discusses the US approach to privacy at an American Chamber of Commerce event in Italy
06/20/2012 Group Blog General Counsel Kerry Travels to the EU to Discuss US-EU Commercial Data Privacy Efforts
06/18/2012 Group Blog Commerce Department’s NTIA Announces First Privacy Multistakeholder Process Topic
03/16/2012 Group Blog Cameron F. Kerry delivers keynote address to IAPP Global Privacy Summit
12/23/2011 Group Blog Guidance Published on Implementation of Administration Policy on Scientific Integrity
12/07/2011 Group Blog Cameron Kerry delivers keynote address to Second Annual European Data Protection and Privacy Conference
03/16/2011 Blog Protecting Consumers & Promoting Innovation Online: A Call for Baseline Privacy Legislation
01/28/2011 Blog The Commerce Department’s Latest Privacy Initiative on Data Privacy Day
01/18/2011 Group Blog General Counsel Kerry addresses the 2011 State of the Net Conference
12/16/2010 Blog Released: Policy Framework for Protecting Consumer Privacy Online While Supporting Innovation
12/16/2010 Page Internet Policy Task Force Privacy Green Paper
12/01/2010 Blog Commerce Official Says Online Consumer Privacy is Critical to a Strong Digital Economy
10/27/2010 Blog Commerce Officials Address Privacy and Innovation at International Conferences
10/26/2010 Group Blog General Counsel Kerry addresses the OECD 30th Annual Privacy Guidelines Conference in Jerusalem
10/25/2010 Group Blog General Counsel Kerry to co-chair new White House Subcommittee on Privacy
09/21/2010 Group Blog Promoting Security and Protecting Privacy in the Digital Age
07/06/2010 Blog NIST Software Security Patent to Help Improve Health IT Privacy
05/07/2010 News Remarks at Privacy and Innovation Symposium
04/29/2010 News Remarks at Business Software Alliance Cybersecurity Forum
04/23/2010 News America Matches Mail Participation Rate from 2000 Census
04/21/2010 Blog Secretary Locke Announces Public Review of Privacy Policy, Launches Internet Policy Task Force
04/21/2010 News Commerce Secretary Locke Announces Public Review of Privacy Policy and Innovation in the Internet Economy, Launches Internet Policy Task Force
04/08/2010 News Remarks at 2010 Census Event, Queens, New York
04/02/2010 Page Privacy Policy
03/18/2010 Blog Secretary Locke Appears on "The Daily Show," Discusses 2010 Census
03/16/2010 News Remarks at National League of Cities Congressional City Conference
01/29/2010 Page Comment Policy
12/09/2009 News Remarks at Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) Conference
12/09/2009 Blog Secretary Locke Highlights E-Commerce's Role in Growing the Economy
10/26/2009 Blog Census Bureau Launches 2010 Census Campaign with New Web Site