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Success Stories

Sovereign Bank of Boston, Massachusetts, used an Ex-Im BaGhanank 3 year, medium-term guarantee in the amount of $830,334 to support the sale of used construction equipment, from Target Shipping Company of Cranford, New Jersey to Tatop Company Ltd., of Ghana, for its civil engineering projects.

Legacy Medical of South Africa was able to purchase South Africa$50,000 of nonvascular stents from Alveolus Inc. of Charlotte, North Carolina. Alveolus used an Ex-Im Bank multi-buyer, small business insurance policy to support this sale.

HSBC Bank PLC of Houston, Texas, used Ex-Im Bank’s guarantee to support a loan of $11.5 million toNigeria Drillog Petro Dynamics Ltd. of Rivers State, Nigeria, for the purchase of Well Logging Equipment from Halliburton Energy Services of Houston, Texas. Diamond Bank Ltd., of Nigeria, provided a local bank guarantee for this transaction.

Under the new Nigerian Bank Facility, Ex-Im Bank approved a request from M&T BankNigeria, Baltimore, Maryland for a 5 year, medium-term guarantee in the amount of $3,954,132 to support the sale of a thermal oil recovery system to Specialty Drilling Fluids Ltd. in Nigeria by Brandt, of Houston, Texas. A local bank guarantee was be provided by Access Bank Plc.

Polytrade International of Herndon, Virginia, used an TogoEx-Im Bank short-term, single-buyer insurance policy, to support the sale of fuel additives, plastic bottles, and hand pumps valued at $10,000 to Logistique Commerciale of Togo.

The United Nations Mission of Liberia purchasedLiberia $55,800 of sorbents (pads, brooms, and rolls) from Applied Fabric Technologies of Orchard Park, New York. Using an Ex-Im Bank short-term, single-buyer insurance policy, Applied Fabric Technologies was able to provide financing to its customer.


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Updated: May 12, 2008





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