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National Institute of Justice (NIJ): Research, Development, Evaluation

Other Web Resources on Elder Abuse

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Administration on Aging
One of the Nation's largest providers of home- and community-based care for older persons and their caregivers. Its Web site provides information about the Older Americans ActEldercare Locator, and other aging-related topics and services.

Division of Violence Prevention
A division of the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control (NCIPC), established by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. DVP works to prevent injuries and deaths caused by violence. See NCIPC's Web pages on elder abuse and maltreatment and injuries among older adults.

National Institute on Aging
One of the 27 institutes and centers of the National Institutes of Health, NIA conducts high-quality research on aging and special problems and needs of the aged.

Office for Victims of Crime
Enhances the Nation's capacity to assist crime victims and provides leadership in changing attitudes, policies, and practices to promote justice and healing for all crime victims. See OVC's publications and resources for elders.

National Criminal Justice Reference Service
A federally funded resource offering justice and substance abuse information. Spotlight on Family Violence provides detailed information related to all forms of family violence, including elder abuse. See also Special Populations, Elderly.

Help for Elders and Service Providers

Clearinghouse on Abuse and Neglect of the Elderly
CANE is the Nation's largest computerized collection of elder abuse resources and materials, with almost 5,000 holdings.

Elder Abuse Forensic Center
Staffed by professionals from legal, medical, social services, and law enforcement agencies. The center seeks to better understand, identify, and treat elder abuse; determine more efficient ways to prosecute elder abuse cases; and prevent elder abuse through greater awareness and education among professionals working with this population.

National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys, Inc.
Assists lawyers, bar organizations, and others who work with older clients and their families. Provides information, education, networking, and assistance concerning the specialized issues involved with legal services to the elderly.

National Adult Protective Services Association
Provides State Adult Protective Services program administrators and staff with a forum for sharing information, solving problems, and improving the quality and availability of protective services for disabled adults and elderly persons who are abused, neglected, or exploited.

National Clearinghouse on Abuse Later in Life
A leader on program development, policy, and technical assistance and training that addresses the nexus between domestic violence, sexual assault, and elder abuse or neglect.

National Committee for the Prevention of Elder Abuse
An association of researchers, practitioners, educators, and advocates dedicated to protecting the safety, security, and dignity of the elderly. Funded by Congress, the Committee is one of six partners that make up the National Center on Elder Abuse.

National Center for Victims of Crime
A leading resource and advocacy organization for crime victims.

National Sexual Violence Resource Center
A comprehensive collection and distribution center for information, research, and emerging policy on sexual violence intervention and prevention. NSVRC provides an extensive online library, and customized technical assistance, and coordinates National Sexual Assault Awareness Month initiatives.

Next section: Elder Abuse Home.

Date Modified: August 1, 2011