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CDC Mental Health Work Group

Our vision:

  • Mental health is maximized across the population.

Our mission:

  • To foster collaboration and advancement in the mental health field to support CDC's public health mission.

The CDC Mental Health Work Group does not reside in any one division or center at CDC, but rather is a collaborative effort. This internal CDC work group includes more than 100 members representing multiple disciplines. CDC staff members participating in this work group do so because of their commitment to advancing mental health within the context of the overall CDC mission.

Contact Us:
  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
    1600 Clifton Rd
    Atlanta, GA 30333
  • 800-CDC-INFO
    TTY: (888) 232-6348
    24 Hours/Every Day
  • The U.S. Government's Official Web PortalDepartment of Health and Human Services
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention   1600 Clifton Rd. Atlanta, GA 30333, USA
800-CDC-INFO (800-232-4636) TTY: (888) 232-6348 -
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