Frequently Asked Questions

How much electricity is used for lighting in the United States?

EIA estimates that in 2010, about 499 billion kilowatt-hours (kWh) of electricity were used for lighting by the residential and commercial sectors. This was equal to about 18% of the total electricity consumed by both of those sectors and about 13% of total U.S. electricity consumption.

Residential lighting consumption was about 202 billion kWh, equal to about 14% of all residential electricity consumption. About 297 billion kWh was consumed for lighting by the commercial sector, which includes commercial and institutional buildings and public street and highway lighting, equal to about 22% of commercial sector electricity consumption in 2010.

EIA does not have an estimate just for public street and highway lighting.

EIA's most recent data available indicates that in 2006, 63 billion kWh were consumed for lighting in manufacturing facilities, which was equal to about 2% of total U.S. electricity consumption in 2006.

Learn more:

EIA estimates and projections for energy end-use and in residential and commercial sectors Tables 4 and 5 of Annual Energy Outlook 2012 (reference case).

Historical U.S. annual electricity consumption by sector.

DOE Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy report 2010 U.S. Lighting Market Characterization

Last updated: February 15, 2012

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