NATO - North Atlantic Treaty Organization

The NATO Support Agency (NSPA)

The NATO Support Agency (NSPA) is NATO’s integrated logistics and services provider Agency. The NSPA is a fully customer-funded agency, operating on a “no profit - no loss” basis. It brings together NATO’s logistics and procurement support activities in a single organisation, providing integrated multinational support solutions for its stakeholders.

  • Main tasks and responsibilities

    NSPA’s mission is to provide responsive, effective and cost-efficient logistics support services for systems and operations. This support is provided – in times of peace, crisis and war, wherever required – to the NATO member nations, the NATO Military Authorities and partner nations, both individually and collectively. In line with guidance provided by the North Atlantic Council, it aims to maximise the ability and flexibility of armed forces, contingents, and other relevant organisations to execute their core mission.

    NSPA is organised into three business segments: the NATO Airlift Management Programme (NAM), the Central Europe Pipeline System Programme (CEPS) and Logistics Operations.

    The NATO Airlift Management Programme acquires, manages and supports the airlift assets that nations can call upon to fulfil their national, NATO, European Union and United Nations commitments. It provides financial, logistics, and administrative services in support of the Heavy Airlift Wing (HAW), a multinational military unit located in Hungary and responsible for operating the Airlift Management Programme-owned aircraft used to meet the requirements of the participating nations in accordance with a pre-agreed allocation of flying hours.

    Members of the NAM Programme include Bulgaria, Estonia, Finland, Hungary, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Romania, Slovenia, Sweden and the United States. The NAM Programme Board, acting in the collective interests of all NAM member nations, is the governing body for Programme execution.

    The Central Europe Pipeline System Programme manages the operation, financing and maintenance of an integrated, cross-border fuel pipeline and storage system in support of NATO’s operational military requirements, including expeditionary operations. The CEPS Programme Office, located in France, coordinates and designs the planning of cross-border traffic and manages product quality control. It is responsible for operational, technical and financial control, as well as the coordination of business development. Operations run on a 24/7 basis, with the CEPS Programme Office serving as the intermediary between suppliers and national organisations, NATO authorities, and non-military clients.

    Members of the CEPS Programme include Belgium, France, Germany, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and the United States. The CEPS Programme Board, acting in the collective interests of all CEPS Programme member nations, is the governing body for Programme execution. 

    The Logistics Operations segment is a grouping of multiple weapon and equipment systems support capabilities, some highly specialised. These are provided using multinational legal frameworks, as well as bilateral and multinational agreements, that enable the consolidation and centralisation of logistics management functions across NATO. All of these capabilities can be used to support NATO and member nations during exercises and during deployments under North Atlantic Council-approved operations.

    The majority of the logistics support provided is outsourced to industry through international competitive bidding. The segment also has an in-house engineering and technical support capability covering a number of specific technologies, such as optoelectronics and calibration.

    Logistics Operations maintains a Southern Operational Centre (SOC) in Italy. A number of its staff are deployed to operations and NATO commands to provide front line support.

  • The Agency’s structure

    Headquartered in Capellen, Luxembourg, the NSPA employs some 1,200 staff in operational centres in Luxembourg, France, Hungary and Italy. Headed by a General Manager, the NSPA is the executive body of the NATO Support Organisation (NSPO). All 28 NATO nations are members of the NSPO, with each nation represented on the NSPO Agency Supervisory Board (ASB). The ASB directs and controls the activities of the NSPA, issues directives and makes general policy decisions to enable NSPO to carry out its work. It reports to the North Atlantic Council (NAC).

  • Evolution

    At the Lisbon Summit in November 2010, NATO Heads of State and Government agreed to reform the 14 existing NATO Agencies, located in seven member states. In particular, Allies agreed to streamline the agencies into three major programmatic themes: procurement, support, and communications and information. The reform aims to enhance efficiency and effectiveness in the delivery of capabilities and services, to achieve greater synergy between similar functions and to increase transparency and accountability.

    As part of the reform process, the NSPA Agency was established on 1 July 2012 as a result of the merger of the former in-service support agencies: the NATO Maintenance Supply Agency (NAMSA), the NATO Airlift Management Agency (NAMA) and the Central Europe Pipeline Management Agency (CEPMA).

Last updated: 28-Jun-2012 17:43
