NATO - North Atlantic Treaty Organization

The NATO Response Force

At the centre of NATO transformation

The NATO Response Force (NRF) is a highly ready and technologically advanced multinational force made up of land, air, maritime and special forces components that the Alliance can deploy quickly to wherever it is needed.

It is comprised of three parts: a command and control element from the NATO Command Structure; the Immediate Response Force, a joint force of about 13 000 high-readiness troops provided by Allies; and a Response Forces Pool, which can supplement the Immediate Response Force when necessary.

  • Purpose

    The NRF has the overarching purpose of being able to provide a rapid military response to an emerging crisis, whether for collective defence purposes or for other crisis response operations.

    The force gives NATO the means to respond swiftly to various types of crises anywhere in the world. It is also a driving engine of NATO’s military transformation.

    A rotational force

    The NATO Response Force is based on a rotational system; nations commit land, air, naval or special forces units to the Immediate Response Force for a six-month period. Starting in 2012, the rotation periods will be extended from six to 12 months.

    The NRF is also open to Partner countries, once approved by the North Atlantic Council. The flexibility offered by the Response Forces Pool, which permits nations to make contributions on their own terms, for durations of their choosing, is particularly relevant in this regard.

    Participation in the Immediate Response Force is preceded by national preparation, followed by training with other participants in the multinational force. As units rotate through the NRF, the associated high standards, concepts and technologies are gradually spread throughout the Alliance, thereby fulfilling one of the key purposes the NRF – the further transformation of Allied forces.

    Operational command of the NRF currently alternates among NATO’s Joint Force Commands in Brunssum, Naples, and Lisbon.

    A powerful package

    The Immediate Response Force has:

    • a brigade-sized land component based on three Battle Groups and their supporting elements;
    • a maritime component based on NATO’s Standing Naval Maritime Groups and Standing Naval Mine Counter Measures Groups;
    • a combat air and air support component;
    • special forces; and
    • a CBRN (chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear) defence task force.

    Before use, the force will be tailored (adjusted in size and capability) to match the demands of any specific operation to which it is committed.

    Any mission, anywhere

    The NATO Response Force provides a visible assurance of NATO’s cohesion and commitment to deterrence and collective defence. Each rotation of the force has to prepare itself for a wide range of tasks – for example, contributing to the preservation of teritorial integrity, making a demonstration of force, peace support operations, disaster relief, protection of critical infrastructure, security operations and, as part of a larger force, conducting initial entry operations.

    Elements of the NRF helped protect the 2004 Summer Olympics in Athens, Greece, and were deployed to support the Afghan presidential elections in September 2004.

    The NRF has also been used in disaster relief.

    • In September and October 2005, aircraft from the NATO Response Force delivered relief supplies donated by NATO member and Partner countries to the US, to assist in dealing with the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.
    • From October 2005 to February 2006, elements of the NATO Response Force were used in the disaster relief effort in Pakistan, following the devastating 8 October earthquake. Aircraft from the NRF were used in an air bridge that delivered almost 3500 tons of urgently needed supplies to Pakistan, while engineers and medical personnel from the NATO Response Force were deployed to Pakistan to assist in the relief effort.
  • Evolution

    The NATO Response Force initiative was announced at the Prague Summit in November 2002.

    In the words of General James Jones, then NATO’s Supreme Allied Commander Europe, "… NATO will no longer have the large, massed units that were necessary for the Cold War, but will have agile and capable forces at Graduated Readiness levels that will better prepare the Alliance to meet any threat that it is likely to face in this 21st century."

    The NRF concept was approved by Ministers of Defence in June 2003 in Brussels.

    From concept to reality

    On 13 October 2004, at an informal meeting of NATO Defence Ministers in Poiana Brasov, Romania, the NATO Secretary General and Supreme Allied Commander Europe (SACEUR) formally announced that NRF had reached its initial operational capability of approximately 17 000 troops and was ready to take on the full range of missions.

    The capabilities of the NATO Response Force were tested in a major live exercise, Steadfast Jaguar 06, in the Cape Verde Islands in June 2006. The challenging location was specifically designed to demonstrate and prove the viability of the NRF concept.

    At NATO's Riga Summit in November 2006, the NRF was declared to be at full operational capability with up to 25 000 troops.

    Since then, the way NRF is generated and composed has been adjusted twice, in 2008 and 2010, to provide a more flexible approach to force generation, thereby facilitating force contributions which were being hampered by the enduring high operational tempo arising from Iraq, Afghanistan and other missions. To further support force generation, Allies have set themselves voluntary national targets for force contributions.

  • Authority

    Any decision to use the NATO Response Force is a consensual political decision, taken on a case-by-case basis by all 28 Allies in the North Atlantic Council, NATO’s principal decision-making body.

Last updated: 05-Mar-2012 15:02
