NATO - North Atlantic Treaty Organization

NATO’s relations with Bosnia and Herzegovina

Left to right: the Chairman of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bakir Izetbegovic and NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen

NATO Secretary General Rasmussen and the Chairman of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bakir Izetbegovic (10 April 2012)

Bosnia and Herzegovina joined the Partnership for Peace in December 2006. Democratic, institutional and defence reforms are a key focus of cooperation. The country has been engaged in an Intensified Dialogue with NATO on its membership aspirations and related reforms since April 2008. Welcoming progress made in its reform efforts, in April 2010, the Allies formally invited the country to join the Membership Action Plan (MAP) with one important condition: the first Annual National Programme under the MAP will only be accepted by NATO once a key remaining issue concerning immovable defence property has been resolved.

At the Chicago Summit in May 2012, Allied leaders welcomed the political agreement reached on 9 March 2012 on the registration of immovable defence property as state property.  They welcomed the initial steps taken regarding implementation and urged the political leaders in Bosnia and Herzegovina to further their efforts to work constructively to implement the agreement without delay in order to start its first MAP cycle as soon as possible. 

Following the Summit,  NATO’s Deputy Secretary General visited Bosnia and Herzegovina  on 20 July 2012. This visit represented and important political signal of NATO’s continued strong commitment to the Balkans, and to those countries in the region aspiring to NATO membership in particular.

The Allies are committed to keeping NATO’s door open to Western Balkan partners that wish to join the Alliance, share its values and are willing and able to assume the responsibilities and obligations of membership. Euro-Atlantic integration is seen as the best way to ensure long-term, self-sustaining security and stability in the region.

The Membership Action Plan (MAP) is a NATO programme of advice, assistance and practical support tailored to the individual needs of countries wishing to join the Alliance. Participation in the MAP does not prejudge any decision by the Alliance on future membership.

Bosnia and Herzegovina’s tripartite presidency were unanimous about the decision to apply to join the MAP. Unfortunately, this has not yet led to the fulfillment of the condition for the country to join the MAP, namely, the need for all immovable defence properties in the country to be registered as state property, for use by the country’s defence ministry.

In a speech on 29 June 2011, NATO’s Secretary General called on the political leaders of Bosnia and Herzegovina “to demonstrate vision, leadership and the ability to compromise, and to continue on the path of political and economic reform. A solution to the property issue would demonstrate that Bosnia and Herzegovina functions like one state. That it is capable to interact with NATO and to fulfil its commitments within the Membership Action Plan.”

Bosnia and Herzegovina needs to continue to pursue far-reaching democratic and defence reforms, not just because this will further its aspirations to join NATO and the European Union, but because such reforms are essential for the country to become a fully functioning independent democratic state. The Allies remain committed to supporting the country’s wider reform programme, particularly in the area of defence. But, ultimately, the initiative has to come from the political leaders of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Beyond supporting reform, another key objective of NATO’s cooperation with Bosnia and Herzegovina is to develop the ability of the country’s forces to work together with forces from NATO countries and other partners, especially in peacekeeping and crisis-management operations. Since 2009, Bosnia and Herzegovina has contributed to the NATO-led International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) in Afghanistan.

The Alliance has been committed to building long-term peace and stability in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the wider Western Balkans, since the Alliance started actively supporting the international community’s efforts to end the conflict in Bosnia and Herzegovina (1992-1995). NATO played a key role in implementing the Dayton Peace Agreement (formally, the General Framework Agreement for Peace in Bosnia and Herzegovina, or GFAP) and in securing this peace through peacekeeping deployments over a nine year period from December 1995 to December 2004. In December 2004, primary responsibility for military aspects of GFAP was handed over to the European Union. NATO retains a military headquarters in Sarajevo with the primary mission of assisting the authorities of Bosnia and Herzegovina with reforms and commitments related to the Partnership for Peace and closer integration with NATO, and the secondary mission of providing logistic and other support to the European Union Force in Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as supporting the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia on a case by case basis.

  • Framework for cooperation

    Currently, Bosnia and Herzegovina’s cooperation with NATO is set out in an Individual Partnership Action Plan (IPAP). The first IPAP was agreed with the Alliance in September 2008 and an updated version was agreed in February 2011. Developed on a two-year basis, such plans are designed to bring together all the various cooperation mechanisms through which the country interacts with the Alliance, sharpening the focus of activities to better support domestic reform efforts.

    Once the invitation to join the Membership Action Plan (MAP) is fully implemented, cooperation with Bosnia and Herzegovina and support for reform will be set out in an Annual National Programme under the MAP, replacing and building upon the IPAP.  This programme will outline preparations for possible future membership, including political, economic, defence, resource, security and legal aspects.

    The IPAP is underpinned by practical cooperation in a range of other areas under the Individual Partnership Programme (IPP), which the country has developed with NATO since it first joined the Partnership or Peace (PfP) and the Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council (EAPC).

    Bosnia and Herzegovina also participates in the PfP Planning and Review Process (PARP) since May 2007. The role of the PARP is to provide a structured basis for identifying forces and capabilities that could be available to the Alliance for multinational training, exercises and operations. It also serves as the principal mechanism used to guide and measure defence and military reform progress. A biennial process, the PARP is open to all partners on a voluntary basis.

    To facilitate cooperation, Bosnia and Herzegovina has a diplomatic mission at NATO Headquarters as well as a liaison office at the Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE) and an officer at Allied Joint Force Command Naples.

  • Key areas of cooperation

    Key priorities for cooperation with Bosnia and Herzegovina include strengthening cooperation with European and Euro-Atlantic structures, rule of law, democratic control of the armed forces and intelligence-security system, defence reform, defence planning and budgeting, military interoperability, human resource management, crisis management and civil-emergency planning, security system and protection of data, and public diplomacy. NATO also supports the wider democratic, institutional, and judicial reform process underway in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

    Security cooperation

    Since 2009, Bosnia and Herzegovina has contributed officers to the NATO-led International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) in Afghanistan as part of the Danish and German contingents. Furthermore – although this was not part of a NATO operation – the Armed Forces of Bosnia and Herzegovina deployed an Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) platoon to Iraq from 2005 to 2008 and an infantry platoon during 2008, under the multinational coalition’s operation.

    The authorities of Bosnia and Herzegovina have signed and ratified the PfP Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) with the Allies, in accordance with its national legislation. The PfP SOFA is a multilateral agreement between NATO member states and partner countries, which deals with the status of foreign forces while present on the territory of another state. This agreement facilitates Bosnia and Herzegovina’s military-to-military cooperation and other practical cooperation with NATO member states and other partner countries.

    NATO and Bosnia and Herzegovina aim to improve the exchange of information on combating terrorism. The Allies will assist the country in establishing a relevant counter-terrorist capability and provide advice on improving the existing national apparatus.

    Bosnia and Herzegovina has declared a number of forces and assets as potentially available for PfP activities, including for NATO-led crisis-response operations. Engineering (Explosive Ordnance Disposal) capabilities and related equipment as well as other units could be available. The country is ready to create the necessary preconditions for the use of reserve airports in Mostar, Banja Luka, and Tuzla, as well as ensuring over-flight rights for NATO aircraft.

    The country has also made a number of training facilities available, including a Combat Training Centre at Manjača and a Peace Support Operations Training Centre at Butmir, which is the only certified PfP Training Center in the region. A Professional Development Centre in Travnik has also been established that would be available within the PfP framework.

    Defence and security sector reform

    Defence and security sector reforms are core elements of cooperation. The Alliance as a whole and individual Allies have considerable expertise which Bosnia and Herzegovina can draw upon in this area. A key priority is working together to establish affordable and sustainable defence structures, which would reflect the security needs of the country and be able to provide usable military capabilities that are interoperable with those of the Alliance.

    A key aspect of the work of the NATO-led Stabilization Force (SFOR) in Bosnia and Herzegovina up to 2004 concerned reform of the country's defence structures, which were divided into three separate structures for each of the country’s main ethnic groups. Within the framework of a Defence Reform Commission (2003-2005), SFOR and NATO helped the country build a unified command and control structure, and develop joint doctrine and standards for training and equipment that are compatible with NATO standards. In March 2004, a newly established state-level defence ministry brought the country’s separate armies under a single command structure.

    Subsequent to SFOR, NATO's new military headquarters in Sarajevo took a leading role in the Defence Reform Commission during 2005, leading the effort that resulted in the complete merger of the entity armies into a single military force on 1 January 2006, and continues to work with Bosnia and Herzegovina on defence reform to this day. NATO’s Secretary General has also appointed the Assistant Secretary General for Defence Policy and Planning as his Senior Representative for defence reform in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

    The country is working to develop fully professional armed forces that are interoperable with NATO forces and are manned by volunteers who meet high professional standards. The process of restructuring and reorganization of the armed forces in order to reach these goals is ongoing. A key instrument for supporting such military and defence reforms is the PfP Planning and Review Process (PARP).

    A NATO/PfP Trust Fund project for assistance to redundant defence personnel is also an important element in supporting the country’s efforts to downsize its armed forces. The Trust Fund supports the reintegration of approximately 3000 released personnel, whose contracts with the Armed Forces will end between 2010 and 2012. It will also strengthen domestic capacity to meet similar challenges in the future, if and when the need arises. The executing agent for this project is the International Organization for Migration (IOM), which works in coordination with the Ministry of Defence to provide technical assistance to facilitate the social and economic reintegration of former military personnel.

    Civil emergency planning

    NATO and Bosnia and Herzegovina carry out cooperation in the field of civil emergency planning. The country is developing its national civil emergency and disaster-management capabilities. In consultation with the Allies, the country has developed the legal framework for coping with civil emergencies, and is working to establish a civil crisis information system to coordinate activities in the event of an emergency.

    Public information

    Bosnia and Herzegovina and NATO aim to improve public access to information on the benefits of cooperation and Bosnia and herzegovina’s possible membership in the Alliance. To this end, a national NATO communications strategy is in place. Particular emphasis is placed on activities that entail sustainability and that link key stakeholders: government, civil society, and media. Regional exchange of best practices is an important element.

    NATO’s Public Diplomacy Division closely cooperates with a number of partners including NATO’s military headquarters in Sarajevo, non-governmental organizations, Allied embassies and others in the planning and implementation of public diplomacy activities to increase public awareness about cooperation with NATO and the Membership Action Plan. 

    In every partner country an embassy of one of the NATO member states serves as a contact point and operates as a channel for disseminating information about the role and policies of the Alliance. The current NATO Contact Point Embassy in Bosnia and Herzegovina is the Embassy of the Republic of Turkey.

    Science and environment

    Under the Science for Peace and Security (SPS) Programme Bosnia and Herzegovina has received grant awards for a number of cooperative projects, including seismic risk hazard reduction studies and legal aspects of countering terrorism. The aim is to increase scientific cooperation, such as in areas relevant to regional security issues and environmental initiatives.

  • Evolution of relations

    In August 1995, NATO air strikes were instrumental in bringing an end to the three-year conflict in Bosnia and Herzegovina. In December 1995, the Alliance deployed its first-ever peacekeeping mission, the Implementation Force (IFOR), to implement the military aspects of the Dayton Peace Agreement. IFOR was replaced a year later by the Stabilization Force (SFOR), which helped maintain a secure environment to facilitate the country's reconstruction as well as supporting reform of the Bosnian armed forces.

    As the security situation gradually improved, the number of peacekeepers was progressively reduced from the 60 000 that were originally deployed to 7000 in 2004. SFOR’s mission ended in December 2004, when responsibility for maintaining security was handed over to the European Union. NATO continues to provide support to the EU operation in Bosnia and Herzegovina (Operation Althea) within the framework of the so-called “Berlin Plus arrangements”, which provide the basis for NATO-EU cooperation in crisis management by allowing the European Union to have access to NATO's collective assets and capabilities for EU-led operations, including command arrangements and assistance in operational planning.

    NATO Allies are committed to supporting Bosnia and Herzegovina on its path to Euro-Atlantic integration.  However, the key reforms and political decisions needed for Bosnia and Herzegovina to achieve the standards of NATO membership must be taken by the leaders of Bosnia and Herzegovina themselves.

    Key milestones:

    In April, NATO begins Operation Deny Flight to prevent aerial intrusion over Bosnia and Herzegovina.


    On 28 February four warplanes violating the no-fly zone are shot down by NATO aircraft in the Alliance’s first military engagement.


    In August, Allied air strikes on Bosnian-Serb positions help compel the warring parties into peace negotiations.


    The Dayton Peace Agreement is signed on 14 December.


    The 60 000 strong NATO-led Implementation Force (IFOR) deploys to implement the military aspects of the peace agreement. IFOR is NATO’s first peacekeeping operation.


    In September, the first elections are held in Bosnia and Herzegovina; the Allies agree to maintain a security presence in the country to facilitate the country’s reconstruction.

    The Stabilization Force (SFOR) replaces IFOR in December.


    Establishment of a State-level command structure over the two entity armies in December


    In December, the European Union peacekeeping force (EUFOR) takes over responsibility for maintaining security in Bosnia and Herzegovina. NATO supports the operation through the Berlin Plus arrangements, and establishes a military headquarters to administer this support while carrying out its primary mission of supporting the authorities of Bosnia and Herzegovina with defence reforms and anticipated PfP commitments.




    Bosnia and Herzegovina joins the PfP and agrees its first Individual Partnership Programme (IPP).


    Bosnia and Herzegovina joins the PfP Planning and Review Process (PARP).


    In April, the country is invited by NATO to begin an Intensified Dialogue on the full range of political, military, financial, and security issues relating to its aspirations to membership. In September, Bosnia and Herzegovina agrees its first Individual Partnership Action Plan (IPAP) with NATO.


    Bosnia and Herzegovina deploys officers to the NATO-led International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) in Afghanistan


    In April, Bosnia and Herzegovina is invited to join the Membership Action Plan, pending the resolution of a key issue concerning immovable defence property.


    In February, Bosnia and Herzegovina agrees its second IPAP with NATO


    In May, at NATO’s Chicago Summit, Allied leaders welcome the political agreement reached in Bosnia and Herzegovina on 9 March 2012 on the registration of immovable defence property as state property. They urge political leaders to implement the agreement without delay to allow the country to start participation in the Membership Action Plan.
      Chairman of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bakir Izetbegovic, attends a meeting at NATO’s Summit, joining counterparts from countries that are supporting the NATO-led stabilization mission in Afghanistan. Also,Bosnian Foreign Minister Zlatko Lagumdžija joins fellow foreign ministers from the three other countries that are aspiring to NATO membership in a meeting, chaired by NATO's Deputy Secretary General.
      In July, NATO’s Deputy Secretary General visits Bosnia and Herzegovina and other countries in the region aspiring to NATO membership – an important political signal of NATO’s continued strong commitment to the Balkans.

Last updated: 13-Sep-2012 12:13
