Eng. / Fr.

Fellowship and sponsorship programmes

  • The Science for Peace and Security (SPS) Programme offers grants for practical scientific and technical cooperation between scientists and experts from NATO member states, Partner and Mediterranean Dialogue countries on security-related issues in the fields of civil science, environment and technology. The Programme seeks to develop concepts and solutions for a variety of security-related issues on SPS key priorities that fall into two broad categories: defence against terrorism and countering other threats to security. The Programme does this by facilitating collaboration, networking and capacity-building, while promoting the use of the best technical expertise to solve problems. Detailed information on the SPS Programme, its key priorities, the types of activities that are sponsored and how to apply for a grant is available at www.nato.int/science.

  • NATO Countries Relations Section is the section, in NATO's Public Diplomacy Division, in charge of running information programmes in NATO member countries. These programmes include visits by opinion formers, politicians, academics and NGOs to NATO Headquarters and also the sponsoring of conferences and seminars. These information tools are meant to reach out to audiences in NATO Countries so that they can be made aware of NATO's main policies. In addition, they are also aimed at increasing the level of debate and promote thinking on security and defence related issues. Ideal destinatories for these grants are NGOs, universities, think-tanks, and other pertinent civil society organisations.

  • Co-sponsorship for conferences, seminars, workshops and roundtables in Partner countries on security-related issues is available in the form of discretionary grants from NATO's Public Diplomacy Division. The aim is to promote the dissemination in Partner countries of reliable information on the role and policies of the Alliance and to generate open debate about security in the Euro-Atlantic area. Non-governmental organisations or universities in Partner countries seeking to organise such events can apply for financial support. NATO can also provide organisational advice, possible speakers as well as information materials. Projects typically focus on different aspects of NATO's role in European security or on issues relevant to establishing democratic control of armed forces and defence reform. NATO will not normally cover more than 50 per cent of total costs, up to a ceiling of $ 10,000. Some funding is also available to cover the travel costs of participants from Partner countries invited to attend conferences or seminars on security-related issues in NATO countries.
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