Prologue Magazine

Index to Prologue, Volume 34: 2002

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1930 Census Fast Facts, 78

"1930 Census in Perspective, The," by David Hendricks and Amy Patterson, 150-157

"1930 Census Microfilm Locator" (online catalog), 69

1930 Census of Population, taking of the, 306-316

"1930 Census Records Give Us a Picture of the Past," by John W. Carlin, 4-5

1930 Federal Population Census: Catalog of National Archives Microfilm, 78

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Abetz, Otto, 12, 18

Acheson, Dean G., 109-110, 111; photo, 108

Adams, John, 140, 141, 142, 143, 326; portrait, 141

Adams, John Quincy, 276

African Americans, and censuses, 155; eligibility for citizenship, 92; genealogical research, 144-148; nurses in the Spanish-American War, 198; records relating to, 144-148; troops in postwar Germany, 172, 177-178

Age of Homespun: Objects and Stories in the Creation of an American Myth, The, by Laurel Thatcher Ulrich, 187

Agricultural census, 313

Aids for Genealogical Research, 241

Alexander I, portrait of by George Dawe, 28, 30

Alien Registration Act of 1940, 101-102

Allied Control Council, Germany, 33

Allington, Bill, photo, 62

American Commission for the Protection and Salvage of Artistic and Historic Monuments in War Areas, 128-129, 133-134, 135, 136

American Council of Learned Societies, Committee for the Protection of Cultural Materials in War Areas, 133

American Defense Harvard Group, 133

American Economic Association, 310

American Expeditionary Force, Siberia, 300, 303, 304

American Jewish Committee, 99

"American Merchants Buying Tea," painting by Tinqua, illus., 266-267

American Museum of Natural History, New York City, 32, 34

American North Russian Expeditionary Force, 294

"American Originals" (exhibit), 52-56, 244, 320-321

"American Originals: Treasures from the National Archives National Tour," by Stacey Bredhoff, 52-56

American Statistical Association, 310

American values, role of in trade negotiations, 268-270, 273n53

Amistad court documents, 54

Andersonville prison camp, 212-217; drawing of, 216; photographs of, 212, 213, 215

Andrew, Prince, Duke of York, 322

Angel Island, California, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 124

Anti-communism, 43-49

Archival Research Catalog, 160-161, 253

Archives, Jewish, 35-36, 37, 41n44, n45; not returned to the USSR, 37, 41n52; returned to the USSR, 29, 31, 32, 37-38; seized by the USSR, 28

"Ardelia Hall Collection," 128

Argabright, David, 242-243; photo, 243

Arkansas, University of, Clinton School of Public Service, 80

Arnold, Richard, 242-243; photo, 243

Art Looting Investigation Unit, 129, 132, 133, 135-136

Artworks seized by Nazi Germany, 127-137

Atlanta, Georgia, 52, 54

Aubitz, Shawn P., 322

Austin, William Lane, 72-74, 75, 156-157; photo, 74

Austria, 131, 136; black market activity in, 172; Nazi looting of artworks from, 130, 132; restitution of Nazi-looted cultural treasures in, 27-28, 29, 30, 32

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Bacon, Harriet, 190, 191

Baea, Pfc. Tony, photo, 128

Bailey, James G., 298

Bailey, Thomas A., quoted, 107

Bailey, W.C., 306, 317n1

Baker, Newton, 294, 295-296

Baldwin, Col. Perry L., 179

Ball, Joseph H., 177

Balliet, Andrew, 94

Banach, Stephania, photo, 152

Banach, Waclaw, photo, 152

Bancroft, Mary, 16, 17

"Band of Angels: Sister Nurses in the Spanish-American War," by Mercedes Graf, 197-209

Barnard, Sue, photo, 145

Barrows, Maj. David P., 297-298, 301, 305n15; photo, 296

Baseball, 58-63

Baseball Digest, 62

Basic Naturalization Act of 1906, 93, 94, 95

Batavia (Jakarta), 262-263, 270

Bavaria, restitution of Nazi-looted cultural treasures in, 30-31, 32, 34

Bazer, Gerald, and Steven Culbertson, "When FDR Said 'Play Ball': President Called Baseball a Wartime Morale Booster," 58-63

Bechtel, Eric, photo, 145

"Beginning of the Fritz Kolbe Story, 1900-1943, The," by Greg Bradsher, 7-24

Belarus, cultural treasures plundered from, 31, 35-36, 38

Benson, Melvin, 175, 179

Benton, William E., 50n12

Berga: Soldiers of Another War, film, 325

Berlin, Germany, 29, 31, 171, 172-173, 174, 179

Bern, Switzerland, 7, 14-15, 20, 21; illus., 10-11

Biden, Joseph, 242

Bill of Rights, 242, 275, 277-278, 282

"Black Market in Postwar Berlin: Colonel Miller and an Army Scandal, The," by Kevin Conley Ruffner, 170-183

Blair, Clay, 107

Blanshard, Paul, 47

"'Blisters on My Heels, Corns on My Toes': Taking the 1930 Census of Population," by

David M. Pemberton, 306-317

Board of Immigration Appeals, 101, 102, 104

Bolsheviks, 294, 295, 296-299, 301, 303, 304

Bonner, Martha (Patsey), 187-188

Booth, Huldah, 192

Bounty land warrant applications, 238

Bradsher, Greg, "The Beginning of the Fritz Kolbe Story, 1900-1943," 7-24

Brands, H. W., The First American: The Life and Times of Benjamin Franklin, 142; photo, 142

Bredhoff, Stacey, "American Originals: Treasures from the National Archives National Tour," 52-56

Brewster, Owen, 175, 176, 177, 178, 180; photo, 174

British Secret Intelligence Service, 15-16, 17, 21

Buchner, Ernst, 129

Buck, Solon, 280

Bureau of Standards, 282

Burress, Maj. Gen. Withers A., 172

Burstein, Andrew, America's Jubilee: How in 1826 a Generation Remembered Fifty Years of Independence, 143; photo, 142

Bush, George H. W., 243, 320, 322; photo, 322

Bush, George W., 160, 252, 286, 322, 324; Teaching American History and Civics Education Initiative, 285

Buttenwieser, Ann L., 243

Byrnes, James F., 61, 175, 176, 177

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Cairns, Huntington, 134

California, 315

Callahan, Edward W., ed., List of Officers of the Navy of the United States and of the Marine Corps from 1775 to 1900, 235, 236

Camp, Daniel S., 216

Camp Hamilton, Kentucky, 198, 202, 203

Camp Siboney, Cuba, 200-201

Camp Sumter, Georgia, 212-217

Camp Wikoff, Montauk Point, Long Island, New York, 198, 199-200, 201, 202

Campbell, Richard K., 94-96

Canada, 256, 258

Canton, China, 261-262, 263, 265, 266, 267, 270; illus., 260-261

Carlin, John W., 148, 242, 246, 285, 286, 320, 321, 322, 324; "1930 Census Records Give Us a Picture of the Past," 4-5; "The Constitution of the United States: Document of the People," 168-169; "Developing a New National Archives Experience," 88-89; "Join Us for 'A Day in the Life' of NARA," 252-253; photos, 244, 320

Carper, Thomas R., 242

Carter, Jimmy, 54, 320; and Camp David accords, 244; photos, 150, 320

Carter, Walter B., 74, 75

Cartwright, Col. Henry, 15-16, 17, 19

Casey, Stephaney, photo, 293

Castle, Michael N., 242

Cathedral of Saint Michael of the Golden Domes, Kyiv, Ukraine, 38

Catholic nuns, 197-207

Catholicism, and McCarthyism, 46-47

Census, Bureau of the, 72-75, 307, 309-316, 317n23, n31

Census records, 1790, 4, 150-151, 156; 1820, 151; 1880, 72, 75; 1900, 72-73; 1920, 72, 73, 74-75, 153, 155, 156; 1930, 4-5, 68-71, 72, 75, 78-79, 150-157, 306-317; 1940, 155, 157; catalogs of, 69, 71, 78; data collected by, 153, 155-157, 309-311, 315-316; finding aids, 69, 71, 78; indexing of, 72-75; and probability sampling, 315-316

Centennial National Exposition, 1876, 276-277

Centers for Disease Control records, 321

Central Collecting Point, 30, 136, 137; Marburg, 29, 136-137; Munich, 29, 30-31, 38, 137; Offenbach, 29, 31, 35-36, 137; Wiesbaden, 29, 31, 35-36, 38, 137

Chapman-Smith, V, 161

Charters of Freedom, display of, 88-89, 169, 274-284, 324

Charters of Freedom, The, catalog, 284

Chen Jian, 111-112

Chicago Illinois, 52, 54, 56

Chicago Civil War Round Table, 82, 244

Chicago Historical Society, 82, 244

Chickamauga Park, Georgia, 198, 201-202, 204

Childs, Marquis, 47

China, People's Republic of, and the Korean War, 108, 110-112, 113-114

China, trade with to 1839, 261-271

Chinese Eastern Railway, 297, 300

Chinese exclusion laws, 91, 92, 93, 94, 102, 103

Chipman, Norton P., 216

Chita, Siberia, 297, 298, 300, 301, 302, 303, 304

Church, Brig. Gen. John H., photo, 111

Citizenship, eligibility for, 91-104; rights and responsibilities of, 252, 285-286

Civil War, military service records, 232, 233; pension records, 238; prison camps, 212-217; symposium, 82, 244

Civil War Conservation Corps, 148

Clark, Gen. Mark, 175

Clark, Mary P., 102-103

Clark, William, 259

"Classroom Called NARA: Tours, Workshops, Varied Activities Part of Agency's Education Mission, A," 224-229

Clay, Lt. Gen. Lucius D., 32-35, 171, 172, 175, 176, 179, 180; photos, 172, 177

Claypoole, Richard, 66; photo, 65

Clayton College and State University, Georgia, 321

Cleland, Max, 321

Clinton, William J., 80, 145; public papers published, 241

Clinton Presidential Materials Project, 160

Coffelt, Richard, 242-243; photo, 243

Cold War, and the Cuban missile crisis, 219; and the Korean War, 109, 111, 113, 114; and McCarthyism, 43, 44-45; and restitution of cultural treasures, 27-28, 32-33, 34, 37-38

Cold War Comes to Main Street, The, by Lisle Rose, 44

Collier's Magazine, 177

Collins, Mac, 321

Colot, Thora, 243

Columbus, Ohio, 52, 54

Commerce, secretary of, 310, 314

Commerce and Labor, U.S. Department of, 94

Confederate States of America, military service records, 238-239; prisoners held by the, 212-217

Congregation of American Sisters, 206-207

Connally, Tom, 175, 176; photo, 177

Conner, R.D.W., 279, 280; photo, 279

Conspiracy theory, 43-49

"Constitution of the United States: Document of the People, The," by John W. Carlin, 168-169

Constitutional Convention, 168; voting records, 54

Consular system, and Sino-American trade, 261-271

Continental Congress, First, 140; Second, 141-143

Cooke, Brig. Gen. Elliot D., 179

Corbin, Gen. Henry C., 118, 119-120

Cornette Sisters, 198

Corporation for National and Community Services, 252, 285

Cossacks, and railroads in Siberia, 294-304

Council of Europe, and Russia, 28

Courts-martial records, 234, 235-236

Courts of law, and eligibility for citizenship, 91-93, 94-98, 100-101, 102

Cowan, Steve, photo, 145

Cowen, Ruth Schwartz, 153

Cox, Cathy, 321

Craft, Francis, 206; photo, 205

Crist, Raymond F., 96

Cromelien, Maud, 201

Crosby, Donald F., 47

Crosby, Sumner, 133

Crucial Decade, The, by Eric F. Goldman, 46, 48

Cuba, and the Spanish-American War, 198, 199, 200-201, 204, 205-206

Cuban missile crisis, 218-222

Cuban Sisters of Charity, 205-206

Culbertson, Steven, "When FDR Said 'Play Ball': President Called Baseball a Wartime Morale Booster," 58-63

Cultural treasures, seized by Nazi Germany, 127-137; seized by Russia from Nazi Germany, 27, 28, 33; U.S. restitution of Nazi-looted to the USSR, 27-38, 78

Cumings, Bruce, 108

Curtis, Mrs. Namah, 198

Czech Legion, in Siberia, 295, 296-297, 298-299, 301, 304, 305n1

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Damon, Pvt. Henry Clay, 212-213

Daniel, Clifton Truman, 65; photos, 65, 67

Daniel, Thomas Washington, photos, 65, 67

Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul, 198-202, 203; photos, 199, 200, 204

Daughters of the American Revolution, 198, 204, 207

Davies, Joseph E., 43-44

Davis, Jefferson, 216-217

Davis, Jehu, 242

Davis, Robert S., Jr., "A Day Captured at Andersonville Prison Camp: The Photographs of Andrew J. Riddle," 212-217

Dawe, George, 30; portrait by, 28

Dawidowicz, Lucy, 36

"Day Captured at Andersonville Prison Camp: The Photographs of Andrew J. Riddle, A," by Robert S. Davis, Jr., 212-217

"Day in the Life of the National Archives and Records Administration, A," 291-293

Dean, John, 321

Declaration of Independence, 140-143, 275-277, 278-280, 282-284, 326

"Declaring Independence in Deed and Word," 140-143

Declassified documents, 159-160

Delaware Public Archives, 242

Delaware Ratification of the Bill of Rights, 242

Democratic party, and black market activity in postwar Germany, 175, 176, 177-178, 180; and McCarthyism, 45-47, 48

Devaney, Allen, 103-104

"Developing a New National Archives Experience," by John W. Carlin, 88-89

Devine, Michael, 64, 65; photo, 65

Devor, Thomas A., 72, 73-74, 76n13

Dickinson, John, 142, 143, 326; portrait, 140

Dictionary of American Naval Fighting Ships, 236

Dictionary of Races or Peoples, 103

Digital Classroom, 228

DiMaggio, Joe, 60; photo, 60

"Dinner at the Colony" and McCarthyism, 46-47

Dinsmoor, William B., 133

Diplomatic policy toward China, 261-271

Dobrynin, Anatoly, files relating to opened, 159

Dodge, Col. Charles G., 179

Donovan, Gen. William J., 16, 135-136

Dorsey, Ella Lorraine, 204

Douglas, Paul, 49

Dreyfus, Paul, 16, 17

Drumright, E. F., photo 111

Dulles, Allen W., 7, 16-21; photo, 13

Dulles, John Foster, 113-114

Dürer, Albrecht, 35, 41n42; self-portrait, 34

Dwight D. Eisenhower Library, 54, 80-81, 227, 320

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Earl, Martha, 187

East India Company, 261, 262, 263, 266-267, 270

Edison, Thomas, 54

Edmunds, Brig. Gen. James B., 171-172, 179; photo, 177

Education of women, 186, 187, 188, 189, 191, 192-193

Educational programs, 224-229

Einsatzstab Reichsleiter Rosenberg (ERR), 30, 35-36, 37, 128, 129, 131-132, 135

Eisenhower, Dwight D., 54, 113, 114; and the Korean War, 112; photo, 46; and postwar Germany, 174; tapes opened, 80

Elam, Anne, photo, 145

Electronic records, 242-243

Electronic Records Archives, 252

Ellis, Joseph, 143; Founding Brothers: The Revolutionary Generation, 141; photo, 142

Ellis Island, 92, 93-94, 98

Emancipation Proclamation, 52, 54, 244, 320; illus., 53

Emily, 262

Energy, Department of, records, 321

Engle & Furlong, 214

Enumeration districts, 69, 78, 79, 309-310, 312-314, 317n11

Espionage, 7-21, 23n71

Evans, Luther, 282-283

Evans, Nita Paula, 123-124

Executive Order 13233, 160, 243

Exhibits, 52-56, 66-67, 88-89, 160, 222, 244

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"Factories at Canton, The," painting by Tinqua, illus., 260-261

Faude, Bill, 54

Faulkner, Barry, murals by, 279-280; illus., 140-141, 279

Federal Radio Commission, 310

Feller, Bob, 60

Ferguson, Homer Samuel, 176; photo, 178

Ferling, John, Setting the World Ablaze: Washington, Adams, Jefferson and the American Revolution, 140; photo, 142

Ferrell, John, photo, 293

Finding aids, 128

Finger, Jerry E., 161

Finley, David, 134

Fletcher, George, 56

Florida, records relating to microfilmed, 145-146

Florida, University of, 145

Flynn, Mariana, 198, 202

Folger, Phebe, 189; watercolor by, illus., 192

Foreign Service, 97

Fort Knox, Kentucky, 280

Fort McDowell, California, 120-121

"Forty Years Ago: The Cuban Missile Crisis," 218-222

Foundation for the National Archives, 56, 89, 161, 243, 320, 321, 324, 325

Fourteenth amendment, 92, 93

France, cultural treasures looted from, 129, 131-132; and the Louisiana Territory, 255-256, 259

Frankfurter, Felix, 45

Franklin, Benjamin, 141, 142, 143; portrait, 141

Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt Institute, 244, 322

Franklin D. Roosevelt Library, 227, 244-245, 278, 322

Frauenberger, Michelle, photo, 292

Free France, 12

Freedmen's Bureau Preservation Act of 2000, 145, 148

"Freedmen's Bureau Preservation Project, The," by Reginald Washington, 144-148

Freedom Train, 278; illus., 277

Freeland, Thedra, photo, 293

Fresher, Maria, photo, 145

Fried, Richard M., "The Idea of 'Conspiracy' in McCarthy-Era Politics," 43-50

Fry, C. Luther, 155

Funston, Gen. Frederick, 122

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Gallagher and Associates, 89

Gallatin, Albert, 256, 258; portrait, 258

Garfinkel, Steven, 246

Gedalecia, David, 271, "Letters from the Middle Kingdom: The Origins of America's China Policy," 261-273

Genealogical research, 4-5, 68-71, 72-75, 144-148, 150-157, 191-192, 224-225, 228, 231-239, 241

General Records in the Department of State, RG 59, 128

George Bush Presidential Library, 227, 243, 322

George III, King of England, 140, 142, 143

Georgia Department of Archives and History, 321

Geppener, Nikolai, 29-30

Gerald R. Ford Library, 227-228

Gerlier of Lyon, Cardinal, 12

German, Foreign Office, 7-21

Germany, artworks seized by during World War II, 127-137; black market activity in, 171-180; cultural treasures looted from Soviet lands, 27-38; and World War II, 7-21; World War II surrender documents, 54

Gibson, Josh, photo, 61

Gibson, Ronald, photo, 291

Gilburne, Miles R., 243

Givens, J. D., 116-124; photos by, 116-123, 126

Givens Jennie, 118, 122-123, 124

Goebbles, Joseph, 130

Goldman, Eric F., 44, 46, 47, 48

Goodale, Laura, 190-192

Gorbachev, Mikhail, 29

Göring, Hermann, 129, 130-131, 132-133, 135; photo, 131

Graf, Mercedes, "Band of Angels: Sister Nurses in the Spanish-American War," 197-209

Graves, Maj. Gen. William S., 294-304, 305n13; photos, 294, 297

Great Britain, 12, 15-16, 140-141, 142; and the American West, 256, 258; and Siberia, 296, 298, 299; trade with China, 261, 262, 263, 265-268, 270-271

Great Depression, 72

Green, Theodore, 282, 283

Greenberg, Hank, 60

Greene, Lindsay, photo, 292

Grimsted, Patricia Kennedy, "Spoils of War Returned: U.S. Restitution of Nazi-Looted Cultural Treasures to the USSR, 1945-1959," 27-41

Gromyko, Andrei, 220

Grover, Wayne, 282

"Guarding the Railroad, Taming the Cossacks: The U.S. Army in Russia, 1918-1920," by Gibson Bell Smith, 294-305

Gubenko, Nikolai, 29

Guggenheim, Charles, 66, 161, 243, 321, 324, 325

Gustafson, Milton, 284; "Travels of the Charters of Freedom," 274-284

Guterman, Benjamin, photo, 146

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Haberstock, Karl, 129, 132

Haig, Alexander, files opened, 159

Hakes, Jay, 54

Hall, Ardelia, 32

Hammond, Capt. Mason, 134

Hancock, John, 142; portraits, 140, 279

Harden, Thomas, 321

Harding, Warren, 278

Harriman, Gail, photo, 145

Harrison, Earl Grant, 100, 101; photo, 99

"Harry S. Truman: The Presidential Years" (exhibit), 66, 67

Harry S. Truman Library and Museum, 226; renovations, 64-67; exhibits, 64-67, 227

Hart, H. J., 103

Hartford, Connecticut, 52, 54

Hawaii, 93

Hazard, Henry Bernard, 100, 101; photo, 99

Heaps, Jennifer Davis, "'Remember Me': Six Samplers in the National Archives," 185-196

Hearn, Mary, 187, 189-190

Hechler, Kenneth, 48

Heimerdinger, Maria von, 11, 14, 19

Heitman, Francis B., Historical Register and Dictionary of the United States Army, From Its Organization, September 29, 1789, to March 2, 1903, 233

Hendricks, David, and Amy Patterson, "The 1930 Census in Perspective," 150-157

Herbert Hoover Library, 227

Herman, Arthur, 47

Heuertz, Tom, 66

Hill, Joseph A., 151, 156, 157; portrait, 153

Hirsch, Arthur J., 73-74

Hiss, Alger, 44-45, 48

Historical Register and Dictionary of the United States Army, From Its Organization, September 29, 1789, to March 2, 1903, by Francis B. Heitman, 233

Hitler, Adolf, 8, 9-10, 11, 12, 13-14, 17, 19, 20; and looting of artworks, 129, 130, 131, 135; photos, 6, 131; and proposed Linz art museum, 129, 132, 135

Hofer, Walter, 129, 132-133

Hoffman, Heinrich, 129

Holden, Robert, 65; photo, 65

Holocaust Records Preservation Project, 127-137

Hoover, Herbert, 4, 156, 279-280, 307, 314

Hoover, J. Edgar, 47, 61

Horn, Stephen, 145

Hospital Corps, 197

Hoult, Geneva F., 72, 76n6

Housing census, 315

Howard University, 145, 148

Howley, Col. Frank, 173

Hughes, Charles Evans, 278

Hull, Cordell, 133-134

Humphrey, Hubert H., 49

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"Idea of 'Conspiracy' in McCarthy-Era Politics, The," by Richard M. Fried, 43-50

Immigrants, information on in census data, 155-156

Immigration Act of 1903, 94

Immigration Act of 1917, 96

Immigration Act of 1924, 97

Immigration and nationality law, 91-104

Immigration and Naturalization Service, 91-104

Implementation of the Japanese Imperial Government Disclosure Act and the Japanese War Crimes Provisions of the Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act: An Interim Report to Congress, 160

In re Feroz Din, 97, 101

Indian Wars, military service records, 232; pension records, 238

Indians (India), and U.S. immigration and nationality law, 94, 95, 96-97, 102-103

"INS Administration of Racial Provisions in U.S. Immigration and Nationality Law Since 1898," by Marian L. Smith, 91-105

Interagency Council on Restitution (Russia), 28

Interagency Working Group (Nazi War Crimes and Japanese Imperial Government Records), 159-160

Inter-Allied Railway Agreement (1919), 301-302

Internet, 69, 88-89, 161, 228, 285-286

Italy, 131

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"J. D. Givens: A Personal and Professional History," by John Martini, 116-126

Jackson, Andrew, 262, 263, 265-266, 267-268, 272n14; portrait, 264

Jackson, Vurniece, photo, 292

Jackson, William, 277

Jameson, J. Franklin, 280

Japan, 263; and Siberia, 294-304, war crimes records relating to, 159-160

Japanese Imperial Government Disclosure Act of 2000, 159

Jayne, Allen, Jefferson's Declaration of Independence: Origins, Philosophy, and Theology, 142; photo, 142

Jefferson, Thomas, 140, 141-143, 150, 326; and the Lewis and Clark expedition, 254-259; and the Louisiana Purchase, 255; and Native Americans, 258; portraits, 141, 254, 279

"Jefferson Looks Westward," by James Worsham, 254-259

Jerusalem, Israel, 36, 41n44, n45, n48

Jeu de Paume Museum, Paris, 131-132, 133

Jewish Cultural Reconstruction, 36

Jewish cultural treasures plundered by Nazis, 35-37, 41n44, n45, n48

Jewish (Yiddisher) Research Institute (YIVO), Vilnius, 36

Jews, Nazi looting of artworks from, 130-133, 136-137; and U.S. immigration and nationality laws, 94-95, 99, 100-101

Jiang Zemin, 322; photo, 322

Jimmy Carter Library, 54, 227, 244, 320

Jodl, Gen. Alfred, 10

John F. Kennedy Library, 81-82, 222, 227, 252, 321

Johnson, Lyndon B., 321

Johnston, Gen. Joseph E., 214

"Join Us for 'A Day in the Life' of NARA," by John W. Carlin, 252-253

Joint Chiefs of Staff, and the Korean War, 109, 111, 112

Jones, Ann, 52

Jung, Adolphe, 12

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Kahn, Julius H., 119

Kalmikoff, Ivan, 299, 303, 305n15

Kansas City, Missouri, 52, 54, 320-321

Kaufman, Burton I., 108

Keblinger, Wilbur, 97

Kellogg, Robert H., 216

Kennedy, Col. James, photo of by J. D. Givens, 119

Kennedy, John F., 54; and the Cuban missile crisis, 218-222; photos, 55, 81, 218, 221; tapes opened, 81-82, quoted, 219, 220-222

Kennedy Space Flight Center records, 321

Kent, Susan, 54

Kerensky, Alexander, 295, 296, 297, 299

Kerr, Keith, photo, 292

Kersten, Charles, 45

Khrushchev, Nikita, 219, 221-222

Kilgore, Harley M., 175, 176, 177, 178; photo, 175

Kim II Sung, 108, 110-111, 112

King, Adm. Ernest, 62

Kirrah, Justin, 94

Kissinger, Henry, files opened, 159

Knight, Michael, photo, 146

Knowland, William F., 176

Koch, Cynthia, 322

Kocherthaler, Ernest (Ernesto), 15-16, 17-19, 20

Kolbe, Fritz, 7-21; photo, 7

Kolchak, Adm. Alexander, 301, 303-304; photo, 300

Korea, People's Republic of, 109, 110, 111, 112, 114

Korea, Republic of, 109, 110, 111, 114

Korean War, 107-114

Korean War Memorial, Washington, D.C., 107

Kowtow, 262, 272n15

Kraus, Charles H., 46, 47; photo, 45

Kurtz, Michael, 229; photo, 243

Kyiv (Kiev) Archives, 29-30

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Labor, U.S. Department of, 98, 99

Lakotas, 206-207

Lambert, William, 277

Lamont, Robert J., 315

Landis, Kenesaw Mountain, 59, 60, 61, 62-63

Landry, Robert, 48

Lantos, Tom, 246

Larson, Jess, photo, 282

Latvia, cultural treasures plundered from, 29, 34, 35-36

Learning Exchange, The, 66

Lee, Richard Henry, 141, 142, 143, 326; portrait, 326

Leitner, Rudolph, 9, 10

Leonard, J. William, 246

Letterman Army General Hospital, 120, 122-123, 124; photo of, 118

"Letters from the Middle Kingdom: The Origins of America's China Policy," by

David Gedalecia, 261-273

Lewis, Meriwether, 255, 256, 259

Lewis and Clark expedition, 255-259

Liberalism, 45-47, 48-49

Liberty Magazine, 176, 177

Library of Congress, 275, 278-280, 282, 283

"Life and Times of Harry S. Truman, The" (exhibit), 67

Life-Saving Service, 237, 238

Lighthouse Service, 237

Liguori, Mary, 203

Lincoln, Abraham, 54; photo, 53

Linz, Germany, 129, 132

List of Logbooks of U.S. Navy Ships, Stations, and Miscellaneous Units, 1801-1947, 236

List of Officers of the Navy of the United States and of the Marine Corps from 1775 to 1900, ed. by Edward W. Callahan, 235, 236

"List of Races or Peoples," 93-94, 98-99, 100, 101

Lithuania, cultural treasures plundered from, 35-36

Livingston, Edward, 262, 263, 265, 266-268, 269, 270, 272n31, 273n38; portrait, 262

Livingston, Robert, 141, 255, 259; portraits, 141, 255

Locke, John, 142

Lore, Kenneth G., 243

Los Angeles Public Library, 52, 54

Lotz, Paul, 119

Louisiana Purchase Treaty, 54, 259

Louisiana Territory, 254-259; map of, 259

Lowe, Peter, 108

Loyola University, Public History Program, 82, 244

Lubomirski, Prince Georg, 35, 41n42

Lynd, Robert and Helen, Middletown, 153

Lyndon B. Johnson Library, 227, 242-243, 321

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MacArthur, Gen. Douglas, 111, 112, 177; photo, 110

MacDonald, Callum, 108

Mackenzie, Alexander, 255-256

Madison, James, 168; portrait, 279

Malmedy Massacre, 46

Malone, Dumas, Jefferson the President: First Term, 1801-1805, 254-255

Manchuria, 297-298, 299, 302

Manhattan Project documents, 54

Mao Zedong, 110-112

Marchand, Roland, 153

Marist College, 244

Marriage records, 145-146, 148

Marshall, George C., 180

Marshall Space Flight Center records, 321

Martin, Joseph W., 112

Martini, John, "J. D. Givens: A Personal and Professional History," 116-126

Matanzas, Cuba, 203, 204

Matlack, Timothy, 276

Matray, James I., "Revisiting Korea: Exposing Myths of the Forgotten War," 107-115

Mayer, Gerald, 16-19, 20-21

Mazur, Joe, photo, 145

McCarthy, Joseph R., 44-49, 50n12, n16; photo, 43

McCloy, John J., 45

McCullough, David, 65, 252, 320; John Adams, 143; photos, 64, 65, 142, 320

McDonnell, Thomas A., 65; photo, 65

McGarr, Cappy R., 321

McGee, Anita Newcomb, 198, 200, 207

McKinley, William, photo, 118

McNarney, Gen. Joseph T., 171, 175, 179; photo, 172

McNutt, Jim, 54

McWilliams, Carey, 45

Mead, James M., 172, 175, 176, 177; photo, 175

Meader, George, 172, 175-178, 179-180; photo, 178

Medeiros, Greg, photo, 293

Meere, Capt. F. F., 301

Merrill, John, 108

Mersmann, Wiltrud, photo, 31

Mexican Americans and censuses, 155

Mexican War, military service records, 232, 233; pension records, 238

Microfilm publications, 1930 census, 69, 71, 78-79; Adjutant General's Office, 233-234; Alabama, 78; Alaska, 241; American Samoa, 241; Arkansas, 78; Army Air Forces, 78; catalogs of, 69; census enumeration districts, 69, 78, 79; census schedules, 241; courts-martial, 234, 235-236; Danish West Indies, 241; Delaware, 78; Florida, 78, 241; Freedmen's Bureau, 241; Georgia, 78; immigration laws, 78; Kentucky, 79; lighthouse keepers, 237; Louisiana, 79; marriage records, 241; Maryland, 78; merchant seamen, 241; military service records, 232-239; Mississippi, 79; Naval Academy, 235; North Carolina, 79; Oregon, 241; passenger lists, 241; pension records, 238; population censuses, 69, 71, 73, 78-79; Puget Sound, 241; slavery and emancipation, 241; South Carolina, 79; Tennessee, 79; U.S. Department of State, 78; U.S. House of Representatives, 78; U.S. Marine Corps, 236; U.S. Military Academy, 234; U.S. Navy, 234, 235; U.S. Senate, 78; Virginia, 79; West Virginia, 78, 79; World War II draft cards, 78; wreck reports, 241

Middle East, files relating to peace efforts opened, 159

Milestone documents, 252, 285-290, 322

Military intelligence, 7-21; and the Cuban missile crisis, 218-219

Military service records, 231-239

Military Service Records: A Select Catalog of National Archives Microfilm Publications, 233

Millender-McDonald, Juanita, 145

Miller, Col. Francis P., 171-172, 175, 178, 179, 180; photo, 171

Miller, Kathy, photo, 146

Mills, Tom, 161

Mini Page, The, 226

Minner, Ruth Ann, 242

Mironenko, Sergei V., 38

Mississippi River, 255

Mitchell, George, 242

Monroe, James, 255, 259; portrait, 255

Monterey, California, 123

Morrow, Lt. Col. Charles H., 301-304; photo, 300

Morrow, Georgia, 321

Muhlenberg, Frederick Augustus, 277

Murphy, Timothy F., 73, 75

Murray, Patrice, photo, 291

Musial, Stan, 60

Mussolini, Benito, 13; photo, 6

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Nagel, Charles, 94

Nantucket, Massachusetts, 189

Napier, William, 262, 267

Napier mission of 1834, 262, 267

Napoleon, 255, 259

NARA Archival Information Locator (NAIL), 253

Nansen passports, 9, 22n20

National Archives and Records Administration, and 1930 census records, 4-5, 68; accessions and openings, 159; annual report, 78; Archival Research Catalog, 160-161, 253; Archives Library Information Center (ALIC), 82; CD-ROM publication on U.S. restitution of cultural treasures to the USSR, 27, 29, 34, 38, 78; Center for Legislative Archives, 228; curriculum materials, 226, 228; a day in the life of, 252-253, 291-293; Digital Classroom, 228; Document Conservation Laboratory, 144, 148; Education Program Staff, 224, 226; educational programs, 224-229; exhibits, 52-56, 88-89, 169; Holocaust Records Project, 127-129; Information Security Oversight Office, 246; July 4 celebration, 82; Learning Center, 88; lecture series, 140; microfilm publications, 69, 71, 73, 78-79, 241; microfilming projects, 127-129, 144-148; and the National Archives Experience, 88-89, 169, 229, 324, 325; news and notices, 80-82, 159-161, 242-246, 320-322; Old Military and Civil Branch, 145, 148; online catalog, 160-161; and "Our Documents" project, 285-290; photograph collections, 216; photographic record of activities of, 291-293; publications, 78-79, 241; Records Management Initiative team, 253; requirements for researchers, 80; research facilities, 161; and Smolensk Communist Party Archive, 37; Special Media Preservation Laboratory, 148; strategic plan, 161; web site, 69, 78, 82, 88-89, 128, 159, 160-161, 228, 232, 239, 252, 291-292

National Archives Building, and display of the Charters of Freedom, 275, 278, 279-280, 282-284; mural, illus., 140-141, 279; renovation of, 88-89, 169, 229, 275, 283, 284 National Archives Experience, 88-89, 169, 229, 324, 325

National Archives Regional Archives System, Central Plains Region, 228; educational programs, 224, 228; Great Lakes Region, 82, 228, 244; Mid Atlantic Region, 161, 228, 322; Northeast Region, 228; Pacific Alaska Region, 228; Pacific Region, 228, 246; Rocky Mountain Region, 228; Southeast Region, 228, 321

National Center for History in the Schools, 285

National Constitution Center, 322

National Council for the Social Studies, 226

National Education Association, 311

National Endowment for the Humanities, 286

National Historical Publications and Records Commission, 228

National History Day, 226, 252, 285, 324

National Industrial Security Program, 246

National Park Service, 117

National Personnel Records Center, 231, 232, 242-243

National Security Council, 246; and the Cuban missile crisis, 218-222; Executive Committee of the, 218-220; files opened, 159, 160

National Standards for History, 285

Nationality, and eligibility for U.S. citizenship, 91-104

Nationality Act of 1940, 99-100, 102

Native Americans, and censuses, 155; nurses, 206-207; and Thomas Jefferson, 258; and U.S. citizenship, 92, 93, 102

Naturalization, eligibility for and race, 91-104

Naval blockade against Cuba, 219-222

Nazi Germany, cultural treasures seized by, 27-38, 127-137

"Nazi Looted Art: The Holocaust Records Preservation Project," by Anne Rothfeld, 127-139

Nazi Party, 7, 8, 9, 10-11, 12, 13-14, 19, 129-130

Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act of 1998, 159

Nealand, Daniel, 246

Needlework samplers, 185-196; illus., 184, 188, 189, 190, 191, 193

Neptune Fountain, 31, 38; photo, 32

Ness, Gary, 54

Netherlands, the, 131

New American Right, The, 49

New Orleans, Louisiana, 255-256, 259

New York City WPA, 74-75

New York Herald-Tribune, 177, 178

New York Public Library, 52, 54, 56

New York Times, 61, 176, 177-178

Nixon, Richard M., 48, 321; files opened, 159; photo, 80; tapes opened, 80

Nixon Presidential Materials Project, 159, 321

Norfolk Naval Hospital, Portsmouth, Virginia, 198-199

North American Manx Association, 99

Northwest Ordinance of 1787, 54

Nuclear weapons, and the Cuban missile crisis, 218-222

Nuremberg Trials, 129

Nurses, 197-207

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O'Brien, Larry, 324

O'Brien, Michael, 47

Offenbach Archival Depository, 31, 37, 137

Office of Military Government, U.S. Zone (OMGUS), 128-129, 134, 136-137

Office of Strategic Services, 7, 16, 18, 21, 128, 129, 135-136

Ohio Historical Center, Columbus, 54

"On the Brink: The Cuban Missile Crisis and the Nuclear Threat" (forum series), 222

Opium trade, 261, 262, 266, 270; map of, 271

Opium War (1839), 265-266, 267, 268, 270

"'Our Documents' Captures America's Milestones: NARA Holdings Are Centerpiece of Bush History Initiative," 252, 285-290, 324

"Overview of Records at the National Archives Relating to Military Service, An," by Trevor K. Plante, 230-239

Owens, Keith, photo, 293

Ozawa v. The United States, 96

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Pace, Frank, 111

Paine, Thomas, Common Sense, 141

Paladin, A. V., 32

Panama Pacific International Exposition (1915), 122, 123

Parker, Peter, 270; portrait, 270

Parran, Thomas, 172, 179

Patent Office building, 276; illus., 276

Patterson, Amy, "The 1930 Census in Perspective, " 150-157

Patterson, Col. Richard C., Jr., 74

Patterson, Robert P., 176

Pearson, Drew, 47, 176; photo, 47

Peggy Notebaert Nature Museum, Chicago, 54, 56

Pells, Richard, 49

Pemberton, David M., 316; "'Blisters on My Heels, Corns on My Toes': Taking the 1930 Census of Population," 306-317

Pension Office, 188, 190, 191, 192

Pension records, 185-196, 234, 235, 238

Pensions, Office of the Commissioner of, 186

Pershing, Gen. John J., 123

"Perspective View of part of the town of Nantucket ..., A," by Phebe Folger, illus., 192

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 140, 141, 143, 322

Philippine Insurrection, military service records, 232, 233

Philippine Islands, 122

Photographs, of Andersonville prison camp, 212-217; by Andrew J. Riddle, 212-217; of a day in the life of NARA, 252, 291-293; by J. D. Givens, 116-123, 126; reconnaissance, 218-222; for the U.S. Army, 116-124

Pierce, Franklin, 270

Pilgrim, Mike, photo, 292

Pinkert, Marvin, 229

Plante, Trevor K., "An Overview of Records at the National Archives Relating to Military Service," 230-239

Poland, Nazi looting of artworks from, 130, 132

Polk, Frank, 301

Pope, John Russell, 279

Posse, Hans, 132

Potter, Constance, "Preparing for the 1930 Federal Population Census," 68-71

Potter, Lee Ann, 225; photo, 224

Prechtel-Kluskens, Claire, "The WPA Census Soundexing Projects," 72-77

"Preparing for the 1930 Federal Population Census," by Constance Potter, 68-71

Presidential libraries, educational programs, 224, 227-228; special events, 252

Presidential Records Act, 160, 243

Presidio of San Francisco, 116, 117, 118-124; photographs of by J. D. Givens, 116-119, 122-123, 126

"Primarily Teaching" (workshop), 226-227

Prisoners of war, Civil War, 212-217; Korean War, 112-113, 114

"Privateer Rambler in the Pearl River, China" (painting), illus., 268-269

Protestant Sisters of St. Margaret, 207

Public Papers of President William J. Clinton, 2000-2001, 241

Puglia, Steve, photo, 292

Putin, Vladimir, 28

Putnam, Herbert, 278-280

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Qing dynasty, 261, 265-266

Quedlinburg Church, 34

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Racial data collected in censuses, 155

Racial discrimination and immigration and nationality law, 91-104

Radios, 310

Railroads, in Siberia, 294-304

Reagan, Ronald, 54, 273n53; records released, 160, 243

"Reclaiming the Legacy: Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders in U.S. History" (conference), 246

Records of the Adjutant General's Office, 1780's-1917, Record Group 94, 233

Records of the Bureau of Medicine and Surgery (Navy), Record Group 52, 235

Records of the Bureau of Naval Personnel, Record Group 24, 234-235

Records of the Bureau of the Census, Record Group 29, 72

Records of the Judge Advocate General (Army), Record Group 153, 234

Records of the Judge Advocate General (Navy), Record Group 125, 235

Records of the Office of Alien Property, RG 131, 128

Records of the Office of Strategic Services, RG 226, 128

Records of the U.S. Coast Guard, Record Group 26, 237

Records of the U.S. Marine Corps, Record Group 127, 236

Records of U.S. Occupation Headquarters, World War II, RG 260, 128

Records preservation, 127-129, 144-148

"Recovering the Environmental Legacy of Franklin D. Roosevelt" (conference), 244

Red Army, 295, 296-298, 300, 301, 304

Reed, Vergil D., 73, 75

Reese, Pee Wee, photo, 60

Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands, Bureau of, 144-148

Register of Enlistments in the U.S. Army, 1798-1914, microfilm publication, 233

Relief (hospital ship), photo, 207

"'Remember Me': Six Samplers in the National Archives," by Jennifer Davis Heaps, 185-196

Remington Rand Company, 73

"Report on the Consular Establishment of the United States," 265

Republican party, and black market activity in postwar Germany, 175, 176, 177-178, 179-180; and McCarthyism, 46-47, 48, 49, 50n16

Revenue Cutter Service, 237-238

"Revisiting Korea: Exposing Myths of the Forgotten War," by James I. Matray, 107-115

Revolutionary War, 276; military service records, 232, 235; pension records, 185-196, 238

Rhee, Syngman, 109, 110-111; photo, 111

Ribbentrop, Joachim von, 9-10, 19, 130; photo, 6

Richmond Whig, 213

Riddle, Andrew J., 213-217; photo of, 214; photographs by, 212, 213, 215

Ridgway, Lt. Gen. Matthew B., 112; photo, 110

Ritter, Karl, 9, 10-11, 12, 18, 19

Robards, Jason, 66

Robb, Lynda Johnson, 321

Roberts, Cokie, 243

Roberts, Edmund, 262, 263, 269, 270, 273n50

Roberts, Owen J., 133, 134, 135; photo, 133

Roberts, William A., 46, 47; photo, 46

Roberts Commission, 128-129, 133-134, 135, 136

Rockford Peaches (baseball team), photo, 62

Ronald Reagan Library, 160, 227, 243, 252

Roosevelt, Anna Eleanor, photo, 244

Roosevelt, Franklin D., 279, 280; and artworks looted by the Nazis, 133-134; and baseball, 58-63; environmental legacy of, 244; and the Korean War, 108-109; photos of, 58, 59; quoted, 89; and Soundex indexes, 74, 75

Roosevelt, Theodore, photo of by J. D. Givens, 119

Rose, Lisle, 44

Rosenberg, Alfred, 129, 131; photo, 131

Ross, Brig. Gen. Stoyte O., photo, 280

Rothfeld, Anne, "Nazi Looted Art: The Holocaust Records Preservation Project," 127-139

Royall, Kenneth C., 179

Ruffner, Kevin Conley, "The Black Market in Postwar Berlin: Colonel Miller and an Army Scandal," 170-183

Rush, Richard, 276

Russia, failure to acknowledge restitution of cultural treasures, 27-29, 32-33, 34, 37-38, and Siberia, 294-303. See also Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.

Russian Orthodox Church in America, 32, 34-35

Russian Railway Service Corps, 296, 300, 301

Ryan, 1st Lt. Albert E., 304

Ryan, Gerald, 73, 74

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Sachs, Paul, 133

Safford, Victor, 94

St. Barnabas Guild, 207

Salt Creek Civil War Round Table, 82, 244

Salzburg, Austria, 30

San Antonio, Texas, 52, 54

San Francisco, California, 118, 121, 122; photos of earthquake of 1906 by J. D. Givens, 120-121, 122

Santiago, Cuba, 198, 200-201

Sauerbruch, Ferdinand, 11-12, 13; photo, 9

Saunders, Harold H., files opened, 159

Schamel, Wynell, 225

Schimmel, Herbert, 178

Schlesinger, Arthur M., papers opened, 81

"Schoolmistress at Home, The" (print), illus., 187

Schreiber, Georg, 10

Seldes, George, 45

Selective Service System records, 321

Semenoff, Gregori, 294-304, 305n13, n15; photo, 294

Shacter, Joe, 54, 56

Shallus, Jacob, 277

Shaw, Samuel, 271

Sheen, Col. Henry G., 172

Sherman, Roger, 141; portrait, 141

Shillaber, John, 261-271, 272n17, n18, n25

Siberia, 294-305

Sibert, Brig. Gen. Edwin L., 179

Sidey, Hugh, 321

Sino-American Treaty of Wangxia (1844), 262, 268, 270

Sisters of Charity, 198-202, 203

Sisters of Mercy, 204

Sisters of St. Joseph, 202-204; photo, 202

Sisters of the Holy Cross, 202, 203, 204-205

Slaves, records relating to, 144-148

Smith, Gibson Bell, 304; "Guarding the Railroad, Taming the Cossacks: The U.S. Army in Russia, 1918-1920," 294-305

Smith, Jean Edward, 180

Smith, Marian L., "INS Administration of Racial Provisions in U.S. Immigration and Nationality Law Since 1898," 91-104

Smith, Walter Bedell, 175

Smolensk Communist Party Archive, 37, 39n16

Smyth, Col. Craig, 30; photo, 29

Snow, Peter, 270

Social Education, 226

Sokolovskii, Marshal Vasilii, 32-33

Somervell, Col. Brehon, 74

Soundex indexes, 69, 71, 72-75, 78-79

Southeast Asia Casualty Database, 242-243

Soviet Union, and the Korean War, 107-109, 110-112, 114

Spain, 8-9; and the Louisiana Territory, 255-256, 258

Spanish-American War, 197-207; military service records, 232, 233

Spingarn, Stephen J., 48

Spivak, Lawrence, photo, 43

"Spoils of War Returned: U.S. Restitution of Nazi-Looted Cultural Treasures to the USSR, 1945-1959," by Patricia Kennedy Grimsted, 27-41

Stalin, Joseph, 108, 109, 110-112, 113; portrait, 108

Star Presidian, 124

Starr, Terrell, 321

Stars and Stripes, 62

State, secretary of, 276

State, U.S. Department of, and the Bill of Rights, 278; and China, 261-271; and the Cuban missile crisis, 220; and the Declaration of Independence, 276-277, 278; and immigration law, 97, 102-103; and investigations of army scandals in postwar Germany, 176; and the Korean War, 111; and protection of monuments and cultural treasures in war areas, 134; and restitution of cultural treasures after World War II, 32, 35; and the U.S. Constitution, 277, 278

State-War-Navy Building, 276-277; illus., 276

Statue of Liberty, 54

Stauffenberg, Col. Claus Schenk Graf von, 13

Steerage Act of 1819, 92

Steuart, William Mott, 307, 309, 310, 312; photo, 307

Stevenson, Adlai, photo, 81

Stone, Harlan F., 133-134

Stone, William J., 276

Stout, George, 133

Strout, Richard, 48

Summersby, Kay, 81

Surgeon general of the army, 198

Surgeon general of the navy, 199

Switzerland, 11, 12, 14-18, 19, 20, 23n71, 131

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Taiwan, 270

Talleyrand, 259

Taylor, Francis Henry, 133, 135-136

Teaching American History and Civics Education Initiative, 285

"Teaching with Documents," 226, 228

Terranova, Francis, 262, 272n5

Texas, document pertaining to annexation of, 54

Thind, Bhagat Singh, 96; photo, 96

Thomas, Gen. George, 12

Tikhvin Madonna, icon of the, 34-35, 41n40

Tinqua, "American Merchants Buying Tea" (painting), 266-267; "The Factories at Canton" (painting), illus., 260-261

Tissing, Bob, photo, 292

Todorov, Tsvetan, 49

Trade with China to 1839, 261-271

Trans-Baikal Railway, 294-304

Trans-Siberian Railway, 294-304

"Travels of the Charters of Freedom," by Milton Gustafson, 274-284

Troost, Gerda, photo, 131

Truman, Harry S., 21, 43-44, 45, 46, 47-48, 49, 64-67, 226, 282, 283-284; and the Korean War, 107-108, 109, 110, 111, 112-113, 114; photos, 44, 67, 110, 282, 283; and postwar Germany, 175, 176, 177, 180; statue of, 67

Truman Library Institute, 65, 66, 67

Turkey, 219, 221, 222

Twenty-seventh infantry, U.S., 299, 301

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Ukraine, cultural treasures plundered from, 29, 31, 32, 35-36, 38, 41n42

Ulrich, Laurel Thatcher, 187

Undaunted Courage, by Stephen E. Ambrose, 256

Union of American Hebrew Congregations, Board of Delegates on Civil Rights, 94

Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, and the Cuban missile crisis, 218-222; embassy in Washington, D.C., 32; failure to return cultural treasures seized from Nazi Germany, 27, 28, 33, 37-38; Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 32, 38; restitution of cultural treasures to, 27-38, 78; soldiers in postwar Germany, 173; Special Archive, 28

United Nations and the Cuban missile crisis, 221

United Nations Security Council and the Korean War, 111

United States, and the return of cultural treasures to the USSR, 27-38, 78; and Russia, 294-304

U.S. Allied Commission for Austria, 136

U.S. Army, military service records, 233-234; Monuments, Fine Arts, and Archives Section, 128, 134-135, 136; and occupied Germany, 170-180; photographers for, 116-124; in Siberia, 294-304

U.S. Army Medical Department, 197

U.S. Army Transport Service, 118, 121

U.S. Coast Guard, military service records, 237

U.S. Congress, and the 1930 census, 307, 310, 314; and display of the Charters of Freedom, 279-280; and the Lewis and Clark expedition, 255, 256, 258-259; and the Louisiana Purchase, 255, 259; and racial provisions in immigration and nationality law, 92, 93, 94, 96, 97, 98, 101, 102-104; reapportionment of seats in, 307, 314, 315

U.S. Constitution, 150, 157, 168-169, 252, 275, 277, 278-280, 282-284, 322; Resolution of Transmittal, 275, 277

United States Forces European Theater (USFET), 171-172, 174-175, 179

U.S. House of Representatives, and the 1930 census, 307; Military Affairs Committee, 178-179; Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC), 44-45, 48

U.S. Immigration Service, 93-94, 97

U.S. Marine Corps, military service records, 235, 236

U.S. Naturalization Service, 93, 94-95

U.S. Navy, 198-199; and China, 262, 265, 268, 270; military service records, 234-236

United States News, 179

U.S. Office of Military Government in Germany, 33, 36, 171-172, 179; Restitution Division, 29

U.S. Postal Service, 317n26

U.S. Presidential Commission on Holocaust-Era Assets, 36-37

U.S. Restitution of Nazi-Looted Cultural Treasures to the USSR, 1945-1959: Facsimile Documents from the National Archives of the United States (CD-ROM publication), 78

U.S. Senate, 304; Special Committee to Investigate the National Defense Program, 171, 172, 175, 176-178, 179, 180

U.S. Supreme Court, and immigration and nationality law, 91-92, 93, 95, 96-97, 101

United States v. Thind, 96-97, 101, 104

"Updating Harry Truman's Library: Interactive Features Enliven New Exhibits After Extensive Renovations," 64-67

USA Freedom Corps, 252, 285

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Vandenberg, Arthur H., 46, 175, 176, 177

Verkhne-Udinsk, Siberia, 301, 302-303, 304

Veterans, eligibility for U.S. citizenship, 98; records relating to, 185-196, 238

Veterans' Bureau, 310

Vietnam War, 242

Vinson, Fred M., 282, 284; photo, 283

Vladivostok, Siberia, 295, 297, 299-300, 301, 303, 304

Volunteers, military service records for, 232-233

Voss, Hermann, 132

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Wagner, Robert, 156

Wallace, Henry A., 43-44, 244; photo, 44

Walsh, Edmund A., 46, 47; photo, 45

Wandervogel, 8, 9, 11, 14, 20

War Department, and Army scandals in postwar Germany, 178, 179; and military service records, 232, 233, 235; and protection of monuments and cultural treasures in war areas, 134; and Siberia, 296-297, 300-301, 303

War of 1812, military service records, 232; pension records, 238

Warlimont, Maj. Gen. Walther, 10

Warner, Bob, 324

Washington, D.C., 32

Washington, George, 56, 265, 277; portrait, 279

Washington, Reginald, "The Freedmen's Bureau Preservation Project," 144-149; photo, 146

Washington Post, 177, 178

Watts, J. C., Jr., 145

We the People project, 286

Weathersby, Kathryn, 108

Webb, Lt. Col. Geoffrey, 134

Webster, Daniel, 276

West Germany, restitution of cultural treasures to the USSR, 31

Westfeldt, Cathy, photo, 293

Westward expansion of the United States, 254-259

Wheeler, Thomas E., 161, 321, 324

"When FDR Said 'Play Ball': President Called Baseball a Wartime Morale Booster," by Gerald Bazer and Steven Culbertson, 58-63

White House, Office of Records Management, files opened, 160

White House Decision Center, Harry S. Truman Library, 65-66, 67

White House Initiative on Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders, 246

Whitney, Maj. Gen. Courtney, photo, 110

Whittington, Richard, photo, 293

Widows, records relating to, 185-196

William J. Clinton Foundation, 80

William J. Clinton Library, 80, 160

Williams, Ted, 60

Wilson, Woodrow, 294, 295, 296, 297, 300, 302

Winder, Brig. Gen. John T., 214

Winings, L. Paul, 102; photo, 102

Winter, Georg, 20

Wirz, Capt. Henry, 214, 216

Wiseman, Theodore, 216

Witch Hunt, by Carey McWilliams, 45

Witte Museum, San Antonio, Texas, 54

Wood, George, 7, 2

Wood, Gen. Leonard, 201

Woodbury, Levi, 262, 263, 265, 270; portrait, 263, 272n14

Woolner, David, 244

Work Projects Administration, 71n3, 72-75

Works Progress Administration, 72-75

World War I, draft cards, 321; eligibility of veterans of for U.S. citizenship, 98; photos related to, 123; and Russia, 295, 297, 300

World War II, artworks seized by Germany during, 127-137; and baseball, 58-63; German surrender documents, 54; intelligence operations, 7-21; and the Korean War, 108-109; looted cultural treasures returned to the USSR, 27-38; and naturalization of soldiers, 101; report on declassification of Japanese war crimes records, 159-160; war booty brought to the United States, 32, 34

World Wide Web, 128

Worsham, James, "Jefferson Looks Westward," 254-259

"WPA Census Soundexing Projects, The," by Claire Prechtel-Kluskens, 72-77

Wyden, Barbara, 81

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Yeltsin, Boris, 28

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Zia, Helen, 246

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