Prologue Magazine

Index to Prologue, Volume 25: 1993

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"'A Splendid Misery': Challengers of Thomas Jefferson's Presidency," by Richard H. Hunt, 223-233

Accessions and Openings, 94-109, 182-205, 297-318, 395-416

Acheson, Dean, papers declassified, 108, 196, 412, and opened, 108, 196, 412; records accessioned, 96

Adams, John, 48, 50, 51, 53, 140, 141, 144, 224, 275, 278; quoted, 48-50

Adams, John Quincy, 51

Adjutant General's Office, 28, 29, 32

Adkins, Bertha S., papers accessioned, 196

"Admiral Sims Incident: Irish Americans and Social Tensions in the 1920s, The," by Francis M. Carroll, 335-345

Admiralty case files, accessioned, 411

Adolf Vinnen, 237, 238, 242; photo, 238, 243

Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA), 366, 367, 368

Aeronautical research, 363-373

Aeronautics, Bureau of, records declassified, 94, and transferred, 189, 195

Africa, 81-82, 261-262

Agency for International Development, records accessioned, 99, 301, 302, 398, 399, and declassified, 95, 182, 298

Agent Orange, audiovisual records relating to accessioned, 100

Agricultural Economics, Bureau of, 349; records transferred, 309

Agricultural Marketing Service, records transferred, 190

Agricultural production, 348-357

Agricultural Research Service, records transferred, 104

Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service, records accessioned, 97, 184

Agricultural Workers, Commission on, records accessioned, 398

Agricultural workers, World War II, 347-358

Agriculture, Office of the Secretary of, records transferred, 190

Agriculture, U.S. Department of, 348-349, 351-352, 353, 355; records transferred, 404

Air Material Command, records declassified, 95-96

Albania, 21-22, 23-24, 262

Alcohol, Drug Abuse, and Mental Health Administration, records accessioned, 186

Alderman, Ellen, and Caroline Kennedy, "The Bill of Rights in Everyday Lives," 60-64

Alien Property, Office of, records accessioned, 105

Allied Force Headquarters, records declassified, 299

Allied Twelfth Army Group, 263, 269; Radio Monitoring Section, 259

"America at War, 1941-1945" (conference), 211

America Since Hoover: Selected Documents from the Presidential Libraries, 1929-1980 (instructional sampler), 203

American Battle Monuments Commission, records accessioned, 97

American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), 62-64

American Committee on the French Revolution, records accessioned, 99

American Council of Learned Societies, 177

American Expeditionary Force, 249, 382

American Farm Bureau Federation, 348-349, 354

American Iron and Steel Institute, 251, 254, 255

American party, 375, 376

American Rocket Society, 366

American School of Classical Studies at Athens, 134, 321

American Society of Civil Engineers, 221

"American Steel and Japanese Ships: Transpacific Trade Disputes During World War I," by William J. Williams, 249-251

American Women's Voluntary Services, 351, 352, 353

Anderson, George, oral history opened, 315

Anderson, Robert E., papers accessioned, 313

Anderson, Stanton, papers opened, 203

Andersonville prison, 32, 418; photo, 33

Andolsek, Ludwig, oral history accessioned, 315

Anglo-American Rumor Committee, 265

Animal Industry, Bureau of, records transferred, 310

Anti-Catholocism, 335-345

Apprenticeship and Training, Bureau of, records accessioned, 98

Architecture, 220-221; Greek revival, 138, 144-145

Archives II, 116, 210, 321, 419

Aricola Furnace Company, files relating to transferred, 404

Aristotle, 127, 134, 138, 139, 140, 141, 143, 144; bust of, 141; Politics, 141, 143

Arizona, USS, 79, 80

Arlom, Alvin, 239, 243, 244

Armed Forces Radio and Television Service, records accessioned, 185

Armstrong, Anne, files opened, 201

Armstrong v. EOP et al., 209, 323

Army, U.S. Department of the, 382, 384

Army Equipment Board and Policy Council, records declassified, 95

Army of Northern Virginia, 36-37

AROS Society, Ltd., 177-181

Art Advisory Committee (War Department), 382

Associated American Artists, 382, 384

"Athenian Democracy," by Josiah Ober and Catherine Vanderpool, 127-135

Athens, 127-135, 137-147

Athens, University of, 378-379

"Athletes and the Law: Sports Litigation in the Federal Courts" (exhibition), 325-326

Atlanta, GA, 39-40, 41, 43

Atomic bomb, 86

Atomic energy, files relating to accessioned, 300, and declassified, 297

Atomic Energy Commission, 369; records accessioned, 98, 105, 185, 301, 311, and declassified, 95

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Bagwell, May, 159, 162, 165, 166, 167

Bailey, Douglas, interviews with accessioned, 202, and opened, 203

Ball, George W., papers accessioned, 200

Balzano, Michael, files opened, 201-202

Bandow, Doug, files accessioned, 205

Bankruptcy, court records of accessioned, 101, 103, 105, 400, 401, 406, 411

Barbary powers, 229-230

Barber, Lawrence, 236, 244-245

Baruch, Bernard, 254-255, 256; photo, 254; quoted, 255

Bassanese, Lynn A., "'Joy Ride in a Paint-Box'," 170-173

Bataan Peninsula, 80-81

Bauman, Genie, files accessioned, 205

Bearse, Ray, papers opened, 195

Beauregard, Gen. Pierre G. T., 35, 37, 39, 41, 43, 44, 124

Beck, Gen. Ludwig, 267-268

Beckmann, Capt. Luepke, 237

Bell, Griffin, oral history opened, 317

Belarus, 71, 72, 73

Benedict, Stephen, papers accessioned, 313

Bennett College, 355

Bennett, Elmer F., papers accessioned, 196

Bennett, James V., papers opened, 199

Benton, Thomas Hart, 56; painting by, 56; quoted, 56-57

Berg, Aaron, papers accessioned, 196

Berg, Harold, oral history accessioned, 314

Berlin Wall, exhibit relating to, 118

Berryman, Clifford K., 283-289; cartoons by, 283, 284, 285, 286-289

Berryman, Florence, 283

Berryman, Jim, 283

Bevan, Irwin J., painting by, 232

"Bill of Rights in Everyday Lives, The," by Ellen Alderman and Caroline Kennedy, 60-64

"Birth of Democracy, The" (exhibition), 134, 321

Bitte, Fred, 245, 246

Bituminous Coal Commission, records transferred, 405

Black Americans, 125, 142-146, 150-154, 355

"Black Games, Subversion, and Dirty Tricks: The OSS Morale Operations Branch in Europe, 1943-1945," by Clayton D. Laurie, 259-271

Blanton, DeAnne, 419; "Women Soldiers of the Civil War," 27-33

Block, John R., papers accessioned, 205

Blumenthal, Albert, oral history opened, 315

Blundell, James, oral history opened, 199

Boillot, Claude E., papers accessioned, 313

Boleo, Compagnie du, 235, 236, 237, 238-239, 240, 242

Bonneville Power Administration, files accessioned, 106, 412

Boring, Floyd, 10; photo, 9

BOSTON (radio station), 267

Boston Loan Agency, records accessioned, 187

Bouknight, Jackie, 62; photo, 62

Bounty land applications, 292-296

Boylston, Helen, 21, 23; photo, 23

Bradley Commission, records accessioned, 196-197

Bragg, Gen. Braxton, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44; photo, 41

Braun, Eva, 85, 111

Bridges, Styles, 364, 365, 368, 369-370

British Woman's Land Army, 349

British Women's Land Army, 349

Brookhart, Robert R., papers accessioned, 99

Brown, Harriet Connor, papers accessioned, 312

Brownell, Herbert, Jr., papers opened, 109

Brownell, Samuel, papers opened, 109

Buckner, Simon Bolivar, Jr., papers accessioned, 109

Budapest, Hungary, 19, 20

Budget, Bureau of the, 368

Bull, Harold R., papers accessioned, 313

Bunker, Ellsworth, papers accessioned, 200

Burmeister, Capt. Wilhelm, 237; photo, 237

Burns, Ken, 114, 332

Burr, Aaron, 114, 115, 227, 229; port., 227

Burroughs, Nannie, 355

Burrus, Rufus, papers accessioned, 107, and opened, 195-196, 312

Business and Defense Services Administration, records opened, 95

Butler, Landon, interview opened, 415

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Cabinet Committee on Opportunities for Spanish-Speaking People, records described, 184

Cafritz, Morris and Gwendolyn, Foundation, 321

Califano, Joseph A., papers accessioned, 201

California, Gulf of, 241

Callaway, Howard H. "Bo," papers opened, 203

Canada, 177, 180, 254

Cannon, Joseph G., 284; cartoon of, 284

Capital Issues Committee, records transferred, 306, 405, 411

Captured German records, 208; records relating to opened, 94

Carleson, Robert, papers accessioned, 415

Carpenter, Bruce, "Using Soundex Alternatives: Enumeration Districts, 1880-1920," 90-93

Carroll, Francis M., "The Admiral Sims Incident: Irish Americans and Social Tensions, in the 1920s," 335-345

Carter, Jimmy, interview opened, 204

Cartoons, 283-289, 325, 415

Casablanca Conference, 170, 172

Censorship, 86-87

Census, Bureau of the, 90; records accessioned, 302, 399

Census enumeration districts, 90-93

Censuses, 292

Central Intelligence Agency, 269; records accessioned, 185, 301, 398; records relating to accessioned, 98

"Changing Presidential Perspectives on the American Past," by Michael Kammen, 48-54

Cheney, Ira, 244, 247

Chesapeake, 231; illus., 232

Children, National Commission on, records accessioned, 398

Christian Science Monitor, 341, 343-344

Christiansen, Capt. C., 238, 241

Christie, Alexander, papers accessioned, 199

Churchill, Winston, 170-173; paintings by, 171-173

Civil and Defense Mobilization, Office of, records accessioned, 303

Civil Rights, Commission on, 154

Civil rights, records relating to accessioned, 301

Civil War, 27-33, 35-47, 52-53, 54, 124, 125, 137-138, 145, 150; records, 332-333

"Civil War Irony: Confederate Commanders and the Destruction of Southern Railways," by Jeffrey N. Lash, 35-47

Civilian Defense, Office of, 349; records transferred, 310, 311

Clalin, Frances, photo, 26

Clark, William, 227

Clausewitz, Karl von, 35, 37, 44

Claussen, Martin P., 98

Cleaver, Emanuel, 63, 64; photo, 63

Clifford, Clark, 10, 13-14; records relating to accessioned, 200

Clifton, C. V., files opened, 200

Clinton, William J., 325; appointees, 417; official statement by, 155

Coast Signal Service, records transferred, 403-404

Cohen, Howard A., files opened, 202

Coke, Edward, 275; port., 273

Collado, Katherine, "Graphic Expression: The Cartoons of Clifford K. Berryman," 283-289

Colonization, by German Nazis, 70-71

Colton, Capt. J. Ferrell, 235, 244, 246

Combat Art: An Exhibition of World War II Combat Art (catalog), 386

Commerce, U.S. Department of, records accessioned, 300

Commission on All-Volunteer Armed Forces, files opened, 202

Committee of One Thousand, 340

Committee on Archival Affairs for the Russian Government (ROSKOMARKHIV), 177, 178

Commodity Credit Corporation, records accessioned, 184

Commodity Exchange Authority, records accessioned, 97

Commodity Futures Trading Commission, records accessioned, 97

Communists, persecution of by Nazis, 65

Community Relations Service, records accessioned, 301

Community Services Administration, records accessioned, 301, 398, declassified, 299, and transferred, 104, 189

Concentration camps, 71-73, 84-85; records relating to accessioned, 399

Confederacy, Provisional Congress of the, 333

Confederate army, 27-33, 35-47, 332-333

Confederate War Department, 42, 43

Confederation Congress, 278

Congress for Industrial Organization (C10), 166

Connecticut, University of, 350, 353-354

Connecticut Land Army, 350

Conscientious objectors, 349

Conspirator, The Untold Story of Tyler Kent, by Ray Bearse, papers relating to opened, 195

Constitution of the United States, The (painting), by Barry Faulkner, 322

Constitutional Convention, 275, 276, 278, 280

Consumer Product Safety Commission, records accessioned, 99, 186

Conway, Rose, papers declassified and opened, 313

Cooper, Chester, files opened, 414

Co-operative Optical Imaging Network (COIN) Working Group, 210

Coordinator of Information, Office of the, 260

Copper, 235, 236, 239

Corcoran Gallery, 386

Cornell University, 210

Cornero, Tony. See Stralla, Anthony Cornero.

CORNFLAKES Missions, 265

Corregidor Island, 80-81

Corson, John J., 162

Cotton Stabilization Corporation, records transferred, 307

Council for Global Partnership (Tokyo), 211

Council of National Organizations for Children and Youth, records opened, 109

Country Gentleman, 23

Cox, Mike, papers accessioned, 315

Credit System Assistance Board, records accessioned, 300

Crockett, William J., oral history accessioned, 315; papers accessioned, 198, 314

Crosby, Bing, 267

Cryptology, records relating to accessioned, 399

Cuban-Haitian Task Force, files opened, 204

Cuban Missile Crisis, records relating to accessioned, 185, 398

Cuneo, Ernest, papers opened, 195

Cunningham, Lorain H., papers opened, 195

Cycpar, William, 163

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Daniels, Josephus, 336, 338

David, Jacques-Louis, Napoleon in His Study, 225

Davis, Caroline, 166; photo, 166

Davis, Elmer, 260, 261

Davis, Jefferson, 39, 42

Davis, Nathaniel, files opened, 414

Day-care facilities, lack of, 355, 356

Declaration of Independence, The (painting), by Barry Faulkner, 322

Declassification procedures, 420

Declassified records, 94-96, 98, 108, 182-183, 196, 197-198, 297-299, 395-397, 412, 416

Defense, Office of the Secretary of, records accessioned, 301, 302, 399, and declassified, 182, 298, 397

Defense, U.S. Department of, 364, 366, 369; records accessioned, 301; records relating to accessioned, 108

Defense Energy Information System, records accessioned, 302

Defense Logistics Agency, Office of the, records accessioned, 99

Defense Transportation, Office of, records transferred, 307

DeHart, Linda, files accessioned, 205

Democracy, roots of, 127-135, 137-147

"Democracy in the Workplace: Working Women in Midwestern Unions, 1943-1945," by Michael J. Lewandowski, 157-169

"Democracy 2500 Project," 134

Democratic United Austrian Front, 265

Denby, Edwin, 338, 339-340, 341, 342, 343

Denison, George H., papers opened, 203

Devlin, L. Patrick, interviews by accessioned, 202, and opened, 203

Diamond, William J., 117

Dickinson, Gladys, 159

Dickinson, John, 278; port., 278

Dickson, Capt. Donald I., 384

Dietrich, Marlene, 267; photo, 269

Diplomatic personnel, passports for, 392-393

District of Columbia, 150

Dixon, Thomas, 166

Document preservation, 115; conference on, 210

Dollar, Robert, 242-243, 250; photo, 242

Donahue, Maurice, oral history interview opened, 199

Donovan, William J., 259, 260, 261, 263

Doolittle, Col. James H., 81

Douard, Walter, 163

Douglass, Frederick, 151

Downs, Maria, papers opened, 203

Drago, Harry Sinclair, 7, 8

Dragon, Ed, oral history interview opened, 199

Drug Enforcement Administration, records accessioned, 398

Drumm, Thomas E., Jr., papers accessioned, 109

Dulles, John Foster, papers declassified, 314

Durbrow, Elbridge, files accessioned, 96

Dwight D. Eisenhower Library, 117; accessions and openings, 108-109, 196-198, 313-314, 413; exhibits, 4; publications, 417

Dwight Eisenhower Foundation, 417

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Eames, Patricia Boeck, "The Russian-American Genealogical Service," 176-181

Eastern Europe, 176-181

Eastern National Park & Monument Association, 212

Economic Analysis, Bureau of, files accessioned, 399-400

Economic Opportunity, Office of, records accessioned, 301, and declassified, 299

Economic Stabilization Agency, records accessioned, 185

Education, Office of, records accessioned, 183, 299

Edward I, King of England, 276

Edwards, Anne, exit interview opened, 317

Egon, 237-238, 239, 242, 243; photo of crew, 244

Eiffel church, Santa Rosalía, 235

Eisenhower, Dwight D., 4, 7, 170, 197, 201, 364, 365, 367-368, 369, 370, 382; correspondence accessioned, 196; papers accessioned, 413, declassified, 197, 413, and opened, 109, 313

Eklund, Carl, records accessioned, 186

Electoral College certificates of vote, 211

Electronic records, 323

Elsey, George M., 10, 13-14; papers accessioned, 200; photo, 15

Elson, Roy L., oral history interview accessioned, 201

Ely, Ralph, files transferred, 409

Emancipation Proclamation, 124-125; displayed, 209-210, 324, 422

"Emancipation Proclamation: An Act of Justice, The," by John Hope Franklin, 149-154

Emergency Education Network, 207

Emergency Farm Labor Problems (conference), 351

Emergency Farm Labor Program, 351-352, 354, 357

Emergency Fleet Corporation, 249, 251, 252, 253, 254, 255, 256

Emergency management training materials, 207

Emergency Preparedness, Office of, records accessioned, 101, 106

Emergency Ship-building Corp., records transferred, 402

Emerson, Ralph Waldo, photo, 151

Employment and Training Administration, records accessioned, 101, 103, 407

Energy, Department of, records accessioned, 106, 301-302, and declassified, 299

Engelhard, Charles, Foundation, 283

Engineering records, 220

Engineers, Army Corps of, 382, 384

Engineers, Office of the Chief of, records accessioned, 103, 105, 106, 187, 192-193, 304, 312, 406, 407, 410, declassified, 297, 396, and transferred, 308, 400, 407, 409, 410, 411

England, 141-142, 145, 272-281, 349, 351

Engman, Lewis, files opened, 202

Enrolled Legislation collection, 315

Environmental Protection Agency, records accessioned, 102, 194, 400, 403, 408

Eppinga, Jane, "Windjammer Finale," 235-247

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, records accessioned, 305

Eugenics, 67

Evans, Michael A. W., papers and photographs accessioned, 318

Everett, Edward, 145-146, 376

Ewell, Gen. Richard S., 37

Exhibitions, 4-5, 78, 116, 117-118, 134, 321, 325-326, 382-387

Experiment Stations, Office of, records accessioned, 97

Explorer I, 367

Extension Service, 348-349, 351-352, 355, 357

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Farm Credit Administration, records accessioned, 97, 300, and transferred, 306, 307

Farm Journal, 349, 350

Farm laborers, 347-358

Farm Mobilization Day, 347-348

Farm Security Administration, 349

Farmer, James, photo, 154

Faulkner, Barry, 321-322

Federal Aviation Administration, records accessioned, 102, 103, 106, 193, 195, 307, 401, 407, 410

Federal Bureau of Investigation, 64; case files accessioned, 96-97, 98, 184, and opened, 97

Federal Coordinator of Transportation, records transferred, 306

Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, files accessioned, 96, 183

Federal Employee Attitude Survey, accessioned, 303

Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, reports accessioned, 300

Federal Highway Administration, files accessioned, 103, 105, 186, 188, 189, 399, 400, 408, 409, and transferred, 410

Federal Open Market Committee, records accessioned, 97

Federal Power Commission, reports accessioned, 300

Federal Property Resources Service, files accessioned, 101, 194, 303, 407

Federal Records Act, 323

Federal Register, 110, 319-320

Federal Reserve System, records accessioned, 97

Federal Supply Service, records accessioned, 97

Federal Trade Commission, 252

Federalist Papers, 139, 140

Federalists, 224, 225, 229

Field, Lyman, 10

Fierston, Suzanne, "Rose Wilder Lane: Restless Pioneer," 17-24

Fifth Amendment, 62

"Fifty Years," by James Weldon Johnson, 153

Finch, Robert, files opened, 316, 415

Fine Arts, Commission of, 321

First Amendment, 60, 62-64

Fitzgeralds and the Kennedys, The, by Doris Kearns Goodwin, papers relating to accessioned, 198

Fitzhugh, George, 143-144, 146

Fitzpatrick, Howard, oral history accessioned, 315

Florence, Italy, 139

Florida War (1836), 294

Flying White House: The Story of Air Force One, The, by Jerald F. terHorst, papers relating to accessioned, 203

Folsom, D. W., records transferred, 411

Food production, 348-357

Food stamps, records relating to accessioned, 400

Forbes, Fred, oral history opened, 315

Foreign Affairs Oral History Program, Georgetown University, 315

Foreign Agricultural Service, records declassified, 396

Foreign aid, records relating to accessioned, 99, and declassified, 96

Foreign and Domestic Commerce, Bureau of, files declassified, 298, 396, and opened, 95

Foreign assistance, records relating to declassified, 183

Foreign Broadcast Intelligence Service, records accessioned, 185

Foreign Claims Settlement Commission of the United States, records accessioned, 185

Foreign Economic Administration, files declassified, 298

Foreign Records Seized, National Archives Collection of, records declassified, 298

Foreign Service, records accessioned, 97, 184, 398, and declassified, 94-95, 297-298

Foreign workers, agricultural, 349

Forest Service, 60, 62; records accessioned, 97, 100, 103, 104, 105, 106, 187, 191, 303, 304, 311, 312, 407, 409, 412; records relating to transferred, 404

Forrest, Gen. Nathan B., 41

Forrestal, James, 15, 84; papers relating to opened, 108

Fortune, 167

Fowler, Henry H., papers opened, 201

France, 67, 68, 83, 141, 224-226, 231, 235, 237, 240, 242, 249, 254, 261, 263, 264, 268, 382

Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt Institute, 213, 424

Franklin D. Roosevelt Library, 212, 325; accessions and openings, 107, 195, 312, 412; exhibits, 170-173

Franklin, Barbara, files opened, 201

Franklin, John Hope, 124, 125, 210; "The Emancipation Proclamation: An Act of Justice," 149-154

Free, Jim, exit interview opened, 415

Freedom of Information Act, 317, 420

Frick, Kenneth E., speeches accessioned, 184

Fried, Edward R., files opened, 414

Friends of Irish Freedom, 341

Frysinger, Grace E., 351

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Gaelic American, 340

Galbraith, John Kenneth, papers accessioned, 314

Gallipoli, Turkey, 20

Gallivan, James A., 339

Galloway, Eileen, 368-369

Galvin, John Thomas, oral history interview opened, 199

Gazette of the United States, 224

Gedney, C. D., 374, 378

Gellman, Barbara L., Collection, accessioned, 107

Gellman, Irwin F., papers accessioned, 107

Genealogical research, 90-93, 116, 176-181, 292-296, 321, 390-394, 421-422

General Federation of Women's Clubs, 352, 354, 357

General Land Office, 294

General Services Administration, 421-422; files accessioned, 101

Geneva, Switzerland, 19

George III, king of England, 277, 278

Georgetown University, Foreign Affairs Oral History Program, 315

Georgia, 39-40, 41, 42, 43, 357

Gerald R. Ford and the Future of the Presidency, by Jerald F. terHorst, papers relating to accessioned, 203

Gerald R. Ford Foundation, 213-214, 326, 423

Gerald R. Ford Library, 319; accessions and openings, 202-204, 316-317, 415; exhibits, 118; grants, 118, 213-214, 326

Germania Society, 241-242

Germanis, Peter, files accessioned, 205

Germans from Russia Heritage Collection, 180

Germany, 65-77, 83, 85, 141-142, 145, 237-238, 239, 240, 249, 259, 262, 263, 264, 265, 266, 267, 270, 384; records relating to accessioned, 398, and declassified, 96, 298

Gibson, Charles Dana, 382

Ginzberg, Eli, papers accessioned, 196

Goebbels, Joseph, 267, 270

Goldwin, Robert A., papers opened, 204

Goodwin, Doris Kearns, papers accessioned, 198

Göring, Hermann, 266; quoted, 70

Gould, Lewis, papers opened, 200

Government Ethics, Office of, 324

Grant, Gen. Ulysses S., 36, 41

Grants, 118, 213-214, 326, 422, 423-424

"Graphic Expression: The Cartoons of Clifford K. Berryman," by Katherine Collado, 283-289

Great Britain, 224, 225, 230, 231-232, 238, 239, 240, 249, 250, 251, 254, 260, 267, 272-281, 336-337, 340, 341, 343, 349, 351

Great Depression, and women workers, 157-158

Greece, 127-135, 137-147, 266-267, 375-381; Ministry of Culture, 321

Greene, John Robert, papers accessioned, 202

Guaymas, 239, 241

Guide to Historical Materials in the Gerald R. Ford Library, by David A. Horrocks, 319

Gundersen, Capt. Carl, 244, 245, 246, 247; photo, 245

Gurewitsch, A. David, correspondence accessioned, 195

Guthrie, Eugene, oral history interview accessioned, 200

Gwiazda, Henry J., "World War II and Nazi Racism," 65-77

Gypsies, 67-68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73

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Hacquil, Pearl, 167

Haddix, Chase, interviews by opened, 203

Hagerman, Herbert J., correspondence transferred, 410

Hagerty, James C., 364

Halberstam, David, oral history accessioned, 316

Hall, J. Oliver, papers accessioned, 315

Hall, Florence L., 351-353, 354, 357, 358

Halpern, Joel, papers accessioned, 199

Hamilton, Alexander, 140, 224, 227

Hamilton, Edward K., files opened, 414

Hamilton, Nigel, papers accessioned, 198, 314

Handicapped, Nazi persecution of, 67-68, 72

Hanify, Edward, papers accessioned, 314

Hannegan, Robert E., papers accessioned, 108

Hans, 237, 239, 241, 242, 243, 247; crew photo, 237

Hardee, Gen. William J., 37, 40, 43

Harding, Warren G., 337, 338, 341, 342, 343

Harper's, 22, 23

Harpers Ferry, VA, 36-37, 39

Harris, Hubert, oral history opened, 317

Harry S. Truman Library, 8, 10, 11, 13, 15, 56, 117; accessions and openings, 107-108, 195-196, 312-313, 412-413; conference, 210-211; exhibits, 325; grants, 118, 213, 326; records declassified, 196

Harry S. Truman Library Institute, 213, 326, 423

Hartmann, Robert, interview opened, 203; papers accessioned, 202

HARVARD Project, 264

Harvestehude, 237, 238, 241, 242

Hatcher, Andrew, oral history interview opened, 199

Hauser, Richard A., files accessioned, 205

Hawes, Flo, 164

Haynes, Ulric, files opened, 414

Hays, Perry Coleman, 240-241

Hazeltine, Col. Charles B., 261-262

Hazlett, Edward E. "Swede," papers accessioned, 413

Health, Office of the Assistant Secretary for, records accessioned, 186

Heilbronn, Kurt, oral history accessioned, 413; papers accessioned, 313

Helmes, Winifred, papers accessioned, 196

Helwig Vinnen, 237, 238, 242

Hemingway, Ernest, correspondence accessioned, 199

Hemingway, Mary, correspondence accessioned, 199

Hemingway Collection, accessions, 198, 314; openings, 199

Hemingway Review, files accessioned, 199

Hemingway Society, files accessioned, 199

Henderson, Loy W., files accessioned, 96

Herbert Hoover and Harry S. Truman: A Documentary History, ed. by Timothy Walch and Dwight M. Miller, 110

Herbert Hoover Library, 110, 324; accessions and openings, 107, 312

Herbert Hoover Presidential Library & Museum: A Guide to the Exhibit Galleries, The, by Richard Norton Smith, 417

Herrington, John S., papers accessioned, 205, 415

Heydenreich, Christoffer, 246, 247

Hickey, Margaret, 354

Hill, Grover B., 350

Himmler, Heinrich, 65, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74-75

Hiroshima, Japan, 86

Hirschberg, Vera, files opened, 201

Hiss, Alger, records relating to accessioned, 101

Historic American Building Survey (HABS), 220-221; accessioned, 303

Historic American Engineering Record (HAER), 220-221; accessioned, 303

Historical Materials in the Jimmy Carter Library, 319

Hitler, Adolf, 68, 71, 72, 78, 81, 83, 84, 85, 111, 266, 267, 270, 384; quoted, 68-69, 85

Hobson, Julius, 64

Hobson, Tina, 64

Holmes, George Frederick, 143, 144

Holt, Peter L., 244, 246

Home-Making Institute, 355

Hood, Gen. John B., 37, 39-40, 41, 42, 43, 44; photo, 40; quoted, 43

Hooley, James, files accessioned, 205

Hoover, Herbert, 18, 110, 336; cartoon of, 288

Hoover, Lou Henry, papers accessioned, 107

Hopkins, Kevin, files accessioned, 205

Horwitz, Solis, 364

Housing and Urban Development, U.S. Department of, photographs transferred, 421

Housing Expediter, Office of the, records transferred, 405, 411

Hungary, 19, 20, 72, 267

Hunt, Richard H., "`A Splendid Misery': Challenges of Thomas Jefferson's Presidency," 223-233; "Thomas Jefferson's Messages to Congress," 114-116

Hunter College, 350

Hurley, Edward Nash, 249, 250-251, 254, 255, 256; photo, 250; quoted, 251, 252-253

Hyland, William G., papers accessioned, 202

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Ickes, Harold, 14-15, 220

Immigrants, 176-181, 390-394

Immigration and Naturalization Service, records accessioned, 399, and transferred, 307, 310, 311, 321

Inaugural committees, records accessioned, 317

Independence National Historic Park, 116

Independent Woman, 349-350, 351, 357

Indian Affairs, Bureau of, 292, 294; records accessioned, 103, 104, 105, 106, 191, 192, 309, 311, 407, 408, 410, 411, 412, and transferred, 191, 308, 406-407, 409, 410, 412

Indian Affairs, Office of, 294

Indian Arts and Crafts Board, records accessioned, 302, 399

"Indian Bounty Land Applications," by Mary Frances Morrow, 292-296

Indian Territory, 292

Indian Wars (1818 and 1836), 292, 294

Industrial College of the Armed Forces, records declassified, 183

Interagency Low Income Opportunity Advisory Board, presidential records accessioned, 318

Interior, U.S. Department of the, 220, 221; Office of the Secretary of the, records accessioned, 106; records declassified, 299

Internal Revenue Service, records accessioned, 302

International Broadcasting, Board for, files accessioned, 200

International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local B. 1048, 161

International Labor Organization, records relating to accessioned, 184

International Relations Council, 210-211

International Research and Exchanges Board (IREX), 177, 178, 181

International trade, 224, 225-226, 229-232, 236-237, 240, 242, 249-257

International Trade, Office of, files declassified, 298, 396, and opened, 95

International Trade Administration, records declassified, 397

International Trade and Investment Policy, Commission on, records accessioned, 300

Internet computer network, 320--321

Intrater, Arnold, files accessioned, 205

Ireland, 336-338, 340-341, 342, 343-344

Irish Americans, 335-345

Italy, 82, 139, 140, 143, 240, 254, 261, 262-264, 266

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J. Walter Thompson Advertising Agency, 267

Jackson, Sheldon, files transferred, 412

Jackson, Col. Thomas J. ("Stonewall"), 37

Jacobs, Eli, oral history interview opened, 199

Jameson, J. Franklin, 322, 324

Japan, 249-257, 263, 384, 386; microfilming project for National Diet Library, 116-117; World War II, 79-82, 85, 86

"Japan and America Face the 21st Century" (conference), 210-211

Japanese Americans, internees, 349

Jefferson, Thomas, 48, 50, 51, 53, 55, 114-116, 141, 275; article about, 223-233; bust of, 222; port., 50; quoted, 50-51, 115

Jenkins, Walter, papers accessioned, 200

Jessup, Philip C., files opened, 94

Jewish Genealogy Society of Moscow, 180

Jews, persecution of, 65, 67-68, 69, 70, 71-73, 74

JFK and Vietnam, by John Newman, papers relating to accessioned, 198

Jim Butler, 239, 240, 241; photo, 240

Jimmy Carter Library, 319; accessions and openings, 204, 317, 415

Job Corps, records relating to accessioned, 398

John F. Kennedy Library, 58, 325; accessions and openings, 198-199, 314-315; exhibits, 118

Johnny, We Hardly Knew Ye, by David F. Powers, papers relating to accessioned, 198

Johnson, Lyndon B., and origins of NASA, 363-373; material relating to indexed, 201; photo, 154, 371; quoted, 154; vice presidential papers opened, 200

Johnson, Rebekah Baines, "The Johnsons" and A Family Album indexed, 201

Johnston, Gen. Albert Sidney, 39, 42, 43, 44; photo, 42

Johnston, Gen. Joseph E., 35, 37, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44; photo, 37

Joint Chiefs of Staff, 260, 366

Joint Committee on Aeronautics and Space, 369

JOKER Program, 267-268

Jomini, Antoine Henri, 35, 37, 44

Jordan, Hamilton, interview opened, 415

"`Joy Ride in a Paint-Box,'" by Lynn A. Bassanese, 170-173

Judge Advocate General (Navy), Office of the, records transferred, 195, 405

Judicial Conference of the United States, records accessioned, 300

Judicial review, 275, 279

Jupiter C booster, 365

Justice, U.S. Department of, records accessioned, 398, 399, and transferred, 404

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Kahara & Co., 251-252

Kahn, Alfred, oral history opened, 317

Kammen, Michael, "Changing Presidential Perspectives on the American Past," 48-59

Kansas City, MO, 62-64

Kansas Governor's National Committee for the Eisenhower Presidential Library, records opened, 197

Kansas State Historical Society, 214

Kaplan, Joe, 245, 247

Karnow, Stanley, oral history accessioned, 316

Keith, Lady Alistair, correspondence accessioned, 199

Kellogg, Frank B., 337

Kelly, Maj. Michael A., 342

Kennedy, Caroline, and Ellen Alderman, "The Bill of Rights in Everyday Lives," 60-64

Kennedy, John F., 57; files opened, 315; papers relating to accessioned, 198, 202, 314; photo, 58; quoted, 154; tapes reviewed, 325

Kennedy, Joseph P., Jr., writings by accessioned, 314

Kennedy, Robert, papers accessioned, 199, 314

Kent, Tyler, papers relating to opened, 195

Keyserling, Leon, papers declassified and opened, 412

Khrushchev, Nikita, 367

Killian, James, 365, 367-368; quoted, 370-371

Kindleberger, Charles P., papers accessioned, 312, declassified, 108, and opened, 313

King, Jonas, 376-377, 378, 379, 380

King, Martin Luther, Jr., photo, 154; records relating to accessioned, 398

King, Rufus, 278

Kissinger, Henry, files accessioned, 203, and opened, 316

"Klansas City Kable," 62-64

Klaus, Samuel, files declassified, 297

Kleisthenes, 128, 129, 130, 132-133

Klitznick, Philip, oral history interview opened, 204

Know-Nothing party, 375, 376

Knebel, Laura Bergquist, oral history interview opened, 199

Komer, Robert W., files accessioned, 201

Korea, records relating to accessioned, 398, and declassified, 298

Ku Klux Klan, 62-64

Kurt, 237, 244, 247; photo, 234

Kutler and Public Citizen v. Peterson, 322

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Labor, U.S. Department of, 349; Women's Bureau, 157-169, 349, 352

Labor Information Bulletin, 349

Labor-Management Services Administration, records accessioned, 185

Labor shortages, 348-357

Labor Standards, Bureau of, records accessioned, 97

Labor Statistics, Bureau of, records accessioned, 98, 300-301, 302, 398, 399

Labor unions, women's roles in, 159-169

Ladies Home Journal, 167

Lady Bird and the Environment, by Lewis Gould, papers relating to opened, 200

LaFollette Seamen's Law of 1915, 242

Laise, Carol C., papers accessioned, 200

Land Allotment Act of 1887, 292

Land grants, 292-296

Land Management, Bureau of, records accessioned, 104, 190, 192, 193-194, 408, and transferred, 306, 308, 310, 311, 321

Landry, Maj. Gen. Robert B., papers accessioned, 108

Langley Field, VA, 363

Lanham Act, 356

Lane, Gillette, photo, 18

Lane, Rose Wilder, 17-24; photo, 16

Lansdale, Maj. Gen. Edward G., oral history accessioned, 414

Lansing, Robert, 250, 251

Lara, Walter "Black Snake," 62

Lasbek, 237, 239, 242

Lash, Jeffrey N., "Civil War Irony: Confederate Commanders and the Destruction of Southern Railways," 35-47

Laurie, Clayton D., "Black Games, Subversion, and Dirty Tricks: The OSS Morale Operations Branch in Europe, 1943-1945," 259-271

Lawrence, Justus Baldwin, papers accessioned, 109

Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, records relating to accessioned, 106

Lawson, Richard, files accessioned, 317

"League of Lonely German Women," 263

Lee, Gen. Robert E., 35-44; photo, 36

Leipzig, 239

Lemnitzer, Gen. Lyman L., records accessioned, 184

LeMon, Charles, 244-245, 246

L'Enfant, Pierre, 375

Leopard, 231; illus., 232

Lewandowski, Michael J., "Democracy in the Workplace: Working Women in Midwestern Unions, 1943-1945," 157-169

Lewis, Meriwether, 226-227

Lewis, Ron, oral history with opened, 317

Lewis and Clark Expedition, 226-227

Library of Congress, 91, 150, 220, 221, 325

Library of the American Historical Society of Germans from Russia, 181

Library of the Germans from Russia Heritage Society, 181

Liederman, Al, cartoons by accessioned, 415

Life magazine, 264, 382-384

Lilienthal, David, 14-15

Limits of Power: The Nixon and Ford Administrations, The, by John Robert Greene, papers relating to accessioned, 202

Lincoln, Abraham, 48, 51, 52-53, 54, 55, 58, 124, 125, 145, 149-154, 324; port., 52, 146, 148

Linzer, Estelle, correspondence accessioned, 412

Litoff, Judy Barrett, and David C. Smith, "`To the Rescue of the Crops': The Women's Land Army during World War II," 347-358

Locke, John, 275, 279

Lodge, George Cabot, papers accessioned, 198-199

Loeb, James, oral history interview opened, 199

Longstreet, Gen. James, 41

Longwell, Daniel, 382-384

Lorentz, Pare, correspondence accessioned, 412

Louisiana Purchase, 224-226

Loyal Coalition, 338

Luce, Gene, 244, 247

Ludendorff, Field Marshal Erich von, 263

Lyndon B. Johnson Foundation, 213, 326, 423-424

Lyndon B. Johnson Library, 87, 412; accessions and openings, 200-201, 315-316, 413-414; conference, 211, 324-325; "Evening With" program, 200; exhibits, 4-5, 78; finding aid available, 200; grants, 118, 213, 326

"Lyndon Johnson and the Legislative Origins of NASA," by Glen P. Wilson, 363-373

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MacArthur, Gen. Douglas, 80; Reminiscences, 80

McCall, Max A., journal accessioned, 99

McCarthy, Janel, "'We May Our Ends by Our Beginnings Know': British Constitutionalism and the United States," 272-281; "World War II Combat Art," 382-389

McCarthy, Joseph, papers relating to opened, 414

McClure, Brig. Gen. Robert A., 261-262, 263

McCone, John, files accessioned, 414

McCormack, John W., 367, 368-369, 370

McCormick, Medill, 338, 339

McCormick, Vance, 251, 252, 253

MacCracken, William P., Jr., papers accessioned, 107

McCullough, David, 58, 209, 419; "Writing Truman," 7-15

Macdonald, David P., papers accessioned, 318

Macedon, 134, 138, 145

McElroy, Neil H., 366, 367

Machiavelli, 139; port., 139

McIntyre, James, oral history opened, 317

McLane, James W., files opened, 415

MacLeod, Willis M., records accessioned, 97

McNamara, Robert S., records accessioned, 302

McNaughton, Frank, 11

McPhee, Archibald, 245, 246, 247

Madison, James, 139, 140, 223, 275, 277-278; port., 140

Mae Dollar, 242; photo, 243

Magna Carta, 272, 274, 275

Management and Budget, Office of, records declassified, 395

Manatos, Mike, oral history accessioned, 315

Mann, Thomas C., papers accessioned, 108, and declassified, 197

Manning, Robert, oral history interview opened, 199

Maps, census enumeration districts, 91, 92

Marcy, W. S., 377, 378

Marine Digest, The, 242-243

Marine Inspection and Navigation, Bureau of, records transferred, 101

Marquis, Albert N., 340

Marsh, Reginald, 384

Marshall, Gen. George C., 11, 13, 382

Marshall, John, 229

Marshall, Ray, oral history interview opened, 204

Marshall, Thurgood, photo, 153

Martin, Louis, exit interview opened, 415

Martin, William McChesney, papers accessioned, 413

Mary Dollar, 242, 243, 244, 247

Maryland, University of, 117, 350

Mason, George, 280-281

Meese, Edwin, papers accessioned, 318

Mein Kampf, by Adolf Hitler, 69, 71

Merchant marine, 249, 251, 252

Merit Systems Protection Board, surveys accessioned, 303

Metal Reserve Company, files declassified, 298, 396

Mexican-American War, 51-52

Mexican Revolution, 239

Mexico, 51, 52, 227, 235, 239-242

Microfilm publications, 111-113, 116, 320, 417-418, 421-423; Adjutant General's Office, 208; Allied Operational and Occupational Headquarters, World War II, 112-113; Central Intelligence Agency, 418; Chief of Engineers, 418; Commissary General of Prisoners, 418; Indian Affairs, 208; Judge Advocate General (Army),418; military service records, 332-333; passport applications, 390-394; U.S. district courts, 208; U.S. House of Representatives, 320; U.S. Strategic Bombing Survey, 112

Migrant Education, National Commission on, records accessioned, 398

Military Assistance Command, Vietnam, records declassified, 299

Military personnel, women, 27-33

Military service records, 332-333

Miller, Mabel Opal, quoted, 347

Miller, Merle, Plain Speaking, 8, 412-413

Miller, William H., papers opened, 109

Mills, Helen, papers opened, 204

Mills, Robert, 375

Mims, Roddey E., photograph collection accessioned, 317

Mines, Bureau of, records accessioned, 187, 190, and transferred, 308

Minority Business Development, Commission on, records accessioned, 398

Mint, Bureau of the, records accessioned, 305

Mississippi, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 350-351, 355

Mississippi River, 114, 115, 224, 226, 227, 229

Moffett, George, exit interview opened, 317

Mollenhoff, Clark R., papers accessioned, 107

Monroe, James, 225

Montesquieu, Baron de, 275-276, 277

Montgomery, Lt. Gen. Sir Bernard, 81; quoted, 82

Moore, Geoffrey H., speeches accessioned, 300-301

Morris, Gouverneur, 280; port., 282

Morris, Roland S., 252, 253-254

Morrow, Mary Frances, "Indian Bounty Land Applications," 292-296

MORSE (radio station), 266-267

Moshulu (ex-Kurt), 244, 247; photo, 234

Muir, John, photo, 54

Munroe, Patrick, oral history opened, 315

Munson, Frank C., 251, 253, 254

Muskie, Edmund, oral history interview opened, 199

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Nabokov, Constantine, correspondence accessioned, 313

Napoleon Bonaparte, 225; port., 225

National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA), 363, 368, 370

National Aeronautics and Space Administration, origins of, 363-373; records accessioned, 188, and declassified, 182, 396

National Aeronautics and Space Board, 368

National Aeronautics and Space Council, 369-370

National Agricultural Statistics Service, records accessioned, 301, 302, and transferred, 192

National Archives and Records Administration, accessions and openings, 94-109, 182-205, 297-318, 395-416; Cartographic and Architectural Branch, 92, 419; Center for Captured Records, 298; Center for Electronic Records, 399-400, 420-421; Center for Legislative Archives, 114-116, 223, 283, 284, 286, 302; exhibitions, 321, 420, 422; microfilm publications, 111-113, 208, 320, 417-418, 421-422; Motion Picture, Sound, and Video Branch, 419, 420-421; news and notices, 114-118, 209-214, 321-326, 419-424; Office of Federal Records Centers, 211-212, 324; Office of the Federal Register, 205, 206, 211, 319-320, 324; Office of the National Archives, 208, 211-212, 324, 423; Office of Presidential Libraries, 208, 316; Office of Public Programs, 319, 417, 424; Office of Records Administration, 208, 211-212, 324, 422; Office of Special and Regional Archives, 99-101, 423; publications, 110-113, 206-208, 319-320, 417-418; Records Declassification Division, 94-96, 182-183, 297-299, 395-397; Still Picture Branch, 419, 420-421; Textual Projects Division, 96-99, 183-186, 299-302, 397-399; Textual Reference Division, 210. See also National Archives Regional Archives System; Presidential libraries.

"National Archives and Records Administration Strategic Plan for a Challenging Federal Environment, 1993-2000, The," 323-324

National Archives Building, murals in the Rotunda, 321-322

National Archives Donated Materials, accessions, 99, 302, 303, 399

National Archives Publications, 111

National Archives Regional Archives System, 421; Alaska, 106-107, 195, 311-312, 412; Central Plains, 103, 117-118, 189, 210-211, 306. 407-408; Great Lakes, 102-103, 189, 305-306, 406-407; Mid Atlantic, 10-102, 187-188, 304-305, 325-326, 401-402; New England, 100-101, 186-187, 212, 303-304, 400-401; Northeast, 101, 117, 401; Pacific Northwest, 106, 194-196, 311, 411-412; Pacific Sierra, 105-106, 193-194, 310-311, 410-411; Pacific Southwest, 105, 192-193, 309-310, 410; Rocky Mountain, 104, 190-192, 307-309, 408-410; Southeast, 103-104, 188-189, 213, 305, 402-406; Southwest, 189-190, 307, 408

National Archives Strategic Plan, 333

National Archives Volunteer Association, 177, 181

National Association of Government Archives and Records Administrators (NAGARA), 214

National Aviation Facility Experiment Center, records accessioned, 401

National Commission on Air Quality, records described, 185

National Commission on Water Quality, records described, 184-185

National Committee for Children and Youth, records opened, 109

National Endowment for the Humanities, 321

National Farmer's Union, 349

National Federation of Business and Professional Women's Clubs, 349-350, 354

National Federation of Republican Women, records opened, 109

National Fire Prevention and Control Administration, records accessioned, 186

National Fish and Seafood Promotional Council, records accessioned, 300

National Historical Publications and Records Commission, 212, 419; grants, 118, 214, 326, 422, 424

National Home Demonstration Council, 350, 354

National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, records transferred, 403

National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, files accessioned, 186

National Institutes of Health, records accessioned, 186, 303, 400

National Labor Relations Board, records accessioned, 186-187, 299, and transferred, 193, 194, 306, 404

National Personnel Records Center, 423

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 207-208; records accessioned, 101, 106, 107, 311

National Park Service, 220, 380; files accessioned, 102, 103, 105, 305, 403, and transferred, 191-192; interviews conducted by opened, 204

National Production Authority, records opened, 95

National Recovery Administration, records transferred, 305, 308, 405

National Resources Planning Board, records transferred, 189, 207, 405

National Security Adviser Files on Vietnam War MIAs and POWs, 1974-1977, files accessioned, 203

National Security Agency, records accessioned, 399

National Security Council, 323, 325, 420; records accessioned, 313-314, 315, declassified, 197-198, 313, 314, 315, 413, and opened, 199, 200, 201, 313, 314, 315, 413, 414

National Trust for Historic Preservation, public service announcements and sound records accessioned, 100; records accessioned, 302

National War Labor Board (World War II), records transferred, 310

National Weather Service, records accessioned, 101

National Youth Administration, records transferred, 404-405

Native Americans, 60, 62, 226; bounty land applications, 292-296; trade with, 227

Nativism, 335-345

Naturalization records, 392, 393; accessioned, 103-104, 399, 406

Naval Districts and Shore Establishments, records accessioned, 106, 194, 305, 403, and declassified, 95, 298

Naval Intelligence Command, records accessioned, 398

Naval Operating Forces, records declassified, 182

Naval Operations, Office of the Chief of, records accessioned, 397, declassified and opened, 94, 187, and transferred, 402

Naval Personnel, Bureau of, records transferred, 403-404

Nazism, 65-75

Near East Relief Agency, 22

Neighborhood Youth Corps, records accessioned, 99

Nesbit, Donald W., papers accessioned, 313

Nessen, Ron, papers accessioned, 316

Neue Deutschland, Das, 264-265, 269

New Orleans, LA, 224, 225-226, 227, 229

New York, 349, 350, 356, 357

New York City, 350, 353, 355, 357

New York Herald, 340, 341

New York Times, 117, 153, 340, 341, 351-352, 354, 355

Newcastle, 238, 239

Newman, Maj. John, papers accessioned, 198

Nicastro, Kathie O., and Claire Prechtel-Kluskens, "Passport Applications: A Key to Discovering Your Immigrant Ancestor's Roots," 390-394

Nixon, Richard, 322, 367-368, 420; tapes opened, 316

Nixon Presidential Historical Materials, opened, 322

Nixon Presidential Materials Staff, accessions and openings, 201-202, 316, 414-415

Norstad, Lauris, papers declassified, 197, 314, and opened, 197

North Dakota Institute for Regional Studies, 180-181

Northrup, Herbert R., papers accessioned, 415

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Ober, Josiah, and Catherine Vanderpool, "Athenian Democracy," 127-135

O'Brien, Lawrence, papers accessioned, 315

Occupational Safety and Health Administration, records accessioned, 97, 184

Ocean Shipping, Advisory Commission on Conferences in, records accessioned, 300

O'Connell, Daniel T., 337-338

O'Connor, Alice, 159, 162, 165, 166, 167

Oehmann, Andrew, oral history interview opened, 199

Ohly, John H., papers declassified and opened, 107-108, 313

Olympic Games, 1980, records relating to accessioned, 97

Ooms, Van, oral history opened, 317

Operation CAPRICORN, 268-269, 270

Operation Desert Storm, sound recordings related to accessioned, 100

Operation RAVIOLI, 263

Operation SAUERKRAUT, 263

Oppenheimer, J. Robert, records relating to declassified, 95

Oral history interviews, 9-10; accessioned, 99, 198, 202, 204, 314, 315, 316, and opened, 199, 203, 204, 315, 317

Ordnance, Bureau of, records declassified, 396

Ordnance, Office of the Chief of, records accessioned, 100, 102, 194, 406, declassified, 298, 396, and transferred, 402, 408, 409, 410, 411

Orotava, 237, 238-239, 242

Oswald, Lee Harvey, CIA files on accessioned, 98

Otho, king of Greece, 375, 377-378, 380

"Our Presidents: From Washington to Clinton" (exhibition), 325

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Palace Politics, by Robert Hartmann, papers relating to accessioned, 202-203

Palmer, Bruce, Jr., oral history interview accessioned, 200

Pan American Railway Congress, U.S. National Commission of the, records declassified, 397

Panama Canal, 236; records relating to accessioned, 184

Panov, Dimitri, 177-178

Pardon Attorney, Office of the, records accessioned, 300

Paris, France, 18-19

Paris Peace Conference (1919), 337

Parliament, English, 276-277, 278-280

Parsons, William W., papers accessioned, 108

"Parthenon Stone in the Washington Monument, The," by John E. Ziolkowski, 375-381

"Party Animals" (exhibition), 325

"Passport Applications: A Key to Discovering Your Immigrant Ancestor's Roots," by Kathie O. Nicastro and Claire Prechtel-Kluskens, 390-394

Passwater, Orville, 163

Patent and Trademark Office, records in Archives I, 321

Patton, Lt. Gen. George, photo, 84; quoted, 83-84

Peace Corps, audio and video tapes accessioned, 100; records accessioned, 186

Peace Corps Collection, accessions, 198, 314

Pearl Harbor, HI, 78-80

Pearson, Drew, papers opened, 200, 201, 315, 414

Peek, Scott I., oral history interview opened, 199, 200

Pehle, John W., records declassified, 297

Peisistratos, 128-129

Peloponnesian War, 130, 131, 133

Pemberton, Gen. John C., 41, 42

Perikles, 131, 133, 134, 135, 138; funeral oration, 145-146; bust, 132

Perot, Ross, photo, 147

Perot Foundation, 272

Perry, Arthur C., papers accessioned, 315

Pershing, Gen. John J., 249, 254

Persian Gulf War, 207-208

Personnel Management, Office of, records accessioned, 303

Peschong, John, files accessioned, 205

Peterson, Charles, 220, 221

Peterson, Esther, exit interview opened, 415

Peterson, Trudy Huskamp, 420, 421, 422; "`. . . and henceforth shall be free . . .,'" 124-125; "The Gift of Preservation," 220-221; "`To Preserve and Make Available": Civil War Records in the National Archives," 332-333

Petroleum Administration for Defense, records declassified, 298, 396

Petroleum Administration for War, records transferred, 306, 307, 309, 311

Philadelphia Protestant Federation, 341

Philippine Islands, 80, 393

Phillips, Vel, oral history interview opened, 199

Pickle, J. J. (Jake), papers accessioned, 200

Piracy, 229-230

Pitt, William, the Younger, port., 279

Pittsfield Federal Records Center and Regional Archives, 421-422

Pius IX, Pope, 375

Plains National Historic Site, interviews relating to opened, 204

Plato, 127, 134, 138, 139; bust of, 138; Republic, 143

Pleskunov, V. M., 177-178

Poland, 19, 20, 65, 67-73

Political Warfare Executive (Great Britain), 260, 261, 264, 265, 267

Polk, James K., 51-52, 57-58; port., 51

Polk, Gen. Leonidas, 40, 43

Pope, Alexander, 50

Population censuses, 90-93

Porter, Roger, office records accessioned, 318

Posters, 206, 319

Postsecondary Education, National Commission on Responsibility for Financing, records accessioned, 398

Potter, George, 235

Potter, Katherine L., 350

Potts, Stephen D., 324

Powell, Jody, oral history interview opened, 204

Powers, David F., papers accessioned, 198

Prechtel-Kluskens, Claire, and Kathie O. Nicastro, "Passport Applications: A Key to Discovering Your Immigrant Ancestor's Roots," 390-394

Presidential Commission on the Assignment of Women in the Armed Forces, records accessioned, 300

Presidential libraries, 4-5, 11, 170-173, 324-325, 417; accessions and openings, 107-109, 195-205, 312-318, 412-415; grants, 118, 213-214, 326, 423-424

Presidential Recordings and Materials Preservation Act, 322

Presidential Records Act, 204-205, 317

President's Advisory Committee on Government Organization, 368

President's Commission on Executive Exchange, records accessioned, 300

President's Committee on Health Education, files opened, 202

President's Council on Youth Opportunity, records described, 184

President's National Committee for the Golden Anniversary White House Conference on Children and Youth, records opened, 109

President's Office files opened, 199

Press and the Ford Presidency, The, by Mark J. Rozell, research interviews for opened, 204

Price, Harold Lee, papers accessioned, 107

Price, William S., Jr., 214

Price Administration, Office of, records transferred, 411

Prisoners of war, 264, 265, 268, 269; Civil War, 32; Iraqi, 100; records relating to accessioned, 398, 399, and declassified, 416; use as farm laborers, 349; use of for propaganda operations, 263; Vietnam War, 203; World War II, 70, 72-73, 80-81, 207

Prisons, Bureau of, records accessioned, 97

Profile in Courage Award, 325

Propaganda, 259-271

Provost Marshal General, Office of the, records accessioned, 399

Psychological Strategy Board, records declassified and opened, 108, 313, 412

Psychological warfare, 259-271

Psychological Warfare Branch-Allied Force Headquarters, 261-262, 263

Psychological Warfare Division, SHAEF, 263, 269

Public Assistance, Bureau of, files accessioned, 300

Public Building Service, records accessioned, 191, and transferred, 409

Public Debt, Bureau of the, records transferred, 404

Public health, responsibility for, 230

Public Health Service, records accessioned, 193

Public Housing, National Commission on Severely Distressed, records accessioned, 398

Public Papers of President Bush for 1991, 206

Public Roads, Bureau of, records accessioned, 187

Puerto Rico, 393

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Quartermaster General, Office of the, records accessioned, 400, 406, and transferred, 402, 408, 410, 412

Queenstown, Ireland, 336-337

Quirk, James T., papers accessioned, 313

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Racialism, 335-345

Racism, 65-75

Radcliffe College, 214

Radio America, 422

Radio Free Europe, files accessioned, 200


Radio Liberty, files accessioned, 200

Radio propaganda, 259, 266-268, 269-270

Rafshoon, Gerald, oral history interview opened, 204

Railroad Administration, 254, 255

Railroad reconstruction, 38, 40, 41, 43

Railroad Retirement, Commission on, records accessioned, 300

Railroad Retirement Board, records accessioned, 406

Railroads, 35-47

Raoul-Duval, Michael, files opened, 415

Randall, Clarence B., 364

Randolph, Edmund, 277

Rankin, Karl L., records accessioned, 96

Rapp, Dennis, oral history opened, 317

Reagan, Neil, audiovisual collection accessioned, 318

Reagan, Ronald, 57; audiotapes accessioned, 205; papers accessioned, 317, 318, 415

Reagan-Bush Campaign, 1980, papers accessioned, 205, 415

Reagan-Bush Campaign, 1984, papers accessioned, 205

Reagan-Bush Transition Staff, 1980-1981, papers accessioned, 205

"Reception of Athens and Sparta in America, The," by Jennifer Tolbert Roberts and Carl Richard, 137

Reckless Youth, by Nigel Hamilton, papers relating to accessioned, 198

Reclamation, Bureau of, records accessioned, 191, 307-308, 409, and transferred, 104

Reconstruction Finance Corporation, records accessioned, 187, declassified, 95, 182, 298, 396, and transferred, 189, 306,311

Records management training courses, 422

Records preservation, 332-333

Red Cross, American National, 18-19, 20-22, 211-212; files accessioned, 399

Red Cross Bulletin, 19, 20, 21

Reedy, George E., 364, 366; papers accessioned, 201

Refugees, World War I, 20-21

Reinbek, 237, 238, 242

Reis, Harold, oral history interview opened, 199

Religion, freedom of, 60, 62

Remington-Rand Corporation, 90

Replogle, J. Leonard, 254, 255

Republican party, 151, 224, 227

Research and Special Programs Administration (Transportation), records accessioned, 303

Research Libraries Information Network (RLIN), 324

Rhoden, Caroline, files accessioned, 205

Robert Dollar Company, 242-243

Robert F. Kennedy Oral History Project, interviews opened, 199, 315

Roberts, J. W. "Bill," papers accessioned, 202

Roberts, Jennifer Tolbert, "Thinking About Democracy: Ancient Greece and Modern America," 137-147

Robinson, Peter, files accessioned, 205

Rockefeller, Nelson, 154, 366, 368; photo, 153

Rockefeller Commission, files accessioned, 202

Rocket and Satellite Research Panel, 366

Rockwell, Alvin J., papers declassified and opened, 108

Rockwell, Norman, 384; painting by, 386

Rocky Mountain Laboratory, records accessioned, 186

Rommel, Field Marshall Erwin, 81; photo, 81; quoted, 81-82

Ronald Reagan Library, accessions and openings, 204-205, 317-318, 415-416; exhibitions, 325

Roosevelt, Anna Eleanor, letters accessioned, 312

Roosevelt, Eleanor, 349, 351, 352-353, 357, 412; correspondence accessioned, 195

Roosevelt, Franklin D., 9, 10, 12, 13, 55, 78, 79, 80, 81, 84, 111, 158, 170, 172, 260, 351; cartoons of, 289; papers relating to estate of accessioned, 312; photo, 55, 260; quoted, 347

Roosevelt, Franklin D., Freedom Medal, 423

Roosevelt, Theodore, 12, 53, 54-55, 56, 284, 336; cartoons of, 286; photo, 54

"Rose Wilder Lane: Restless Pioneer," by Suzanne Fierston, 17-24

Rosecrans, Gen. William S., 36, 40-41

Rosenberg, Julius and Ethel, records relating to accessioned, 101

Ross, Arthur M., speeches accessioned, 300-301

Rostow, Walt, files opened, 200; papers accessioned, 413

Rowe, James, Jr., oral history interview opened, 199

Rozell, Mark J., The Press and the Ford Presidency, research interviews for opened, 204

Rubber Development Corporation, files declassified, 298

Rubber Reserve Company, files declassified, 182, 396

Rush, Benjamin, 48, 50

Russell, Francis H., oral history interview opened, 199

Russia, 176-181

Russian-American Genealogical Archival Service (RAGAS), 177-181

"Russian-American Genealogical Service, The," by Patricia Boeck Eames, 176-181

Russell, Richard B., 364, 365

Rustand, Warren, interview opened, 203

Ryan, Fred, files accessioned, 205

Ryan, Thomas J., 339

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Sailing ships, 235-247

Sailors Union of the Pacific, 244

Salary Stabilization Board, records accessioned, 185

Salinger, Pierre, oral history opened, 315

Saltonstall, Leverett, 364

San Antonio Museum of Art, 382

San Francisco Bulletin, 18, 23, 24

San Francisco Examiner, 340

"Santa Monica Bay, Battle of," 244

Santa Rosalía, Baja California, Mexico, 235-247

Sara Jackson Award, 419

Sato, Aimaro, 251

Schlesinger, Arthur M., Jr., papers accessioned, 198

Schlesinger, James, files opened, 204

Schmidt, Amy, publications edited by, 208

Schurbek, 237, 238, 241, 242

Schutzstaffel (SS), 65, 69, 70, 71, 72, 74-75

Schwartz, Tony, interviews accessioned, 202, and opened, 203

Schwarze Korps, Das, 264, 269

Science and Technology, White House Office of the Special Assistant for, 365

Scouten, Rex, 10; photo, 9

Scowcroft, Brent, files accessioned, 203, and opened, 316

Seabrook Nuclear Power Plant, records relating to accessioned, 400

Second Liberty Loan Promotional Material, records relating to accessioned, 404

Secret Service, 9-10; White House Detail Reports opened, 200-201

Securities Exchange Commission, records accessioned, 98, 302

Seferlis, Constantinos, 379

Selective Service System, records in Archives I, 321; records transferred, 192; registration cards accessioned, 100, 103

Seminole War (1818), 294, 296

Seward, William, 149, 150

Sex discrimination, 157-169

Sheridan, Gen. Philip, 31

Sherman, Gen. William T., 36, 39, 41

Shipbuilding industry, 249-257

Ships, Bureau of, records declassified, 182; 395

Shore, Dinah, 267

Sicily, 262

Siegel, Gerry, 363-364

Signal Corps Aviation School, records transferred, 403

Signal Officer, Office of the Chief, records accessioned, 406, declassified, 396, and transferred, 402

Silvio O. Conte Federal Records Center and Regional Archives, 421-422

Simon, William E., microfiche of papers accessioned, 202, 316, and opened, 203

Sims, Rear Adm. William Sowden, 335-345; photo, 334; quoted, 338

Sinn Fein, 336, 337, 338, 340, 341, 342

Six Rivers National Forest, 60, 62


Slave labor, use of by Nazis, 65, 70, 71-72

Slavery, 150; and democracy, 134-135, 138, 141, 142-146

Slavic peoples, 67, 69, 70, 71-73

Small Business Administration, records accessioned, 302

Smathers, George, oral history interview accessioned, 200

Smith, Bromley K., papers opened, 414

Smith, David C., and Judy Barrett Litoff, "`To the Rescue of the Crops': The Women's Land Army during World War II," 347-358

Smith, Gen. Edmund Kirby, 40

Smith, Gerald, oral history accessioned, 314; paper reviewed, 413

Smith, Richard Norton, 110, 417

Smith, William French, papers accessioned, 317

Smith College, 356

Smithsonian Institution, 382

Snyder, Howard M., correspondence accessioned, 196

Social Security Administration, 90; records accessioned, 300

Soil Conservation Service, records transferred, 309

Sokrates, 132, 133, 138, 140

"Soldatensender Calais," 267, 269, 270

Solid Fuels Administration for War, records transferred, 405

Solomon, Anthony M., papers opened, 201

Soshnikov, Vladislav, 177-178

Soviet Archival Administration, 179

Space exploration, 363-373

Space Policy Board, 368, 369

Spain, 224-225, 227, 240

Sparta, 128-129, 133, 137, 138, 142, 145

Special Operations Executive (Great Britain), 260, 265

Sputnik I, 363, 364, 365; II, 364-365

Stahl, George, 166

Stanley, Arthur J., Jr., papers accessioned, 413

State, U.S. Department of, 376, 390, 392, 393; records accessioned, 96, 97, 98, 99, 183, 184, 185, 300, 397-398, declassified, 94-95, 297-298, 395, and opened, 94, 96

Steel industry, 249-257

Steinbeck, John, 235

Steneck, Nicholas, papers accessioned, 316

Sterilization, 67-68

Stever, H. Guyford, papers accessioned, 316

Stowe, David H., 13-14; papers opened, 108

Stralla, Anthony Cornero, 243-244

Strategic Services, Office of, records accessioned, 97, 185, and declassified, 97; Morale Operations Branch, 259-271

Strauss, Robert, files opened, 204

Sturman, Paul, papers accessioned, 313

Submarines, war patrol reports opened, 94

Suffrage, 280-281

Supplemental Military Construction Authorization Act (1957), 366

Supplies and Accounts (Navy), Bureau of, files declassified, 95, 182, 298, 396, and transferred, 309

Surgeon General (Army), Office of the, files transferred, 402

Sweetbriar College, 356

Symington, Stuart, 364

Synthetic Fuels Corporation, files accessioned, 183

Synthetic Rubber Division, files declassified, 298, 396

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Tango (windjammer), 236, 243-244, 245, 246, 247; photo, 246; photo of crew, 245

Taylor, Gen. Maxwell D., records accessioned, 184

Teddy bear, 284

Tennessee, 39, 40, 42, 43

Tennessee Valley Authority, movies accessioned, 99; records accessioned, 302

terHorst, Jerald F., papers accessioned, 203

Territories, Office of the, records opened, 95

Texas, 51-52

Texas A&M University, George Bush Center, 209

Thacher, John H., papers accessioned, 108

Thackery, J. Franklin, papers accessioned, 107

Thielbek, 237, 238, 242

"Thinking About Democracy: Ancient Greece and Modern America," by Jennifer Tolbert Roberts, 137-147

Thirteenth Amendment, 151, 153

Thomas Jefferson Commemoration Commission, 114

Thomas Jefferson University, 114, 116

"Thomas Jefferson's Messages to Congress," by Richard H. Hunt, 114-116

Thompson, Dorothy, 350

Thompson, Franklin, 28-29

Thucydides, 127, 134, 138, 139

Tiflis, Armenia, 22

Time magazine, 10-11, 263, 264, 350

"'To the Rescue of the Crops': The Women's Land Army during World War II," by Judy Barrett Litoff and David C. Smith, 347-358

Trade embargo, 231-232

Transatlantic Navigation Company, 244, 246

Transportation, Office of the Chief of, records transferred, 306, 307, 309, 311, 312, 401, 410

Treason, 227, 229

Treasury, U.S. Department of the, 294; files accessioned, 183, and declassified, 297, 395

Trent, Darrell, files opened, 202

Tribal enrollment records, 292

Tripoli, 229-230

Truman, Bess Wallace, 13-14

Truman, Harry S., 7-15, 55-57, 58, 85, 110, 170, 286; oral interviews with opened, 412-413; photos, 6, 9, 12, 13, 14

Truman, by David McCullough, 7-15, 58

Tubby, Roger, 15; photo, 15

Twining, Gen. Nathan F., records accessioned, 184

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Ukraine, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 79

Ukraine Famine, Commission on the, oral histories accessioned, 99

Union army, 27-33, 35-47

Union Construction Corps, 38, 40, 41

U.S.S.R., 65, 67, 69-74, 83, 85, 86, 145, 176-181, 363-364, 368

United Automobile Workers of America (UAWA), Local 534, 165; Local 736, 165; Local 764, 162, 165-166; Local 834, 162, 165-166; Local 940, 164, 166

United Daughters of the Confederacy, 332-333

United Electrical, Radio, and Machine Workers of America (UERMWA), Local 927, 162, 165-166

United Farm Equipment and Metal Workers (UFEMW), Chapter 125, 162, 165-166

United Nations, Ad Hoc Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space, 370

U.S. Air Force, 382; Junior ROTC records accessioned, 98; records declassified, 95

U.S. Air Force, Headquarters, audiovisual records accessioned, 100

U.S. Air Force, Office of the Secretary of the, records accessioned, 301

U.S. Air Force Academy, records accessioned, 104

U.S. Air Force Commands, audiotape of interviews with Iraqi prisoners of war accessioned, 100; records accessioned, 301, 305, 407, declassified, 397, and transferred, 403

U.S. Army, Vietnam, records declassified, 96, 183, 299, 397

U.S. Army Air Corps, 81, 84

U.S. Army Air Forces, records transferred, 193, 308, 403

U.S. Army Center for Military History, records transferred from, 98

U.S. Army Coast Artillery, records transferred, 101, 104, 105, 188, 193, 195, 405-406

U.S. Army Command, Europe, records declassified, 299

U.S. Army Commands, records accessioned, 188, 194, 305, and declassified, 95, 183, 299

U.S. Army depots, records transferred, 423

U.S. Army Ground Forces, Headquarters, records declassified, 95

U.S. Army Quartermaster Department, 36

U.S. Army Staff, records accessioned, 301, declassified, 298, and transferred, 98

U.S. Attorneys and Marshals, records accessioned, 101, 187, 191, 305, 401, 409

U.S. Civil Service Commission, records accessioned, 102, 399, and transferred, 407

U.S. Coast Guard, 244, 324, 382; records accessioned, 104, 105, 106, 187, 303, and transferred, 190, 194, 195, 304, 306, 310, 312, 401, 404, 410

United States Constitution, Commission on the Bicentennial of the, records accessioned, 300; interpretation of the, 53; origins of, 272-281; records relating to amendments to accessioned, 96

U.S. Continental Army, records accessioned, 186

U.S. Courts, Administrative Office of the, records accessioned, 300

U.S. Courts of Appeals, case files accessioned, 103, 187

United States Crop Corps, 352

U.S. Customs Service, files accessioned, 102, 105, 411

U.S. District Courts, case files accessioned, 101, 102-104, 105, 189, 190, 192, 304, 305, 307, 309, 400, 401, 402, 406, 407, 408, 411

U.S. Employment Service, 353, 355, 356

U.S. Enemy Trading and Cloak Lists, 240, 242

U.S. Fire Administration, records accessioned, 186

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, records accessioned, 102, 106, and transferred, 102, 308

U.S. Food Administration, records transferred, 409

U.S. Fuel Administration, records transferred, 411

U.S. Geological Survey, records accessioned, 300, 307, 408

U.S. Grain Corporation, records transferred, 189

U.S. High Commission for Germany, records declassified, 96, 183, 299

U.S. House of Representatives, 114, 223, 369; Agriculture Committee, 351; Appropriations Committee, 323-324; Committee on Government Operations, 422; Science and Astronautics Committee, 370; Select Committee on Astronautics and Space Exploration, 367-368

U.S. Information Agency, records accessioned, 98

U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff, records accessioned, 184

U.S. Life Saving Service, records accessioned, 187

U.S. Lighthouse Service, records accessioned, 187

U.S. Marine Corps, 382; files transferred, 411

U.S. Maritime Commission, photographs accessioned, 105; records transferred, 311

U.S. Military Railroads, 36, 40, 42

U.S. Mint, records transferred, 189, 190, 194, 195, 309, 404

U.S. Naval Academy, records accessioned, 400

U.S. Navy, 230, 231, 252, 254, 336, 341, 342, 382

U.S. Post Office, records, 321

U.S. Postal Service, speeches accessioned, 186

U.S. President's Commission on CIA Activities within the United States, files accessioned, 202

U.S. President's Commission on Veterans' Pensions, records accessioned, 196-197

U.S. Railroad Administration, records transferred, 403

U.S. Secret Service, records transferred, 306

U.S. Senate, 114, 115, 223; Aeronautical and Space Sciences Committee, 369-370; Armed Services Committee, 364, 365, 366-367, 368; Commerce Committee, 254; Committee on Governmental Affairs, 422; records opened, 94; Select Committee on POW/MIA Affairs, records accessioned, 302; Special Committee on Space and Astronautics, 367, 368, 369

United States Shipping Board, 249, 250-251, 252, 253-254, 256; records transferred, 402

U.S. Strategic Bombing Survey, 269-270; microfilm publications of records, 112

U.S. Supreme Court, 275, 279; records accessioned, 301

United States Tariff Commission, files opened, 202

University of Virginia, White Burkett Miller Center, 317, 415; interviews by opened, 204

Ursomarso, Frank A., papers opened, 203-204

"Using Soundex Alternatives: Enumeration Districts, 1880-1920," by Bruce Carpenter, 90-93

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Valenti, Jack, oral history with accessioned, 315

Valentine, Frances, 352, 356; quoted, 354

Valera, Eamon De, 337, 343

Vance, Cyrus, 365, 423

Vander Zee, Rein J., oral history interview opened, 199, 200

Vanderpool, Catherine, and Josiah Ober, "Athenian Democracy," 127-135

Varellas, Angelo, 245, 246

Vanguard satellite, 364, 365, 366, 367

Vaughan, Mary, 27-28

Velazquez, Loreta, 28, 31

Verkler, Jerry T., oral history interview accessioned, 201

Veterans, 292-296

Veterans Administration, 292; records accessioned, 186, 189, and transferred, 189-190, 192, 194, 303-304, 306, 308, 309-310, 403

Victory Farm Volunteers, 349

Vienna, Austria, 19-20

Vietnam Combat Operational Data Set, 1961-1977, described, 99

"Vietnam: The Early Decisions" (conference), 211, 324-325

Vietnam War, conference about, 211, 324-325; records relating to accessioned, 99, 100, 203, and opened, 203

Virginia, 36-37, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 142, 356

Vision Associates, interview by opened, 204

Vocational Education, Federal Board for, records transferred, 303-304

Voice of America, 259

"Volksender Drei," 259, 268, 270

Volpe National Transportation Systems Center, records accessioned, 303

Volunteer Land Corps, 350

von Braun, Wernher, 365, 367

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Wade, Richard, oral history opened, 315

Wage and Hour Division, records accessioned, 184

Wage Stabilization Board, records accessioned, 185

Wagner, Bruce, interviews with accessioned, 202, and opened, 203

Wainwright, Lt. Gen. Jonathan, 80

Walch, Timothy, 110, 417

Waldrop, Frank C., papers accessioned, 312

Walküre, 237, 241, 242

Walsh, Thomas J., 339, 343, 344

Wandsbek, 237, 239, 242

War Art Unit (Army), 382, 384

War Assets Administration, records accessioned, 400, and transferred, 407

War correspondents, 382-384

War crimes trials, Nuremberg, 70

War Department, 28, 110, 332, 382, 384

War Department General and Special Staffs, records transferred, 304, 306, 310, 311, 405

War Finance Corporation, records transferred, 189, 195, 306, 307, 308

War Food Administration, 348

War Industries Board, 254-255, 256

War Information, Office of, 259, 260, 261, 270, 348

War Manpower Commission, Women's Advisory Committee, 353

War of 1812, 294

War Paintings Office, 384

War Trade Board, 251, 252, 253, 254, 255

Warner, Robert M., 212

Warren, Earl, 244

Washburn, A. Lincoln, papers accessioned, 99

Washington Monument, 375-381

Washington National Monument Society, 375, 377

Washington, George, 48, 375, 377

Washington, D.C., 111

Washington Evening Star, 150, 283, 284

Washington Post, 263, 265, 266, 283, 352

Watergate tapes, 420; opened, 316, 322, 414

Watson, Jack, oral history interview opened, 204

Watson, Tom, 54

Wattenberg, Albert, papers and oral history opened, 406

Wattenberg, Ben. J., files accessioned, 200

"`We May Our Ends by Our Beginnings Know': British Constitutionalism and the United States," by Janel McCarthy, 272-281

Weather Bureau, records transferred, 406, 409

Webster, Daniel, 53, 376

Wegner, Glen E., files opened, 415

Weisl, Edwin L., 365

Werts, Leo, oral history interview opened, 199

Westward expansion, 54, 56

Wheeler, Clyde A., oral history with accessioned, 314

Wheeler, Gen. Earle G., records accessioned, 184

Wheeler, Gen. Joseph, 40

White, Margita E., papers opened, 203

White Burkett Miller Center, oral histories conducted by opened, 317, 415

White House Central Files, openings, 201, 316-317, 322

White House computer tapes, custody of, 209

White House Conference on Aging, files accessioned, 398, and opened, 202

White House Conference on Children and Youth, records opened, 109

White House exit interviews opened, 317, 415

White House Offices, records accessioned, 205, 315-316, 415-416, and declassified, 314

White House Photo Collection, accessioned, 198

Whitman, Ann C., oral history accessioned, 198

Wick, Charles Z., papers accessioned, 317

Wickard, Claude R., 348-349, 351

Wilcox, Francis O., files opened, 94

Wilder, Almanzo, 18, 24; photo, 18

Wilder, Laura Ingalls, 17-18, 23, 24; photo, 18

Wilkens, Roy, photo, 154

Wilkerson, James H., papers opened, 406

Wilkinson, Gen. James, 227, 229; port., 227

William T. Kemper Foundation, 211

Williams, William J., "American Steel and Japanese Ships: Transpacific Trade Disputes During World War I," 249-257

Williamson, Hugh, 277-278

Wilson, Charles E., 364

Wilson, Don W., 78, 117, 210, 212, 323; "Links to the Past," 4-5; resigns, 209

Wilson, Glen P., "Lyndon Johnson and the Legislative Origins of NASA," 363-373

Wilson, Henry Hall, papers accessioned, 198

Wilson, James, 277; port., 277

Wilson, M. L., 351, 355

Wilson, Richard Lawson, papers accessioned and opened, 107

Wilson, Woodrow, 53-54, 55, 56, 250, 252, 254, 256, 390; cartoons of, 287, 288; photos, 59, 253

"Windjammer Finale," by Jane Eppinga, 235-247

"Winter Soldiers of the Women's Land Army, The," 355, 357

Wishman, Seymour, exit interview opened, 415

Woman's Land Army of America (WWLA), 349

Woman's National Farm and Garden Association, 349

Women, and democracy, 134, 141, 143-144, 145-146; in the military, 110-111; workers in World War II, 157-169, 348-357

"Women Soldiers of the Civil War," by DeAnne Blanton, 27-33

Women's Bureau, 157-159, 349, 352

Women's Emergency Farm Service, 350

Women's Land Army, 347-358

Women's Land Army Newsletter, 354, 356, 358

Woodward, Jack M., oral history accessioned, 314

World War I, 235, 237-242, 249-257, 336, 337, 349, 363, 390; combat art, 382; records relating to accessioned, 187, 399

World War II, 244, 245, 259-271, 284; combat art, 382-387; conference about, 211; exhibits, 78, 109, 117-118; fiftieth anniversary commemoration, 4-5, 78, 109, 198, 206, 417, 422; Nazi atrocities, 65-77; personal accounts, 78-87; posters, 206; records of Allied and Operational and Occupation Headquarters, accessioned, 398, and declassified, 397, microfilm publications, 112-113, and microfilming of, 116-117; records relating to accessioned, 184, 185, declassified, 299, 397, and opened, 195; teaching packages, 111, 206-207; women workers during, 157-169, 347-358

"World War II and Nazi Racism," by Henry J. Gwiazda II, 65-77

"World War II Chronicles" (radio program), 422

"World War II Combat Art," by Janel McCarthy, 382-389

"World War II: Personal Accounts--Pearl Harbor to V-J Day" by Gary A. Yarrington, 78-87; exhibition, 4-5, 78-87

World War II: Personal Accounts--Pearl Harbor to V-J Day, ed. by Gary A. Yarrington, 87, 111

World War II Studies Association, 211

"WWII: The Artist's View" (exhibition), 4-5, 206, 382, 386

"WWII: View from the Front" (exhibition), 382, 386

Worthington, Robert M., papers accessioned, 317

Wriggens, Howard, files accessioned, 414

"Writing Truman," by David McCullough, 7-15

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Yards and Docks, Bureau of, records accessioned, 187, declassified, 395, and transferred, 195, 310

Yarrington, Gary A., 4-5, 87, "World War II: Personal Accounts--Pearl Harbor to V-J Day," 78-87, 111

Yellow fever, outbreak of in Philadelphia, 230-231

Young, Whitney, photo, 154

Young Women's Christian Association (YWCA), 350-351, 352

Yurok Indians, 60, 62

Yost, Bartley, 241-242

Youth Opportunity Task Force, records described, 184

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Ziolkowski, John E., "The Parthenon Stone in the Washington Monument," 375-381

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