Soldier Life
Red Phase 1

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red phase schedule:

  • Recruits arrive for general orientation and are given haircuts and issued Army uniforms.
  • Basic Tactical training begins followed by Nuclear Biological and Chemical Defense, Landmine Defense and rappelling at the confidence tower.
  • Recruits learn about Army heritage and the Seven Army Core Values
  • Recruits undergo the Army Physical Fitness Test to help determine their physical aptitude. This test is routinely administered to Soldiers throughout their enlistment periods to ensure their top physical condition.


Overcoming New Obstacles

Red phase was pretty much where first we got all the rules and what we had to do, kind of got a feel for everything, yelled at a lot, taught how to do this, how to walk in formations.

One thing I'm glad about was our physical training exercise, I actually like that because I lose weight. I could only do three pushups when I got here, and I've advanced a lot more since then, I think I can do about 35 now.

Red phase we also did a lot of obstacle courses which was my favorite in going through, the Warrior tower and that was fun for the Red phase.

During Red phase, every portion - everything that they do is all together as a team. It shows the fact that we are all one team and we are all in it to fight. And if one Soldier goes down then we are all hurting because of the situation.

The Army strives on team work. If you don't count on your battle buddies, then you'll never get anything done. And the drill sergeants definitely help you with that.

They know that this is their one chance to shine and they really enjoy the obstacles.

After you complete each mission or each obstacle, you feel better about yourself, you feel better about why you came here, it makes you feel stronger as a person, whenever you can look back and say, "Oh, I came from this, and I can do this now." It makes you feel stronger.