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Table 2-7b
Canada's Receipts From and Payments to the United States for Merchandise and Services Trade (Balance of Payments Basis)

(Millions of current U.S. dollars)

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  1990 1995 1996
Receipts from exports to the United States      
Merchandise exports, total 95,610 151,410 163,706
Trade adjustments, total 8 -1,547 -648
Export merchandise trade (balance of payments) 95,618 149,863 163,058
Services, total 10,783 15,101 16,759
Transportation 1,839 2,564 2,957
Air 275 283 323
Landa 990 1,673 1,945
Water 319 304 298
Passenger fares 256 304 392
Tourism and other services 8,944 12,537 13,801
Tourism 3,637 4,406 4,750
Other services 5,307 8,131 9,051
Receipts, total 106,402 164,964 179,816
Payments for imports from the United States      
Merchandise imports, total (customs-origin) 75,302 109,796 115,205
Merchandise Imports, total (customs-consignment) 79,959 122,364 128,551
Trade adjustments, total 3,584 3,306 3,602
Import merchandise trade (balance of payments) 83,544 125,670 132,154
Services, total 17,934 20,705 22,646
Transportation 2,418 3,200 3,318
Air 266 305 370
Landa 884 1,546 1,578
Water 376 251 251
Passenger fares 893 1,098 1,118
Tourism and other services 15,515 17,505 19,328
Tourism 7,529 6,591 7,235
Other services 7,987 10,914 12,093
Payments, total 101,478 146,375 154,800
Balance 4,924 18,589 25,016

aLand refers to trucking, rail and pipeline services, unless otherwise noted.

NOTE: Detailed data on North American merchandise trade commodities can be found in Section 6.


Statistics Canada. Canada's Balance of International Payments. Catalogue No. 67-001-XPB. (Ottawa, Ont.: various years).

Statistics Canada. Special tabulations. (Ottawa, Ont.: 1998).

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